As is the case with being Black "anything" in America being a Black voter is often extremely frustrating and elicits the question, "Why am I never seen as good enough?" Now, I imagine some will see the previous sentence as "woe is me" or as self-loathing. If you do, then you're part of the problem and once again the actual issue(s) is not being seen.
The Democratic Party see the African-American voter like the reliable girlfriend, if you will. They take her for granted. They often ignore her. They're always looking at "prettier" chicks. And, when in a pinch they know despite repeatedly disappointing her and showing a lack of appreciation she will be by their side and come through for them.
Now, the Republican Party views the African-American as that pretty girl whom they give a glance or two but they just won't give a chance. They don't give her a chance because they can't give up the thots. They know the thots are trifilin and sketchy. But, they also know they will have to put in some work to get the pretty girl. They will have to clean themselves up a little, toss a Tic-tac in their mouth, breakout the good cologne and change some of their errant ways. Whereas with the thots they can skip a shower, spray some Axe on, splurge for the supersized chicken nugget meal followed by a waffle cone with the two scoops and "surprise" them with a cheap ass teddy bear from the Dollar Tree. And, that will be enough for them to get them drawers. The pretty girl will not only make them work for the drawers but make them be patient. It might take weeks. With the thot one hour of Netflix and chill and she's giving up more peach cobbler than Mrs. Fields. The thot, in case you haven't figured it out, is the folks who hold racial resentment, the bigots and flat out undeniable racists and White Nationalists.
Now, don't get all in your feelings, Conservatives. Hear me out. I'm by no means saying all or even most Republicans are bigots or racists. But, what I am saying is most of the Republican Party is complicit in racism. Don't shake your head "no". Yes, you are.
The Republican Party has straddled the line for decades. I laugh when I hear idiots like Steve Bannon chastise Democrats for "identity politics". The Republican Party has played identity politics for every election since 1964. Time and time again dog whistles have been blown and coded language enacted. From Richard Nixon's "law and order" bullshit to Ronald Reagan kicking off his 1980 campaign with a "White grievance" speech in Philadelphia, Mississippi to George H.W. Bush's Willie Horton ads in 1988 to the GOP's "Obama might be a Muslim" tour in 2008 to Trump's entire damn campaign in 2016 has race been used in campaigns. The straddling the line of approach of "We're not saying Black people are bad (wink wink) but..." has been employed repeatedly every election season from local races to state congressional races to gubernatorial races to federal house and senatorial races. Don't deny it. The evidence is overwhelming.
But, what is crazy is it makes no sense. For years...decades I've never understood why. Why hasn't the GOP as a whole made a concerted effort to go after the African-American vote, in particularly African-American men? Do White Conservatives not see the number of issues they actually have in common with a plurality, if not, majority of African-Americans?
For instance, there are certain religious social issues Conservatives and the Black community share common ground. The church is a staple in the Black community. Even if church attendance is moderate the respect for church issues is high. When it comes to homosexuality the majority of Blacks' views are more in line with the Conservative viewpoint. On the issue of abortion around 40% of African-Americans are aligned with the Republican platform. Believe it or not many Blacks consider themselves fiscally conservative. A substantial number of African-Americans are more closely aligned with Republicans on Second Amendment issues than with Liberals. When it comes to criminal justice issues I believe at least a plurality of African-Americans believe in a tough justice system. They just want it to be fair and evenly administered. Most Blacks are for religious freedoms. I suspect a majority of African-Americans wouldn't oppose prayer in school as long as it's not mandatory. And, I think a substantial number of Blacks believe somewhat in the Conservative view on foreign policy. Although I suspect it's more in the range between Hillary Clinton and John McCain than whatever clusterfuck foreign policy Trump has.
