Thursday, November 29, 2018

Thursday Thoughts: November 29, 2018

•Michael Cohen pleads guilty while Manafort is caught lying and funneling info to Trump.

Apparently, former Trump lawyer/fixer and overall oleaginous dude, Michael Cohen told Special Prosecutor, Robert Mueller, that he lied to Congress about the Trump Tower deal in Moscow. Noooooooo wayyyyyyyy! I am shocked! Completely stunned. Much in the same way I was stunned when I found out Cardi B's jingle bells were not gifts from God but gifts of silicone.

Anyways...Cohen said efforts to construct a deal did not end in January of 2016, as he told Congressional committees, but actually lasted well into June of 2016. Hmmmm. What else took place in June of 2016? Also, Cohen admitted he had spoke with #CheetoJesus more than the three times he told Congress but, in fact, kept Cheets apprised of the deal until efforts were abandoned. And, Cohen kept Trump family members updated about the deal, although the specific family members were not listed.

Cohen (and presumably Trump) dispatched known gangster, convicted felon and trusted Trump associate Felix Sater to help broker the deal. In fact, Cohen was set to meet associates of Russian president, Vladimir Putin, and perhaps Putin himself around June 19-22. But, Cohen said "on or around June 14" he cancelled his plans to fly to Moscow, thus, essentially ending the deal.

Oh, snap! Dayum! Now I remember what happened in June of 2016. The Washington Post broke the story about Russia hacking the Democratic National Committee. Strange coincidence that story and Cohen/Trump decided to kill the Moscow Trump Tower deal. (As the great Leroy Jethro Gibbs of NCIS says, "No such things as coincidences.")

Cohen has some tea on Trump and Trump knows it. Not only is Cohen spilling said tea on the Moscow deal but he has the 411 on the July Trump Tower meeting. And, I am betting those family members he updated are named Douchebaggery...errr...I mean Donald Trump Jr and Jared Kushner. That is one reason why Trump has been extra insane and in his feelings lately about the investigation.

•The other reason is the ostrich jacket king himself, Paul Manafort. A couple of months ago Manafort, who had just been convicted on eight federal charges, decided to cut a plea deal and cooperate with Mueller and federal prosecutors. Manafort who is 69 years old was facing spending the rest of his life in prison. That must of been a depressing thought for a man of his age and quasi-Good Fellas' taste.

Well, it was revealed earlier in the week that Ostrich Boy (who is a lifelong liar and scum bucket) had lied to Mueller and his team. They filed a motion to withdraw the plea deal and promised to offer substantial and concrete evidence substantiating their decision. Needless to say, Manafort denies Mueller's assertions.

The timing of the plea withdrawal is interesting because it literally came one week after Cheets submitted written answers to some questions Mueller had posed.

Also, the prosecution's willingness to unilaterally withdraw the plea agreement indicates they don't necessarily need Manafort's cooperation. It further seems that perhaps Mueller played Ostrich Boy and the "Stable Genius".

Apparently, Manafort was feeding info about the investigation to Trump through one of his lawyers. This explains Trump's rage tweeting within the last two weeks about Mueller and his "angry Democrats" (that should be a band name) "yelling" at people and "ruining lives". Trump's tweets indicated he had some inside knowledge of the investigation. Now, the assumption was interim Attorney General Matthew Whittaker was feeding Cheets some info or he was participating in his usual batshit crazy old man screaming at pigeons incoherent ranting. But, it's apparent whatever he was hearing from Manafort was setting him off.

I know Trumpsters do not nor will not see this, but it is sooooo obvious Trump is scared about this investigation and where it is and presumably where it's going. He is shitting his pants and the fear is making him more erratic and insane. I don't know why Trump is so afraid. It could be collusion or he's fearful Mueller has the goods to expose him as lifelong crook and fraudulent shitty businessman those of us who have followed the Orange Con for years or simply possess any sanity and perspective already know. Or, hell, it could be much worse. Ya know like him peeing on Russian hookers like some Kentucky Fried Chicken infused, greasy, sweaty, Diet Coke swilling tangerine complexioned R. Kelly. I don't know. But, whatever it is it has him angry, worried and frightened.


If you don't want to believe in climate change, whatevs. The evidence is empirical but what the hell ever! But, please understand if you begin your doubting antagonist counter argument by saying, "I'm no scientist, but...", then your argument is trash! Sorry it is. Virtually 99% of the world's top scientists say climate change and at least a significant portion of it is man-made.

Now, if you are a climate change denier, you are certainly entitled to your opinion. Being an open minded brotha I am more than willing to entertain your counterargument. If you can provide me some facts and well reasoned opinions, cool.

But, if you use the phrase "I'm no scientist, but..." I will stop listening to you. You wanna know why? Saying that indicates you know this is a scientific issue and that scientists are a greater authority on the issue than you or me. If I may be frank, the fact you are not a scientist is a good indicator why you would perhaps be better off shutting up. Hey, I'm not a scientist either, which is why I defer to them on the subject.

I am not an airplane mechanic. So, if one says something that I don't like or does not sound right to me, I am not going to just create some uninformed ignorant opinion in my head because I don't know jackshit about airplanes. I will consult another airplane mechanic or someone versed in the subject to comment on what was said.

However, climate deniers don't do that because they are hard pressed to find knowledgeable folks who will buoy their argument. What they do, instead, is spew specious talking points and observations which produce spurious and endangering conclusions.

•Lastly, I plan on writing a blog about male feminism. It is a subject I have been thinking about lately. I have so many conflictions in my head. For instance, how "woke" on women's issues and feminism and proper treatment of women if I find myself glancing at and admiring women's forms? I don't mean staring or ogling. Does it assuage what I feel is piggishness enough to be more impressed with a woman's mind but still admire her physically?

These are the things that go through my mind. Some feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you for reading! Please checkout my social media:


Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Some Thoughts And Insights: November 27, 2018

First, before I begin allow to apologize. I have not been very adept at publishing blog posts more frequently. Straight up, I have been tired as hell when I get home from work lately. The last thing I have felt like doing is thinking. Just being honest. The ideas pour into my brain throughout the day; however, by the time I get home I just don't possess the necessary energy.

Truthfully, it's the same reason I haven't furthered my efforts to begin a YouTube channel. It is something I want to do and intend to do. I received some very appreciated encouragement. Thank you to those who told me to go for it! I will! Soon!

So, let me quickly get to what is on my mind.

•The migrant caravan. On my social media I have been very clear that I think these migrants, who are mostly from Central America, should be allowed to apply for asylum. I have also been clear in saying my hunch is many of their applications will be rejected because they will not meet the legal requirements for asylum. I have also been clear the fear mongering about the caravan was horseshit. And, it was/is!

