Saturday, February 23, 2019

Jussie Smollett's F***ery Is Beyond Damaging To Hate Crime Victims

The Misogyny Subculture: Crypto-Misogynists (Part 5)

Within the misogyny subculture the red pill/blue pill/black pill philosophy is the main cornerstone of the movement. As previously discussed incels adopt both the red pill and black pill approaches, which are nihilism and fatalism respectively. MGTOW (Men Who Go Their Own Way) largely adopt the red pill philosophy but with a spin of isolationism or at the very least a "soft" boycott of women and relationships which includes children. (I say "soft" because most MGTOW will have casual sex but nothing more.) And, both groups generally display a moderate level of contempt for blue pills because they believe they're naive and "cucks".

Red pill has another offshoot which encompasses the approach and philosophy of incels and mgtow. It is a group of men who don't identity as an incel or mgtow but are certainly sympathizers of both. They are what I refer to as crypto-misogynists.

Some would say crypto-misogynists are essentially the men's right movement. These men basically believe men are oppressed. They feel women are provided all the advantages in society. The core philosophy, not unlike incels and mgtow, is there is an effort (whether it be implicit or explicit) to oppress men. Some, also like the other groups, believe there is a genocide of men taking place.

So, what distinguishes crypto-misogynists from incels and mgtow? Well, as with all these groups the differences are subtle but do exist.

Crypto-misogynists are not celibate, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, like incels and mgtow. Dissimilar from mgtow they seek serious relationships with women and desire to have a family.

They don't wallow in self-pity. Nor, do they engage in activities which are self-defeating and provide fuel for a self-fulfilling prophecy in the manner incels do.

To the contrary crypto-misogynists are quite confident. Actually, it's closer to toxic arrogance.

In fact, crypto-misogynists can be sanctimonious and sacrosanct. Whereas mgtow have sworn off women because they believe most of them are "skanks" just looking for a "sugar daddy and baby maker", crypto-misogynists also believe many women are "skanks" but there are enough women out there who are worthy of a relationship and starting a family.

Crypto-misogynists believe in hypergamy (80/20 rule), although they soften it a bit more than mgtow who soften it more than incels. For those unfamiliar with the term hypergamy, it is the practice of women dating and sexing only men who are above their financial, social and sexually attractive level. The 80/20 rule states 80% of women will only seek after the top 20% of men.

So, crypto-misogynists look for potential mates in the 20% of women who don't practice hypergamy. Where mgtow "respects" that 20% but doesn't want to chance it and incels don't think the 20% are good enough (cue in the irony) crypto-misogynists believe these women get it and haven't been corrupted.

Corrupted? By what you might ask. Oh now, kids, you know what. All together now.....FEMINISM!

Yes, exactly like the other groups, the foundation of crypto-misogynists' philosophy and worldview is a virulent and intense disdain for feminism and feminists.

These guys believe feminism has essentially brainwashed women into believing men are "trash" and their only purpose is to be used. They fervently believe feminism has propagated the notion it's ok for women to "trick" men with their sexuality. Also, they believe there is a coordinated effort by the left, social justice warriors (sjws) and "radical" feminists to emasculate men while masculinizing women. And, it should come as little shock these guys believe there is an order to society-an order with men being in charge and women "co-equal" (in name only) . In reality they believe women are to be subservient. However, they emphatically insist the idea of patriarchy is a hoax purported by feminists to demonize men....Seriously.

Similar to mgtow crypto-misogynists have a substantial presence on YouTube, which allows them to propagate their message.

A few themes can be extracted from their videos. Of course, feminism is evil and society construct is intentionally geared toward women are the main tenants. But, after watching a few videos a couple of other threads become glaringly obvious.

What tends to cloak these guys' misogyny is they seem to rationally make points that possess hints of truth and some irrefutable facts but are largely specious and disingenuous. For example, they often complain feminists are hypocritical because feminists claim they want men to grow and become more empathetic but are often themselves not empathetic toward men and display no willingness to help them grow. Now, there is some truth in this because some feminists are quite dogmatic and unyielding in their attitude toward men. However, the vast majority aren't like that, but that doesn't feed the false narrative they want relayed.

