Monday, August 31, 2020

A Novice's Guide To Debating The Rightwing Online

 Social media platforms have literally become the town square. A place where people go to tell the news, share personal stories and discuss current events. It is no secret platforms like Facebook and Twitter have become arenas where people can debate sports, entertainment and politics. Of course, politics being the most popular topic.

Even if you are the most casual observer you know political arguments often become passionate, if not contentious. If you are someone whom considers yourself left liberal or progressive or leftist you are likely well aware Facebook and Twitter can be quite adversarial places if you express an opinion in any fashion. This is because Conservatives, Republicans and rightwingers tend to utilize Facebook and Twitter as well as other social media platforms to express themselves and often do so rather stridently.

Needless to say this strident behavior of some on the right and this need to be heard by those on the left leads to numerous arguments. Many of the rightwingers that will engage in these discussions are reactionaries and ideologues whom also tend to be quiet dogmatic in their opinions. And, what I have noticed with some on the left is they really don't always respond to these people effectively. This includes myself.

So, how does one respond? How should you engage in debate?

Well, through some trial and error and some observations I have come up with some methods and approaches. I have actually been thinking about writing this particular blog for a year but just now getting around to it. I figured what better time with the election season heating up and rightwingers ratcheting up their rhetoric and their attacks.

I am no expert. Ben Burgis or Sam Seder I certainly am not. This is definitely layman's advice. But, I often find myself debating rightwing reactionaries and conservative ideologues online. I hold my progressive values dearly and have intrinsic convictions.

So, I feel an obligation to get the progressive message out there and accrue allies. Even perhaps more than that Progressives and people on the left broadly speaking tend to be passive when it comes to standing up for the policies and values we claim to believe in and I have concluded we cannot do that any longer. We must fight! But, we must be smart and principled when engaging the right.

With that said here is my advice on debating rightwingers especially online.

Actually before I get into the crux of all this I will address the question some always have. Is it even worth engaging these rightwing ideologues and reactionaries? The short answer is yes! As with most things, however, there is gray area.

While I say it is worth engaging these folks I believe there are some variables that come into play. What is your purpose in getting into this discussion? What is your endgame?

If you are arguing or debating rightwingers for the sole purpose of trolling them I honestly don't see much value. If you think you can win the argument, you have likely lost before you began because when it comes to debating these reactionaries winning is subjective and usually not their goal in arguing with you. But, I will get into that a little later. If you think in real time you are going to sway them to your side or induce them into admitting you are right you are on a fool's errand. The chances of that are highly unlikely.

The value in engaging these people doesn't necessarily come from convincing them but from other observers of the conversation. One of the interesting aspects of social media is that you never really know who is following your or someone else's post's thread. So many people will follow a post or comment thread but never comment nor hit the like/dislike button.

These people often are apolitical or lean slightly in one direction or the other. They are presumably more reasonable and open-minded. They aren't firmly tethered to an ideology so it makes them more vulnerable to being convinced.

So, the way you approach the conversation is important. How factual and logical you are can be vital.  These are the people you should want to reach.

Also, if you are truly tethered to your own principles, the way you approach these engagements can bring comfort and assuredness to those who are allies.

Now, how to proceed in these online conversations.

You are likely to see from the start what kind of person you are dealing with. People who are reasonable and intelligent are normally easy to detect because they will come at you respectfully. When it comes to these people have civil conversations, debate and get your viewpoints across.

This blog is about the people whom frankly tend to be ignorant, aggressive, confrontational. I am talking about the fools!

We have all dealt with them. Likely, we have been attacked by them. They are the people who are not necessarily concerned with facts but primarily interested in "owning the libs", triggering you and being able to crow to their buddies "I bagged a snowflake". Winning the argument is not important to them; getting you angry and frustrated is.

My number one rule is always remained focus. Stay on topic.

Rightwingers and reactionaries love to corner you. They do this by utilizing a strawman. For an example, I will use socialism. If the topic is the Progressive agenda and you mention Bernie Sanders and Democratic Socialism, like a drunk parrot they just repeat "Venezuela" over and over.

The purpose of this is simple. Everyone knows Venezuela is a disaster. It is an ostensibly socialist country. Venezuela embodies every socialist stereotype. War torn, abject poverty, despair. So, what they are doing when they bring up Venezuela is  to force you to decry it and it admit it's a disaster. The second you do that they will say, "See! You are admitting socialism is a fiasco and will ruin the country so why are you promoting it? Because you hate America!" Or, they may just use your "admission" to "expose" your naivety.

The way to combat that is to stay on topic. Admit that, yes, Venezuela is a fiasco but it is under authoritarian regime. The socialism Sanders is promoting is Democratic Socialism which is a system that features a mixed economy (socialism and capitalism). It is the Scandinavian style of government. Then explain that America is somewhat a mixed economy now because we already have socialist elements (social security, Medicare, police and fire departments).

The key is never allow them to box you in which is exactly a strawman's intention.

Another popular tactic is the non-sequitur. Recently, many rightwingers have equated people protesting racism and racial inequality with wanting a race war. The assertion is laughable on its face and some rather blatant projecting on their part.

The purpose of this is quite apparent. The non-sequitur is meant to undercut   the protests' intent. When they employ this silliness they are attempting to make the protests nefarious. It is an intentional mislead.

The same tactic was used against Colin Kaepernick's kneeling for the national anthem. Rightwingers said it was disrespectful to not only the flag but the troops. Kaepernick made it clear from the start why he was kneeling and why he chose kneeling as his form of protest. (Former teammate and Iraq War veteran, Nate Boyer, told him kneeling was respectful as opposed to him sitting during the anthem which is what he did previously.) Rightwingers and reactionaries knew this but because their real problem was with what Kaepernick was protesting more than the form of protest they made him kneeling the issue. It worked because before long the intended message was buried.

You can't allow these folks to do that. Again, stay focused. Stay on topic.

I found myself in these arguments frequently. I even had someone tell me (online) that Kap was disrespecting God by not standing for the anthem. After I briefly ridiculed the stunning stupidity of that statement I went right back to why Kap was protesting. Eventually, this person said "Whatever" and stopped arguing.

The most frequently used tactic I have encountered is the red herring. Rightwingers absolutely love employing them. The most notable use I have encountered is discussing Black Lives Matter-the group and the message.