Look, I am not for open borders. Nor am I for just allowing these migrants to "storm" the border. As a sovereign nation we must protect and secure our borders. But, we also must adhere to the principles we claim to possess and believe in. We cannot brag we're a "nation of immigrants" and we're "a melting pot" but then literally cherry pick the immigrants we want based on where they come from and rail against immigration.

I am really sick and tired of this proto-white nationalism cloaked in patriotism President Trump pushes. I think I am even more sick and tired of this crypto-racism many of his supporters hide behind to justify their anti-immigration stance. In fact, their stance is disingenuous because it is not "illegal immigration" they have a problem with but "brown immigration" whether it's legal or illegal. They can deny it and spin it all they want but the empirical evidence is front and center. Sorry, you can't refer to human beings as "animals", and "an infestation" and then clutch your pearls at accusations of racism and xenophobia. The shit doesn't work like that.

Squawking about crime does not play either because illegal immigrants commit the fewest crimes per capita of any group. The next group in line who commit the fewest crimes are legal immigrants. Besides, I can't take you seriously about being concerned with crime when hate crimes (the vast majority of whom are perpetrated by white males) is vastly up from two years ago, 74% of domestic terrorism events since 9/11 were committed by far right extremists (almost exclusively white men) and the majority of mass shootings are committed by white men and y'all are *crickets*.

Now before some jackasses begin accusing me of racism, which they know is strawmanning and bullshit, let me be clear. I am not saying most white men are terrorists or mass shooters. I should not even have to clarify that since I clearly didn't say nor imply that. But, I know some folks like to be disingenuous or can't read contextually or simply possess a woefully lacking capacity for intellect. Besides, I don't believe listing irrefutable facts is comparable to saying an entire group of human beings "rapists and murders" some of whom you "assume are good people".

•GM is cutting 15,000 jobs mostly in Ohio and Michigan. This directly due to Trump's idiotic tariffs which are the result of his inept knowledge of economics and his pathetic mental need to overcompensate for his numerous shortcomings. Gawd! Why do we have to pay for his insecurities and narcissism.

Of course, Trump reacted to GM with maturity and measured restraint. LMFAO! No, he reacted like a 15 year old pissed some other kid called him out in front of the entire school. He went to Twitter levying empty threats and taking zero responsibility.

It utterly amazes me how allegedly intelligent people cannot see this economy is in a bubble. History has shown us time and time again that lining the rich folks' pocket at the expense of the middle class and poor is a recipe for disaster. Couple that with an imbecilic arrogant buffoon who is waging an ill-advised trade war and calamity is literally at the door step. We have already seen the signs with an unsure stock market.

This economy is set to crash. Not to mention 40% of this country actually believes it is a wise idea to place the economy into the hands of a dude who filed for bankruptcy SIX FUCKING TIMES and was on the verge of bankruptcy at least that many times more. They think a man who ran a casino into the ground is a financial genius. *Sigh*

•If you are on any of my social media platforms you know I have been singing the praises of ContraPoints on YouTube! Natalie Wynn produces excellent videos which are awesome on production and even more awesome on content. She produces extensively informative videos on social and cultural topics and transgender issues.

I shouldn't even broach this topic in a "quick hitter" blog like this because the subject is way more deserving. But, I have always felt transgender people are deserving of equal treatment under the law and in society. I feel that way because regardless of what I may or may not feel about particular lifestyles I believe all people are deserving of not just equal but dignified treatment.

Now, I will not lie. I just have never understood the transgender "thing" for lack...way lacking of a better term. But, after watching ContraPoint's videos I understand considerably more. I certainly don't understand fully and as a "cis male" (look up the term) I never will.

However, I have realized I was way too judgmental which is something I strive extremely hard at not doing. If you know me, you know I don't think much of a myopic thinking and close-mindedness.

I saw Natalie on The Michael Brooks Show on YouTube (*must watch*) and became intrigued by her. I decided to begin watching her videos and became hooked. I then choose to be educated instead of ignorant and uninformed.

Look, as I said earlier, I still don't fully understand but I think it is better to learn than to judge from a place of ignorance and assumption.

All I will say is check her out and keep an open mind. View her videos on race, feminism, politics and gender through the prism of their content. View her videos on transgender issues with a mind of wanting to learn and be informed. Then, you can render a judgment and at least it will be a judgment from a place of actual knowledge instead of assumptions and preconceived notions.

I will write my next blog on Thursday. I wanna give a shout out to those who are faithful readers and whom always encourage me. I sincerely appreciate it. I know you don't always agree and I'm perfectly ok with that. I'm not looking for sycophants. I am looking for people who are open to dialogue and appreciate good content, which I hope is what I offer. I mean really what the hell do I know? I am just some wannabe writer who hopes every now and then happens to write a decent blog.

Again, thank you for reading! I mean it!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

LAWD! Pseudo Alpha Males And Their Infantile Ideology Annoy The Shit Out Of Me

*FULL DISCLOSURE* I have never seen myself as a macho kind of guy. I am quite certain I have never been seen by others as a macho kind of guy. I am perfectly fine with that because I have never desired to be a macho dude. Personally, I have never been overly impressed with machismo nor have I seen anything substantive that has been achieved from it. I suppose the perception being a tough and cool guy is a benefit, but it is only a benefit if you are indeed tough and cool. Now, I certainly don't believe I am effeminate or "light in the loafers" as the neanderthals of my youth would say. I just am who I am and never bought into the whole gender role stereotypes.

I say all this because I suppose I feel I should qualify in some way the way I am about to go all in on machismo and its innately chauvinistic and cursory nonsense. I want to make clear this isn't some beta male (Gawd! That term is so asinine!) who is just venting about the "cool" dudes. Nor, am I going on some middle age rant reliving high school. I assure you I am not. Also, most of the "cool" dudes aren't as cool as they appear, which is part of my problem.

Look, pseudo alpha males and their infantile puerile toxic ideology annoy the fuuuuuuck out of me!

I get it. Every man wants to be seen as strong and virile. But, wouldn't it be better to actually possess those attributes than just appear to possess them? I am just asking because I neither appear or actually possess those things.

One of the many problems with alpha males is they aren't interested in being about it nearly as much as they presenting a front that they are about it.

May I be honest? If you constantly walk around telling people how tough you are, how smart you are and much of a man you are I am assuming you're really none of those things.

If you walk around all the time mean mugging folks and appearing to be intimidating, I am figuring you are wanting to convince me and everyone else you are intimidating when likely (very likely) you are not.

