Sunday, June 10, 2018

One's Wealth Doesn't Define One's Quality

One of the statements that people make that drives me up the wall is when they equate wealth with intelligence and/or the quality of human being someone is. It literally makes me wanna snap on folks. It is such a superficial way of looking at people. It is also very revealing of the people who believe it.

I want to make clear this isn't going to be some hit piece on rich people. I have no issues with wealth. I'm not resentful of those who have more than myself. This will be about people who seem to worship money and judge a person's character and substance based upon their wealth and status.

I know a person who frequently says anytime a rich or famous person is criticized, "Hey, they're rich and we're not so who are we to talk about them." "They must be smart because they're rich." "They must've done something right because they have money and nobody knows who we are." "They're better than us because they have lots of money and big houses and we're working 9 to 5's. So, we can't say anything about them because they're obviously smarter and better people than us."

All of those previous quotes are ones that word for word I've had said to me. They always are said defending someone who has done wrong or has questionable character. And, these sentiments are shared by many people.

What I always find perplexing about this attitude is that often the people who say it like to portray themselves as "deep" or mature or thoughtful. I am always astounded at how they don't realize how shallow and cursory they sound. It really is a superficial childish way of looking at the world.

Many wealthy folks are wealthy because of their own hard work, intuition and intelligence. However, there are many wealthy people who are wealthy because they were born into it, they got lucky and some because they stole it whether legally or illegally. You can't look at someone who is wealthy and assume that wealth makes them superior.

Just because someone has money it doesn't mean they are smart. This is one of my biggest pet peeves. Money doesn't equate to brains. Plenty of rich people are stupid. They may have a talent such as singing that put cheddar in their bank account, but they can't put two coherent sentences together. A businessman may be wealthy but isn't particularly bright. He may have good people around him that steer him in the right directions.

I have never understood the idiocy of such beliefs. If someone was ignorant as hell, then they win the lottery, are they all of a sudden smart? Of course, not. It's patently ridiculous to think that. Instead of being poor and ignorant now they're wealthy and ignorant.

An equally illogical and nonsensical take is that rich people are above reproach and "good people" simply because they are rich. Having money doesn't mean you can't be an asshole. It doesn't mean you can do deplorable things and be exempt from critique and rebuke. Wealth doesn't give you a special moral status. If you're amoral, you are amoral.

It is beyond frightening to me people have this attitude. I realize we celebrate wealth, celebrity and fame in this country. You'll receive no argument from me it's too much. Everyone knows I'm a huge sports fan and have been known to be an athlete apologist. However, because I do follow athletes I know their wealth and their talent doesn't define them as human beings. Just like the rest of us it's their words and actions that define them. For example, Michael Jordan is very rich and was very talented but that doesn't change the fact he can be a small petty person. And, just because he has more money than me doesn't mean I don't have the right to state that and find it disdainful. Same goes for Isaiah Thomas. (And, for the record, they're two of my personal all-time favorite players. One and two as a matter of fact.)

What is disturbing is this is how some people judge folks. It's how they judge who to vote for; who to romantically be involved with; who to have around their kids and who in general are "worthy" human beings. Man, I don't know about you but that kind of shallowness is scary. That kind of thinking reveals some people's total lack of depth. It's a horrifying view of the world.

Hey, I'd love to be rich. Hell, I'd love to be above the point where homeless people feel like they should give me money. But, as I said to the person I mentioned earlier in the blog, "I'd rather be dirt poor and have good character than to be rich and have no character." I received a very perplexed look when I made that statement. I meant it. But, what concerns me is if I made that same statement to 100 people I'm not convinced a majority wouldn't give me that same perplexing look.

R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!