Saturday, August 11, 2018

One Year After Charlottesville The Alt-Right Is Back To "Unite The Right"

This Sunday (August 12th) marks the one year anniversary of #Charlottesville.

It was one year ago the Alt-Right comprising of White Nationalists, Klu Klux Klansmen and Neo-Nazis marched in Charlottesville, Virginia under the guise of protesting the statue removal of Confederate general Robert E. Lee. What wound up taking place was the night before the actual march a group of white Polo shirt wearing, khaki pants sporting, fake tiki torch carrying assholes (mostly men) filled the town square chanting, "Jew will not replace us!" They also chanted a familiar Nazi slogan, "Blood and soil". And, their most trite chant was, "White lives matter."

Once the entire group of scholars filled the square they decided to descend upon a church where anti-protestors were inside peacefully PRAYING. The tiki torch bearing mob stormed into the church shouting, "Blood and soil!"

The next day the golf shirt/khaki pants clad clan was joined by Klansmen, other White Nationalists and Neo-Nazis as all of them filled the streets of Charlottesville chanting all of their classic highly intelligent slogans. They were met with resistance from anti-protestors.

Needless to say, the situation became inflamed. Fairly quickly violence ensued instigated by the Alt-Right protestors.

Eventually, the police (who were woefully unprepared) was able to quell the situation and disperse the crowds. That is when a deranged racist decided to get in his car, speed into a crowd of anti-protestors hitting a young woman killing her. That young woman's name is Heather Heyer. Heather Heyer! The right wing, the president and the #Charlottesville protestor apologists seem to have difficulty saying her name. SAY HER NAME! HEATHER HEYER!

We all know what subsequently took place. The President of the United States refused to condemn the Alt-Right protestors. Initially, he laid the blame for HEATHER HEYER'S death at the feet of the anti-protestors. Then, he somewhat walked that back saying there was "blame on both sides" despite the fact the Alt-Right protestors incited the violence. (And, don't say a damn word about ANTIFA! I know they were there. They didn't become violent until they stepped in to protect a young woman who was getting beat up by a grown man...or some facsimile. I watched the entire situation play out live on television. )

A few days later the President once again was an apologist for the racists. After essentially morally equating White Nationalists and Neo-Nazis with those protesting against hate and racism our President said some of the White Nationalists and Nazis, whom I remind you were chanting "Jew will not replace us" and "Blood and soil" were "very fine people". He added there were fine people on "both sides". 😐

Well, guess who's back to commemorate such a fine moment in American history? Yes, kids, it is the Alt-Right. They are once again marching to "Unite The Right".

After the city of Charlottesville essentially told them to go fuck themselves they decided to hold this year's rally in the current residence of their hero. That is right, the rally is being held in Washington D.C. Hell, the rally's site is literally in shouting distance from the White House.

But, this year the organizers are promising a peaceful protest will take place. They are promoting a kinder gentler form of white supremacy...errrr...I mean white pride. That is what they want it called.

The organizers said they don't want a repeat of last year. Last year made them look like "dorks" and. "losers" they said. One leader said they looked like "thugs". "Thugs", you say. Noooooo, get the hell outta here.

So, in that spirit they are not allowing any Nazi flags or regalia. Swastikas are prohibited. Only the American flag and the Confederate flag are allowed. The main organizer for this meeting of intellectual minds said the image of the Alt-Right must change. He said, "We must continue to look cool, hip, sexy." 😐 This fool thinks they look "hip and sexy". *Sigh* Lawd, I know they are yo chirrhens too but.....#ISimplyCannot

The #UniteTheRight march's cause this year is "white civil rights". Lol. Excuse me for laughing. I am sorry. Wait, no I'm not.

The audacity of these jackasses is astounding. "White civil rights"? These racist clowns are asserting that white people are being disenfranchised and discriminated against worse than any minority ever has. They are seriously claiming that whites are the only people in the country, which is "their country" who don't have civil rights protection. According to them it isn't people of color who are oppressed it is they who are oppressed. This is a "white Christian country" and they can't get a fair shake....................................

*Deep breath* Okay. Yes, racists and bigots it is you are the oppressed. I mean only 80 or 85% of the Congress is white men. Of the many billionaires this country has all but three are white. That is bullshit isn't it, Hoss? Ya know the vast majority of people with power in this country are white but that means a Negro or Mexican somewhere has power and authority. Unacceptable! Although white people proportionately commit the same number of crimes as blacks it is blacks who are significantly more incarcerated with measurably longer sentences. White folks abuse as many drugs as African-Americans and Hispanics; however, whites are frequently placed in rehab while Black and Brown folks are denied bail and subsequently placed in the clink. Yes, the #StruggleIsReal

Stop it! Your civil rights aren't being violated.

It is unfathomable to me how these clowns can never see how many of them are in the exact same boat as many people of color. Like many of us, they are living paycheck to paycheck. Like us they are struggling to find ways to send their kids to college. And, like us the elites don't give a shit about them. That includes their hero, Donald Trump. They are nothing more than a vote to him.

They should ask themselves what has his policies really done for them. Sure, these asinine culture wars he ignites energizes them but to what end? I know that the right in general loves to believe most of the country is like them. It simply is not.

But they allow their hate, fear, ignorance and myopia drive them and control their thinking. They willingly allow their ignorance and fear of "the other" to cloud their intellect and erode their sense of decency.

Because of their willful close-mindedness, I have no empathy for them. Hundreds of these tools will be in attendance tomorrow chanting and spewing hate. They will gleefully exhort white supremacy. They will attempt to cloak their racism in claims of simply wanting to extol the virtues of being white. They will fallaciously say they want every race to preserve its heritage and "identity". Their biggest lie of all will be they are not racists; they just want to preserve their "heritage".

No, what they actually believe and want is quite nuanced. They want America to be a "White ethno state". They want the same for all Western civilizations. What their goal to do is extract every single person of color from this country. They say the United States of America is "their" country and people of color don't belong here.

They want to return America to a "white" country. What these intellectually remedial knobs don't or can't or refuse to understand is this country has never been a "white only" country. Never!

I am not going to explain the entire history of this country. It's not my fault if these imbeciles do not know American history. The fact is white Europeans stole this land from Native Americans and subsequently killed the men while raping and killing innocent women and children. Then they brought Africans here to be slaves whether it was by hook or by crook. Subsequently, the Chinese, Mexicans, Japanese and many others came here. And, all stayed.

What these Alt-Right folks' don't understand is America has never been a white only country; it's been a white dominant country. Now, because of the changing "demographics" and the implementation of Civil Rights these fools think they're losing "their country". They are not losing anything and it was never only their country. They just controlled everything by any means necessary.

So, I sincerely hope nothing goes sideways tomorrow. But, I wholeheartedly hope people who are for equality and against dehumanization of people show up and counter the hate. Make it clear to them, their apologists, their closet supporters and everyone else racism, hate, bigotry, xenophobia and anti-Semitism will not be tolerated or condoned or excused. Anyone supporting hate is not a fucking "very fine person" nor is there "good people on both sides". One side is for equality and inclusion. The other side is for eradication of anyone who isn't Anglo-Saxon.

No moral equivalency exists.

*Please feel free to check me out on Facebook and Twitter.

R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!