Make America great again!
That is the slogan the President ran his 2016 campaign on and continues to propagate. But, as we encroach the completion of his nineteenth month in office it could be argued few people outside his rabid obsequious base thinks America is better.
Now, I am not going down the rabbit hole of what is the actual meaning or intent of the "Make America Great Again" slogan. I have my belief. It is unquestionable the slogan inherently implies America is not great but was at one time. Every single Trumpster (and I mean every single one) I have ever asked, "When approximately was America last great?", will not answer. The non-answer essentially substantiates my belief of what the reason is. But, moving on...
The President promised to restore "honor" back to the White House. Putting aside the factoid there was no need to restore honor let us see if he has done what he had promised.
He started off his presidency by lying about his imagination. He claimed it was "bright and sunny" and it was a "much larger crowd than Obama's".
Well, for those of us with televisions not to mention those in attendance it was quite obvious it was dreary rainy day. That is why everyone had umbrellas. Those in attendance were also able to clearly see the inauguration crowd wasn't anywhere close to President Barack Obama's or President George W. Bush's for that matter.
A couple of months later he accused President Obama of personally "wiretapping" him at Trump Tower. Of course, this was not true. Members of his campaign were LEGALLY under surveillance for "unusual contacts with Russians".
A couple of months after that moment the President fired FBI Director, James Comey, for what he said was "the Russ-her investigation".
Then the President brought honor to the office by hiring Anthony Scaramucci as White House Communications Director. "The Mooch" lasted a mere ten days in the job. He was fired after during an interview with a reporter he went on a profanity laced tirade which featured him saying Steve Bannon, White House Chief Strategist (at the time) could suck his own dick.
Next came the most disgraceful moment of this clown show presidency, #Charlottesville. What would've been a layup win for any other president turned into a cluster for this current president. He would not point blank denounce White Nationalists and Neo-Nazis. In fact, he went a step further morally equating those hate mongers with the people protesting hate. We all remember the "some of them are very fine people" remark.
So many examples exist of this president's failed moral leadership and common decency.
During these 19 months the current president has a laundry list of incidents that are nowhere near becoming the office of President.
He literally lives on Twitter, which he sees as his best way of communicating. The truth is he can say whatever he wants on Twitter without being directly confronted as opposed to a news conference where reporters can theoretically call out his bullshit.
The President of the United States has utilized Twitter to get in Twitter beefs with or attack Snoop Dogg, Kathy Griffin, Jay-Z, NFL players, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mika Bryzenski, LaVar Ball, Stephen Curry, Don Lemon, Meryl Streep, Robert DeNiro, LeBron James and numerous others.
But, he hasn't only used Twitter to attack celebrities, athletes and reporters he also gone after political figures foreign and domestic. He has attacked James Comey, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, the FBI, the CIA, Sen. Bob Corker, Sen. Jeff Flake, Susan Rice, Sally Yates, Rep. Mark Sanford, Sen. John McCain and so many others.
The President has actually fired two administration officials on Twitter. Former Chief of Staff, Reince Priebus, and former Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, first learned of their dismissals on Twitter. Seriously!
No president has ever lied more than the current one. To date he has told well over 4,000 lies and misleading statements. He averages over six lies told a day. Let that sink in.
America is also being made great by great by the complete shade he throws at our allies. The President has personally insulted Angel Merkel, Justin Trudeau, Theresa May, and Emmanuel Macron the leaders of Gernany, Canada, Great Britain and France respectively. All of them are greatest and most important allies.
He has started a trade war with all those countries and China. His trade war has resulted in the loss of thousands of American jobs. Several plants and factories have been forced to shutdown. Many economists warn disaster is imminent if these tariffs aren't lifted.
During the campaign promises were made to improve healthcare and leave entitlements alone. Shocker! The opposite has taken place.
Healthcare hasn't improved but became worse. Because of numerous executive orders repealing Obamacare mandates millions have lost health insurance. Because an outright repeal of the Affordable Care Act in Congress failed the current administration is systematically dismantling it causing premiums to increase. All of this is being done with absolutely no replacement in sight.
As for entitlements the current budget proposed by the administration cuts Medicare, Medicaid and welfare assistance. The budget also cuts funding for education, mental illness assistance, and VA funding!
Speaking of veterans, this administration loves to tout how much they care them but says the government doesn't have enough money for the VA. But, there seems to be enough cash to increase the military budget by $100 billion. Our military budget was already larger than the next nine largest military budgets combined!
Granted included in the budget increase is a 2.1% raise for military personnel, which the President claims is the largest in decades. That isn't true. President Obama gave the soldiers a larger increase a couple of years ago.