A pretty glaring example of how the misogyny comes through is in the way they talk about women (primarily the 80%). It is fairly noticeable they are concerned with thots, sex workers and those they call "e-whores". No, it's an obsession with these women.

A few months ago not just crypto-misogynists but many members of the misogyny subculture started a movement on Twitter called the #ThotAudit. The goal was to implore the IRS to begin investigating women on Twitch, YouTube and other streaming services who produce channels that are monetized either by the streaming service themselves or by Patreon. Many of these women don't pay taxes on the money they "earn" despite some of them bringing in tens of thousands of dollars. It should also be noted that it's not just these women but many video and streaming content providers don't report their income to the IRS.

Now, it is more than fair to argue these women's content is less than substantive. The women the #ThotAudit mainly targeted were those on Twitch whose content primarily consists of them chatting with viewers while being scantily clad and doing rather mundane activities such as playing video games or exercising. The vast majority of their audience is male. Most of these men either give monthly donations through Patreon (which is the primary source of income for most streamers/youtubers) or they do a "pay-go". Pay-go is essentially men asking these women to do something such as jumping jacks and paying, for example, $5 for 10 jumping jacks. (Ain't capitalism just the best!)

This "supply and demand" infuriates crypto-misogynists. They claim the women take advantage of lonely dudes and lead them on while taking their money; thus why they call them "e-whores". The women say they are simply "models" or "content producers". Now, I'm not going to dive into the nuance of that debate.

The signature point here is that these guys incessantly rail against the women; yet, never call out the men or hold them accountable. They say women are sluts for doing these videos which they say amount to softcore porn; however, the men who patron these videos are victims and being taken advantage of because "what man doesn't wanna see a naked woman". It is totally lost on them these women are only making money because these dudes, largely incels it should be noted, are giving them money. Nobody is coercing them and while it could be argued some of these women might be leading these guys on it could just as easily be argued these guys should get a clue. Some people would say these guys' money would be better spent on actual hardcore porn than giving away $10 for 30 minutes of watching a chick play Fortnite while wearing only a sports bra and a thong. Again, some would say.

It is instances such as these the misogyny comes shining through. Crypto-misogynists take this approach with several topics. They use men "complimenting" women as an opportunity to claim victimhood because they claim catcalling is complimentary. They say women claiming sexual harassment is an affront to men because men are demonized for simply "being manly".

When it is broken down crypto-misogynists are like the other groups. Yes, there are some nuanced differences. However, the crux of their ideology and the base of their core beliefs is that feminism is society's biggest cancer the root cause of men's problems. They believe men are atop the hierarchy and feminism has destroyed that by instilling within women the false belief they're equal.

Crypto-misogynists firmly believe things such as patriarchy, pay inequality and rape culture are hoaxes perpetrated by feminists and leftists. They genuinely believe men are victims of genocide and women have constructed all the institutions in society against them.

Perhaps, they are not as virulent in their rhetoric as incels or as angry as mgtow but they might be even more dangerous. Because, crypto-misogynists can come across as reasonable but they completely co-sign onto the platform the other groups support. They present themselves as " knights in shining armor" but are really pigs drenched in misogyny and disdain for women obtaining true equality.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

The Misogyny Subculture: MGTOWs (Part 4)

In the previous blog I discussed incels in-depth. I went over their worldview and what shapes it. Also, I covered their philosophy that men essentially go in one of three directions: blue pill (men who see the world as they want it to be); black pill (men who view the world as a wasteland where women rule and men are systematically victimized by genocide, thus there is no hope) and red pill (men who believe they see the world for what it is in reality, which is feminism is systematically attempting to genocide all men, but while the outlook is bleak all hope is not lost).

This installment will circle in on a subset of red pills called mgtow (men who go their own way).