As you know, the issues of police brutality against people of color (in particular black males) and the killing of unarmed black males has been a central topic in the mainstream for the better part of the last decade. However, rightwingers argue black people and our anti-racist movement white allies don't really care about black lives because of black on black crime and abortion.
So, every time any discussion turns toward police officers killing unarmed black people the drunk parrot reemerges decrying, "What about black on black crime?" Now, what you should mention and they conveniently gloss over is that black people kill each other at about the same percentage as white people kill each other. The same goes for every racial subgroup. Of course, they don't want to hear that because they are attempting to minimize cops murdering unarmed black people.

Abortion is used in the same manner. It is true abortions are higher among African-Americans than other groups. But, what rightwingers never want to acknowledge is the role poverty and lack of adequate access to birth control play and that they are generally against any policy that would approve both.

Like with the strawmen and non-sequiturs the key is to stay focused and know the facts.

What generally happens if you stay on topic is these rightwingers and reactionaries resort to ad hominem attacks. And, as I am sure many of you know, these attacks can be anywhere from infantile to vicious and threatening.

What people must understand is that many of these folks online are mainly interested in triggering and owning. They don't care about "winning" the argument. To them winning is either triggering you or inciting you to attack back so they can then turn it around on you saying, "See! These liberals are the vicious  and uncivil ones."

Their purpose is to get you to cry whether it is figuratively or literally. They want you to be so inside your own head that you essentially stay silent. With them it is all about intimidation.

They will just employ non-sequitur after non-sequitur and ad hominem after ad hominem in an effort to berate you. It is how they can intimidate online. It is similar to how they will attempt to intimidate in person by getting loud and invading your personal space.

My best advice is to hold your ground and have a line. Admittedly my line is pretty deep. In fact, I get told all the time I give folks way too much rope. Do not be like me but don't be quick to end conversations and block people either.

I believe in letting these clowns expose themselves. Once again, I'll say you never know who's watching and who is susceptible to being swayed. Be armed with facts, logic, intellect and maturity.

Never let them deflect because they will. If you make a point and they spew red herrings and nonsense. Respectfully but aggressively call them out on it. Either make them address whatever point you made or expose themselves as vapid frauds by continuously deflecting and refusing to materially acknowledge what you said.

As frustrating as it can be and as much as they reactionaries can make you want to inhale an entire kilo of the cola I firmly believe there is intrinsic value in debating these folks. Because, the best way to combat speech is with speech.

Also, for us on the left it is important to get our message and our actual values out in the discourse. We can't allow the right to set the narrative about us or them. The best way to set the narrative and move the project forward is being in the discussion.

And, it is vastly important to debunk rightwing and reactionary ideology. The best way to do that is directly engaging them online and allowing observers to see the conversation.

Now, please understand I am not saying to go pick fights with these fools. Because, frankly, getting into figurative brawls with them never ends well for our ilk. Also, I understand not everyone is equipped for debate. I am saying when the opportunity presents itself take the fight to them. Don't back down. Don't fall into  "civility" arguments. Being aggressive and convicted isn't being uncivil. That is just trite bullshit the right uses to silence us. Unfortunately, too many on the broader left always fall for it.

Let's keep it real here. We are at war so to speak. A definite authoritarian streak exists on the right. The guy they seem to worship is a wannabe clown fascist. The reactionaries most certainly want to suppress poc and other marginalized groups.

The more people who support this we can expose the better.

As with anything when on Facebook, Twitter, the Gram, whatever the platform be prepared and stand your ground.

Monday, August 24, 2020

The Diary Room Side-Eye; Week Three

 Week three in the Big Brother house saw Memphis winning HOH and putting Nicole Anthony and David on the block. He was looking to gun for Ian but Christmas derailed that plan when she won Safety Suite and decided to make Ian her "plus one" keeping him safe for the week.

His alliance (Christmas, Cody, Dani, Nicole Franzel and Tyler) were wanting either Kaysar or Janelle to go up on the block. However, Memphis said it was too early for big moves.

I believe he chose Nicole A because he really doesn't feel she deserves to be there. It should be noted she made it to the Final Four last season. He made it clear he doesn't think David deserves to be there. In fact, he has been rather rude to David from the beginning. Let me state here I don't think David is an all-star and the boy seems a bit clueless. However, there was no reason for Memphis to be the ass he has been to him.

David and Nicole A still had the Veto comp as a lifeline. But, Nicole A was out of the comp almost from the start. David, on the other hand, came to play. He lasted until the final three along with Tyler and Memphis before dropping out.

Although Tyler is in an alliance with Memphis he kept battling for the veto. Tyler likes David and wanted to take him off the block which would've possibly forced Memphis to replace him with Janelle or Kaysar. Something that Memphis seemed very reluctant to do. But, in the end it didn't matter because Memphis won veto keeping noms the same.

I imagine being on the block is hella stressful. I know I would be anxious as hell. But, it is interesting to see what it does to some people.

Nicole A really began panicking and getting in her own head. Thanks largely to Kevin she began believing Janelle and Kaysar (especially Janelle) were lying to her and actually working against her. Kevin was filling her head with all sorts of nonsense. That dude thinks he knows what is going on but doesn't know anything.

Nicole A was going to other people in the house to verify if her suspicions and what she was being told were true. Her two biggest confidants were Dani and Nicole F, whom of course were more than willing to trash Janelle. Dani sees Janelle as a threat which she should. "The Rat", Nicole F, has this irrational envy and jealousy of Janelle. Well, maybe it's not that irrational. Janelle is The Queen and is prettier, smarter, more well liked and just a better human being than Nicole. I am sure Nicole stans are triggered and will come after me but we have plenty experience seeing how Nicole F is about other females who garner more attention than she does. See Big Brother 16 with her attitude toward Brittany and Amber and Big Brother 18 with every woman in that house.

Anyway, Nicole A was convinced Janelle was backstabbing her and wanted to call a house meeting to call out The Queen. We all know whether it's Big Brother or The Real World house meetings never go well for the person who calls them. But, she was considering it and Tyler was encouraging her because he wanted to see a show. I can't say if it were me I wouldn't have been encouraging it also, but I would like to think my humanity would have stepped in and not allowed that girl to go into the lion's den. Janelle would stripped every bit of dignity and self-worth she had.

