Wednesday, November 7, 2018

About Last Night: An Overview Of The 2018 Midterm Elections

It was not the blue tsunami the most optimistic Democrats were hoping for. Nor was it the blue wave many prognosticators were cautiously predicting. It also was not the blue ripple I predicted. Last night was more of a wave sturdily crashing against the rocks.

The 2018 midterm elections weren't the categorical referendum on Trumpism the Democrats and the Left were wanting it to be. However, it was a night deserving more of a golf clap and a cynical "at least it was not a repeat of 2016".

The facts are some disappointing and frankly anger inducing events took place last night. But, some groundbreaking, inspiring and hope inducing things took place also.

Let's get the negative out of the way first.

As if the events of the past three weeks weren't enough of a reminder (the Proud Boys, #MAGABomber, Pittsburgh synagogue mass shooting, the Krogers murders in Kentucky and the Tallahassee mass shooting by an Incel), we were forced to acknowledge racism is still very much alive and well in America in 2018! And, racist rhetoric, dog whistling and blatant voter suppression works in elections.

Andrew Gillum, who was seeking to be Florida's first Africa-American governor, headed into Tuesday's Florida Governor race with anywhere from a 2.5% to 5% lead in the polls over Republican candidate, Ron DeSantis. DeSantis had repeatedly employed racial dog whistles and comments about Gillum. Not to mention DeSantis has a history of ties to racist and White Nationalists including a donor who worked for his campaign who once referred to former President Barack Obama as a "Muslim nigger". DeSantis refused to give the money back this donor had given him.

However, DeSantis won the election by less than one percent. So, Florida, which is "America's embarrassment" and its shithole , once again proved it's racist regardless of what Floridians claim. We've seen too many times Florida fail to do the right thing.

Another disappointment was in the Georgia governor's race. Progressive candidate, Stacey Abrams, headed into election night anywhere from tied to slightly ahead of Republican counterpart, Brian Kemp. Abrams was seeking to become Georgia's first African-American and female governor.

But, blatant voter suppression efforts by Kemp, who is also the state's secretary of state, appeared to have worked. Abrams, who has refused to concede, at current time is down by a percentage point, and has vowed to demand a runoff.

Kemp waged a strategic battle to suppress thousands of black voters.

Democrats had some other deflating losses. Republicans expanded their advantage in the Senate due to Democratic incumbents, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Joe Donnelly of Indiana and Bill Nelson of Florida losing. Although I say good riddance to McCaskill and Donnelly. Both are corporate Democrats who sold their party out to run as "Republican lite" candidates.

The Democrats also failed to flip some house seats they were hoping would go their way.

The true disgrace of the night took place in Iowa's fourth district where White Nationalist, Steve King, held on to his seat. While Dems flipped seats in other Iowa districts somehow King's racist ass won. Disdainful that a piece of shit like King will be in Congress for his ninth term.

Another stain on American democracy is that Duncan Hunter and Devin Nunes (both of California) held on to their seats. Hunter is literally facing 16 indictments of fraud and corruption.

Republicans, y'all keep touting you're the party of law and order though.

Now, what Democrats should be ecstatic about is they have control of the House of Representatives. They took a 10 seat advantage.

Taking control of the House is huge. Democrats can exercise the appropriate oversight over the Trump administration. They can also reopen and open investigations into Trump and his corrupt department heads.

I actually had someone say to me today, "Oh great. Now, they will be looking into everything. Why can't they just let it go." I'll give you a guess which party he belongs.

No, they should not let it go. Trump and his criminal corrupt behavior should be investigated. And, Republicans, spare me your bullshit about, "Why wasn't Obama investigated?" Stop being infantile and ignorant! Republicans have controlled Congress since 2010! They had plenty of opportunities to "investigate". They didn't because there wasn't shit to investigate.

Besides, did you clowns forget about the 27 Benghazi probes? Trey Gowdy conducted 14 himself out of the House Judiciary committee. They didn't yield anything.

Anyway, the Dems and Progressives actually had a night that should provide optimism. Of course, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won her race and is headed to Congress.

Last night made some awesome history. And, it's history that will trigger Trumpsters and the Alt-Right, which makes it even better!

Massachusetts elected its first African-American woman to Congress. Also, three Muslim-American women were elected to Congress, which will mark the first three Muslim women ever elected. We also saw the first two Native-American women elected.

Colorado elected the first ever openly gay governor! And, Kansas elected its first female governor simultaneously handing defeat to Mr. Voter Suppression, Kris Kobach. That alone made my night.

While Beto O'Rourke came up just short in his bid to unseat Ted Cruz as senator in Texas, women flipped two house seats blue. My home state of Oklahoma actually saw a woman flip a house seat blue in the state's fifth district.

Overall, Democrats had a good night. It was not the night we hoped for, granted. But, a lot good things happened and it provided momentum heading toward 2020.

The reality is a plurality of this country endorses racism or at least is not bothered by it. That is depressing.

However, Trump and the Republicans were sent a message. In the cities and suburbs of this country hate and intolerance will not be embraced. This country will not succumb to gutter politics and fear mongering Trump bathes himself in.

Last night didn't provide a declaration that progressiveness had truly arrived. But, it did let the #MAGA crowd know we aren't going backwards either.

R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!