Every family, group and community has outliers-black sheep one could say. Within the misogyny subculture those black sheep are pickup artists or "PUA".
PUA is a community of men whose primary life goal is to "pick-up" or "romance" as many women as possible with the sole purpose of having sex. They have zero interest in any type of serious relationship. It is completely about sexual conquests.
Now, pick-up artists typically aren't apart of the 20% (from the 80/20 rule). Rather, they are often former incel sympathizers or just "regular dudes".
So, that begs the question how are they able to pick-up women?
Well, pick-up artists employ an approach they claim is scientific. They say it's about sociobiology. According to their philosophy women react to certain physical attributes but also react to specific social cues and mental/emotional manipulation.
PUA believe in crafting their presentation, which they call "game". First, improving one's physical appearance is key. They refer to it as "outer game". The way to improve the outer game is to change the wardrobe, workout and improve personal hygiene.
Doing this (they say) will lead to a more potent "inner game". Inner game is exactly what it implies, which is improving self-esteem and confidence.
Once, these improvements are enacted guys will be able to actually fine tune their approach and their seduction.
You're probably thinking, "Ok. This actually sounds like good advice. Sure, the goal of sleeping with as many women as possible is a bit douchebaggy but what is the problem really?"
And, that is a fair point. It is actually what I thought too. It is certainly a point pua make. In fact, they frequently turn this advice into a lucrative business on the lecture and workshop circuits and on YouTube where their videos get massive views which results in huge monetization.
But, of course, there are caveats and very substantive tangible reasons these guys are apart of the misogyny subculture.
Pick-up artists, unlike their brethren, aren't ideologues. They do not necessarily harbor an intense resentment of women. They are not red pills who believe women are out to conduct male genocide. Nor do pua have an irrational abhorrence for feminists.
However, pick-up artists do possess disdain and disregard for women. They view women as points in a contest or as objects to be conquered and subsequently discarded.
And, here is where pua's misogyny is most illuminated. As has been established, the only end goal is to seduce a woman into sex. Unfortunately, there are no principled guidelines or tethered structures as to how that is achieved.
Pick-up artists are notorious for having no shame in their game. They will do whatever it takes to get the pudding. If that means they feel it's necessary to lead a woman into believing an actual serious relationship is possible they'll do it knowing they have zero intentions of that. If it entails preying on emotionally vulnerable or unstable women , they will do it.
A well-known tactic that pua employ is negging. Negging is the practice of giving backhanded compliments or simply just being an ass. It is supposed to be a form of reverse psychology. For example a guy practicing negging will say, "You have great breasts! They can't be real. " The basic principle is women actually respond more favorably to men who
ignore them or mildly insult them. Allegedly negging weakens women's defenses making them more vulnerable to seduction. Negging can also be employed against a woman's significant other instead of her with the same goal in mind.
(Side note: If negging disgusts you, it should. But, I can tell you I have personally witnessed it be successful in both methods [against the woman and her significant other in her presence].)
Some pua take it to the extremes, also. If running game doesn't work, some will resort to coercion or rape.
Pick-up artists essentially view women as commodities. Or, even more crassly they see women as prey. They checkout out the scene. They approach them. They lure them into the trap. Then, they kill it, so to speak. And, they move on with no remorse nor regard for the carnage they might left behind.
This callous attitude is why many people especially feminists believe pick-up artists are the most toxic among the misogyny subculture groups. Sure, they don't appear as misogynistic as let's say mgtow or as nihilistic and virulent as incels or as demeaning and slut shaming as crypto-misogynists; however, they are every bit as dangerous. They use whatever they have to do to entice women into sex then often leave them emotionally and mentally scarred. Sometimes their manipulation is physical.
But, why are pick-up artists considered the black sheep of the subculture? Well, let's begin with incels. Some incels (red pills) buy into what pick-up artists are selling.
However, many incels (red and black pills) think pick-up artists are selling false hope and more importantly betraying the ideology. Let's not forget incels' entire existence is predicated on the belief they are forcibly celibate because they possess certain physical and/or financial shortcomings that doom them to a lonely life and feminism is so pervasive within society that either a miraculous shift would have to occur or that shift is never coming. Oh, and we can't neglect the "reality" that 80% of "females" are vain vapid bitches and hoes whom are only interested in chads or beta males/cucks they can use and then throw away. (NOTE: Be VERY wary of any dude who primarily or exclusively refers to women as "females". This likely is an indicator they don't possess a generally favorable view of women. IJS) So, needless to say some dudes saying that if these incels just worked out; showered; and realized Aqua-Fresh isn't only good for cheap caulking they would get a little taste of pudding, is antithetical to the party line.
While some incels distrust pua, mgtow and crypto-misogynists detest them! Mgtow and crypto-misogynists believe pick-up artists are nothing less than snake oil salesmen. They believe pua's techniques and purporting of sociobiology is pseudoscience. (BTW they're correct; it largely is.) Essentially, they think pick-up artists are grifter blue pills selling false hope, pathetically naive to the insidious evil of feminism and who are liars because their "conquests are few and far between" regardless what their bragging says.
Pick-up artists believe mgtow are " simply pathetic losers who have no game and can't handle rejection". Their opinion of incels is a bit softer. They believe incels are losers too, but they "wallow in their pity because other incels and mgtow have encouraged them to do so." Most pua feel if incels just followed their advice they would having sex all the time.