While mgtows are a subset of red pills they are definitely a distinct group of their own. Similar to incels mgtows believe the vast majority of women are shallow deceitful creatures who are guided by feminism to wreck natural order and make men extinct. They also believe the combination of shallowness and feminism is what leads women to practicing hypergamy.

Now, unlike incels mgtows don't claim involuntary celibacy or a lack of genetics is their problem. They are men who have consciously decided to swear off women. They have vowed not to engage in serious relationships. Marriage is equivalent to suicide in their eyes.

Another area mgtows differ from incels is, although they have sworn off women, most of them will still have casual sex with women (preferably prostitutes). However, some mgtows actually have pledged abstinence, which they refer to as "going monk".

The mgtow movement began in the mid-2000s likely around 2005. Like incels they originated as an online group in Reddit. They eventually expanded their presence as they began popping up on Twitter. And, they have carved out quite a niche on YouTube where there are a plethora of guys who produce content geared toward mgtows and pushing their propaganda about women.

The mgtow worldview and philosophy is not much different from incels in they have an intense disdain for feminism. While it is probably fair to say mgtows possess more nuanced "classifications" of women than incels, they share the same base perception that women are predominantly "trash".

Mgtows believe good women exist but they still want nothing to do with them because they are always capable of "turning". However, unlike incels, mgtows willingly accept female allies. And, they actually have more than one might expect. In fact, it is quite common from my observations to see women make appearances in mgtow videos and even independently make videos advocating for the mgtow cause.

Despite this alliance with select women mgtows are capable of being every bit as misogynistic as incels. I would say mgtows lean toward being more sexist than misogynistic but admittedly that might be a distinction without a difference.

Mgtows believe the world should go back to the 1950s when women were "barefoot and in the kitchen". They whole heartedly believe feminism has poisoned women's minds causing them to "not know their place".

Also, they subscribe to assertion that women have essentially taken over the workplace and the government installing a feminist agenda that is systematically destroying the fabric of the family and society. According to them their is a hierarchy ordained by God that says men are atop the pyramid and women are subservient. However, they don't see themselves generally as religious fundamentalists. I suspect that is because theoretically that would interfere with the banging of prostitutes. But, again, that is merely a suspicion.

Certainly, misogyny is a staple of their platform. It is extremely evident in the way they address feminists. It is not uncommon for feminists to be referred to as "whores", "sluts", "bitches" and "cunts". As stated earlier, they seem to make more of a distinction than incels do who are the "good" women and who are the "bad" women, but to the women they consider bad they are repugnant.

Mgtows are notorious for perpetuating rape culture. They believe most women who are victims of sexual assault are at fault for getting raped because of the way they dress or because they are "dick teases".  They also believe a significant amount of men are falsely accused and there is an inadequate amount of sympathy extended toward them.

These dudes truly feel the court system is prejudiced against them also. According to them not only are men biased against in sexual assault cases but are at distinct disadvantages when it comes to divorce and child custody cases. This belief largely lends to their disavowal of marriage and having children.

Interestingly (or not so interestingly), mgtows almost exclusively skew to far right side of the political spectrum. Many of them associate themselves with the alt-right or male chauvinist groups like the Proud Boys. Also, many mgtows along with being misogynistic and sexist are racist, xenophobic and homophobic.

Speaking of homophobia, while unquestionably mgtows believe feminism is the root of all evil, they too believe the LGBTQ community is out to destroy straight men. They believe society's construct is being manipulated to give undeserved attention to the LGBTQ community which is a nefarious attempt to generate male genocide.

Another intriguing aspect to mgtows is their contempt for pickup artists (pua). I have mentioned in previous blogs incels believe "puas" are scammers and snake oil salesmen giving men false hope.

Well, mgtows believe the same thing except there is a bit more of personal animosity. Pickup artists believe (or at least say they do) incels are just dudes down on their luck who need confidence, a stick of Juicy Fruit and a shower. But, they think mgtows are simply "losers" and they say as such.

