Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The Clown Show Hit Helsinki

Yesterday was a sad day in American history. An United States president shamelessly subjugated himself to an adversary. The performance Donald Trump put on yesterday before the entire world was more than just embarrassing it was anguishing. It was almost paralyzing to see the leader of the free world all but abdicate American principles and values in an acting like a smitten submissive school boy with a crush.

The summit between Trump and Russian President, Vladimir Putin provided a bigger shitshow than the most pessimistic of skeptics could have imagined. They started the summit with a "pregame" press conference which featured an indifferent appearing Putin and Trump whom all but said, "Isn't Vlad just the coolest? He's so cute." After all in attendance likely threw up in their mouths the two *ahem* leaders held a private meeting where only the two accompanying translators were allowed. (Nothing fishy about that.) The meeting lasted over two hours. And, then the clown show officially began...

The two men held a joint press conference where questions were actually allowed. They both gave vague generic descriptions about what was discussed in the private meeting. Then, questioning began. Surprisingly, the White House press corp went in on both of them.

It was at that moment the American president threw American intelligence agencies under the bus and flat out refused to have the American people's back. Instead he chose to fawn all over Putin and become completely servile.

President Trump blamed America for the "bad relations" between the two countries. He said we were "foolish" and "stupid". He essentially said both countries have been foolish but mostly America. The President then said if Russia meddled in our elections it was our fault. He followed those gems up with point blankly saying he didn't believe our intelligence agencies assessment and summations that Russia unquestionably interfered in the 2016 election. He said, "I couldn't see why they would."

Oh, but the Orange One wasn't done. He then said he believed Putin over the United States intelligence community because "President Putin strongly and very forcefully denied Russia interfered". Seriously!

But, wait! There is more! Trump then said Vlad had "some interesting ideas on what could've happened". Uh, I'm sure that he did. Of course, Trump offered zero detail about these "interesting ideas". Then, he went on some incoherent diatribe about Hillary's emails (I'm so fucking tired of hearing about those damb emails!), the DNC server and a Pakistani guy the DNC hired. He said some rambling shit about the Pakistani dude, which was either lies or conflation. He actually ramblingly mentioned the DNC servers periodically during his babbling. He then called the twelve indictments of Russian military intelligence officers fake news.

But, he saved his best for last. Get ahold of this jewel. He said...I swear to God in heaven he said, "The president actually made a very generous offer. He said our investigators (meaning Mueller's team) can go to Russia and he would have his investigators work with ours and they can share information to get this figured out." 😐 *What did this little Black mutha****** type?!* You read correctly. Uh, yeah, I'm sure Robert Mueller will hop on the next plane to Moscow and give the Russian investigators all his info. And, the entire time Putin is looking at Trump with this wry smile as if he was thinking, "This shit can't be real. This is way too easy."

This fiasco of presser ended with Putin being asked if he had any compromising info on Trump or his family. His answer was pure gold if you really listen to it, which I strongly implore you to do if you haven't already. At first Putin chuckled and said, "I've heard these rumors." He then gave this rambling answer interestingly referencing the time frame of 2013 when Trump was in Russia for a Miss Universe pageant and a business conference (and an alleged R. Kelly style get down with some Russian professional hoes). Putin said there were 500 businessmen there for a conference and this bs about, "You don't think we could surveillance that many people do you?" Everyone in the room was like, "Uh, yeah, we do." What Putin never said was the word "no". Then, of course, President "Doesn't Know When To Shut The Hell Up" just had to have the last word chiming in, "If there was such information, it would've came out by now." No, it wouldn't have, Dumbass! If Putin had such info why would he publicly release it when he could hold it over you and...I don't know... have you act just like you did throughout the entire press conference.

So, kids, what did we learn from that last exchange? The #PeeTape is real. Oh, it is so real! #TheOrangeRKelly

Trump literally crushed and fawned over Putin like a 15 year old girl would over Justin Bieber. No, let's not sugarcoat it. What our president did yesterday usually isn't allowed on network television or even basic cable. That work Trump did is usually reserved for Hustler Tv or Vivid Entertainment. *Well, so I've heard. I don't really know about such channels. Uh, anyways..* Young children should not be allowed to view that press conference. It is not hyperbole to say Trump completely embarrassed himself, our intelligence community and the United States of America. It was so disgraceful, disgusting and atrocious even Fox News was ripping him using words like "disdainful" and "unfathomable".

Now, the Orange Gasbag feeling heat from all sides held a brief press conference to "clarify" part of his statement from yesterday. He said he does believe the intelligence community's summation that Russia meddled in our election and he *really* meant to say, "I could see Russia meddled in our elections" instead of, "I couldn't see..." 😒 Fool, puhleeeeeeeeeze! You try that gaslighting bullshit with your kool-aid drinkers because nobody else is buying it! Nooooooooobody! He said numerous times before he believed Putin over U.S. intelligence and every effin word before and after that one sentence yesterday supported that one sentence. Stop. Just stop!

Y'all damb well know as soon as he walked out of that room today he was on the phone with Vlad. "You're not mad are you, Vladdy. I had to say that. You know I didn't mean it. I'm your guy." Putin was like, "It's ok, Trumpy. I understand." Trump interrupts him, "What's that noise in the back?" Putin says, "Oh, I'm just watching one of my favorite independent films. You're familiar with it, no. It's called 'Two Girls, A Cup And PeePee The Clown'. Night, night, Donald."

R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!