Thankfully for her sake she decided not to call the meeting. It would have been dumb anyway since Janelle and Kaysar were busting their asses to save her placing their own games in jeopardy.

While NicA was making an ass of herself David was busy doing his best to prove Memphis was right about him. I like the boy. I do. But, he seems a little.........touched. It doesn't appear he is the brightest bulb.

The  alliance wanted David to stay. But, that is only five votes since Memphis would only vote in case of a tiebreaker. So, David needed to secure one more vote and probably two since Memphis really doesn't seem to like him. Enter Da'Vonne and Bayleigh.

Da'Vonne made it clear she didn't want to vote against David because he's African-American and she wants to see an African-American make history and win. (Spoiler: David isn't the one. The boy ain't bright!) Bayleigh more or less agreed with this sentiment. Now, as a black person who is still salty af about Danielle Reyes (BB3) I totally understand where Da is coming from. I get it. Because,  black people do seem to get shit on in this game. That said I think this stance is a bit shortsighted and misguided. As NicA pointed out to Da why can't Da be that person to make history. In the short term keeping NicA is better for Da's game because she is a number for her and Bayleigh.

Well, Da'Vonne approached David and explained this to him. She opened up saying she was conflicted because she loves Nicole but didn't want to be responsible for evicting an African-American so early in the game. She wanted assurance from him that going with her moral center over her heart was the right move.

So, she asked him if he was in an alliance because NicA was aware Tyler and Christmas in particular wanted to keep him. This fool looks at her and says, "I don't want to answer that right now." Um, bruh, you  just did answer it. Exasperated Da retorted, "What does that mean?" He proceeds to tell her he has everything under control and to "bring it down". Visibly pissed Da'Vonne says, "Ok." Note: As Bay said in the diary room, Bro, never tell a woman to  "dial it down" and especially don't do it when that woman is Da'Vonne Rogers!

She expresses her frustration to Bay telling her she is really rethinking her vote.

Alas, Eviction night arrives. In her speech NicA lowkey calls out the alliance. She calls out Memphis by name. 

By a vote of 10-2 NicA is evicted from the Big Brother house. Enzo and Kevin were the two votes to keep her.

When she sat to talk with Julie she realized what kind of a dumbass she had been. Julie told her about the alliance and basically laid it out there what Nicole F said about Janelle was bullshit. Julie point blank told her Janelle and Kaysar spent the entire week attempting to save her.

I like NicA alot, but she was way too neurotic. Her bullshit detector isn't great. Listening to Kevin, Nicole F, Christmas and Dani likely got her evicted.

Next, it was time to crown a new HOH. It was the beer stein comp which I like. Enzo jumped out to the early lead. But, midway through Tyler took first place and never relinquished it making Tyler the new Head of Household.

It was pretty clear who Tyler was targeting, Janelle and Kaysar. First, they are two of, if not the best players in the house. Second, they had four of the  alliance figured out (Tyler, Cody, Dani and Nicole F). Third, with the exception of maybe Memphis the alliance wanted them out week one.

But, before noms was the final Safety Suite. Dani, Memphis, Nicole and Enzo  competed. Janelle asked Memphis if he won it would he save her. Memphis said he would but it was obvious he wasn't interested. In fact, in the diary room Memphis said he would throw it.

Memphis did indeed throw it. Nicole was awful. Dani did really well but Enzo beat her out by 20 seconds. As his "plus one" Enzo chose Christmas.

So, that led up to nominations. In the most predictable noms ever Tyler chose Kaysar and Janelle.

It is pretty clear they have to win Veto. One of them will be going home.

Before I wrap this week's blog up I have to mention Nicole and her bullshit. She nominated Janelle as a "have not". When she did she made a snide comment about Janelle talking about her. In true Nicole fashion she then acted apologetic for allowing her "inner voice" to slip and insisted she didn't mean to say it. Of course, she did though. She made a weak ass attempt to apologize but Janelle called her out on her bs.

It is true Janelle threw her name out for nominations last week. Janelle is not a fake person and knows Nicole is fraudulent af and has earned her rat moniker. It was clear on opening night that Janelle wasn't interested in Nicole's fake ass "innocent farm girl" routine.

Nicole is obviously jealous of Janelle as I mentioned earlier in the blog. Let's keep it 100 here. Nicole is jealous of every woman.

The fact is I know the Janelle haters and Nicole stans will come at me but whatevs. Nicole is pathetically insecure and fake.

She has spent the last few days crying because Janelle has been "mean" to her. By The Queen's standards she has actually taken it easy on The Rat. The Janelle from seasons 6 and 7 would've gone all in and made that ridiculous child self-evict.

Say what you want about The Queen but she's real. One of the reasons Janelle is, always has been and always will be my favorite is because she doesn't stand for bullshit, frontin and weakness. Janelle has always been a down ass chick and love or hate her you know what you're getting.

Nicole, on the other hand, slithers around stabbing people in the back and then plays the victim when she's called out. Da'Vonne knows that better than anyone.

Janelle is likely going home Thursday which will suck. I just hope the old Janelle comes back for a couple of days and blows Nicole's game up.

I will cover it in next week's blog but Nicole has already set her sights on her next target playing the victim while being a whiny manipulator. The problem this time she is in a house full of real legends and queens. Although they are in her alliance Christmas and Dani are already seeing right through The Rat's ratchetness. If God is smiling down on me that chick will not be long for this game.

I don't want to see Kaysar go but I hope my Big Brother crush for the last 16 years can pull off some magic and stay. Regardless which of Kaysar or Janelle stay the rest of the house may be in for a turbulent summer.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

The Diary Room Side-Eye: Week Two

 This past week in the Big Brother house started off rather uneventfully.

Cody, the HOH, had nominated Kevin and Keesha for nominations. It was a typical first week nomination. Cody stated he didn't have a connection with either Kev or Keesh. And, if you remember, his original targets (Kaysar and Janelle) were safe thanks to Kaysar's win in the Safety Suite.

Both nominees decided to save themselves by floating around the house. They also knew Veto was still to be played which winning was the only way to ensure safety.