I don't wanna go to deep here because puas will have their own installment in this series; however, it must be noted pick-up artists believe mgtows are just dudes who are lazy and weak. They think mgtows seeking out sex workers is an example of an unwillingness to work on their "game". Whereas they view incels as losers too but principled losers who just need the proper tools to begin "bedding" women.

It's all odd.

Most people would say incels are infinitely more dangerous than mgtows because they seemingly pose more of an imminent threat. I understand that perspective.

However, I think in the grander scheme mgtows pose a more significant threat because they actually can integrate into society better. They are not generally social outcasts. Their sexism and misogyny can easily be more propagated and come across as less toxic. The problem is it's every bit as toxic.

I compare it to the weaving in of racism into the political discourse. What someone like Steve Bannon says is every bit as pernicious as what Steve King says. The difference is Bannon cloaks his rhetoric in populism and plausibly deniable statements whereas King is almost blatant in his rhetoric. He leaves little, if any, wiggle room.

Mgtows are no different from Bannon in their approach. Sure, if provoked, they will expose their hand, but generally they cloak their anti-feminism in spurious claims of persecution of men. On the other hand, incels give away the game going all in on all women from the jump.

Make no mistake mgtows are simply more sophisticated incels. The distinctions are narrow but real. Regardless, the disdain for feminism is the same and the misogyny has the potential of being just as raw and unfettered.

Welp, Trump Is Now Freebasing Fascism

Saturday, February 9, 2019

The Misogyny Subculture: Red Pill/Black Pill (Part 3)

Remember the motion picture trilogy, The Matrix? Neo? Trinity? Morpheus?

Well, if not, allow me to offer a reminder. The framework of incel philosophy and their life arc is based on a primary theme of The Matrix.

The main protagonist of the film series, Neo, was presented an option by the antihero, Morpheus. He offered Neo the choice between two pills, one blue and one red. The blue pill would send Neo back to his "normal" life but that life wasn't necessarily based in reality. Or, he could choose the red pill, which represented life as it really was. Neo chose the red pill and quickly realized life wasn't what he thought it was and reality was harsher and more depressing than he realized.

To understand how incels view the world around them it must be understood the role this theme from The Matrix plays. In the incel worldview there is a blue pill and a red pill exactly like The Matrix. However, incels interjected a third pill, the black pill.

Let's begin with the blue pill. The blue pill represents a world that is unrealistic and willfully naive. Males who choose the blue  pill are ones who believe that women will judge them on merit. They believe the game is not rigged in favor of "chads" or "tyrones". Chads and tyrones are the guys who are either genetically or financially superior. They are the top 20% of the male species.

According to incel philosophy blue pillers choose to see the world as they want it or believe it should be. They believe in falling in love. They believe if one is kind and sweet to a woman she will want to be in a romantic relationship or at least be willing to have sex.

Incels believe blue pillers are naive or blind to reality. That reality is women don't care about them and barely acknowledge their existence. Women only care about money and physical attributes. They subscribe to the 80/20 rule or as they call it hypergamy. If you remember from the previous blog, hypergamy states essentially the bottom 80% of women or "beckys"/"basic chicks" as they are called only seek after the top 20% of men or commonly referred to as alpha males (chads/tyrones). In case there is some inquiry about the other 20% of women they are referred to as "staceys". Naturally, staceys are only interested in alpha males.

Now, there is a caveat. The blue pillers, whom incels (and alpha males) derisively refer to as "beta males" or "cucks", do sometimes become entangled in romantic relationships with beckys and even some staceys.

Of course, this is not because these women are good women. It is because these women began to realize that alpha males only want their cobbler and aren't interested in seeking a family. Also, many alpha males aren't necessarily financially stable and the ones who are might be few and far between making competition a bit too fierce.

So, they "settle" for betas. But, their "settling" has nefarious and insidious motives.

Before the late 1960s (according to incel propaganda) these beckys who settled for beta men did so with the acceptance that they would be with them for life. But, since the 60s and especially now women's life forecast has changed. This change is due to.........say it all together now, children,........FEMINISM.