Regardless, the soldiers deserved pay increase aside, most of this increased budget spending is foolish excess.
And, let us not forget money was found for a stupid ass Space Force because our President thinks wars are about to break out in space. Or, he is just ignorant and narcissistic and wants to be given credit for something "great" which is actually nonsensical. By the way the startup cost of the Space Force is $8 billion.
We will not even get into the tax cuts, 83% of which only benefits the top 1%. And, these tax cuts will cost the taxpayer $2 trillion.
But, Medicare-For-All is too costly. Also, it's just too expensive right now to adequately fund education and entitlement programs that are essential to every day Americans.
Now, the President's supporters and advocates will pushback and say, "The economy is doing great and it's all because of the President!" But, is it?
It is true the economy is good. It has stayed steady under the President's watch. However, giving the President all the credit is quite disingenuous. He inherited this economy from President Obama and it's at about the same rate.
The numbers of new jobs added are slightly less than they were under Obama. The unemployment rate is essentially same as it was under Obama. The GDP rate the President loves to brag about is overall the same as it was under the previous administration. The President was euphoric over the 4.1 GDP last month. However, Obama had five months with the GDP over 4.0 including two months that were over 5.0.
Also, much like under Obama, wage growth is at best stagnant. Actually, wage growth has slightly decreased. And, most of the jobs added are low wage jobs which is some of the reason for the stagnant wage growth.
I saved the best for last. The handling of the immigration issue has been atrocious and I would argue worse than the encumber that was #Charlottesville.
This administration has been more hardlined on immigration than any one in recent memory for sure. They haven't just increased enforcement of illegal immigration but legal immigration too.
The President bemoaned African immigrants calling African nations "shithole countries". He said Haitians were riddled with AIDS and intentionally infecting Americans. He said immigrants from the south were "animals" and "an infestation". He, also, openly opined he wanted immigrants from "Norway and Sweden".
Along with his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, the President implemented a 100% no tolerance policy on illegal immigrants. This resulted in not only a crackdown on illegal immigrants but those legally seeking asylum.
The administration also made it policy to separate children from their parents. Advocates and supporters for the President misleadingly said Obama had done the same. While it was true the Obama administration separated families it was in a discriminate and minute fashion and applied to parents with criminal records or if there was substantive cause to believe the adults accompanying the children weren't the legal parents or guardians.
The current administration was indiscriminately separating most families. Over 2500 children had been separated from their parents.
What made this indefensibly despicable was these children were placed in cages. Not summer camp as Laura Ingrahm's trifilin ass claimed.
Workers weren't allowed to console upset children. They weren't even allowed to change babies' diapers. In most cases minimal, if any, communication was allowed between the children and their parents.
Despite weeks ago a judge ordering these troglodytes to reunite these families hundreds of children still haven't been returned to their parents.
The truth is America hasn't been made greater by this current president. It could be profoundly argued America has been worsened.
Throughout the 2016 campaign we heard terms like "leading from behind" and "feckless leadership" describing President Obama. I'll concede some of that criticism was warranted.
But, what about now? Trumpsters and the President will say world leaders respect our president again. Who? Name one.
Vladimir Putin? He doesn't respect the President. He sees him as a "useful idiot". I don't know about the former but the latter is certifiably applicable.
Kim Jong-Un? Child, please! He lied to him just like North Korea has lied to every other president. The only difference is other presidents didn't heap praise upon the North Korean leader and openly display envy that Kim's people reverence him.
Our allies no longer trust us. In one way or another we've isolated ourselves from each of them. All of them think our president is an uncouth bombastic uninformed jackass who is only a master in dumbassary and fuckery. And, they are correct.
We have a president who doesn't feel it's necessary to read daily intelligent briefings because he "has a big brain and is a smart guy". The intelligence people have to literally use pictures, mention his name gratuitously in the briefings and keep the briefings to a page or so, so when the "smart guy" does read them it will keep his attention.
While we have homeless vets, starving children and millions without adequate medical insurance our president chooses to become embroiled in Twitter beefs instead of focusing on solutions to these issues.
It is apparent we have a racial divide in this country. However, the President makes no effort to unite the country instead he intentionally goes out of his way to divide it.
He is supposed to be president of the entire country, but continuously attacks people of color while being an apologist for White Nationalists. He repeatedly espouses racist tropes such as blacks have "low IQs" and Hispanics (Puerto Rico) are lazy.
Additionally, he again and again utters his misogyny and disrespect for women. The President simply cannot refrain from referencing women's looks. He also can't help himself when it comes to comparing them to dogs and pigs.
