Sunday, November 25, 2018

LAWD! Pseudo Alpha Males And Their Infantile Ideology Annoy The Shit Out Of Me

*FULL DISCLOSURE* I have never seen myself as a macho kind of guy. I am quite certain I have never been seen by others as a macho kind of guy. I am perfectly fine with that because I have never desired to be a macho dude. Personally, I have never been overly impressed with machismo nor have I seen anything substantive that has been achieved from it. I suppose the perception being a tough and cool guy is a benefit, but it is only a benefit if you are indeed tough and cool. Now, I certainly don't believe I am effeminate or "light in the loafers" as the neanderthals of my youth would say. I just am who I am and never bought into the whole gender role stereotypes.

I say all this because I suppose I feel I should qualify in some way the way I am about to go all in on machismo and its innately chauvinistic and cursory nonsense. I want to make clear this isn't some beta male (Gawd! That term is so asinine!) who is just venting about the "cool" dudes. Nor, am I going on some middle age rant reliving high school. I assure you I am not. Also, most of the "cool" dudes aren't as cool as they appear, which is part of my problem.

Look, pseudo alpha males and their infantile puerile toxic ideology annoy the fuuuuuuck out of me!

I get it. Every man wants to be seen as strong and virile. But, wouldn't it be better to actually possess those attributes than just appear to possess them? I am just asking because I neither appear or actually possess those things.

One of the many problems with alpha males is they aren't interested in being about it nearly as much as they presenting a front that they are about it.

May I be honest? If you constantly walk around telling people how tough you are, how smart you are and much of a man you are I am assuming you're really none of those things.

If you walk around all the time mean mugging folks and appearing to be intimidating, I am figuring you are wanting to convince me and everyone else you are intimidating when likely (very likely) you are not.

If you tend to save your most potent "toughness" for women, I just going to mark you down as a punk bitch. (I will have more on the intimidation of women here in a minute.)

Here is the thing: The alpha male persona is largely fraudulent! It is based on style and appearance; not substance. Being "manly" is more important than being human and genuine, which are some of the real hallmarks of actual masculinity.

Please do not get me wrong. Real alpha males exist. They just don't feel the need to consistently tell you and show you they are alpha males. I say this from an anecdotal perspective that I also believe is empirical.

I know several guys (some are younger, some are older and some are my age) who I look up to. Maybe even idolize a little. They are men who get up every morning and handle their business. They work, provide for their families, set good examples for their families and others and they treat their wives with respect and reverence. They also display respect and empathy for others. And, they do all of this without broadcasting it or looking for accolades. They don't repeatedly have to say or show "they are a real man".

And, most importantly, they actually do all of these things instead of presenting an image they do these things.

In contrast, the pseudo alpha male is more often than not absolutely none of these things. They exhibit few, if any, of these qualities.

Unfortunately, I have known and currently know way to many of these pseudo alpha males. Some of them are #LikesToFightGuy. Some of them are #KnowItAllGuy. Some of them are #ITakeCaresOfMineGuy. Some of them are a combination of all three as well as other obnoxious versions of #ThatGuy. Ironically, these dudes only like to fight against the weak, they know a 1/10 of what they think they know and they take care of themselves (barely) but they don't adequately take care of theirs.

But, none of that really matters if they look like they are all these things they claim and brag to be.

One of alpha males favorite hobbies is to hurl insults and demean other men especially the dastardly beta men. Whether it is online or in person they love to chastise others for not being a man. I swear if I hear one more of these dudes say, "Be a man!", to someone who is not even close to not being a man I may have to "be a man" and throat punch them.

Seriously! I hear this bullshit said about the most innocuous and common occurring events. For example, let's say a dude is having roof issues at his house and he's somewhat fretting about it because he doesn't know how to fix it. An alpha male assclown will say, "Stop being a bitch. Be a man and fix it. You need your man card taken away." Now, on its face it seems assholish to me, but I can see where a manly man would feel that way. However, the rub is this alpha male doesn't know how to fix it either and would be in a panic expecting the wife, the parents or whomever to figure it out for him. But, he look like the "real man" because he said what he said in front of people and likely those people don't know he's full of shit.