Incels propagate that beta males are unwittingly and wittingly being played by "femoids" (incels' slur for women). They believe a main tenant of feminism is an encouragement of women to seduce and marry beta men thu. After doing so the women fulfill their desire/need to have children. Then, they bleed these men dry of their money, assets, dignity and self-esteem; thus, cuckholding them. Once they have accomplished this they divorce the men (so they can go be with a chad) taking their children from them leaving them penniless and despaired.

So, next let's address the red pillers, which is the largest sect of incels. Men who choose the red pill are basically accepting "reality". They see the world as it truly is.

Red pillers believe they will likely never be in a romantic relationship let alone have sex because there is a manipulation preventing them from either. They believe the current societal construct precludes them from being apart of what they see is the "natural order". That "natural order" is that women's purpose for being on this earth is to be with, take care of and satisfy men.

These dudes fundamentally believe it is women's obligation to be with them whether it's sexually or in a long term relationship. They feel women should make themselves available to the dating pool at large and "settling" is their mandate. Red pillers firmly believe the 80/20 rule is in direct defiance of the natural order. They believe women practicing hypergamy is a threat to society's existence and the future population, which in their mind is a justification for purporting this view.

Red pillers feel there is an insidious force that propels this rebellion against nature's laws. Yep, you guessed it. It is feminism.

They say feminism teaches women they are free to be discriminatory in their choosing mates and sexual partners. They claim feminism encourages women to abstain if choices within their pool is undesirable. They claim feminism instructs women to heighten their standards to the point they are unattainable. In other words standards they can't match for whatever reason(s).

Red pills have a discernable disdain for women and it comes out in how they view them. They sincerely believe the vast majority of women are shallow, vain and insincere. Because of these flaws, it places these dudes in an impossible place.

According to them women are too focused on looks. This focus puts them at a disadvantage, which leads to their celibacy.

Red pills believe that genetics place them in unfair positions. They constantly compare themselves to chads. Per their perception chads have perfect bone structure and the slope of their foreheads is infallible which gives chads an unfair advantage. They say chads' jawlines are chiseled and women are innately attracted to their jawlines and the shape of their foreheads. Because of this incels say they were outcasts from the onset of life.

These guys do some odd, if not outright insane, things to improve their appearance. They perform chin exercises to improve their chin structure. They are obsessed with techniques make their penises bigger so their "package" stands out more.

But, what is the most telling aspect of red pillers' view on appearances is how they actually view women's appearance. While the bemoan and excoriate women's perceived obsession with looks they actually rate women on their looks. Inside many incel forums women are routinely judged on a sliding scale of 1 to 10. Numerous women (famous and non-famous) have their breasts, asses, legs, thighs and facial structure critiqued.

It is not uncommon for women to be rated as "fuckable" and "fuckable after a few beers".

Yet, according to Incels it is women who are shallow and vain.

Red pills possess a very nihilistic mindset. But, they believe change can occur. In their view feminism possesses the primary existential threat to them and their idea of natural order. So, if feminism can be eradicated order will be restored and the long national nightmare of these dudes being denied pussy will be over.

Now, while the red pills are nihilistic the black pills are unquestionably fatalistic.

Those guys who choose the black pill live in a dark, cold hopeless existence. Black pills wholly believe all is lost and their fate is locked in. Whereas red pills believe the outlook may be bleak but the tide can change black pills believe feminism has won, women control everything and they will forever be alone and sexless. Their motto is, "We ain't gettin no pussy today, tomorrow or ever."

Ok, that is not actually their motto but it does succinctly sum up how what they sincerely believe. They fundamentally believe the "fix" is in. Because they came up craps in the genetic lottery nothing they do would improve them in the eyes of women.

But, don't misread the wallowing in self-pity. While they seem to turn their despair inward they actually lay all their burdens at women's feet. Make no mistake they blame women and by proxy feminism for every single one of their ills including genetics.

A common thread among these guys is a deep seeded resentment if not stringent hatred for their mothers. Their genetic shortcomings is because "mom fucked a beta cuck". If they grew up in a single parent home, mom was "a slut who ran dad off".