Keesha turned to her social game. Kevin, on the other hand, decided to grovel and whine. He went to Enzo, Ian, David and the HOH Cody to help him stay. It was a bit pathetic if you ask me.

Anyway, the Veto comp was played. Enzo won the comp, which consisted of stacking as much plastic fruit as possible without the stack falling. Kevin literally had the comp won with 19 pieces but instead of hitting the buzzer he decided to continue stacking. His stack fell which allowed Enzo to win with 18 pieces.

Predictably Enzo did not use the Power of Veto. As he stated, it was too early in the game to be making big moves. Besides, Cody didn't want the Veto used because understandably he didn't want anymore blood on his hands.

After Veto it became pretty apparent Keesha was the target for eviction. Her allies, Kaysar and Janelle, tried to sway some votes but were unsuccessful.

So, Thursday night came, which is eviction night. Am I the only one who gets excited for eviction night even when I know what is going to happen? Maybe it's just my weird ass.

Well, I did know what was going to happen. The gorgeous Keesha, who just happened to be one of my picks for Final Three and one of the true queens of Big Brother, was evicted. What somewhat surprised me that is was 13-0. I figured Kaysar or Janelle would throw her a sympathy vote. Hell, I thought Memphis maybe would. He didn't.

I hate Keesha left so early. Personally, I would've much rather seen Kevin go. And, no, not just because of my prediction but because I think Keesha would've added so much more than Kevin will. By the way I will get into Kevin's dunbfuckery in next week's blog.

It came time for the HOH comp. Janelle and Kaysar believed they had to win it to keep from going on the block.

The comp was close. Janelle was on her game, but it wasn't enough. Memphis became the new HOH.

With Memphis as the HOH it was unclear to me whom he would put on the block. My initial thought was Kaysar and The Queen.

Considering it's only the second week he could go with safer choices. For example, no reason Kevin couldn't go up again.

It was pretty clear who wasn't going up. Cody, Christmas, The Rat Nicole F, Dani and Tyler are all in an alliance with Memphis. But, Memphis was wanting everyone to play Safety Suite which Nicole F, Dani and Tyler rightfully balked. They didn't want their pass wasted. They all saw right through the bs and knew Memphis was trying to keep his ass safe for next week.

However, Christmas and Cody decided to play. In fact, most of the house played.

Christmas came out the winner. She chose Ian as her "plus one". She wanted to protect someone who isn't in her alliance so that she doesn't give away any clues whom she is an alliance with. It also gives her another ally in Ian whom will owe her because Memphis is gunning for him. That said Memphis was okay with Ian being safe because he feels he will have the opportunity to get Ian.

Well, with Ian not an option Memphis decided to put up David and Nicole A. Memphis' speech to David was a bit harsh and unnecessary. He obviously doesn't think David deserves to be there. He had named David a "have not" citing he thinks David "will break".

When this all actually took place Friday night Facebook and Twitter were abuzz about what Memphis had said. Actually watching it what Memphis said wasn't exactly in the realm of what it was being portrayed. Of course, it was also edited to put Memphis in a better light.  However, I thought he was out of line. Of course, David isn't an all-star, but he hasn't done anything while in the house that deserved Memphis being such a dick to him.

It is somewhat unclear who the target for eviction is. I think Memphis would rather see Nicole A go because he views her as more of a threat and she didn't obey him about playing in the Safety Suite. Whereas with David he acts like he is some frat brother teaching a pledge he doesn't particularly care for a lesson.

It will be interesting to see how Veto plays out. I hope David can pull it off. I like the dude. He seems goodhearted and laid back.

Let me just say Memphis rubs me the wrong way. I can't quite put my finger on it but something about that guy doesn't sit well. He seems arrogant and entitled for no real reason. I mean, Bruh, you lost to Dan Gheesling 7-0 in season 10! He took you to the Final Two. While you're shitting on David some would say you're not an all-star but I digress.

Before I go let me say something the live feeders and daily blog followers are well aware of. I like Nicole A. She seems like a sweet chick and very down to earth. But, homegirl needs to check herself wanting to go after Janelle. I know some folks are about to be triggered but triggered you'll have to be. Janelle just isn't a queen. She is THE QUEEN! The Queen is the master of the side-eye, throwing shade, dragging a mf'er and snatchin wigs. This silly girl better tread lightly. She will go somewhere she will not come back from. I hope somebody in that house snatches her silly ass up and talks some sense into her. Gurlllllll,  you don't want that smoke! Trust and believe that!

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Systemic Racism Should Be The Movement's Focus

 Along with the Covid pandemic the anti-racist movement has been at the forefront of the news cycle this summer.

It was late May when the murder of George Floyd ignited a powder keg of frustrations and was the culmination of a series of racially motivated murders and incidents that sparked what has become daily protests demanding an end to racial injustice and police brutality. The protests began in Minneapolis, the site of the George Floyd murder, but quickly spread to cities and towns all across America. Because of the protests more attention was brought to the Ahmaud Arbery murder at the hands of racist "vigilantes in Georgia, the Louisville police murder of first responder Breonna Taylor while she slept her home and an incident in Central Park featuring a white jogger, Amy Cooper, calling the police on a black bird watcher, Christian Cooper, falsely telling the police he was "threatening" her and her dog all because she was offended he politely asked her to leash her dog because the dog was scaring away the birds.

These protests brought forth a national reckoning on police brutality, police interaction and attitude toward people of color, racial injustice, racial inequality and racism as a whole. For the first time in a long time Americans were forced to look at the way poc (particularly black people) were treated in this country and acknowledge racism is a bit more prevalent than they wanna admit.

As people took their grievances and demands to the streets (the vast majority peacefully protesting) and to social media it became clear that this wasn't going away anytime soon. People were demanding change take place now. However, the direction the demand for change should go wasn't so clear.

The woke types seemed to be more focused on interpersonal racism and racist symbols. Confederate statues were being forcibly taken down. The Confederate flag became a pointed debate topic. In fact, NASCAR decided to enforce a rule that had actually been decided in 2015 banning the Confederate flag from all races. Racist stereotypes and images such as Aunt Jemima came under scrutiny eventually being removed. Several white animated voice over actors who were voicing black characters stepped down from their roles. The Dixie Chicks and Lady Antebellum changed their names to The Chicks and Lady A respectively. And, of course, there was the cringey annoying white liberal folks (especially Hollywood peeps and the brie cheese eating/Starbucks chai tea sippin types) who decided they needed to yet again reevaluate checking their privilege further bastardizing and watering down the term.