Allow me to get to what annoys me, no infuriates me about these clowns and their toxic masculinity the most, their treatment of women. We all know sexism and misogyny are cornerstones of toxic masculinity, the fuel from which these pseudo alpha males thrive.

At the risk of over generalizing the vast majority of these machismo infused alpha males possess a disdain, if not a hatred, for women. Sure, they love their mothers, sisters and wives. They likely even respect them. But, if you scratch beneath the surface just a little you'll see that respect has vast limitations. Then, when you compare it to how they view and treat women generally you'll find the aforementioned respect in a less impressive light.

Look, I will not bullshit you here. Most men whether they are "alphas" or "betas" or whatever can improve on how they view and treat women. Male feminists are greatly appreciated by most women but they don't always seem to grasp certain issues and still struggle with preconceived notions of women or objectifying them at certain times although most women know they're well intentioned.

Anyway, let's get back to the pseudo alphas. Alphas generally view women as a means to an end whether that is as home caretaker, a baby maker, a fuck toy or just a piece of ass whenever they did their scooper into the ice cream. And, before any screaming begins, sure there are exceptions which is why I qualified my statement with "generally" instead of saying for instance "categorically" which is what I was inclined to say.

Many alphas and their allies will push back on my previous characterization. Whatevs. I have found empirical evidence that says I am closer to being right than wrong.

Many alphas will display a respect for some women such as their boss, a woman in another position of authority or their significant other; however, that respect is specious. Because, the moment that woman says or does something to contradict or chastise them their innate response is, "Who is that bitch to talk to me that way! She needs some dick!"

Ah, "she needs some dick" I am fairly certain is in the alpha male handbook of what to say in response anytime a woman does her job or simply pushes back.

I have also found most pseudo alphas don't appreciate being stood up to by women. Alphas do often save their most poisonous and idiotic venom for women. They attack women online with misogyny, sexism and sometimes threats of violence. Some of them do the same to women in person. They belittle their intelligence, slut shame them and fat shame them.

The most fringe of these cretins are the Incels. These cra cra summabitches are a series of blogs unto themselves. I highly suggest you do some reading on these douchebags. Because they're more in members than people think and there a lot of men (especially young men) who are susceptible to their virulent rhetoric. The foundation of their existence is patriarchy and hatred of women. But, I digress.

Back to the run of the mill jackass alpha males. These dudes functionally get off on degrading, insulting and intimidating women. Even if it subtle, which it frequently is. They usually leave the hard stuff to mental giants such as the Proud Boys and the Incels.

However, what I have often noticed is yet another example of the fraudulency. Whenever a woman stands up to or confronts them they become enraged but they also back down. It is not because they respect women enough to not get into a confrontation with them. Fool, please! It is because strong women, self-assured women (and men for that matter) intimidate them. Yes, it's the classic bully syndrome. Act like a badass to the perceived weak until the weak fights back and tells you to go fuck yourself.

Being confronted by women causes these "manly virile" men to retreat. They recede into a cocoon of self-loathing and despair, if you will. The very people who claim to only admire strength suddenly don't venerate it as much.

Usually filled with anger and vitriol will retort, "Who does that bitch think she is. I will not be treated that way by a female! Females don't act like that!" (I always wanna ask, "Like what? Someone standing up for themselves? *Gasp* The fucking gall!")

May I digress again just for a moment. I have no statistical or scientific evidence to back up what I am about to say. But, I really implore you to be wary of any dude who exclusively or predominantly refers to women as "females". Yes, I know "female" is a commonly used term for women. However, it has been my observation and experience that guys who almost, if not, always refer to women as "females" generally do not like nor respect women. I am just saying, a'right. Almost to a dude the men I have known or do know who do this have a fundamental disdain and distrust for women. They not only objectify women they have a dismissive view of them. And, they think every woman wants them or should want them.