As virulently misogynistic as red pills are, black pills are often next level. Black pills detest women. Some red pills display some exceptions to rule such as their mother or sisters. Black pills see all women as sluts, whores and bitches most of all their mothers and sisters.

Black pills are often not only fatalistic they are suicidal and homicidal. They go into incel forums often discussing suicide and spewing the most vile misogyny toward women and will turn that vileness on other men if they even appear to be challenging them.

Red pills will frequently talk suicide or praise people like Elliot Rodger but often they are just being bombastic. Black pills, however, are quite dogmatic and militaristic in their rhetoric. They feel since they have no hope nobody else should neither.

Both groups are known to harass women online. Of course, Twitter is their area of choice to demean and berate women. Men are not exempt from their harassment neither. Just defend a woman once and the term "cuck" will be liberally used.

What is probably quite telling regarding incels is whom they predominantly choose to spew their venom toward. Naturally, they expend their most disgusting rhetoric for women. They love to go after beta men. But, the people who would appear to be their most existential foe they largely leave alone.

Alpha males mostly go untouched. As much as they lament women's "obsession" with them and bemoan that these chads just hit it and quit it, they actually envy them. The reason there is no animosity hurled toward them is because the true underlying driver for incels is misogyny.

Look, they can't hate chads because chads are just doing what they would do if they could. No, they hate the women because women are obligated to give them sex at their [incels] discretion. However, that is not occurring because feminism is telling them they don't have to adhere to natural law and stay in their lane.

What is crazy is that the majority of these guys are not bad looking guys. But, whether it be consciously or subconsciously they do (or do not) things that strip away any attractiveness they possess.

Most of them are introverts and recluses who spend the majority of their time locked away in front of their computers or in front of a television. The majority have poor personal hygiene. And, when they are in the presence of women they don't do anything to make themselves noticeable or noteworthy.

It is literally as if they force a self-fulfilling prophecy. Then say, "See, these bitches don't recognize a good thing when they see it." Or maybe they would if they combed their hair, washed the crust of their eyes, put a Tic Tac in their mouth and washed their ass with a bar of Lever 2000 instead of reeking of Marlboro Reds with a chin covered in Cheeto dust.

I digress.

Whether it's red pill or black pill the core philosophy is the same, which is women are trash and here to serve three purposes: feed men (whenever they want it), fuck men (whenever they want it) and provide men offspring (which women are primarily expected to care for). Truthfully, red pills and black pills are distinctions with narrow differences. Both are toxic and dangerous.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

The New England Patriots Are The Greatest NFL Franchise Ever! (Yeah, I S...

The Misogyny Subculture: Incels (Part 2)

INCELS! Where do I begin?

As I began to map the manner which I would lay out this series, I initially thought I would save the incel posts for last. Incels are the most interesting, intriguing and fascinating arm of this subculture. Thus, they (in a totally perverse and disturbing way) deserve to be the finale of this series.

But, then I realized they should be discussed first. Incels are the heartbeat, such as it is, of this movement. While it certainly can be said they are the culmination of misogyny and anti-feminism radicalization, it is their ideology that permeates throughout the entire subculture.

Perhaps, the other misogyny groups are not as virulent as the incels but they certainly are as dogmatic and that dogma comes from the incels.

So, who exactly are the incels?

In the introductory post I provided a brief and admittedly lacking overview. Here I will go into more detail and provide much more context.

As described in the previous post, incels stands for "involuntarily celibate". It is a group of men (primarily white heterosexual men) who are either virgins or who have gone an extended time period without having sex or a serious relationship. This lack of intimacy and sex is exclusively involuntary. And, according to incel ideology, the incels' lack of sex is directly due to women being shallow and having unreasonable expectations, which causes them to not overlook "regular" guys' flaws, and only go after genetically and/or financially superior men. Oh, and the root cause of women's "unreasonable expectations" and the incels' inability to get laid is........FEMINISM. Surprised by that, aren't you?