Now, there has also been the more earnest sincere anti-racist allies who feel they must work on individuals in their orbit to be more aware, self-reflective and less bigoted. People who feel ending interpersonal racism and bigotry is the key ending inequality and injustice.

While fighting interpersonal racism and holding each other accountable is something we should all definitely do it is not where our focus should be.

For us to competently fight racism we have to end systemic racism and discrimination.

The fact is we are never going to rid ourselves of the scourge that is interpersonal racism. Sadly, there will always be bigots, racists and supremacists. Human beings are what they are. Again, that doesn't mean we don't stop trying to change people because we do. Just understand if your end game is to totally eradicate people hating or judging others based upon their race or ethnicity your efforts are in vain. Besides, changing individuals doesn't solve the material problems.

Ending racial inequality and injustice has to be done at their roots, the system.

Now, many people on the right and the center and frankly, the neoliberal left of center will tell you systemic racism isn't actually a thing. All of these different groups have slightly nuanced versions of why systemic racism is not the problem. But, they share the same core reason for making these assertions, which are so obviously asinine, which is they are protecting their power.

People on the right will tell you the stroke of the pen signing the 1964 Civil Rights Act, 1965 Voting Rights Act (which the Supreme Court gutted in 2012) and the 1968 Fair Housing Act eradicated systemic racism. They  insist because those laws forbade anyone from discriminating against poc systemic racism was ended forever. You know, because people never break the law and there are never loopholes or entities that simply don't enforce the law. So, the system is fine and only infrequently needs a tweak or two.

Centrists and Neoliberals take a slightly different tact. They are very willing to concede there are racists and there is even some systemic racism. However, they insist the solution isn't to look at the system but to focus on the individuals within the system.

Here is where pseudo-woke culture and corporate wokism were born. Their approach is to have workshops and training that focus on telling white folks  that they are inherently racist while instructing poc to check white folks' privilege and obsess over micro-aggressions. This culture also encourages white folks to constantly reevaluate their attitudes and behavior toward poc which isn't necessarily a bad thing except that the premise is these white folks can never really achieve true wokeness. Because, if they did, these corporate trainers would see their revenue streams dry up and corporations could not constantly push the narrative of how "down" and woke they are.

Does it sound like I am being too cynical? Good! You should be too! All of this bullshit is used to distract and divert away from the fact that these companies don't pay their employees (of any color) anywhere near well enough or that poc and members of marginalized groups are sprinkled throughout management but their representation isn't usually close to adequate or the fact many of these bigger companies and corporations are purveyors of gentrification which disproportionately negatively affects poc and hiring practices are often racist and multiple studies have proven it so.

The system is the problem. I know this triggers people but some of y'all really have to stop being effin snowflakes! Generational wealth is such a major factor. Black people literally are 225 years behind.

 I bring this up because banking is another systemic issue. African-Americans with the same exact financial credentials as their white counterparts are approved for loans at substantially lower rates.

There are fewer banks located in predominantly black areas and those banks are given less capital from the federal government.

Because fewer banks are located in areas predominantly of color and it's fundamentally more difficult for poc to establish bank accounts many poc are forced to utilize payday lenders. These payday lenders are predatory and woefully under regulated.

Housing is another issue where systemic racism is prevalent. Despite the 1968 Fair Housing Act African-Americans are purchasing houses at the same rate they did in 1951! And, while the 1968 Fair Housing Act was supposed to eliminate redlining, a systematic tool used by loan and mortgage companies to deny black people bank loans and the ability to purchase homes as well as devaluing property value in predominantly neighborhoods of color, as recently as 2015 companies were cited by the federal government for using redlining and their is no indication it has stopped. In fact, the Trump Administration has eased regulations and rules designed to prevent any redlining from taking place.

Earlier I mentioned hiring practices. Numerous studies within the last couple of years have shown that employers are almost 1/3 less likely to give online job applicants with  "urban" or ethnic sounding names a first interview and applicants of color are over 1/3 less likely to receive a second interview than their white counterparts. Those same studies have shown felons of color and with "non traditional sounding names" are 2/3 less likely to receive an interview.

Systemic racism and classism exist in  education. I would argue besides the justice system there is no more explicit example of the prevalence of systemic racism than what exists in this country's educational system.

It seems with every passing day education is becoming more and more devalued in our society. Frankly, the right doesn't appear to care about education at all. And, Democrats don't care enough. Whenever it's time to slash state and federal budgets one of the first items placed on the chopping block is education spending. Everyone says education "is essential" but apparently not essential enough to fund.

These constant budget reductions affect innercity and urban areas, which are usually largely of color, the most. These school systems are already fighting from behind because of the asinine means test of how schools are funded. Funding is based upon property taxes.

Needless to say, lower income areas are going to have less tax revenue which means less money for schools. By the way rural area schools are also negatively affected by this nonsense.

Because of the shortage in funding both innercity and rural schools don't have enough books for classes. It causes a shortage in teachers which subsequently leads to larger classrooms. Of course, the more students per class means less time teachers have to give students individually. The resources schools have not only for teachers but "extracurricular activities" that have proven to be instrumental in children's development are scarce and in some cases nonexistent. The school buildings and the equipment inside is usually out of date or inferior which, of course, becomes a hindrance in providing a quality education and positive environment.

As I stated this affects rural schools but often has a devastating affect on many students of color. Receiving a basic education preparing one for college or vocational school or going straight into the workplace is right along with housing, food and medical care as things that are not only rights but inarguably vital to one's survival.

Finally, there is the justice system. Look, I have really tired of arguing with disingenuous rightwingers who pretend there is no bias in the judicial system. Their arguments are frankly stupid and wrong and they know it. They simply don't want to admit it.

I could sit here listing numerous...copious examples of racial bias within the judicial system. But, like I said I have no more space for bullshit.

The fact is despite the tropes and not so thinly veiled racist narratives some love to spin the majority of black people aren't committing crimes nor are the majority of crimes committed by black people. For example,black and white people use/sell drugs at the same rate. However, black people (especially black men) are arrested and convicted more than their white counterparts. In addition with the same parameters being involved black people convicted of nonviolent drug offenses are routinely given harsher sentences than their white counterparts.

