Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Misogyny Subculture: Introduction (Part 1)

Sometimes you come across something that infuriates, disgusts and frustrates you, but it also fascinates you. That is what I have experienced with this "men's right movement" which is really just proto-misogyny.

Of course, misogyny is nothing new. It has been around since the beginning if time. It has been and is a staple of multiple political ideologies and religions.

Women have long been considered the "weaker" sex thus making them unequal to men. Women have been viewed as property by many and a step just above animals by some.

This attitude toward women has given men permission to degrade and demean them. It has been an allowance to misuse and abuse them.

Well, that's what men like to think anyway.

Some folks scoff and excoriate terms like patriarchy and male privilege. Now, while these terms are sometimes misused and overused, they most certainly exist. Multiple societies, including ours, wields patriarchy and privilege to keep an order-an order where men are on top and in control.

However, over the course of the last 50 years or so this has began to change. With the advent of the women's rights movement and feminism women have demanded and received (somewhat) equality.

They are now solidly in the workforce. Women are holding high political offices. They are in positions of power within Fortune 500 companies. Mostly women are recognized as contributing equal members of society. Of course, I should note that the battle for equality continues and women still face sexism and stigmatizing.

Now, this increased equality and feminism has brought with it a backlash. That backlash is resentment from some men, which has produced a "men's rights movement" and an anti-feminism/woman sentiment.

The idea of a men's rights movement seems silly to some I am sure. It seems silly to men. Men are not oppressed nor have their rights (in this country) ever been suppressed or stripped away. But, some dudes think their rights and their rightful position in society are being eroded.

By the way this belief or ideal is nothing new. I am about to date myself here, but remember Al Bundy? Yes, Married With Children's Al Bundy. In response to what he felt was women infiltrating men's spaces (his favorite bowling alley starting a "women's night") Al created the anti-feminism group, NO MA'AM (National Organization of Men Against Amazonian Masterhood).

Now, the entire concept was hilarious and ridiculous. It became a running bit on the show. Keep in mind though Al Bundy was a prelude to what we see now. Al's entire worldview was women are evil, money hungry, less intelligent and lazy. He and his buddies objectified women and were obsessed with their looks especially their breasts. And, the foundation of his ideology, as it were, was that men are the superior smarter sex and feminism was created to undermine men, their power and their "God given" rights (i.e. sex on demand, control of all money and wield all the authority and influence).

This is the genesis for today's misogyny subculture.

The subculture, like most subcultures of modern times, has been bolstered by the internet. Yet, another example of the internet being the best thing ever and the worst thing ever.

It is a complex culture, believe it or not. It is comprised of various subgroups which none of whom are a monolith.

Here is a list of the primary groups. I will go into significantly more detail on most of these groups individually in upcoming blogs. So, for now, I'll provide a quick synopsis of each one.

The first is the Men's Rights Movement. Basically, these dudes are a slightly more sophisticated NO MA'AM. They cloak their sexism and misogyny under the guise of simply wanting civil rights protection for men (primarily white men) as if their civil rights don't exist.

They believe all feminism is toxic and its core ideology is to hate and destroy men. They feel women (along with other groups) have become a protected class in society at the expense of heterosexual men (again primarily white men). They believe they are society's true alpha males. An excellent example of this group is the Proud Boys, self-described "Western Civilization chauvinists".

The next group is MGTOW (Men Who Go Their Own Way). These guys have essentially sworn off women. They, too, fervently believe feminism is the root of all evil. Some women are good in their minds, but generally women should not be trusted because they are lookist, materialistic, in capable of reasonable thought and just overall superficial. They have a huge presence on YouTube.

Next, we have the pickup artists. These fellas are exactly what the name implies. Their goal in life is to bed as many women as possible.

Now, some cloak this "hit it and quit it" approach as their way of weeding out the pretenders until they meet the "one". However, if you dig a little bit into these guys you'll realize they are just trying to dip their spoons into as many puddin pies as possible.