What is simultaneously sadly ironic and hilarious is that his policies and failings affect the people who support and subjugate to him the most. Even sadder while he is patently idiotic he realizes his base will support him no matter what. They'll even support him when is manifestly screwing them over. I'll let you decide who that says more about.
It is not up for debate how uninformed and ignorant this man is. He is proudly un-read and possesses zero intellectual curiosity.
He has no shame in going before the American people repeating lies and misleading statements that have been debunked multiple times.
He employs no shame in having an administration full of grifters and crooks who have literally stole from the American people. Scott Pruitt. Tom Price. Ryan Zinke. Wilbur Ross.
He has no abashment about putting veterans' services into the hands of oligarchs who are simply pilfering the system for themselves and him. But, he loves the vets!
And, you know what is depressing? I only touched on a fraction of the bullshit this administration has burdened the American people with.
I didn't go into the numerous of unqualified people working in vital government jobs. I didn't touch on his innumerable emoluments violations. I didn't address the way he has Sarah Huckabee Sanders lie her hillbilly ass off everyday.
I didn't mention his unfettered disdainful attacks on the media and the First Amendment. Or, about his authoritarian leanings.
And, who can forget his lechery? Stormy Daniels. Karen McDougall. A possibly paid abortion. Nineteen women credibly accusing him of sexual assault.
Then, you have Omarosa. The fact she was employed in the White House to begin with. The fact she was able to record people in highly sensitive and secured areas of the White House. And, she obviously has receipts on him, his ratchet family and potentially every shitty member of the administration.
There is so much more. Michael Cohen. Russia investigation.
So, how is America greater? This presidency is a shit show! It is an embarrassment.
Yet, people still defend it. I'm quite sure I've triggered some folks. Oh, well.
I defy anyone to contradict everything I laid out. But, if you do, come with facts! No strawnans or Fox News lies here. I will knock them down.
This crap is tiresome. The presidency is not supposed to be a sequel to the effin Apprentice.
I am so flippin tired of hearing, too, how a dude who had SIX BANKRUPTCIES and ran THREE CASINOS INTO THE GROUND is a great businessman. Fo' real?!
Y'all know damn well if it was a brotha who had done that, you'd call him a hustler and a crook.
America hasn't been made "great again"; it has been embarrassed over and over and over.
That is the slogan the President ran his 2016 campaign on and continues to propagate. But, as we encroach the completion of his nineteenth month in office it could be argued few people outside his rabid obsequious base thinks America is better.
Now, I am not going down the rabbit hole of what is the actual meaning or intent of the "Make America Great Again" slogan. I have my belief. It is unquestionable the slogan inherently implies America is not great but was at one time. Every single Trumpster (and I mean every single one) I have ever asked, "When approximately was America last great?", will not answer. The non-answer essentially substantiates my belief of what the reason is. But, moving on...
The President promised to restore "honor" back to the White House. Putting aside the factoid there was no need to restore honor let us see if he has done what he had promised.
He started off his presidency by lying about his imagination. He claimed it was "bright and sunny" and it was a "much larger crowd than Obama's".
Well, for those of us with televisions not to mention those in attendance it was quite obvious it was dreary rainy day. That is why everyone had umbrellas. Those in attendance were also able to clearly see the inauguration crowd wasn't anywhere close to President Barack Obama's or President George W. Bush's for that matter.
A couple of months later he accused President Obama of personally "wiretapping" him at Trump Tower. Of course, this was not true. Members of his campaign were LEGALLY under surveillance for "unusual contacts with Russians".
A couple of months after that moment the President fired FBI Director, James Comey, for what he said was "the Russ-her investigation".
Then the President brought honor to the office by hiring Anthony Scaramucci as White House Communications Director. "The Mooch" lasted a mere ten days in the job. He was fired after during an interview with a reporter he went on a profanity laced tirade which featured him saying Steve Bannon, White House Chief Strategist (at the time) could suck his own dick.
Next came the most disgraceful moment of this clown show presidency, #Charlottesville. What would've been a layup win for any other president turned into a cluster for this current president. He would not point blank denounce White Nationalists and Neo-Nazis. In fact, he went a step further morally equating those hate mongers with the people protesting hate. We all remember the "some of them are very fine people" remark.
So many examples exist of this president's failed moral leadership and common decency.
During these 19 months the current president has a laundry list of incidents that are nowhere near becoming the office of President.
He literally lives on Twitter, which he sees as his best way of communicating. The truth is he can say whatever he wants on Twitter without being directly confronted as opposed to a news conference where reporters can theoretically call out his bullshit.