If you tend to save your most potent "toughness" for women, I just going to mark you down as a punk bitch. (I will have more on the intimidation of women here in a minute.)

Here is the thing: The alpha male persona is largely fraudulent! It is based on style and appearance; not substance. Being "manly" is more important than being human and genuine, which are some of the real hallmarks of actual masculinity.

Please do not get me wrong. Real alpha males exist. They just don't feel the need to consistently tell you and show you they are alpha males. I say this from an anecdotal perspective that I also believe is empirical.

I know several guys (some are younger, some are older and some are my age) who I look up to. Maybe even idolize a little. They are men who get up every morning and handle their business. They work, provide for their families, set good examples for their families and others and they treat their wives with respect and reverence. They also display respect and empathy for others. And, they do all of this without broadcasting it or looking for accolades. They don't repeatedly have to say or show "they are a real man".

And, most importantly, they actually do all of these things instead of presenting an image they do these things.

In contrast, the pseudo alpha male is more often than not absolutely none of these things. They exhibit few, if any, of these qualities.

Unfortunately, I have known and currently know way to many of these pseudo alpha males. Some of them are #LikesToFightGuy. Some of them are #KnowItAllGuy. Some of them are #ITakeCaresOfMineGuy. Some of them are a combination of all three as well as other obnoxious versions of #ThatGuy. Ironically, these dudes only like to fight against the weak, they know a 1/10 of what they think they know and they take care of themselves (barely) but they don't adequately take care of theirs.

But, none of that really matters if they look like they are all these things they claim and brag to be.

One of alpha males favorite hobbies is to hurl insults and demean other men especially the dastardly beta men. Whether it is online or in person they love to chastise others for not being a man. I swear if I hear one more of these dudes say, "Be a man!", to someone who is not even close to not being a man I may have to "be a man" and throat punch them.

Seriously! I hear this bullshit said about the most innocuous and common occurring events. For example, let's say a dude is having roof issues at his house and he's somewhat fretting about it because he doesn't know how to fix it. An alpha male assclown will say, "Stop being a bitch. Be a man and fix it. You need your man card taken away." Now, on its face it seems assholish to me, but I can see where a manly man would feel that way. However, the rub is this alpha male doesn't know how to fix it either and would be in a panic expecting the wife, the parents or whomever to figure it out for him. But, he look like the "real man" because he said what he said in front of people and likely those people don't know he's full of shit.

Allow me to get to what annoys me, no infuriates me about these clowns and their toxic masculinity the most, their treatment of women. We all know sexism and misogyny are cornerstones of toxic masculinity, the fuel from which these pseudo alpha males thrive.

At the risk of over generalizing the vast majority of these machismo infused alpha males possess a disdain, if not a hatred, for women. Sure, they love their mothers, sisters and wives. They likely even respect them. But, if you scratch beneath the surface just a little you'll see that respect has vast limitations. Then, when you compare it to how they view and treat women generally you'll find the aforementioned respect in a less impressive light.

Look, I will not bullshit you here. Most men whether they are "alphas" or "betas" or whatever can improve on how they view and treat women. Male feminists are greatly appreciated by most women but they don't always seem to grasp certain issues and still struggle with preconceived notions of women or objectifying them at certain times although most women know they're well intentioned.

Anyway, let's get back to the pseudo alphas. Alphas generally view women as a means to an end whether that is as home caretaker, a baby maker, a fuck toy or just a piece of ass whenever they did their scooper into the ice cream. And, before any screaming begins, sure there are exceptions which is why I qualified my statement with "generally" instead of saying for instance "categorically" which is what I was inclined to say.

Many alphas and their allies will push back on my previous characterization. Whatevs. I have found empirical evidence that says I am closer to being right than wrong.

Many alphas will display a respect for some women such as their boss, a woman in another position of authority or their significant other; however, that respect is specious. Because, the moment that woman says or does something to contradict or chastise them their innate response is, "Who is that bitch to talk to me that way! She needs some dick!"

Ah, "she needs some dick" I am fairly certain is in the alpha male handbook of what to say in response anytime a woman does her job or simply pushes back.

I have also found most pseudo alphas don't appreciate being stood up to by women. Alphas do often save their most poisonous and idiotic venom for women. They attack women online with misogyny, sexism and sometimes threats of violence. Some of them do the same to women in person. They belittle their intelligence, slut shame them and fat shame them.

The most fringe of these cretins are the Incels. These cra cra summabitches are a series of blogs unto themselves. I highly suggest you do some reading on these douchebags. Because they're more in members than people think and there a lot of men (especially young men) who are susceptible to their virulent rhetoric. The foundation of their existence is patriarchy and hatred of women. But, I digress.

Back to the run of the mill jackass alpha males. These dudes functionally get off on degrading, insulting and intimidating women. Even if it subtle, which it frequently is. They usually leave the hard stuff to mental giants such as the Proud Boys and the Incels.

However, what I have often noticed is yet another example of the fraudulency. Whenever a woman stands up to or confronts them they become enraged but they also back down. It is not because they respect women enough to not get into a confrontation with them. Fool, please! It is because strong women, self-assured women (and men for that matter) intimidate them. Yes, it's the classic bully syndrome. Act like a badass to the perceived weak until the weak fights back and tells you to go fuck yourself.

Being confronted by women causes these "manly virile" men to retreat. They recede into a cocoon of self-loathing and despair, if you will. The very people who claim to only admire strength suddenly don't venerate it as much.

Usually filled with anger and vitriol will retort, "Who does that bitch think she is. I will not be treated that way by a female! Females don't act like that!" (I always wanna ask, "Like what? Someone standing up for themselves? *Gasp* The fucking gall!")

May I digress again just for a moment. I have no statistical or scientific evidence to back up what I am about to say. But, I really implore you to be wary of any dude who exclusively or predominantly refers to women as "females". Yes, I know "female" is a commonly used term for women. However, it has been my observation and experience that guys who almost, if not, always refer to women as "females" generally do not like nor respect women. I am just saying, a'right. Almost to a dude the men I have known or do know who do this have a fundamental disdain and distrust for women. They not only objectify women they have a dismissive view of them. And, they think every woman wants them or should want them.

Shit!!! Does that attitude grate my damn nerves. Hey, I would like to think every woman finds me attractive and wants me. But, I'm self-aware, humble and realistic enough to know if I took all the women world wide who want me they could fit into a broom closet and have room to fit the Dallas Cowboys offensive line. I get that. Sure, it's sad and tragic but it's reality.

