Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The Truth Regarding Outrage Over Colin Kaepernick And The Anthem Protest

Right off the bat I know I'm going to piss off some folks. Whatevs. Your tears and saltiness I can use for a splendid margarita. Sorry. Not sorry.

This "outrage" over Nike featuring Colin Kaepernick in its newest ad campaign is all but three days old and it is tired as hell.

The outrage over the NFL anthem protest is so contrived and so disingenuous Kardashian melodrama thinks people need to check themselves.

Labor Day night Nike announced Kaepernick was going to be the feature of a new ad campaign and many Trumpsters on Twitter and Facebook nearly lost they damb minds! These people had meltdowns that made the Real Housewives say, "Please! Get ahold of yourselves."

From the way these folks were reacting you would've thought Netflix announced they made a deal with Barack Obama to produce some documentaries or something...

My Twitter feed was lighting up with people stating how "disgusted" and "sickened" they were with Nike. Then, people started demanding boycotts.

I go on Facebook and I see pics featuring knobs cutting swooshes off Nike apparel. But, the best was saved for last. Out of nowhere timelines are inundated with clowns burning shoes, clothes, bags, hats. One dumbass set his damn lawn on fire because he set his shoes on fire.

Effin snowflakes!

What did these assclowns think they were accomplishing? Showing Nike what "real Americans" do to protest and display their anger?

These fucktards do realize Nike doesn't really care, right? They very likely weighed the potential outrage and said it was worth it. I mean these people are burning their $150 shoes that they already bought which means Nike already got paid. Do I even need to address the stupid bastards who went out and purchased Nike shit just to burn it?

No child left behind is a damb lie!!!

The anger over Kap and the entire NFL protest is so disingenuous.

The protest antagonists say kneeling during the national anthem is "disrespectful to the flag, the anthem, the military and the vets". Kaepernick and the players among others have repeatedly said kneeling has absolutely nothing to do with any of those things.

Kap was explicitly clear from the jump what the protest is about. The players are kneeling to bring attention to the disproportionate killing of unarmed men of color by law enforcement, the unnecessary killing of black men in general regardless whose doing the killing and the systematic racial inequality that, yes, still exists in America.

Now, what I am about to say I said in my initial Facebook post about this topic and in subsequent Facebook and Twitter post and comments. Before I say this I am preemptively imploring some people to read the forthcoming statement slowly and repeatedly if necessary, which it will be, because I have been in enough arguments about this. Some folks are hardheaded and want to gloss over shit and strawman. It ain't that kind of day.

I would have not chosen kneeling for the anthem as my form of protest because of exactly what has transpired and because I would stand for the anthem. HOWEVER, these players have every right to protest via this expressive form. It is their First Amendment right. This choice of protest makes some uncomfortable. Guess what, buttercup, protest is supposed to make people uncomfortable. That's the freakin point. It's how attention is drawn. And, this particular form of protest is as peaceful and silent as protest can be.

Most importantly, the players cause is noble, just and right.

What the anthem protest opponents will say and have said is that, of course, it's the players' First Amendment right but "they are at work when they're playing and the job isn't the place for protest". Well, that is not true. There is a long history in this country of people protesting at their place of employment.

Then, the counter argument is, "Well, their employees and their bosses say they can't kneel. I can't go to my job and kneel or protest."

First of all, their bosses didn't say a word about the protests until a certain person stuck his nose into a situation he had no business getting involved in. Secondly, citing they can't go into their job and kneel or protest is a strawman. It also at the very least shows an inexplicable ignorance or is just blatantly disingenuous.

Someone doing a 6 to 3 shift at the tool and die shop is not anywhere near the same as a professional athlete. It is an insanely stupid comparison. While the tool and die job is perhaps more tangibly contributive to society nobody is seeing then work. Professional athletes, on the other hand, have a huge platform they can use for good. And, whether it is right or not, the athlete has more visibility and celebrity; thus, it almost inherently gives them a larger civic responsibility. How often do you hear folks bitch about athletes not living up to their responsibility to the youth and society because they are famous?

I will wholeheartedly concede the players are employees and the owners are private business owners who can run their business as they please. But, I contend they shouldn't silence these players. Yes, it's not infringing upon their free  speech rights legally, but it certainly is violating the spirit of free speech. Much like the social media platforms with Alex Jones.

The owners are always expecting players to be "ambassadors for the game" and be civically involved with the community. Well, that is what they're doing.

But, then we get to the heart of the situation. The antagonists say the players should protest on their own time. They ask why do these guys care so much because they are rich. Then, the true core of the anger pokes its head out, "These players need to shut up and play. Nobody cares. They wouldn't even be playing if it weren't for us."

The chick who headed the Republican Party for Beaver County, Pennsylvania let the cat out of the bag. I don't remember her name. I don't really give a shit too.

When she repeatedly called the players "baboons" in her Facebook posts and flat out said it was white people who pay their salaries, as if people of color don't attend football game, she wasn't just speaking for herself. She was speaking for a large contingency.

I have argued with these people on Facebook, Twitter and in person. They make an attempt to cloak their anger about the anthem protest in patriotism, but it's really not about patriotism at all. If it were, they would be appalled the numerous violations of the flag according to the U.S. flag code that take place week in and week out at college and professional sporting events. People wouldn't wear flag thened bikinis, speedos and tacky ass shirts .

This entire anthem protest "outrage" is about "spoiled rich black men" having the audacity to speak out against social injustice. They should be happy their making money instead of being in prison because obviously that is where they would be if not for charitable white men allowing them to a play game and hard working white people attending the game. This is the attitude even though I know there are people shaking their heads "no" right now.

I don't know if people don't realize it or they really believe they can pull the wool over our eyes. It usually takes less than three minutes into a discussion about the anthem protests before how much money the players make comes up.

If this was really about the flag and the vets, people would've been livid when the current president repeatedly didn't hold his hand over his heart during the presidential debates.

If this was really about the flag and vets, these people would demand adequate funding for the VA.

If this was about the flag and the vets, they would understand the vets fought for these dudes' right to protest including not standing for the national anthem.

If this was about the flag and vets, these practitioners of fuckery and dumbassery who were burning Nike gear would've donated those things to homeless vets. Or, they would've sold that shit and gave the proceeds to any number of veterans organizations.

Instead, they chose to pick up their phone, hit record and put their unmitigated unfathomable remedial intellect on display for all to see. The real intellectual giants really showed Nike because they went out and purchased Nike gear just to burn on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. I'm sure the executives at Nike watched in horror as their merchandise burned and wondered, "What kind of fucking tool buys $60 pair shoes just set on fire?"

I'll tell you what kind. Snowflakes who are all in their feelings because Colin Kaepernick is featured in a Nike ad.

And, what's really amusing is they assholes love to gloat about Kap being blackballed from the league but their bigotry which is cloaked in their incessant fake ass bitching and pretentious patriotism has made Kap more famous than he ever would've been if they'd left him alone so he could be the backup quarterback in Seattle or Cleveland or wherever.


R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!