Shit!!! Does that attitude grate my damn nerves. Hey, I would like to think every woman finds me attractive and wants me. But, I'm self-aware, humble and realistic enough to know if I took all the women world wide who want me they could fit into a broom closet and have room to fit the Dallas Cowboys offensive line. I get that. Sure, it's sad and tragic but it's reality.

Anyway, the same truth holds for these dumbass pseudo alphas. Perhaps, instead of a broom closet a WalMart bathroom is a more appropriate analogy. Regardless, it is not every woman who wants them. But, their vapid toxic dumbasery infused ideology leads them to believe every woman wants to give up their ice cream to them and birth their babies. So, when they get rejected or a woman makes clear she is not impressed with them they lose their snowflake minds and react in some of the manners previously mentioned.

In fact, their jejune ideology is exactly why they react so angrily whenever they are confronted or contradicted by a woman. Any woman who stands up to them or doesn't want them must be (let's say it all together, kids), "A lesbian, a femi-nazi or a female who wants a cuck beta male." That must be the answer because any "real" woman wants a "real" man and would clearly SEE they're an ALPHA MALE. Right?!....Right?

Damnit, this pseudo alpha male ideology is pure garbage. It's also all unadulterated projection. These fake ass dudes love to rip on beta males. Granted it's not as much as they love shitting on feminism and belittling women.

Here is what is amusing as hell though. Everything they say about beta males such as they are snowflakes, cucks, weak, have flaccid penises, pretentious, thin-skinned and are whiny little punk bitches is actually true about them. Wanna "trigger" an alpha male? Call his manhood both figuratively and literally into question. They are quite sensitive about the potency (or lack thereof) of their dicks.

They scream about people being snowflakes and thin-skinned. But, as I stated earlier they turn into petulant six years olds at the very existence of pushback or adversity.

Now, I have to keep it real here. Much like rape culture survives because of the complicity of women the same goes for this toxic masculinity horseshit. A significant problem is these pseudo alphas are buoyed by women who buy into this nonsense and encourage it.

Women like to be feel safe. It is natural and understandable they want to be with a man they feel will protect them. Now, unfortunately, some women are less concerned with the actual substance of this and more concerned with the style. What I mean is some women are attracted to ostentatiousness of machismo without necessarily being concerned if the actual substance of real masculinity is there.

Look, some people perceive false bravado and vapid self-aggrandizement as actual confidence and strength. This leads these assclowns to feel their cursory chauvinistic mindset is justified. The perception of masculinity is equitable to actual masculinity. *Sigh*

Look, y'all, what do I know? I am just a short beta male who likely has a height complex, right? I am merely a weak beta who is jealous of virile alpha males. At least that is what I would imagine Alt-Right, social media tough guy and pseudo alpha male trolls will say from their parents basement or as soon as the girlfriends they're mooching off of will turn their cell phones back on.

This entire ideology is so vapid, vain, arcane and stupid. It really is just stupid. And, the misogyny, disrespect for women and hatred for women is toxic and dangerous. In fact, we've already seen its dangerous effects in Toronto and Tallahassee over the last few weeks.

Being "a man" takes way more than saying you're a man. It entails so much more than walking around like a stick is up your ass with your arms all puffed out and sporting a mean mug resembling a pouting petulant five year old. It is not intimidating. It makes you look ridiculous.

It's way more than about style. Genuine alpha males don't have to front or lie to the unknowing and uninformed about fake accomplishments. Especially when they're accomplishments other men do without expectation of accolades or pats on the back.

Real men do not have to manufacture presence or demand to be seen. They command attention without having to say a word or commit one action.

A true alpha male doesn't have to put others down (especially women) to build themselves up. They view such trite nonsense as being beneath them.

True masculinity is being comfortable with who you are but being self-aware. It is about being empathetic; not ostentatious.

Again, maybe I don't know what the hell I am talking about. I am sure someone will let me know.

Regardless, pseudo alpha males and their infantile ideology annoy the shit out of me!

R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!