Anyway, the same truth holds for these dumbass pseudo alphas. Perhaps, instead of a broom closet a WalMart bathroom is a more appropriate analogy. Regardless, it is not every woman who wants them. But, their vapid toxic dumbasery infused ideology leads them to believe every woman wants to give up their ice cream to them and birth their babies. So, when they get rejected or a woman makes clear she is not impressed with them they lose their snowflake minds and react in some of the manners previously mentioned.

In fact, their jejune ideology is exactly why they react so angrily whenever they are confronted or contradicted by a woman. Any woman who stands up to them or doesn't want them must be (let's say it all together, kids), "A lesbian, a femi-nazi or a female who wants a cuck beta male." That must be the answer because any "real" woman wants a "real" man and would clearly SEE they're an ALPHA MALE. Right?!....Right?

Damnit, this pseudo alpha male ideology is pure garbage. It's also all unadulterated projection. These fake ass dudes love to rip on beta males. Granted it's not as much as they love shitting on feminism and belittling women.

Here is what is amusing as hell though. Everything they say about beta males such as they are snowflakes, cucks, weak, have flaccid penises, pretentious, thin-skinned and are whiny little punk bitches is actually true about them. Wanna "trigger" an alpha male? Call his manhood both figuratively and literally into question. They are quite sensitive about the potency (or lack thereof) of their dicks.

They scream about people being snowflakes and thin-skinned. But, as I stated earlier they turn into petulant six years olds at the very existence of pushback or adversity.

Now, I have to keep it real here. Much like rape culture survives because of the complicity of women the same goes for this toxic masculinity horseshit. A significant problem is these pseudo alphas are buoyed by women who buy into this nonsense and encourage it.

Women like to be feel safe. It is natural and understandable they want to be with a man they feel will protect them. Now, unfortunately, some women are less concerned with the actual substance of this and more concerned with the style. What I mean is some women are attracted to ostentatiousness of machismo without necessarily being concerned if the actual substance of real masculinity is there.

Look, some people perceive false bravado and vapid self-aggrandizement as actual confidence and strength. This leads these assclowns to feel their cursory chauvinistic mindset is justified. The perception of masculinity is equitable to actual masculinity. *Sigh*

Look, y'all, what do I know? I am just a short beta male who likely has a height complex, right? I am merely a weak beta who is jealous of virile alpha males. At least that is what I would imagine Alt-Right, social media tough guy and pseudo alpha male trolls will say from their parents basement or as soon as the girlfriends they're mooching off of will turn their cell phones back on.

This entire ideology is so vapid, vain, arcane and stupid. It really is just stupid. And, the misogyny, disrespect for women and hatred for women is toxic and dangerous. In fact, we've already seen its dangerous effects in Toronto and Tallahassee over the last few weeks.

Being "a man" takes way more than saying you're a man. It entails so much more than walking around like a stick is up your ass with your arms all puffed out and sporting a mean mug resembling a pouting petulant five year old. It is not intimidating. It makes you look ridiculous.

It's way more than about style. Genuine alpha males don't have to front or lie to the unknowing and uninformed about fake accomplishments. Especially when they're accomplishments other men do without expectation of accolades or pats on the back.

Real men do not have to manufacture presence or demand to be seen. They command attention without having to say a word or commit one action.

A true alpha male doesn't have to put others down (especially women) to build themselves up. They view such trite nonsense as being beneath them.

True masculinity is being comfortable with who you are but being self-aware. It is about being empathetic; not ostentatious.

Again, maybe I don't know what the hell I am talking about. I am sure someone will let me know.

Regardless, pseudo alpha males and their infantile ideology annoy the shit out of me!

Friday, November 23, 2018

Saying #NotAll______ Is Weak (And You Know It!)

As soon as someone says or does something racist a group of people (usually white) spout off, "#NotAllWhitePeople!" A guy inappropriately touches or sexually assaults a woman and the innate response is, "NotAllMen!".

I get it. It is a defensive reaction. People tend to think they're being included in whatever transgression has taken place. But, the reality is the reaction drips with insincerity and a failure (whether intentional or not) to actually acknowledge the issue.

A few weeks ago I read a terrific Twitter thread that touched on this very topic. I will not go tweet by tweet but I will hit on the gist of the topic.

The author of the tweet said let's imagine there are a group of kids in a school. There are 10 white students and three students of color. Six of the white students are bullies. The other four white students do not particularly care for or even hate these six students because they are bullies and obnoxious.

Well, the six bullies decide to start stealing the three minority kids' lunches. The group of four white students are aware of this and even offer sympathy toward the students of color revealing their disdain for the bullies but they never intervene.

After a couple of weeks the students of color become tired of the bullying and being hungry everyday. They go to their teacher to voice their concerns. The teacher says she will speak with school administration.

Well, the administration does nothing, so the bullying continues. A week passes and the students of color confront the group of four. "You guys see these jerks stealing our lunches every day; yet, you do nothing. Why? We try to fight back but they outnumber us two to one", the students of color say.

"Look, we hate those assholes as much as you do but we don't wanna get involved. We know what they are doing to you is wrong", says the group of four.

The students of color decide to go to their teacher again. Except this time when they complain about the bullies they are not specific and simply say, "those white students". The group of four immediately respond, "It's not us. It's them (pointing to the bullies). Don't put this on us. Not all white kids are like that."

One of students of color retorts, "We didn't say all of you are doing it. But you know what is going on and just standby. You act you are upset by the bullying but you do nothing to intervene. You never say anything to those bullies. So, what are we to think other than you do not really have an issue with it."

And, that last paragraph is why I am writing this blog.

When an incident of racism or misogyny takes your first response should not be " not all white people", "not all men". Unless someone makes a blanket statement why would that be the initial response.

If I say, "I'm tired of racist white people", why would you believe I am talking about you?

The response to that is usually, "I don't but not all white people are racist. I abhor racism." I am aware that all white people are not racist but I am talking about the ones who are.

What frustrates me most is that the type of person who has that initial response seems to miss the entire point.  They say they abhor racism but appear fearful of calling it out. They are consumed with making sure know they are not racist, which actually makes me wonder because of their adamant protests.

Most people fully know no one group of people are a monolith. I realize not all white people are racists. Most are not. However, when you hear or see racism your innate response should not be to become defense council for the non-racist white contingency. It should be to condemn and repudiate the racism.

Same attitude applies to sexism and misogyny. If a woman is venting, "I am disgusted with the way some men continue to perpetuate rape culture and feel women only exist for their carnal pleasures", and your immediate response is, "not all men" there is an issue.

The vast majority of people are aware not all men are chauvinist pigs. However, some (too many) men are. Becoming defensive to say you or your man is not a dog while ignoring the fact there are men who are or the subject being discussed is frustrating. Truthfully, it's infuriating.