These sentence patterns exist for other crimes as well. The darker the skin the harsher the sentence is likely to be. This is partially why mass incarceration is such an issue.
Now, the right will have you believe this is all the fault of Joe Biden and the Clintons. Without question Biden wrote the crime bill; Hillary Clinton provided massive input and Bill Clinton, as president, signed the 1994 crime bill. What rightwingers fail to mention is they, too, supported the bill and in fact, didn't think it went far enough. They along with corporatist Democrats have continuously propped up the private prison industry which of course targets poc.

Oh, and lest I mention explicitly the  "War on Drugs" that has specifically targeted poc and the poor. The war on drugs has been a bi-partisan effort. Do not allow anyone to tell you differently.

So, there is a laundry list of examples highlighting systemic racism in this country. For us to see true material equality come to poc the system must be held to account and restructured.

Tweaking and reforming aren't enough. The people in power want us to believe it is and they're the ones to do it. No! Because, they will do what they have always done and simply make aesthetic changes with a few (very few) substantive changes. Changes you can be assured will not in any meaningful way affect their power and status and most certainly will not positively affect our lives.

Time for some folks to be triggered. You were warned. Our system was built upon white supremacy, racism and classism. Full stop. If you can't acknowledge that or wanna get in your feelings here's some lemons to go along with your salty tears.

While things have improved from where they once were this system hasn't fundamentally changed. It does everything it can to predetermine winners and losers. Truth is your family name and the zip code you are born in has as much in determining your destiny as anything.

Sure, there are some poc who are immensely successful. That has always been the case. We just have more now than, say, 50 years ago. But, judging poc's status by pointing to Oprah, Jo-Lo and LeBron James is idiotic! Because, how many poc who are "doing well" that aren't singers or media moguls or elite athletes? How many poc are in management positions? How many poc are in  corporations with realistic chances of advancement?

And, make no mistake there are poc who are heavily invested in maintaining the current system. They have made it so to hell with everyone else.

Look no further than the Congressional Black Caucus to see this illustrated. I am not saying there aren't good people in that caucus who haven't done some good things. But, let's keep it real. Almost all of those Congress people are corporatists and Neoliberals. They worry more about their donors and financial interests than the people they serve. If this weren't true they would be wielding their power and influence to reshape this system and put a real end to racial inequality and injustice.

I no longer have time to fuck around here. None of us who are actually committed to the anti-racist and anti-classism movement can afford to be passive or misguided.

I mentioned the symbolic gestures earlier. There is a reason these people applaud these things. Again to pick on the CBC but surely you noticed their relative silence during the first couple of weeks of protests but their "approval" of those dusty ass Confederate statues being taken down. Why do you think that is? Taking down those shitty ass statues doesn't change anything. It is all aesthetic. But, the actual protests were focused (mostly) on changing this system and calling to the carpet any and everyone upholding it. Changing the system is effin with their power and money!

We have to be focused and remained focus on the system. The way to do that is pay attention. Partake in electoral politics. Support groups and factions that are truly interested in seeing folks' lives materially changed for the better.

Local politics are vital. Support the most progressive candidates for the PTA, school board, city councils, district attorney, local judges and mayor. Get people who have your best interest into positions of power. When it comes to state politics do the same thing. If there are no progressive candidates support the ones who will have the most harm reduction and work on getting them to the right position. If they don't do it, find  more progressive people for the next election.

Look, this exactly how Republicans took over state and local governments. They focused on getting their people in and working from the grassroots. We must do the same.

Elections have consequences. Pay attention. Vote!

This system is going to change itself. If we want change, this broad multiracial multiethnic multi-faith coalition has to work together. Systemic racism, racial inequality and police brutality will end when we get people into power whom actually give a shit about ending these scourges.

Our issues are systemic! As Public Enemy said, "Fight the powers that be!"

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Diary Room Side-Eye: Week One

 Big Brother 22 All-Stars kicked off this past Wednesday, August 5th. It was so good to have our summer pastime back!

Before I get to deep into night one's happenings let's talk about the cast. Overall I like the cast. A few I could do without. And, frankly, the term "all-star" might have been stretched with a few of them but they did assemble an eclectic group.

Let's begin with whom off the bat I don't like. As far as I am concerned public enemy #1 is Nicole F. I didn't like her in #BB17 and I despised her in #BB18. Her "just down home girl on the farm" routine was bs the first time I saw it and is just trite bs now! She is as sneaky and fake as anyone who played the game. She was whining about how nobody felt she earned her BB18 win. Uh, Boo, that is because you didn't!
Others on my not so favorite list are Ian, Enzo, Memphis, Bayleigh, Kevin and Ian.

I give Ian mad props because he is one of the best to play the game. Along with Nicole he is the only actual winner on the cast. The fact he is on "the spectrum" and navigated that house with such precision is not only admirable but highly impressive. He is just someone I could never get into. I don't hate him. I just don't necessarily care for the guy.

I have to be honest in saying I wasn't completely keyed in on Enzo's season (BB12) nor Kevin's (BB11). I had two sons playing baseball every night. But, Enzo acts like one would think a guy named Enzo would act. I am not huge into the whole self-aggrandizing thing unless you are THE QUEEN who I will get to momentarily.

As for Kevin, I get a serious Frankie vibe off of him and that is a huge turnoff for me. It is all a bit too much pretentiousness for my taste.

I could be wrong about these two and they could grow on me. I remember Jason and James from BB17 and I couldn't stand them initially. But, I really learned to like James and Jason is one of my all-time favorites.

That leaves Memphis and Bayleigh. Honestly, I don't dislike Memphis really. I just don't vibe with the dude. He seems to have this preppy jock quality about him. And, despite the fact he hates hearing it, he got to the Final 2 on Season 10 because of Dan.

I want to like Bayleigh. She was the victim of some disgusting behavior last year. However, she is a bit too fake for me. Her modern day Whitley Gilbert act doesn't do it for me.

Next, are the people I am somewhat ambivalent about. Tyler, David, Nicole Anthony and Dani. Tyler is an excellent player. Nicole A is also very good. David is not an all-star, but I understand why he is there. He didn't receive an actual opportunity last season and was evicted without a vote.

