Saturday, February 9, 2019

The Misogyny Subculture: Red Pill/Black Pill (Part 3)

Remember the motion picture trilogy, The Matrix? Neo? Trinity? Morpheus?

Well, if not, allow me to offer a reminder. The framework of incel philosophy and their life arc is based on a primary theme of The Matrix.

The main protagonist of the film series, Neo, was presented an option by the antihero, Morpheus. He offered Neo the choice between two pills, one blue and one red. The blue pill would send Neo back to his "normal" life but that life wasn't necessarily based in reality. Or, he could choose the red pill, which represented life as it really was. Neo chose the red pill and quickly realized life wasn't what he thought it was and reality was harsher and more depressing than he realized.

To understand how incels view the world around them it must be understood the role this theme from The Matrix plays. In the incel worldview there is a blue pill and a red pill exactly like The Matrix. However, incels interjected a third pill, the black pill.

Let's begin with the blue pill. The blue pill represents a world that is unrealistic and willfully naive. Males who choose the blue  pill are ones who believe that women will judge them on merit. They believe the game is not rigged in favor of "chads" or "tyrones". Chads and tyrones are the guys who are either genetically or financially superior. They are the top 20% of the male species.

According to incel philosophy blue pillers choose to see the world as they want it or believe it should be. They believe in falling in love. They believe if one is kind and sweet to a woman she will want to be in a romantic relationship or at least be willing to have sex.

Incels believe blue pillers are naive or blind to reality. That reality is women don't care about them and barely acknowledge their existence. Women only care about money and physical attributes. They subscribe to the 80/20 rule or as they call it hypergamy. If you remember from the previous blog, hypergamy states essentially the bottom 80% of women or "beckys"/"basic chicks" as they are called only seek after the top 20% of men or commonly referred to as alpha males (chads/tyrones). In case there is some inquiry about the other 20% of women they are referred to as "staceys". Naturally, staceys are only interested in alpha males.

Now, there is a caveat. The blue pillers, whom incels (and alpha males) derisively refer to as "beta males" or "cucks", do sometimes become entangled in romantic relationships with beckys and even some staceys.

Of course, this is not because these women are good women. It is because these women began to realize that alpha males only want their cobbler and aren't interested in seeking a family. Also, many alpha males aren't necessarily financially stable and the ones who are might be few and far between making competition a bit too fierce.

So, they "settle" for betas. But, their "settling" has nefarious and insidious motives.

Before the late 1960s (according to incel propaganda) these beckys who settled for beta men did so with the acceptance that they would be with them for life. But, since the 60s and especially now women's life forecast has changed. This change is due to.........say it all together now, children,........FEMINISM.

Incels propagate that beta males are unwittingly and wittingly being played by "femoids" (incels' slur for women). They believe a main tenant of feminism is an encouragement of women to seduce and marry beta men thu. After doing so the women fulfill their desire/need to have children. Then, they bleed these men dry of their money, assets, dignity and self-esteem; thus, cuckholding them. Once they have accomplished this they divorce the men (so they can go be with a chad) taking their children from them leaving them penniless and despaired.

So, next let's address the red pillers, which is the largest sect of incels. Men who choose the red pill are basically accepting "reality". They see the world as it truly is.

Red pillers believe they will likely never be in a romantic relationship let alone have sex because there is a manipulation preventing them from either. They believe the current societal construct precludes them from being apart of what they see is the "natural order". That "natural order" is that women's purpose for being on this earth is to be with, take care of and satisfy men.

These dudes fundamentally believe it is women's obligation to be with them whether it's sexually or in a long term relationship. They feel women should make themselves available to the dating pool at large and "settling" is their mandate. Red pillers firmly believe the 80/20 rule is in direct defiance of the natural order. They believe women practicing hypergamy is a threat to society's existence and the future population, which in their mind is a justification for purporting this view.

Red pillers feel there is an insidious force that propels this rebellion against nature's laws. Yep, you guessed it. It is feminism.

They say feminism teaches women they are free to be discriminatory in their choosing mates and sexual partners. They claim feminism encourages women to abstain if choices within their pool is undesirable. They claim feminism instructs women to heighten their standards to the point they are unattainable. In other words standards they can't match for whatever reason(s).

Red pills have a discernable disdain for women and it comes out in how they view them. They sincerely believe the vast majority of women are shallow, vain and insincere. Because of these flaws, it places these dudes in an impossible place.

According to them women are too focused on looks. This focus puts them at a disadvantage, which leads to their celibacy.