And, what makes this sect toxic is that they really don't have a redline when it comes to the emotional injury they may levy on women. Because, often a tactic of their "game" is to lead women into believing a serious relationship is possible. Also, some don't believe in taking "no" for an answer, so sexual assault and rape are always on the table for them.

Then, you have what I call the crypto-misogynists. These dudes possess a fraction of the traits of the previous groups mentioned. They still actively seek relationships with women. However, they harbor deep resentment toward women. They have very low opinions regarding women.

They like to play this game of they're the "good guys" who just can't catch a break because women have been brainwashed by feminism and the media, of course. They cloak their arguments as they love women, lament only the bad ones and they know there are plenty of good women around. But, oddly, they spend almost every waking moment demeaning women, being apologists for misogyny, and propagating the position sexism is a myth. They "love" women but never have anything good to say about them.

Lastly, there is the incel community. Incels are guys (mostly straight; mostly white) who are "involuntarily celibate". They claim they are essentially prevented from having relationships with women let alone having sex with them.

Their core ideology is that women don't want to date or sex them because they are genetically and financially inferior. They say the vast majority of women date above their level, which they call hypergamy or the 80/20 rule. The 80/20 rule states 80% of women only seek sex and relationships from the top 20% of men, which they refer to as "chads" or alpha males.

Incels sincerely believe women are intentionally denying them their God given right to pussy. Seriously. And, nothing they do will change this. Why? Because, almost all women are shallow, materialistic , looksist and only interested in men with big penises (again, I'm being serious).

Now, what is amusing about this is most of these dudes are shut-ins and introverts. Whether consciously or subconsciously they do things (or don't do things) to make themselves less attractive and available to women. They are nihilistic and fatalistic. They wallow in self-pity and resentment.

And, what do they blame for their predicament? All together now, kids...........FEMINISM! Yes, like the other groups, feminism is the root of all evil and most, if not all, women are willing conduits for feminism's goal. That goal is to destroy men and/or turn them into beta cucks. (In a future blog of this series I will focus on incels and their affinity for the words, "beta" and "cucks".)

This proto-misogyny is more pervasive than people realize or want to believe. It's subcultures are real or more populated than I am comfortable with and I hope you too.

The real danger with this nonsense is that in some respects it's littered with truths and has appeal. Of course, it's specious but if you are someone (especially young men) who has been frequently rejected or disregarded by the opposite sex this can have some appeal. I can't lie. When I was 16 or 17, while I don't think I would've ever went all in I would've been opened to listening. And, something I'll discuss in future blogs is incels and mgtows, in particular, target middle school and high school boys for recruitment.

Another aspect of this movement is that these groups seem to align with the Alt-Right. Political ideology isn't necessarily a driving force but their antipathy toward feminism and their draconian attitude regarding women appears to coincide with Alt-Right talking points. If you go into the online forums or follow these dudes on Twitter you'll quickly realize their misogyny is accompanied by racism, xenophobia, homophobia and transphobia. Timelines are filled with hateful and violent rhetoric (mainly toward women).

The violent rhetoric is something I will dive much deeper into in subsequent blogs. It is a common thread amongst these groups whether it is advocating it or sympathizing with it.

Ok. Let me wrap this up.

I am loathe to even mention this. So, I have held out until now. But, it will be necessary to mention it in upcoming blogs, so it must be done.

For the vast majority of these dudes the incoherent ramblings of one Jordan Peterson is a guideline to their ideologies. I'm not saying this pseudoscience crypto-racist and misogynist grifter is the cause of this subculture. That would be unfair...I guess. But, what I am saying is this clown is well aware his nonsense comprises the framework of their bullshit and he does nothing to dissuade them even though he knows they are toxic people.

They look to Peterson as "daddy". That is what you need to keep in mind.

Whew. This was long. I am sorry. But, it's really difficult to wrangle all this fuckery and dumbassery into a few paragraphs.

R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!