Then, there is Dani. Dani is a star. She is one of the best players to play the game. She is smart and cunning. She just has never been someone whom evokes strong feelings (good or bad).

Next, are people I like (but not necessarily love). Christmas and Keesha are BB princesses but for different reasons.

I like Christmas and did from day one of BB19. However, she had no business in the Final Three. The narrative about her finishing third bothers her but the fact is her breaking her leg was a blessing in disguise. She was no longer seen as a target when before the injury she was a legitimate threat. Paul dragged her with him because he knew he would beat her in Final Two.

Keesha is awesome too. She has a great social game which is key in that house. Yes, she is stunningly gorgeous but she was able to disarm people because she is just likeable.

Finally, my favorites. Kaysar is the best player to never win the game. I said what I said. Kaysar is as intelligent and crafty as anyone whom has ever played. The numbers always get him.

I don't care what anyone says Cody is a beast too. Yes, Derrick was the mastermind in Season 16. But, he doesn't get to end without Cody. Cody has a terrific social game and is a comp beast. It will be interesting to see how he plays without Derrick but I have a feeling he will be just fine.

A lot of people hate Da'Vonne and I am not completely sure why. Da is real. Maybe that's the issue. That realness and what I believe is some really jacked up insecurity from certain folks caused her to have early exits in her two appearances (BB17, BB18). But, she seems different this time. She is calmer. I believe she realizes she has to stay under the radar.

Last but Lawd knows certainly isn't least is THE QUEEN, Janelle. I already know the hate is coming. Don't care. Janelle is the Big Brother Queen and Goddess. Nobody has been able to play the game with the brains, beauty and cunningness Janelle has all while throwing mad shade and not giving one f***! What I have always appreciated about Janelle is she is as real as they come. She is drop dead gorgeous and doesn't mind telling you so. She is a diva without question. But,  that realness gives her an edge that makes her a boss! Unfortunately, I think that edge will do what it has always done which is get her far but not far enough. From what I saw on night one she is not going to change which is why I love her! She was giving all sorts of side-eyes to Nicole F because Janelle sees right through her fake crap.

For the rest of night one the houseguests were introduced in groups of four. Immediately upon entering the house they played a comp. The comp determined who played in the season's first Head of Household  (HOH) comp.

Cody, Memphis, Christmas, Nicole A, Kevin and Ian advanced.

The comp was each player had to go across these pods without falling until they reached the other side hitting their buzzer. The fastest time wins HOH.

Memphis went first with a time just over a minute. Next, was Cody who finished the comp in 22 seconds. Nicole A, Kev and Ian didn't come close. Christmas gave it a good effort but she fell short as well making Cody the first HOH.

Cody immediately looked at Janelle and Kaysar as potential nominations. While I don't want to see either of those two go especially not this early it was a very wise decision on Cody's part. Along with Dani, Kaysar and Janelle are old school players. They think long term. And, they are the smartest people in the house.

However, a wrench was thrown into Cody's plans because the first twist of the season, the Safety Suite. Kaysar was the beneficiary and he was able to take a "plus one". He chose Janelle so Cody had to come up with a new plan.

He began focusing on Keesha. Which by the way is problematic for a prediction of mine that I will get to here in a moment.

An assumption going around the house was that Cody would put up Keesha and Memphis with Keesha as the pawn. However, that was not the case. Cody put up Keesha and Kevin with Kevin as the pawn.

So, now we'll have to see what happens with the Veto comp, which actually took place Saturday, August 8th. The Veto Ceremony will take place sometime Monday afternoon, August 10th. Both events will air on CBS Wednesday, August 12th. Out of respect for those who don't have the live feeds or read spoilers I will do my level best to not give anything away. I want to adhere to the television scheduled airings.

I hate to see Keesha on the block. One, I like her but more importantly it could throw a huge wrench into my predictions. I was going to predict Keesha, Cody and Da'Vonne will be the Final Three. Of course, now, this prediction could blow up in my face. But, I will be principled and stick with it. The Veto could give Keesha life or she might be able to talk her way out of eviction. She has turned on her social game.

I would love to see Kaysar and Janelle who have already teamed up get to the end but I really think that is a long shot. I would hope they just make it to jury. My hope is they'll team up with Da and either Memphis or Christmas because that would be a helluva an alliance.

I am so ecstatic Big Brother is on! The year 2020 has been crazy and awful for a myriad of reasons, but having BB in my life for the next three months will hopefully bring some normalcy and much needed drama that isn't my own. I may write a short blog after Veto Wednesday night but if not I will definitely be back next Sunday.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Continuing Michael Brooks' Project

 Since Michael Brooks' untimely death much discussion has taken place regarding his legacy and his project. Most of Michael's supporters and fans have bantered about how best to keep his memory alive and move the project forward.

The Michael Brooks Show (TMBS) producers, Matt Lech and David Griscom, along with his sister, Lisha Brooks have vowed to continue the show and do so in its original format. They have stated a few times within the last 10 days or so that TMBS will be back to airing on Patreon and YouTube within the next couple of weeks.

Without question Matt, David and Lisha will pick up torch and be our leaders. It should go without saying their efforts will be buttressed by Progressive and Leftist voices like Ana Kasparian, Nando Vila, Nomiki Konst, Wosny Lambre (Big Wos), Ben Burgis, Alyona Minkovski, Brandon Sutton, Milton Allimadi Joshua Kahn Russell and so many more. But, where does that leave the thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of Michael's patrons, subscribers, listeners and viewers? What is our role?

Well, as TMBS community member, Jay Whitcher put it "We are Michael's project."

Michael's project is multifaceted but at its core is the people. Perhaps more specifically it is those of us on the Left who believe in what Mike believed in.

Of course, he believed in the staple Progressive/Democratic Socialist policies such as Medicare For All, universal housing, a living wage, criminal justice reform, food security, a broad social safety net, and an economic system that works for each and every person instead of a select few. But, he believed these things must not only come to fruition for Americans but everyone across the globe. Michael was a true left internationalist.