I understand not all men sexist rape culture enabling jackholes but may we address the ones who are? Why is it so hard to not feel the need to defend yourself from an accusations nobody made against you and condemn sexism, misogyny and/or rape culture?

Saying "not all ______" is weak. It is a copout. It just is. And, it plants doubt as to how much you really aren't what you're saying you are not.

Look, I'm going to keep it real. If you are white and not a racist or a bigot, terrific! But, your actions and words will reveal that. If you feel the need to tell me you're not especially in response to a racist comment or action, I'm going to frown up. If you do that without ever explicitly denouncing the racist comment or action I'm going side-eye you. Instead of unnecessarily (or should be unnecessarily if you are genuine) imploring me to believe you are not a racist, how about you repudiate the racism. I mean that would be great.

It would also be great if instead of employing questionable defenses of your virtues you would display some empathy and backbone.

I know you are not calling me a "nigger" or slut shaming a sexual assault victim. What do you want? A pat on the back? A "good job, keep up the good work"? So, instead of telling me you are not doing those things it would be hella sweet if you could denounce those who are and refrain from offering spurious excuses for their defense such as: "Well, that is how they grew up."

I hate to sound like a broken record but again I know it's not all men or not all white people or not all Republicans. I know a plethora of all these people and many are great people. I am talking about those belonging to those groups who are not such great people or who don't say such nice things.

See, you don't need to convince me you're not a hateful myopic asshole. You need to convince me you're not ok or willing to look the other way on hateful myopic assholes. Because, that will truly tell me whether you are or aren't a hateful myopic asshole.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

What I Am Thankful For

Thanksgiving is my third favorite holiday behind Christmas and Super Bowl Sunday. (Do not side-eye me. Super Bowl Sunday is a least in my world.) So, I feel I should say aloud what it is I'm thankful for.

I am thankful for my family. I'm thankful for my kids and grandkids. I'm thankful for my father and siblings who have done so much for me. I'm thankful for those who have helped me out when I was in a predicament and didn't know how I was going to move forward.

I am thankful for my friends. I am thankful for those people who love me and stick by me no matter what. It is so much better than I deserve. I am awful about regularly keeping in touch; yet, my friends are always there when I need them.

I am thankful for my job. I have been at my current job 11 1/2 years. I love it! I have to commute 45 miles one way and even on days traffic is a bish and it takes forever and a day to get there it's worth it.

I am thankful for my bosses and co-workers. I have the best boss, supervisors and co-workers ever! They not only provide support but a safe haven.

I am thankful for my health. It is far from perfect but it could be so much worse. I generally fell good. I have my days but overall I am in good health.

I am thankful for my Atlanta Braves. As most know, I am a huge sports fan but the Braves are my ride or die and baseball is my favorite sport. The Braves had a great 2018 campaign and I am looking forward to what the future holds for this young exciting team.

I am thankful I live in a country that is still free. I am thankful for my freedom of speech. I am also thankful for the institutions and guiding principles the Founding Fathers built this country upon. While they are certainly being strained and tested so far they have held...for the most part.

I am thankful for The Young Turks, Kyle Kulinski, The Majority Report and other independent YouTube news outlets who are bringing accurate information to the public. Facts do matter and we should not lose sight of that.

I am thankful we have adults in the room at the White House who are keeping under foot the worst impulses of the President.

I am thankful for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ayonna Pressley and the other Progressive women of color who won election. It encourages me to see even in a time of division and polarization in our country diversity still shines.

I am thankful for you, my readers! I love to write and this blog means so much to me. I really do attempt to produce quality content. I know many agree with me and some disagree but I hope you find me honest, fair and factual.

I do intend to start doing YouTube videos in the very near future. It's something I think I would be good at doing and enjoy.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

The View From The Side-Eye: The Right's Obsession With Alexandria Ocasio-Corte...

The View From The Side-Eye: The Right's Obsession With Alexandria Ocasio-Corte...: Hey, Fox News, right-wing punditry, right-wing media what you all are doing to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is called stalking! Y'all are ...

The Right's Obsession With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Hey, Fox News, right-wing punditry, right-wing media what you all are doing to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is called stalking! Y'all are more obsessed with her than a 13 year old girl in 2010 was with Justin Bieber.

It was funny at first. Then, it became pathetic. Now, it's sort of unnerving and frightening.

Look, I get it. I understand why y'all are so preoccupied with her. I see why you are all in your feelings about her.

The congresswoman-elect from New York state's 14th district is the total package. She is young, extremely bright, intelligent, charismatic, genuine and laser focused. And, yes, she is beautiful on top of everything else.

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is the candidate you wish you had but do not. Also, it is not just her but an entire incoming freshmen class of young progressive diverse women that are getting under your skin.

But, it's AOC that really strikes a nerve. She is the one you focus on constantly.

You have literally spent the last five months attempting to discredit her. She has been accessed of lying about her upbringing. It has been pointed out she spent her "formative years"  in Westchester instead of the Bronx which she lists as home.

Well, if you weren't so lazy and so insincere you would acknowledge she addressed this. Her mother worked multiple jobs so she could get a house in Westchester so she could attend better schools. As AOC repeatedly mentioned, they lived check to check and her mother sacrificed greatly so she had a shot at a future. Also, if you actually saw the picture of the house they lived in it was not exactly a mansion.

Next, you clowns lied about her education attempting to make her sound elitist. Then, you incessantly implied she is unintelligent.

Some right-wing hack from NewsMax said AOC attended an Ivy League school thus making her an elite instead of the working class populist she says she is. The truth is she attended Boston University working her way through college.

Then you went to the other end of the spectrum. There was a concerted attempt to make AOC out to be well-meaning but naive and silly regarding economic and social issues.

No more idiotic example of this is when Sean Hannity "exposed" her on his show for being a "radical Marxist socialist". He had this huge board listing Ocasio-Cortez's radical ideas. Those "radical" ideas included a living wage, affordable housing for every American, Medicare For All, no child going to bed hungry, legalizing weed and ensuring senior citizens have adequate housing, food and healthcare. *Gasp* I know. How appalling! What kind of craziness is this silly child promoting? The elderly and the children not going to bed hungry? The audacity!

Oh, and lest we not forget Jake Tapper attempting to trip her up on paying for Medicare For All. "How are we going to pay for it?", he asked. Her response was brilliant. She asked how do we pay for eight wars? How do we pay for a military that is bigger than the next nine biggest countries combined. She said we find a way and cut out excess waste such as our military budget and corporate welfare.

Now, that she's been elected the obsession has become worse.

