Friday, July 6, 2018

Truth Is Not Subjective

The late Senator Patrick Moynihan once said, "Everyone is entitled to their own, but not their own facts." The truth is made up of facts. Facts are not subjective. Thus, the truth is not subjective.

However, we live in a time some people call the "post fact era". We reside in a space where we believe what we want to believe regardless of it's authenticity or factual standing. The truth is what we want it to be. This nonsense has caused our society to become caustic, narcissistic and toxic.

Any truly free society must have freedom of opinion and a structure of truth. The members of such a society must understand that these two things are different but by no means are mutually exclusive. Any solid reasonable intelligent opinion has to be composed of facts.

Now, while the truth is certifiably objective and facts are undeniably elements of certainty, how truth and facts are perceived can be varied. For instance, the country's job numbers are unquestionably high. Unemployment is low. That is not up for debate. But, the interpretation of those numbers can be a matter for discussion. If you're a proponent of the current administration you will likely say 230,000 plus jobs added every month is an awesome achievement. However, a critic of the current administration could point out many of those jobs are low wage and low skilled jobs. Both lines of thought can be seen as true. But, what is unquestionably a fact is the raw added job numbers.

What is happening though in the current landscape of the country is facts are only being acknowledged if it fits a desired narrative. If said facts do not fit the narrative they are either being ignored or represented as a falsehood. Gaslighting has become as natural for some as breathing. It could be argued maybe more so.

We dwell in a time where people literally make up their own truth. A practice that used to be reserved for the deranged, unhinged and criminal.
If people read or hear something they don't like, they label it "fake news" even if it's something that has been proven and is verifiably accurate. Folks literally reject things that are right in front of their face for something more palatable.

We have people of prominence, influence and power who get up before us every day and simply lie. They twist and distort facts. They call facts lies and lies facts. They say, "The truth is what we tell you it is." But, it is not! The truth is what the facts say it is.

 Look, I'm 5'4". Yes, I am short. I am perfectly fine with my height. However, I will not lie. It'd be nice to be 5'11" or 6'0". But, I'm not. I could tell people, "I'm 6'1"." They would look at me like I was insane and say, "Bruh. You're short. You are not 6'1"." I could reply that I am and keep repeating it. How crazy does that sound? Well, guess what, people do similar every single day. Some of our leaders do it. People do it in their personal lives. It's gaslighting run amok.

Here is the issue. It works. It really works. As a society we are so polarized, so narcissistic, so caught up in our prejudices and self-indulgence that we allow it to work.

Instead of accepting the reality we're in and working to change it if we don't like it, we create our own. Or, we reside in a reality created by someone else. We literally live in bubbles. "Bubbles" is an in vogue term but an accurate one. Many of us insulate ourselves from any and everything we don't want to be associated with or accept. Many of us ignore the truth if the truth isn't what fits our ideal world. We gravitate toward a bubble that will cultivate the truth we want.

The media has been made victim of this. The so-called mainstream media has numerous faults. They have biases. But, the vast majority report accurately. They relay the facts as they are. Some may put a slant on them but they report verified information. And, if you don't accept what they say the information they report is verifiable. And, what isn't verifiable most of the news organizations are very good at saying that.

But, so many people reject any news stories or articles if they are negative toward their "guy or woman" or a subject they're for. Again, it's called "fake news" regardless if the information is verifiably factual. However, if the news is something they like, "Well, they're being truthful."

As someone who loves journalism and information and who loves to learn, it saddens me that we are in this "post fact era". This mindset that has pervaded our culture is toxic. Quite frankly, it is dangerous.

One of the pillars of a democracy is the fourth estate, the press. A free press is essential to a free society. That is exactly the reason a free press is mentioned in the beginning of our Constitution. But, the press is under constant attacks from some of our leaders. And, they're not under attack because they are lying. They're under attack because they are reporting facts. And, facts themselves face attack every day.

It is not just an issue in our politics but in personal interactions. People will literally attack and gaslight other people for merely confronting them with the truth. This should not happen in a healthy democratic republic.

The truth is perhaps the pillar that holds us up. The ability to hear the truth, read the truth and express the truth is what makes us free. The truth is not what we say it is. The truth is what facts say it is. Hopefully, we haven't so lost sight of this that it's too late.

R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!