The President of the United States has utilized Twitter to get in Twitter beefs with or attack Snoop Dogg, Kathy Griffin, Jay-Z, NFL players, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mika Bryzenski, LaVar Ball, Stephen Curry, Don Lemon, Meryl Streep, Robert DeNiro, LeBron James and numerous others.
But, he hasn't only used Twitter to attack celebrities, athletes and reporters he also gone after political figures foreign and domestic. He has attacked James Comey, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, the FBI, the CIA, Sen. Bob Corker, Sen. Jeff Flake, Susan Rice, Sally Yates, Rep. Mark Sanford, Sen. John McCain and so many others.
The President has actually fired two administration officials on Twitter. Former Chief of Staff, Reince Priebus, and former Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, first learned of their dismissals on Twitter. Seriously!
No president has ever lied more than the current one. To date he has told well over 4,000 lies and misleading statements. He averages over six lies told a day. Let that sink in.
America is also being made great by great by the complete shade he throws at our allies. The President has personally insulted Angel Merkel, Justin Trudeau, Theresa May, and Emmanuel Macron the leaders of Gernany, Canada, Great Britain and France respectively. All of them are greatest and most important allies.
He has started a trade war with all those countries and China. His trade war has resulted in the loss of thousands of American jobs. Several plants and factories have been forced to shutdown. Many economists warn disaster is imminent if these tariffs aren't lifted.
During the campaign promises were made to improve healthcare and leave entitlements alone. Shocker! The opposite has taken place.
Healthcare hasn't improved but became worse. Because of numerous executive orders repealing Obamacare mandates millions have lost health insurance. Because an outright repeal of the Affordable Care Act in Congress failed the current administration is systematically dismantling it causing premiums to increase. All of this is being done with absolutely no replacement in sight.
As for entitlements the current budget proposed by the administration cuts Medicare, Medicaid and welfare assistance. The budget also cuts funding for education, mental illness assistance, and VA funding!
Speaking of veterans, this administration loves to tout how much they care them but says the government doesn't have enough money for the VA. But, there seems to be enough cash to increase the military budget by $100 billion. Our military budget was already larger than the next nine largest military budgets combined!
Granted included in the budget increase is a 2.1% raise for military personnel, which the President claims is the largest in decades. That isn't true. President Obama gave the soldiers a larger increase a couple of years ago.
Regardless, the soldiers deserved pay increase aside, most of this increased budget spending is foolish excess.
And, let us not forget money was found for a stupid ass Space Force because our President thinks wars are about to break out in space. Or, he is just ignorant and narcissistic and wants to be given credit for something "great" which is actually nonsensical. By the way the startup cost of the Space Force is $8 billion.
We will not even get into the tax cuts, 83% of which only benefits the top 1%. And, these tax cuts will cost the taxpayer $2 trillion.
But, Medicare-For-All is too costly. Also, it's just too expensive right now to adequately fund education and entitlement programs that are essential to every day Americans.
Now, the President's supporters and advocates will pushback and say, "The economy is doing great and it's all because of the President!" But, is it?
It is true the economy is good. It has stayed steady under the President's watch. However, giving the President all the credit is quite disingenuous. He inherited this economy from President Obama and it's at about the same rate.
The numbers of new jobs added are slightly less than they were under Obama. The unemployment rate is essentially same as it was under Obama. The GDP rate the President loves to brag about is overall the same as it was under the previous administration. The President was euphoric over the 4.1 GDP last month. However, Obama had five months with the GDP over 4.0 including two months that were over 5.0.
Also, much like under Obama, wage growth is at best stagnant. Actually, wage growth has slightly decreased. And, most of the jobs added are low wage jobs which is some of the reason for the stagnant wage growth.
I saved the best for last. The handling of the immigration issue has been atrocious and I would argue worse than the encumber that was #Charlottesville.
This administration has been more hardlined on immigration than any one in recent memory for sure. They haven't just increased enforcement of illegal immigration but legal immigration too.
The President bemoaned African immigrants calling African nations "shithole countries". He said Haitians were riddled with AIDS and intentionally infecting Americans. He said immigrants from the south were "animals" and "an infestation". He, also, openly opined he wanted immigrants from "Norway and Sweden".
Along with his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, the President implemented a 100% no tolerance policy on illegal immigrants. This resulted in not only a crackdown on illegal immigrants but those legally seeking asylum.
The administration also made it policy to separate children from their parents. Advocates and supporters for the President misleadingly said Obama had done the same. While it was true the Obama administration separated families it was in a discriminate and minute fashion and applied to parents with criminal records or if there was substantive cause to believe the adults accompanying the children weren't the legal parents or guardians.
