Sunday, October 14, 2018

The Bemoaning Of Incivility Is A Trap The GOP Lays For Democrats

Republicans crying about incivility is the biggest con job they have perpetrated against Democrats yet.

On its face it is an absurd assertion that Democrats are the uncivil party. If the surface is scratched just a little it becomes apparent it's laced in hypocrisy.

However, the GOP launches these attacks and wails about the degradation of politics because it works. It is apart of their psychological warfare.

Republicans are fully aware the Democratic Party is the essence of neuroticism. They know Democrats never want to be seen as cruel, lacking empathy, aggressive nor uncivil. Sorry, Dems, it's the truth.

So, what better way to get inside their heads than to accuse them of being the very attributes they loathe regardless if it's untrue they are guilty of those things.

Also, claiming Democrats are uncivil is a primary method of silencing them. If they can convince enough Democrats they are being too boisterous or aggressive in their persistence or protest, then they know said Democrats will drown out the remaining dissenting voices. Resistance...dead.

Many Democrats have finally caught onto this tactic. They are not falling for the banana in the tailpipe. They are holding their ground and standing up for their principles.

The election of the current president along with the subsequent policies of said administration has spurred anger, frustration and energy into the Democratic base. In droves people have protested and resisted.

In fact, these people referred to as the #Resistance, have taken a page out of a similar wave of resistance that took place back in 2010 named The Tea Party.

The Tea  Party was a movement on the right that was essentially born out of protest to then president, Barack Obama. The Tea Party also went after other Republicans they deemed as too establishment.

The Tea Party made a habit of protesting almost everything President Obama did. They not only went to the streets but effectively utilized social media. They badgered and harassed elected members of both parties. Their methods were effective and also aggressive.

So, it's a bit ironic now that the Tea Party and Republicans in general are labeling Democrats "uncivil" for protesting with the exact same vigor they did.

No, it's actually hypocritical.

Recent events such as the Child Separation policy and the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation along with the likely ramifications of that confirmation have further inflamed passions within a large portion of the Democratic base.

Democrats have protested in Washington. Democrats in Congress have actually shown backbone fighting back against baseless allegations and insidious mischaracterizations. People on the left are actually taking principled stands and not backing down. They are confronting elected officials demanding their voices be heard and these officials defend their record. Basically, they are exercising their First Amendment rights.

This has caused Republicans to become apprehensive and fearful of what an actual energized Democratic base could do. Actually, they already know. They saw what happened in New York's 14th District with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's stunning decisive primary upset of Joe Crowley.

So, their response has been to do what they always do...fear monger. They have labeled the left "violent" and an "angry mob".

Now, there's no credible evidence of this violence and mob mentality. Yes, there have been protests and shouting but violence certainly hasn't broke out. Of course, the strawman of Antifa will be cited but they have not been sanctioned nor endorsed by any credible politicians and groups on the left. In fact, everyone from Progressives to corporatists Democrats have disavowed and repudiated Antifa. But, why allow pesky minutiae like facts to get in the way of a good story.

What is really hilarious is that the whining about angry mobs and "violent left" is antithetical to the Conservatives' narrative that people on the left are betas and snowflakes who sip lattes and eat avocado salads with brie like sissies. So, are they a violent angry brood or bitchy little snowflakes who need a safe space? It is very confusing.

The truth of the matter is Democrats cannot, again, fall for the okie-doke.

It is insane how the Republicans and Democrats literally have the classic abusive relationship. The GOP constantly mocks, belittles, demonizes, attacks and lies about Democrats. They label them with fake and slanderous tags. Then, when Democrats decide enough is enough and fight back Conservatives pull the proverbial abuser move accusing them of being the abuser. They project while simultaneously painting themselves as the victim. It's the quintessential method of emotional manipulation.

And, it usually works with stunning perfection. Democrats back down under the guise of "taking the high road". To hell with the high road when dealing with folks who believe no road is too low to travel.

Recently, former Attorney General Eric Holder and Satan's favorite grandma, Hillary Clinton, were in the news for faux controversies being accused of inflaming the fires of incivility.

Let's take Hillary's nonsensical controversy first. She said, "You cannot be civil with people who seek to destroy everything you believe in and stand for." Ok. What is the problem?

Well, Fox News, lost their minds. They said she was calling for violence and being irresponsible. Uh-huh. What I noticed, aside from the obvious gaslighting, is nobody on Fox nor any Republican addressed what she actually said.

See, they claim to be about the exchange of free ideas and that of course we all love America; it's just we have different avenues we want to take to see her successful. You know, civility. But, nobody confronted what she actually said because if they did, their stated desire for civility would be exposed for the disingenuous babbling it is because they know she is telling the truth.

The faux controversy over Eric Holder is even more nefarious and disingenuous. At a fundraiser last week Holder said, "Michelle Obama said, When they go low we go high.' No, when they go low, we kick 'em."

My honest initial reaction to this was, "Ok." I never thought he meant it literally. I took him to be speaking metaphorically.

Oh, but the right-wing went full on aneurism over it. They accused Holder of inciting violence. One knob on Fox News said, "This is unacceptable for a former attorney general to speak this way. He's an upholder of the law." Sista! Pipe down.

I literally saw five news segments (including "left wing" outlets) about this. As I said, I thought it was being blown out of proportion. Yesterday, I was proven to be correct.

Joy Reid on AM Joy played the entire clip. It appears right after (next sentence actually) Holder said to "kick 'em" he emphasized that he was speaking literally. He meant Democrats needed to fight back instead of allowing lies and mischaracterizations to lie in the name of "civility".

Well, well, ain't that about a.....Five different anchors (CNN, MSNBC, Fox, TYT and Secular Talk) only aired the first part of that statement. Now, in fairness, only one of those outlets mischaracterized Holder's comments. But, the overriding narrative dictated by Republicans was Eric Holder is calling for violent rebellion.

The Democrats have to stop allowing the GOP to get away with this bullying and bullshit. Defending yourself, fighting back, protesting and vehemently stating facts is not being violent nor is it being like an angry mob.

If Democrats want to win, they have to quit cowering to GOP idiocy and hypocrisy.

Seriously, are Democrats going to be lectured on civility from people who support Donald Trump and co-opt everything he does? Are they going to be lectured on civility by people who are apologists for a Neo-Nazi who ran a woman down in the streets in #Charlottesville? Are Democrats going to be lectured about civility by folks who support a President who locks children in cages separating them from their parents? Are Democrats going to be lectured on civility by people who said nothing when their presidential nominee openly and repeatedly advocated for violence against anyone who protested his campaign?

This bitchin about civility is a ruse. Dems, Republicans don't want you to be more civil; they want you to be silent and compliant.

R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!