Before we go deep into the nuances of incels' ideology and structure, which is something I will do in the next blog, allow me to provide a brief history of the culture's beginnings. The term "incel" was actually created by a Canadian college student named "Alana" in 1993. She started a website for men and women who were having issues in the dating scene.

Somewhere along the line in the late 1990s and early 2000s the term was co-opted. The initial co-opting focused on the struggles of socially awkward men (mainly young men/teenagers) ability to date and/or have sex. Forums began popping up online for these guys to go into to voice their concerns, frustrations and problems.

Well, as with most things online, nefarious actors got involved and began preying on these guys. As the 2010s approached, there began to be a radicalization. Instead of simply focusing on how to improve these dudes' social awkwardness or encourage them to improve themselves or accentuate their positives there began to be a fomenting of resentment and anger. Wallowing in self-pity and depression became a way of life.

With the encouragement of these nefarious inciters and each other the anger, resentment, and self-loathing was turned from being something largely introspective into an outward aggression against women-essentially all women. Instead of self-hate these guys began transforming that hate into blatantly malignant sexism and misogyny. Women became the enemy and feminism began being seen as the nexus of evil.

This malignancy began bubbling underneath the surface. Although sexism and misogyny are commonplace in society this vitriolic more intense misogynistic, anti-feminist subculture was being cultivated underground and in the fever swamps of the internet.

It targeted primarily teenage boys and young men. Chat rooms and forums littered the internet providing a safe place for these incels to go and freely espouse their disdain for women and feminism.

The thing was it went largely unnoticed. Sure, these dudes would pop up on Twitter and Facebook spewing all sorts of venom and hateful rhetoric toward women but they were blown off as "internet trolls".

Reddit became a hotspot for incels. The incel subreddit was one of the more populated and toxic forums on Reddit. In fact, it became so toxic that Reddit was forced to shut it down. However, the incels went around that by creating a new forum with a new name.

In the next blog I will go into the nuances and intricacies of the incel ideology. To be able to fully grasp who these guys are and what shapes them you must understand their worldview and what comprises it.

Yes, it is resentment of women and detest for feminism, but it is a bit more complex than that. They have created an entire language and platform to buoy their ideology. Of course, make no mistake the foundation for their existence and their world view is hatred of women and blaming women for every one of their problems.

For the most part incels are seen as harmless. Most people see them as pathetic. But, they can be very dangerous. While most of the time their rhetoric is just vapid inane bullshit spewed online, there have been times it has provided real world consequences.

Back in 2014 Elliot Rodger killed six people and shot 14 more in a mass shooting near the University of California-Santa Barbara campus. Rodger also died during the shooting. A 144 page manifesto Rodger wrote was discovered. In the manifesto Rodger detailed his utter disdain for women largely stemming from his perceived inability to get women to have sex with him. He said he wanted to kill as many women as possible.

After the mass shooting and until this day incels hold Rodger in high esteem and consider him a hero. Many incels believe Elliot Rodger performed a community service (of sorts) and should be immortalized for "having the guts to do what is necessary and right".

Other incidents perpetrated by incels include a guy in Toronto driving his car into a crowd back in 2016 and the guy who shot six people killing two at a yoga studio in Tallahassee just months ago. Numerous other incidents have taken place over the last 10 years or so that have elements of incel ideology.

Yet, the mainstream media and the public at large continue to mostly ignore this subculture. And, even worse, in the Rodger murders along with many of the other incidents the media (I suspect unwittingly) play into the incel ideology by quasi blaming women for not giving these guys some ass. Absolutely astounding.

Here's the thing, this misogyny subculture is real and it's malignant. Incels are a group to be taken seriously.

I realize I may be working a bit backwards here. But, I wanted to provide a history. The nuances of Incels' ideology is important and key to understanding them.

In the next blog I will go into detail regarding the different factions within the community. I will also explain their rather disturbing fatalistic philosophies that entail how a guy like Elliot Rodger was radicalized and why there a plethora more like him milling about in the streets.

R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!