AOC gave an interview to The Hill (I believe) where she openly opined about being able to afford housing in the months before she is actually sworn into office. Fox News took the opportunity to mock her. A panel of millionaires sat around laughing about Ocasio-Cortez possibly not being able to afford housing in the most expensive area in the country.

One panelist, Ed Henry, suggested again that she was exaggerating because she lived some of her formative years in Westchester. Another panelist, Judith Miller, implied it was a political ploy to play up her middle class working girl persona. Six months ago AOC was literally a bar tender. So, it's not an act. For most Americans paying for housing is a legit concern. By the way look up Judith Miller and her role in selling the lie about wmds to the American public on the Iraq War.

The most recent and creepiest example of the obsession with Ocasio-Cortez came just this week from Washington Examiner "journalist", Ed Scarry. Scarry tweeted a pic of AOC taken from behind her. In the caption he said the jacket she was wearing didn't look like the clothing of someone who is struggling. Scarry claims a congressional staffer sent him the pic. *Coughs* Liar!

First, you can't tell what type of jacket it is. The jacket is solid black. It literally could have came from Goodwill. He nor anyone else knows.

Second, even if it is an expensive jacket that doesn't automatically mean she's lying about being middle class. Only a vapid idiot would think that.

Third, why is anyone sneaking around taking pics of AOC's ass? That seems inappropriate, no?

Well, it appears Scarry has an extensive history of taking and tweeting inappropriate pictures of women. I implore you to look it up. It is quite creepy.

To me the obsession with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is funny. It is also very revealing.

It reveals an unreal level of sexism, misogyny and belittlement of millennials. But, that is par for the course.

What is truly illuminated is the fear Conservatives and mainstream media even have of AOC. You don't put this much of a concerted effort into discrediting and demeaning someone whom you view as irrelevant or inconsequential. Am I right?

If they really thought she was stupid or naive, they wouldn't spend so much time attempting to convince their flock she is. She is a first term representative from New York who has no pedigree or lineage, so why be so obsessed with her?

Republicans are not stupid. They know a star when they see one. They know an icon or cult of personality. That is what AOC has become.

However, what they also realize is AOC isn't a cursory superstar. She smart, witty, intuitive and intellectually curious. They know she has substance-lots of substance- to her. What they know is 10 or 15 years from now they could be dealing with presidential candidate, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

I am sure some will laugh at that. We will see who is laughing in the end. Republicans are obviously worried about her for some reason, right.

AOC is apart of the insurgent new Democratic Party. A party that inclusive, progressive and populist. She is a fighter and doesn't back down. She is not apart of the old guard who allows themselves to get punched in the face without hitting back in the name of civility. She fully understands civility doesn't mean capitulating to the opposition and abandoning your principles.

AOC has convictions and a core guiding principle, which is to help not just a few but all people. She and the rest of the Progressive incoming class has made it clear they have come to get things done for their constituents and taking "no" for an answer us not an option!

That is why she and they are feared.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Identity Politics Are Complex, So Here's The Thing

As a general rule the employment of identity politics as a campaign strategy is risky. It is certainly likely to be divisive.

The implementation of identity in political discourse as a whole or generic social discourse can be polarizing.

But, does that mean identity should never be a topic or brought up during the course of conversation? No.

Whether we want to admit it or not identity plays a significant role in not only our politics but everyday life. I can assure you as an African-American I am reminded every single day I'm African-American. Sometimes those reminders are subtle and sometimes they are loud and blunt.

It is almost chic now on the right side of the political spectrum and on segments of the left to bemoan identity politics. It is a commonality between Conservatives and some Progressives to lament, "Why are we always concentrating on what we are? The issues affect all of us." Actually, that is not really true, but I will address that here in a few minutes.

Here is the thing about that stance. It is specious and disingenuous.

From Conservatives standpoint they are just not being honest about their professed disdain for identity politics or intersectionalism as they might call it. Donald Trump's primary campaign theme was "white grievance". More succinctly it was and still is "white male grievance".

Now, when it comes to the segment of the left that rails against identity politics, their opposition is disingenuous too. They frame their stance as the issues affect all of us; thus, it is divisive to discuss certain issues as if they only primarily affect specific groups. Even though that is empirically and statistically true regarding certain nuanced issues.

The truth is they don't want identity politics employed because it might, likely, will offend and put off some white voters.

Look, a part of me gets it. I can understand why a low income white male hears how the criminal justice system is unfair to blacks and would think that is bullshit because they had to spend two weeks in county jail over some bogus charge and because the bail system is a legal extortion system they could not get out. But, the other part of me says that dude should be more nuanced in his thinking and realize that kind of crap disproportionately happens to people of color.

The fact is some issues more adversely affect certain groups of folks more than they do others. Pointing that out isn't using identity as a crutch. It is pointing out facts.

Now, generally I don't believe harping on identity to elicit votes or favor or attention is a good idea.

I agree with those critics who say a significant amount of Hillary Clinton's problems was she incessantly relied on her being the first female nominee for president from a major political party. Not only did the media mention it ad nauseam so did she.

Obviously, you can't just say, "I'm a woman" or "I'm black" or "I'm gay" so "vote for me". Candidates have to give people something to vote for.

Same goes for anything in life. Don't give me a shot because I am black. Give me a shot because I am intelligent or qualified or hard working.

But, with that being said, we must address the realities. Identity matters. It especially matters to many of those who claim it doesn't.

Some issues simply affect certain groups more than others. It is not racist or divisive to point that out. It is being objective.

For example, ending the drug war is a major issue of the Progressive Left. Ending the drug war would benefit Americans across the board because it's costly and ineffective. But, it's malpractice to not point out that black and brown people are hugely disproportionately adversely affected by the drug war. Saying that is not being racist or playing identity politics. It is being intellectually honest about an issue that affects all of us but some more than others.

In the same respect it would be silly to mention stagnant wages only in the context of certain working class voters. Wage growth or lack thereof is something that affects people across the spectrum because there are working class people of all races. It is not an issue that disproportionately affects certain groups unless you are meaning the middle class and poor as a whole.

Another sub-issue that grates my nerves is the complaining about the hyphen. That meaning why do people have to be referred to as African-American or Mexican-American and so forth. It is yet another specious stance that is dripping with disingenuousness.

Yes, we are all Americans! But, the folks who love to say this are the very ones who love to point out others' race, nationality, religion or sexual orientation.

They will ask, "Why do you specify you're black by saying you're African-American? Why can't you just say you're American? "

I don't know. Good questions. Here are better ones. Why did you clutch your purse a little tighter when I walked up but didn't when those white dudes were around you? Why did you assume I am a rap music fan? Why did you bristle and frown up when that white lady over there appeared to be flirting with me?