So, why do Blacks overwhelmingly tend to vote Democratic White Republicans may ask? Well, I'll tell ya. One, it's because as a party it seems Republicans can't get out of the way of their own bigotry and/or being an apologist for bigotry. Two, the Republican Party never makes a concerted effort for the Black vote. "Why not us?" is not a real pitch. It's a weak bitch ass attempt if I may be frank. When former Republican Party chair, Michael Steele, attempted to put measures in place to reach out to Black folks he was replaced as chair. His successor, Reince Priebus, said he would continue Steele's efforts but instead shit all over them and didn't do a fucking thing. When J.C. Watts, a former U.S. Representative from Oklahoma, attempted to take over the party chair and encourage the party to reach out to people of color he was essentially told to sit his black ass down and shut the fuck up.
And, three....the Republicans can't stay away from the thots. That easy skank coochie is too hard to resist. They just won't tell thots like Steve Bannon, David Duke, Richard Spencer, Milo Yianopolous, Lou Dobbs (yes, I said Lou FUCKIN Dobbs), Breitbart, Rep. Steve King (R-IA), Alex Jones and the entire caravan of hate spewing race mongering twat biscuits (Yes, you read correctly; no, I won't apologize. It was the nicest thing I think I could say.) to pack their shit and GET OUT! Instead they tell them, "Y'all go over there and stay down for awhile. You don't have to leave. You just can't be heard. You know, like any good thot or side piece. I can't be with you in public, but you can come over when the porch light is off. And, that's simply not good enough.
And, Republicans, if you wanna get mad get mad. It's whatevs to me. You can't legitimately deny what I'm saying. The best way I have heard it put is the following: "Here's the problem. For 50 plus years you've harbored these racists and White Nationalists. You've allowed them to live in your house. You gave them a room on the condition they'd stay out of sight. You let them hang their Nazi regalia, swastikas, White Nationalists flags and their other putrid racist shit. The problem for you know is Donald Trump came along and said, 'Hey, you don't have to be confined to this room where you're not seen. Come down stairs into the living room. Mingle around.' Now, they feel free to roam around the house. They've tore down the Van Goghs, pissed in your potted plants and having lewd racists' sex in the front yard for the neighbors to see and you're embarrassed. They've taken over your house and you only have you to blame because you should've kicked them out in 1964 but instead allowed them to squat."
That is why the majority of African-Americans don't vote Republican. The way they see it is yes, the Democrats have let them down. Yes, the Democrats' policies have failed in certain places like Detroit and Chicago. Yes, the Democrats often take them for granted and are patronizing. Yes, some Democrats are racists as hell. But.........At the end of the day the Democratic Party as a whole has done some good things for the Black community and although everything previously stated is true at least an effort has been made and on some level they care. They actually give a shit even if it's misguided.
And, Conservatives, I already hear the clapback. You're saying, "But, a Republican freed the slaves." You know damn well the Republican Party now is nothing like the party was then or even 60 years ago. Quit bushittin!
"But, it was Democrats who opposed Civil Rights." Stop that shit! It was Southern Democrats who opposed Civil Rights. It was a Democratic president who spear headed the bill in Congress.
Here is what you must see, Republican Party. You have an opportunity to get more Black folks on your side. But, first, you gotta throw out the trash and burn it. Even if Blacks agree with you on some issues it's hard in good conscience to support a party who allows David Duke to have any oxygen, who is an apologist for making moral equivalences between Nazis and counter protesters and who is filled with people who seem to genuinely have difficulty repudiating and disavowing racism unequivocally without any "whataboutism".
What you need to understand is most Black folks don't vote for Democrats over Republicans because they believe Dems are the saviors and all wear white hats. It's because they see Dems as the lesser of two evils-one who no longer makes excuses or asinine moral equivalencies for the dudes in pointy white hats and their ilk.
Welcome to the view from the side-eye. A blog providing frank and hopefully humorous (although my comedic skills are rather remedial) commentary on politics, pop culture and sports. We always have capacity to learn and knowledge is most definitely power. I encourage discourse even if it's spirited. I hope you enjoy reading. I am not trying to turn atheists into believers (speaking figuratively) . I am just trying to get you to think. Thank you for reading!
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