Friday, December 21, 2018

Random(Ish): December 21, 2018

Dayum! I have literally been attempting to write a blog all week. Either fatigue or un-foreseen distractions have gotten in the way.

My goal is to churn out at least three blogs a week. Not because they're in high demand, which would be awesome if they were, but because I think writing at least three times a week will make me better and keep me sane. I have so many thoughts, ideas and unsolicited opinions occupying space in my mind. And, as those who know me would attest, space inside my mind is rather limited.

Anyway, this post isn't about one specific issue or group of sub-issues, but one of the blogs I like to write every so often that touches on multiple topics.

First, Secretary of Defense, Jim Mattis, resigning.  I have my issues with Mattis because he is a typical Neo-Con/Neo-Liberal war hawk. His innate inclination more than not sides on being an interventionist. He generally agrees with the multiple illegal wars the United States, which we are the aggressor.

His resignation comes within a day or so of #CheetoJesus deciding to withdraw troops from Syria. Just like the sun shines on a dog's ass some days Donald Trump did the right thing. The U.S. really had no business being in Syria in the first place.

Mattis, most of the military brass, the neocon Republicans and centrist/neoliberal Democrats disagree with Trump's decision. The military complex loves conflict because it generates cash flow, so needless to say withdrawing troops from Syria will stifle profits. But, Mattis and others say they fear withdrawing troops will endanger the Kurds from potential attack by Turkey and/or ISIS, whom in contrast to Trump they say hasn't been defeated.

The truth is the Syria issue is just one of a number of disagreements Mattis has with President Five Time Deferment. Trump also is vastly reducing troops in Afghanistan. Or, so he says.

Damn! Trump is all of a sudden concerned with pulling troops out of unnecessary wars. If he had only been so concerned with his pullout game regarding Usay and Qusay....errrrr....Don Jr and Eric, the world would be a somewhat nicer place and animals in Africa would have two less assholes attempting to shoot them so they can be unnecessary trophies. But, I digress.

In his resignation letter Mattis mentioned Trump's treatment of allies, which has alienated those allies. He implicitly mentioned Trump's impetuous (some would call fucking batshit cra cra) nature. And, he conspicuously noted #Cheets' affinity for authoritarianism particularly the Russians and the Chinese.

Jim Mattis is one of the very few decent human beings that were left in this shitshow administration. Now, that he's gone (along with John Kelly's bigoted ass and Nikki Haley's milquetoast #resistance bs)there are even fewer checks on his insanity and foreign policy ignorance. Mattis was quoted as saying Trump has a fifth or sixth grader's understanding of world affairs, although he is sorta denying he said it. Truth is Mattis did say it and he was being generous. It is more likely a third grader's knowledge.

Mattis leaving isn't a good thing. It is not even close.

What else is going on....Oh yeah, this idiotic GoFundMe page for Trump's racist stupid wall. Within four days the page has generated almost $15 million. Sweet Baby Jesus! Never underestimate folks' sheer stupidity. And, racism.

The dude who started the page is a triple amputee veteran. He also apparently is a known racist conspiracy theory peddler and a grifter. So, he's Donald Trump's soul mate.

What these donors are failing to see here is this is likely all for naught, if they aren't just being swindled. Some real legal questions exist if the government can even take the money. The legality of the GoFundMe page itself is in question. And, parts of the border where Trump wants this wall is private property. People can't just go building walls on others' property and most of the residents at the border have displayed an antipathy for the wall.

And, I certainly don't wanna be a downer near Christmas time but......THE WALL WON'T DO ANYTHING TO SIGNIFICANTLY CURB ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION! Most people who arrive in this country illegally do so by plane. How is a wall going to stop that?

Illegal immigration isn't even funny real problem. There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Canadians, Australians and Eastern Europeans here on expired visas but strangely nobody is bitchin about them. They are only upset about people from south of the border. I know. I know. It has nothing to do with their skin color. And, y'all except me to believe Candace Owens is a deep thinker too.

I must mention one more thing before I go. I have been doing some research on incels for a future blog. Let me say that not only among incels but a large swath of men misogyny and sexism not only is pervasive it is immensely toxic. The views many men have of women is astonishing. A real intense searing hatred of women exist in the world and it's frightening.

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R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!