See, the game that is played is quite transparent.

I agree identity as a political strategy is generally a misconceived idea. I agree relying upon identity to get through life is very likely going to backfire.

However, that doesn't mean we can ignore our identity or should suppress it. It also doesn't means identity and its impact should be dismissed.

Criticizing people for mentioning Sen. Kamala Harris could be the first black female candidate for president as playing identity politics is somewhat silly. No, that should not be a reason to vote for her but you are grossly naive or emphatically stupid if you don't believe there are plenty of folks who will not vote for her because she is a black female.

Again, the people who love to say identity should not matter are the people it often matters to most.

Should you like me or respect me or even feel sorry for me because I am a black man in America? Hell no! First, I don't want your sympathy. Second, I would hope you like and respect me because I have earned it.

However, that doesn't mean my identity as a black man in America should not be viewed through a nuanced lens.

*I really struggled with the title for this blog because I am fairly certain it will not encapsulate what I am actually conveying.*

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

About Last Night: An Overview Of The 2018 Midterm Elections

It was not the blue tsunami the most optimistic Democrats were hoping for. Nor was it the blue wave many prognosticators were cautiously predicting. It also was not the blue ripple I predicted. Last night was more of a wave sturdily crashing against the rocks.

The 2018 midterm elections weren't the categorical referendum on Trumpism the Democrats and the Left were wanting it to be. However, it was a night deserving more of a golf clap and a cynical "at least it was not a repeat of 2016".

The facts are some disappointing and frankly anger inducing events took place last night. But, some groundbreaking, inspiring and hope inducing things took place also.

Let's get the negative out of the way first.

As if the events of the past three weeks weren't enough of a reminder (the Proud Boys, #MAGABomber, Pittsburgh synagogue mass shooting, the Krogers murders in Kentucky and the Tallahassee mass shooting by an Incel), we were forced to acknowledge racism is still very much alive and well in America in 2018! And, racist rhetoric, dog whistling and blatant voter suppression works in elections.

Andrew Gillum, who was seeking to be Florida's first Africa-American governor, headed into Tuesday's Florida Governor race with anywhere from a 2.5% to 5% lead in the polls over Republican candidate, Ron DeSantis. DeSantis had repeatedly employed racial dog whistles and comments about Gillum. Not to mention DeSantis has a history of ties to racist and White Nationalists including a donor who worked for his campaign who once referred to former President Barack Obama as a "Muslim nigger". DeSantis refused to give the money back this donor had given him.

However, DeSantis won the election by less than one percent. So, Florida, which is "America's embarrassment" and its shithole , once again proved it's racist regardless of what Floridians claim. We've seen too many times Florida fail to do the right thing.

Another disappointment was in the Georgia governor's race. Progressive candidate, Stacey Abrams, headed into election night anywhere from tied to slightly ahead of Republican counterpart, Brian Kemp. Abrams was seeking to become Georgia's first African-American and female governor.

But, blatant voter suppression efforts by Kemp, who is also the state's secretary of state, appeared to have worked. Abrams, who has refused to concede, at current time is down by a percentage point, and has vowed to demand a runoff.

Kemp waged a strategic battle to suppress thousands of black voters.

Democrats had some other deflating losses. Republicans expanded their advantage in the Senate due to Democratic incumbents, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Joe Donnelly of Indiana and Bill Nelson of Florida losing. Although I say good riddance to McCaskill and Donnelly. Both are corporate Democrats who sold their party out to run as "Republican lite" candidates.

The Democrats also failed to flip some house seats they were hoping would go their way.

The true disgrace of the night took place in Iowa's fourth district where White Nationalist, Steve King, held on to his seat. While Dems flipped seats in other Iowa districts somehow King's racist ass won. Disdainful that a piece of shit like King will be in Congress for his ninth term.

Another stain on American democracy is that Duncan Hunter and Devin Nunes (both of California) held on to their seats. Hunter is literally facing 16 indictments of fraud and corruption.

Republicans, y'all keep touting you're the party of law and order though.

Now, what Democrats should be ecstatic about is they have control of the House of Representatives. They took a 10 seat advantage.

Taking control of the House is huge. Democrats can exercise the appropriate oversight over the Trump administration. They can also reopen and open investigations into Trump and his corrupt department heads.

I actually had someone say to me today, "Oh great. Now, they will be looking into everything. Why can't they just let it go." I'll give you a guess which party he belongs.

No, they should not let it go. Trump and his criminal corrupt behavior should be investigated. And, Republicans, spare me your bullshit about, "Why wasn't Obama investigated?" Stop being infantile and ignorant! Republicans have controlled Congress since 2010! They had plenty of opportunities to "investigate". They didn't because there wasn't shit to investigate.

Besides, did you clowns forget about the 27 Benghazi probes? Trey Gowdy conducted 14 himself out of the House Judiciary committee. They didn't yield anything.

Anyway, the Dems and Progressives actually had a night that should provide optimism. Of course, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won her race and is headed to Congress.

Last night made some awesome history. And, it's history that will trigger Trumpsters and the Alt-Right, which makes it even better!

Massachusetts elected its first African-American woman to Congress. Also, three Muslim-American women were elected to Congress, which will mark the first three Muslim women ever elected. We also saw the first two Native-American women elected.

Colorado elected the first ever openly gay governor! And, Kansas elected its first female governor simultaneously handing defeat to Mr. Voter Suppression, Kris Kobach. That alone made my night.

While Beto O'Rourke came up just short in his bid to unseat Ted Cruz as senator in Texas, women flipped two house seats blue. My home state of Oklahoma actually saw a woman flip a house seat blue in the state's fifth district.

Overall, Democrats had a good night. It was not the night we hoped for, granted. But, a lot good things happened and it provided momentum heading toward 2020.

The reality is a plurality of this country endorses racism or at least is not bothered by it. That is depressing.

However, Trump and the Republicans were sent a message. In the cities and suburbs of this country hate and intolerance will not be embraced. This country will not succumb to gutter politics and fear mongering Trump bathes himself in.

Last night didn't provide a declaration that progressiveness had truly arrived. But, it did let the #MAGA crowd know we aren't going backwards either.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Why Is Unequivocally Disavowing Racism Seemingly So Difficult For Some?

In 2018 we would like to believe denouncing and repudiating racism and all its tentacles is as easy as denouncing cancer or Justin Bieber reproducing. But, that certainly does not appear to be the case for President Donald Trump and his supporters.