The current administration was indiscriminately separating most families. Over 2500 children had been separated from their parents.
What made this indefensibly despicable was these children were placed in cages. Not summer camp as Laura Ingrahm's trifilin ass claimed.
Workers weren't allowed to console upset children. They weren't even allowed to change babies' diapers. In most cases minimal, if any, communication was allowed between the children and their parents.
Despite weeks ago a judge ordering these troglodytes to reunite these families hundreds of children still haven't been returned to their parents.
The truth is America hasn't been made greater by this current president. It could be profoundly argued America has been worsened.
Throughout the 2016 campaign we heard terms like "leading from behind" and "feckless leadership" describing President Obama. I'll concede some of that criticism was warranted.
But, what about now? Trumpsters and the President will say world leaders respect our president again. Who? Name one.
Vladimir Putin? He doesn't respect the President. He sees him as a "useful idiot". I don't know about the former but the latter is certifiably applicable.
Kim Jong-Un? Child, please! He lied to him just like North Korea has lied to every other president. The only difference is other presidents didn't heap praise upon the North Korean leader and openly display envy that Kim's people reverence him.
Our allies no longer trust us. In one way or another we've isolated ourselves from each of them. All of them think our president is an uncouth bombastic uninformed jackass who is only a master in dumbassary and fuckery. And, they are correct.
We have a president who doesn't feel it's necessary to read daily intelligent briefings because he "has a big brain and is a smart guy". The intelligence people have to literally use pictures, mention his name gratuitously in the briefings and keep the briefings to a page or so, so when the "smart guy" does read them it will keep his attention.
While we have homeless vets, starving children and millions without adequate medical insurance our president chooses to become embroiled in Twitter beefs instead of focusing on solutions to these issues.
It is apparent we have a racial divide in this country. However, the President makes no effort to unite the country instead he intentionally goes out of his way to divide it.
He is supposed to be president of the entire country, but continuously attacks people of color while being an apologist for White Nationalists. He repeatedly espouses racist tropes such as blacks have "low IQs" and Hispanics (Puerto Rico) are lazy.
Additionally, he again and again utters his misogyny and disrespect for women. The President simply cannot refrain from referencing women's looks. He also can't help himself when it comes to comparing them to dogs and pigs.
What is simultaneously sadly ironic and hilarious is that his policies and failings affect the people who support and subjugate to him the most. Even sadder while he is patently idiotic he realizes his base will support him no matter what. They'll even support him when is manifestly screwing them over. I'll let you decide who that says more about.
It is not up for debate how uninformed and ignorant this man is. He is proudly un-read and possesses zero intellectual curiosity.
He has no shame in going before the American people repeating lies and misleading statements that have been debunked multiple times.
He employs no shame in having an administration full of grifters and crooks who have literally stole from the American people. Scott Pruitt. Tom Price. Ryan Zinke. Wilbur Ross.
He has no abashment about putting veterans' services into the hands of oligarchs who are simply pilfering the system for themselves and him. But, he loves the vets!
And, you know what is depressing? I only touched on a fraction of the bullshit this administration has burdened the American people with.
I didn't go into the numerous of unqualified people working in vital government jobs. I didn't touch on his innumerable emoluments violations. I didn't address the way he has Sarah Huckabee Sanders lie her hillbilly ass off everyday.
I didn't mention his unfettered disdainful attacks on the media and the First Amendment. Or, about his authoritarian leanings.
And, who can forget his lechery? Stormy Daniels. Karen McDougall. A possibly paid abortion. Nineteen women credibly accusing him of sexual assault.
Then, you have Omarosa. The fact she was employed in the White House to begin with. The fact she was able to record people in highly sensitive and secured areas of the White House. And, she obviously has receipts on him, his ratchet family and potentially every shitty member of the administration.
There is so much more. Michael Cohen. Russia investigation.
So, how is America greater? This presidency is a shit show! It is an embarrassment.
Yet, people still defend it. I'm quite sure I've triggered some folks. Oh, well.
I defy anyone to contradict everything I laid out. But, if you do, come with facts! No strawnans or Fox News lies here. I will knock them down.
This crap is tiresome. The presidency is not supposed to be a sequel to the effin Apprentice.
I am so flippin tired of hearing, too, how a dude who had SIX BANKRUPTCIES and ran THREE CASINOS INTO THE GROUND is a great businessman. Fo' real?!
Y'all know damn well if it was a brotha who had done that, you'd call him a hustler and a crook.
America hasn't been made "great again"; it has been embarrassed over and over and over.