The Michael Brooks project goal is to see solidarity among the American Left and for that solidarity to extend universally across the world from Brazil to the UK to India to South Africa to Australia. He believed for the Left to be truly strong their must be solidarity among the many movements across the globe and for those movements to unite into a cohesive coalition. Now, that doesn't mean we become a monolith because he understood there will be disagreements and each country's politics has nuances. However, we should all have common goals and an end game of seeing a Democratic Socialist economic and foreign policy structure put in motion that sees a multiracial multiethnic multi-faith multinational working class that is placed as the priority. Mike believed in a system that featured equality of opportunity whose foundation was bolstered by a broad social safety net that eliminated poverty and a working poor.

Brooks understood for this project to succeed it must center around regular working class people and not systems built to coddle and protect the top 1%, white supremacy and an elite class who is always looking to imisserate and disenfranchise.

So, where do we fit in? The answer is where we have always fit in. Doing our part to better this world. Looking out for each other. As Michael said, "Be ruthless with systems. But, be kind to people."

We have to be involved. Be informed. Be cognizant of our world. We have to support left independent media. That doesn't mean all left media because, frankly, some of it is woefully lacking and some of it is just reactionary rudderless hot garbage. I said what I said.

Support those we know have our back and our guiding us in good faith. Obviously, continue supporting TMBS giving Matt, Griscom and Lisha all the support we can and then some. Support people like Ana, Nomi, Wos, Krystal Ball, The Majority Report with Sam Seder, Kyle Kulinski, The Humanist Report, The Young Turks, The Damage Report, The Antifada, Useful Idiots with Matt Taibbi and Katie Halper, Milton Allimadi and the numerous other of good informative insightful left commentators. Please continue to obtain the wisdom of folks like Cornell West, Harvey Kaye, Daniel Bessner, Ben Burgis, Abby Martin, Richard Wolfe, and Dave Rubin. Joking about Rubin, of course.

Something I heard Michael, as well as Sam Seder, say often is politics is local.  So, pay attention to not only the presidency, the Senate and the House but your city and state politics. This is something I definitely need to infinitely get better at myself. If you are someone who feels the calling to run for office, do it. Canvas, phone bank and knock on doors for any Progressive or DSA or Justice Democrat in your area. For those people abroad do the same for any leftist candidates in your local and regional area elected offices.

  One of the reasons the rightwing has seemingly so much control is they focused on city councils, mayors offices, local judgeships and state houses. They obtained power locally and it filtered up. They have a project and for all their reactionary ways they are strategic and implement that strategy.

Mike often talked about the Left obtaining power and being strategic. Every week on TMBS and "Michael Thursdays" on The Majority Report he would emphatically stress the Left's need for gaining power and the importance of having a strategy and a broad view of the bigger picture. He would celebrate the victories but always kept in perspective that we have ahead of us substantially so much more hard work.

We must acquire and keep up that same laser focus and energy. Yes, naturally, celebrate victories like Cori Bush, Rashida Tlaib, AOC, Ayanna Pressley, Jamal Bowman and Mondaire Jones but understand we must press forward to ensure Ilhan Omar and Kara Eastman win. We have to increase our numbers. And, then continue to push Progressive candidates to continue to seek progressive policies that will materially affect positively the lives of working class and poor people and policies that will better our foreign policy.

Also, support our brothers and sisters to the north and the south and those abroad so their lives are bettered and lifted out of poverty. We all must become internationalists.

Because, the reality is we are all in this struggle together. We will only achieve victory and see the project through when we become selfless and pull for the person next to us and behind us. As Bernie Sanders said, "Not me. Us."

The Michael Brooks project is multiracial, multiethnic, multinational and spiritual. That includes those who aren't spiritual or who are atheist. Regardless of our faith or lack thereof or are identity we are in a global class struggle and our very existence is at stake. We don't have time or capacity for petty differences or disingenuous people. It is time we pull together and see the entire forest.

If we want to honor Mike's memory and legacy, we need...we MUST come together in solidarity. Further his project. Support each other. I recently heard the Queen, Ana Kasparian, say,"On the left it is like a family. Sometimes you feel so alone. It seems we are so isolated. It is why we have to pull together and become stronger." As often is the case, she is right. We are family.

The Left is a place of diverse opinion and nuance thought. Contrary to the vacuous narrative Conservatives and the rightwing frequently propagate the Left can be quite eclectic. Because of this we tend to have some nonsensical petty as fuck in-fighting.

But, we can no longer afford that. Michael said this often. We are fighting not only the onset of global clown fascism but wide ranging neoliberalism and corporatism. We are battling shitty corporate media narratives and an ever increasing cynicism and apathy among the citizenry that creates vacuums where shameless fake populist grifters like Trump, Bolsonaro and Johnson slide into power bringing austerity, crypto-racism and low rent authoritarianism with them. These menaces must be defeated.

This can be done with a broad internationalist sincere left agenda being pushed.

Let's get the fuckin shit done! For Michael! For Matt, David, and Lisha! For our other left and Democratic Socialist leaders and influencers. For each other!



Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Diary Room Side-Eye: Introduction

Welcome to the Diary Room Side-Eye!

This is the introductory post. Every Sunday evening (hopefully) I will post a new blog detailing the week's events, providing analysis and giving some predictions for Big Brother 22 All-Stars. I will cover the Veto comp and subsequent Veto ceremony which airs on Wednesday nights along with Thursday night's broadcast which features the weekly eviction. I also will go over the Head of Household comp and the possible implications from the results.

I am a Big Brother superfan and I love to write. So I decided what better way to combine two of my loves than to start a weekly blog.

I have been waiting years for an all-stars show. Finally it is here. I could do without some of the houseguests who will be there and would like to see others. I will provide my more specific critiques of the cast on Sunday. Allow me to say, however, I am elated Da'Vonne, Janelle, Cody and Kaysar will be in the house.

Big Brother is one of my favorite shows and is my undisputed #1 favorite reality show! I have been kicking around the idea of a weekly blog or YouTube channel for a few years. Now, I have finally decided to do it.

I hope to bring some sound critiques, insightful analysis and some humorous quasi diary room type takes. I love the game and find it along with the social experiment fascinating.

I hope you enjoy and keep coming back every week as a reader. I welcome comments and criticism. I want to do right by our summertime guilty pleasure and favorite show.

I will be back Sunday evening after the CBS broadcast.

R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!