Over the course of the last three years it is fair say Donald Trump has made many racially insensitive and divisive statements. Since becoming president he has suggested many policies (and enacted some) that are viewed as racist or at least bigoted. And, it is also fair to say that extremist right-wing groups such as the Klu Klux Klan, White Nationalists and Neo-Nazis have felt more emboldened by Trump's rise and have frequently acted out on that as a result of feeling emboldened.

Leaders of these groups such as Richard Spencer and David Duke have often spoke out supporting Trump both as a candidate and as president. In fact, Spencer and Duke along with other racist leaders have held Trump up as a savior, hero and voice for their movement.

These racist groups have littered Trump's rallies almost from the onset of his campaign. They have been shown shouting anti-Semitic slurs, anti-immigrant phrases and even fascist slogans. For the record they have been joined by people who would readily tell you that in no way they are racist or anti-Semitic or Nazis.

Now, President Trump cannot, of course, dictate certain individuals not support him. This is still a free country (for now) and people have the right to support and vote for whomever they choose. I would certainly never suggest otherwise.

However, he and his non-avowed racist supporters most definitely have the power over whether they endorse these folks' support. They have the utmost autonomy over whether they embrace or make these individuals feel welcomed into the fold. They unquestionably can dictate the volume of the voice or level of relevancy these alt-right clowns have within their circle.

The President nor his following can necessarily stop White Nationalists, White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis from wanting a seat at the table; but, they sure as hell have the ability to keep them out of the house let alone pulling up a chair and shoving some buttered biscuits down their hate coated throats.

See, here is the rub with Trump, Trumpsters and Trumpism. They play this coy game. At least they believe they're being coy.

They play footsies with the Alt-Right. They do some playful hand slapping. Then, they do the "Oh, we don't like them at all" game. But, when they think nobody is paying attention they're behind the bleachers tonguing each other. And, yes, I said that because I want the image in your head!

Every single time Trump is confronted with blatant undeniable racism from his supporters or the Alt-Right he refuses to full-throatily unequivocally disavow them or their ideology.

Over the last three years  numerous hate crime incidents have taken place. Most of them committed in the name of Trump and/or his Make America Great Again movement. Almost every time Trump and the White House spew out some weak ass "racism is evil" and "we don't condone racism" bullshit.

Yet, they don't really think racism is that evil nor can they say they don't condone racism because their weak condemnation is always followed up with an apology tour.

After Charlottesville we all remember the Trump Tower impromptu presser where Trump said of the White Nationalists and Nazis marching, "There were some very fine people in that group..."Those "very fine people" bombarded a church, which had people inside praying, the night before. Also, please keep in mind Trump's little tirade ensued after reporters asked him if he would disavow White Nationalists, Klansmen and Neo-Nazis.  

For the record he never disavowed them.

Go back to the campaign. Remember Jake Tapper asked Trump about David Duke and the Klan. Trump claimed he didn't know anything about the Klan and had never heard of Duke. Now, who in their right minds thinks a 70 year old man who has spent his entire life in America has never heard of the Klan? Not to mention his daddy was rioting beside them in 1927.

As for Duke, Trump was blatantly lying about never hearing of him before. Back in 1999 Trump claimed the reason he wouldn't run for president on the Reform Party ticket is because David Duke belonged to the party.

Then, when asked to disavow David Duke Trump initially refused. Eventually he succumbed to Tapper's nagging. And, like a jerk teenager being forced to apologize to his teacher for talking back, he "disavowed" Duke. His disavowing of David Duke was about as sincere as mine would be if I were forced to disavow "trash tv".

By the way he never disavowed the Klan.

Now, here we are going through two of the most tumultuous and disturbing two weeks in most of ours' lifetime. We are just removed from a mass political assassination attempt involving mailed pipe bombs from a racist Trump superfan that targeted two former presidents and four current members of Congress among several other prominent figures. We are also a mere week removed from an avowed White Nationalist murdering 11 people at a synagogue in Pittsburgh and clearly stating his motive for the murders was race and anti-immigrant sentiment.

As always the President and his sycophants decried the murders and pipe bombs. However, they ignored the stated motivations and manifestos of the perpetrators.

In fact, Counselor to the President and woman who always looks like she had one to many whiskey shooters the night before, Kellyanne Conway, attempted to make the Pittsburgh synagogue mass murder about religion in an effort to not only avert from the obvious racist angle but to somehow make the Trump base the victim. It was really one of the most contrived trifilin things I have ever witnessed.

And, the same theme continued. Whether it was Lyin Ass Barbie, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the plethora of intellectually bankrupt Trump apologists on CNN and Fox News or the President himself, none of them would straightforwardly and unequivocally disavow and repudiate White Nationalism. Not one!


It is simple. It is also the same reason nobody in Trump's base will disavow it either. The White Nationalists, Nazis and avowed racists don't really bother them.

They either agree with it, sympathize with it or have simply determined being implicitly complicit with it is necessary and palatable.

I am sure any Trumpsters reading this are at this moment clutching their pearls, gasping in disbelief and becoming all red faced and indignant. And, I say to that, STOP! Calm yo ass down and quit with the fake ass theatrics!

What other conclusions can be drawn?

Despite the constant "vehement" denials it is beyond obvious Trumpsters recognize what the rest of us have always known and that is the Alt-Right is apart of the Trump, no the Republican base. They along with Trump also realize he is only president because of these hatemongers and he will only remain president if they stay in his corner.

So, they have decided that principles be damned, if tongue kissing the Alt-Right is what it takes to keep Trump in power they will be the Alt-Right's slut as long as necessary. Of course, I'm not naive. I realize some-many aren't sacrificing anything because they've always been the Alt-Right's side chick.

As I said in last Saturday's blog, stop expecting there to be a red line. It does not and will never exist. Whether these folks see it as a sacrifice or acting on their true core convictions, they are in line and all in. Better isn't coming.

It is not that hard to explicitly denounce and disavow hate, racism and bigotry. Well, unless you embrace those things or don't see a huge problem with them. It is as simple as that.

As I have said and will say to every Trump supporter who clutches their pearls and becomes so offended (allegedly) whenever anyone suggests or says they're racist, I am not saying they or all Trumpsters are racists or bigots. What I am point blank saying, however, is that obviously racism and hate aren't deal breakers for them. That is a problem for me. What I am also saying is regardless whether they want to accept it or not they are complicit in Trump's trafficking in racism and the Alt-Right's bathing in racism.

Silence is not an elixir nor is it an absolvent.

The silence I heard during Charlottesville, the constant rhetoric during Trump rallies and the last two weeks isn't deafening. On the contrary, it is loud and clear.

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R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!