Red pills believe that genetics place them in unfair positions. They constantly compare themselves to chads. Per their perception chads have perfect bone structure and the slope of their foreheads is infallible which gives chads an unfair advantage. They say chads' jawlines are chiseled and women are innately attracted to their jawlines and the shape of their foreheads. Because of this incels say they were outcasts from the onset of life.

These guys do some odd, if not outright insane, things to improve their appearance. They perform chin exercises to improve their chin structure. They are obsessed with techniques make their penises bigger so their "package" stands out more.

But, what is the most telling aspect of red pillers' view on appearances is how they actually view women's appearance. While the bemoan and excoriate women's perceived obsession with looks they actually rate women on their looks. Inside many incel forums women are routinely judged on a sliding scale of 1 to 10. Numerous women (famous and non-famous) have their breasts, asses, legs, thighs and facial structure critiqued.

It is not uncommon for women to be rated as "fuckable" and "fuckable after a few beers".

Yet, according to Incels it is women who are shallow and vain.

Red pills possess a very nihilistic mindset. But, they believe change can occur. In their view feminism possesses the primary existential threat to them and their idea of natural order. So, if feminism can be eradicated order will be restored and the long national nightmare of these dudes being denied pussy will be over.

Now, while the red pills are nihilistic the black pills are unquestionably fatalistic.

Those guys who choose the black pill live in a dark, cold hopeless existence. Black pills wholly believe all is lost and their fate is locked in. Whereas red pills believe the outlook may be bleak but the tide can change black pills believe feminism has won, women control everything and they will forever be alone and sexless. Their motto is, "We ain't gettin no pussy today, tomorrow or ever."

Ok, that is not actually their motto but it does succinctly sum up how what they sincerely believe. They fundamentally believe the "fix" is in. Because they came up craps in the genetic lottery nothing they do would improve them in the eyes of women.

But, don't misread the wallowing in self-pity. While they seem to turn their despair inward they actually lay all their burdens at women's feet. Make no mistake they blame women and by proxy feminism for every single one of their ills including genetics.

A common thread among these guys is a deep seeded resentment if not stringent hatred for their mothers. Their genetic shortcomings is because "mom fucked a beta cuck". If they grew up in a single parent home, mom was "a slut who ran dad off".

As virulently misogynistic as red pills are, black pills are often next level. Black pills detest women. Some red pills display some exceptions to rule such as their mother or sisters. Black pills see all women as sluts, whores and bitches most of all their mothers and sisters.

Black pills are often not only fatalistic they are suicidal and homicidal. They go into incel forums often discussing suicide and spewing the most vile misogyny toward women and will turn that vileness on other men if they even appear to be challenging them.

Red pills will frequently talk suicide or praise people like Elliot Rodger but often they are just being bombastic. Black pills, however, are quite dogmatic and militaristic in their rhetoric. They feel since they have no hope nobody else should neither.

Both groups are known to harass women online. Of course, Twitter is their area of choice to demean and berate women. Men are not exempt from their harassment neither. Just defend a woman once and the term "cuck" will be liberally used.

What is probably quite telling regarding incels is whom they predominantly choose to spew their venom toward. Naturally, they expend their most disgusting rhetoric for women. They love to go after beta men. But, the people who would appear to be their most existential foe they largely leave alone.

Alpha males mostly go untouched. As much as they lament women's "obsession" with them and bemoan that these chads just hit it and quit it, they actually envy them. The reason there is no animosity hurled toward them is because the true underlying driver for incels is misogyny.

Look, they can't hate chads because chads are just doing what they would do if they could. No, they hate the women because women are obligated to give them sex at their [incels] discretion. However, that is not occurring because feminism is telling them they don't have to adhere to natural law and stay in their lane.

What is crazy is that the majority of these guys are not bad looking guys. But, whether it be consciously or subconsciously they do (or do not) things that strip away any attractiveness they possess.

Most of them are introverts and recluses who spend the majority of their time locked away in front of their computers or in front of a television. The majority have poor personal hygiene. And, when they are in the presence of women they don't do anything to make themselves noticeable or noteworthy.

It is literally as if they force a self-fulfilling prophecy. Then say, "See, these bitches don't recognize a good thing when they see it." Or maybe they would if they combed their hair, washed the crust of their eyes, put a Tic Tac in their mouth and washed their ass with a bar of Lever 2000 instead of reeking of Marlboro Reds with a chin covered in Cheeto dust.

I digress.

Whether it's red pill or black pill the core philosophy is the same, which is women are trash and here to serve three purposes: feed men (whenever they want it), fuck men (whenever they want it) and provide men offspring (which women are primarily expected to care for). Truthfully, red pills and black pills are distinctions with narrow differences. Both are toxic and dangerous.

R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!