Monday, August 6, 2018

Trump's Overtly Transparent Attacks On Black & Brown Folks Are Tedious

"Trump is not a racist" is something every Trumpster I have ever talked to says. They always follow that with, "How's he racist? What has he ever done that's racist?" As I look every single time in pure disbelief attempting to figure out if these people are hopelessly in denial or just audacious liars, they top their bullshit off with, "He can't be racist. Look at the unemployment rate of African-Americans and Hispanics [ignoring he is merely maintaining the level President Obama lowered it to]."

I usually respond to this with a blank stare and shake of the head. After I gather myself from the ignorance, gaslighting and statements of fact without context I begin naming off the numerous examples that suggest Trump is at least a bigot, if not a full blown racist.

The response you ask? "Well, Black unemployment is 3.9% and he's making America great again." Lawd, help 'em.

Well, I mention the previous anecdote because once again Trump provided another example of his animosity toward people of color.

This past Friday night CNN's Don Lemon, a frequent target of Trump's rage tweets, interviewed LeBron James about his building of I Promise high school-a school for underprivileged and at risk students. The school which is apart of the Akron, Ohio School District is being funded by James' foundation. The school will provide free backpacks for all the students along with fully funded free breakfast, lunch and snacks. The school is offering bussing for students within a two mile range. And, James has guaranteed he will pay every graduate's college tuition. It is an amazing act of charity and giving back by LeBron.

During Lemon's interview the subject of the President came up. Lemon asked him about Trump, which James answered, "I think our President has used sports to divide us."

Apparently, Trump was still awake and saw the interview or maybe Melania told him. She is a CNN viewer, you know. Regardless, Trump tweeted, "Watching Don Lemon 'the dumbest man on television' interview LeBron James. Lemon is making LeBron look smart which is not easy to do."

James did not respond to Trump's tweet instead tweeting something about I Promise. Lemon, on the other hand, tweeted this piece of shade gold, "You have one guy who builds a school for kids and another guy who puts kids in cages. Who's the real dummy."

May I take a moment and simply say, "Yasssssssssssss!"

Okay, I must really say I'm sick and tired of this old reprobate constantly demeaning and questioning Black folks' IQ! It is a damn pastime for him.

What infuriates me the most is it's a common trope racists use. Trump often goes to the asshole bigot playbook of: Black/Brown people are beggars, are lazy and indolent, are inherently criminal, are immoral and are unintelligent.

In my opinion it's the last trope that is the most infuriating, insulting and reprehensible. Saying a group of people is inherently or largely stupid is a blatant attempt to erode self-esteem. It is designed to render a group of people irrelevant or intellectually unproductive to society. Point blank it is an effective way to dehumanize an entire race.

This shit has been used in this country since its inception. It was one of the slaveholders primary devices in controlling the slaves. Tell them they are stupid while simultaneously withholding from them the ability to be properly educated.

Even after slavery this same nefarious tactic has been employed. Black and Brown people have been and to some degree are still being told they are not capable of significant intellectual capacity.

Trump does this bullshit frequently. He has a long history of questioning Blacks intelligence. Aside from Lemon, who is one of the most decorated journalists alive by the way, he has questioned Rep. Maxine Waters' (D-CA) intelligence often calling her "Low IQ Maxine". Regardless of what one may think of Rep. Waters she is far from "low IQ". She has been a member of Congress for over 25 years. Some of her Republican colleagues even came to her defense saying she is a very bright capable woman.

Trump took veiled shots at some of the NFL players who have been most outspoken about him. I really don't care what you think of those guys but it is unquestionable that players like Malcolm Jenkins, Chris Long, Doug Baldwin and Colin Kaepernick (that's right, I said his name) are some of the most thoughtful intelligent athletes around.

The Orange Clown's most despicable example of questioning people of color's intelligent is President Barack Obama. Trump did not start that racist vacuous birther horseshit but he certainly cultivated it and propagated it on a national level. The claim never had any merit.

This was one of Trump's clearest examples of racism. Not only did he question the citizenship of America's first African-American president because he is a petty trifilin person who could not stand a Black man became president his vapid soul questioned his intellect.

Aside from demanding President Obama "show him his papers" he insisted Obama release his college transcripts because "how did a guy like that get into Harvard?" Let me just say Obama is a better man than me because I would've told that orange douchebag he could "go fuck himself and kiss my whole Black ass"! But, the 44th President is a better man than me.

Trump constantly attacked Obama's intelligence. He implied (not so subtly) that Obama cheated his way into Harvard. "He had to because I heard he was not a good student." Of course, this fool never said who told him that. *Whisper* Because he's a lying sack of shit.

He also doubted how Obama was the head of the Harvard Law Review. Again indicating he must have cheated or it was affirmative action. No, Harvard doesn't just give anyone that honor. It is earned.

Now, Trump questioning Obama's intelligence is rich considering he sounds and tweets like a remedial sixth grader. #CheetoJesus loves to brag about going to Penn University. What he always fails to mention is he only got in because of daddy. He wasn't smart enough to get accepted on his own. I know shocking for a guy who cannot spell and thought up until two years ago Frederick Douglass was still alive.

The attack on LeBron was so unnecessary and petulant. A mature person would've put aside James' comment and commended him for doing something that will truly make America great. But, again, that is what a mature man would do. Our current President is a small petty man-child who is so thin-skinned he has to respond to every little slight. Well, if it is from a Black person. Interestingly, San Antonio Spurs head coach, Gregg Popovich and Golden St. Warriors head coach, Steve Kerr, have said far worse things about #Cheets than any athlete (including LeBron) has ever said. In fact, both of them essentially called him a buffoon and a dumbass. Ironically, Mr. Twitter Keyboard Muscles has not said one word about neither of them. It should be noted both coaches over the last TWO years have expressed harsh criticism regarding Trump. Trump has been *crickets*

Look, I could cite so many more instances if bigotry and racism talking about them at depth. The Central Park Five. Puerto Rico. Calling African countries "shithole countries". Claiming all Haitians have AIDS and are infecting Americans. Calling Mexicans "rapists and murders". Referring to Central American migrants and refugees as "animals" and "an infestation".

But, so much racism; so little time.

I am sure Trump supporters are upset with me. *Shrugs shoulders* Truth and facts are pesky little things sometimes aren't they.

Before I go let me drop this little nugget from a 1991 book written by Trump Plaza COO, John McDonnell. It is his first hand account of a conversation with Mr. I Love The Blacks regarding a Black accountant at Trump Plaza:

"Yeah, I never liked the guy. I don't think he knows what the fuck he's doing. My accountants up in New York are always complaining about him. He's not responsive. And, isn't it funny. I've got Black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only guys I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes every day. Those are the kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else. Besides that, I've got to tell you something else. I think that the guy is lazy. And, it's probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in Blacks. It really is. I believe that. It is not anything they can control. Don't you agree?"

*Mic drop*

R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!