Very similar to the other groups pua uses the internet as their main communication tool. They cluster in online groups and forums they call "lairs". They utilize these lairs to swap "trade secrets" and brag about conquests.
It should come as no surprise that within the confines of the lairs the misogyny and virulent rhetoric increases. I pointed out earlier that pua doesn't come across as misogynistic and hateful as the other groups and that is generally true. They are not likely to pervade Twitter, Twitch or Redditt with spiteful venomous name calling and harassing women. But, in the privacy of the lairs the name calling and disparaging is quite present. And, it does occasionally seep out into more public and well trafficked platforms. Especially in the form of negging.
Pick-up artists might be viewed as the illegitimate sons of the misogyny subculture but they are apart of it nonetheless. No, they don't wallow in self-pity like incels. They are not hateful pious jackasses like mgtow. Nor are they sanctimonious sexists like crypto-misogynists. Make no mistake though, they are every bit as misogynistic.
Women are literally nothing more than a piece of ass. They virtually see women in three categories: women they've fucked; women they haven't fucked yet; and, women they don't deem worthy of fucking. And, they will literally do whatever it takes to get the ass regardless what it is.
That attitude and approach itself is quintessential misogyny.
PUA is a community of men whose primary life goal is to "pick-up" or "romance" as many women as possible with the sole purpose of having sex. They have zero interest in any type of serious relationship. It is completely about sexual conquests.
Now, pick-up artists typically aren't apart of the 20% (from the 80/20 rule). Rather, they are often former incel sympathizers or just "regular dudes".
So, that begs the question how are they able to pick-up women?
Well, pick-up artists employ an approach they claim is scientific. They say it's about sociobiology. According to their philosophy women react to certain physical attributes but also react to specific social cues and mental/emotional manipulation.
PUA believe in crafting their presentation, which they call "game". First, improving one's physical appearance is key. They refer to it as "outer game". The way to improve the outer game is to change the wardrobe, workout and improve personal hygiene.
Doing this (they say) will lead to a more potent "inner game". Inner game is exactly what it implies, which is improving self-esteem and confidence.
Once, these improvements are enacted guys will be able to actually fine tune their approach and their seduction.
You're probably thinking, "Ok. This actually sounds like good advice. Sure, the goal of sleeping with as many women as possible is a bit douchebaggy but what is the problem really?"
And, that is a fair point. It is actually what I thought too. It is certainly a point pua make. In fact, they frequently turn this advice into a lucrative business on the lecture and workshop circuits and on YouTube where their videos get massive views which results in huge monetization.
But, of course, there are caveats and very substantive tangible reasons these guys are apart of the misogyny subculture.
Pick-up artists, unlike their brethren, aren't ideologues. They do not necessarily harbor an intense resentment of women. They are not red pills who believe women are out to conduct male genocide. Nor do pua have an irrational abhorrence for feminists.
However, pick-up artists do possess disdain and disregard for women. They view women as points in a contest or as objects to be conquered and subsequently discarded.
And, here is where pua's misogyny is most illuminated. As has been established, the only end goal is to seduce a woman into sex. Unfortunately, there are no principled guidelines or tethered structures as to how that is achieved.
Pick-up artists are notorious for having no shame in their game. They will do whatever it takes to get the pudding. If that means they feel it's necessary to lead a woman into believing an actual serious relationship is possible they'll do it knowing they have zero intentions of that. If it entails preying on emotionally vulnerable or unstable women , they will do it.
A well-known tactic that pua employ is negging. Negging is the practice of giving backhanded compliments or simply just being an ass. It is supposed to be a form of reverse psychology. For example a guy practicing negging will say, "You have great breasts! They can't be real. " The basic principle is women actually respond more favorably to men who
ignore them or mildly insult them. Allegedly negging weakens women's defenses making them more vulnerable to seduction. Negging can also be employed against a woman's significant other instead of her with the same goal in mind.
(Side note: If negging disgusts you, it should. But, I can tell you I have personally witnessed it be successful in both methods [against the woman and her significant other in her presence].)
Some pua take it to the extremes, also. If running game doesn't work, some will resort to coercion or rape.
Pick-up artists essentially view women as commodities. Or, even more crassly they see women as prey. They checkout out the scene. They approach them. They lure them into the trap. Then, they kill it, so to speak. And, they move on with no remorse nor regard for the carnage they might left behind.
This callous attitude is why many people especially feminists believe pick-up artists are the most toxic among the misogyny subculture groups. Sure, they don't appear as misogynistic as let's say mgtow or as nihilistic and virulent as incels or as demeaning and slut shaming as crypto-misogynists; however, they are every bit as dangerous. They use whatever they have to do to entice women into sex then often leave them emotionally and mentally scarred. Sometimes their manipulation is physical.
But, why are pick-up artists considered the black sheep of the subculture? Well, let's begin with incels. Some incels (red pills) buy into what pick-up artists are selling.
However, many incels (red and black pills) think pick-up artists are selling false hope and more importantly betraying the ideology. Let's not forget incels' entire existence is predicated on the belief they are forcibly celibate because they possess certain physical and/or financial shortcomings that doom them to a lonely life and feminism is so pervasive within society that either a miraculous shift would have to occur or that shift is never coming. Oh, and we can't neglect the "reality" that 80% of "females" are vain vapid bitches and hoes whom are only interested in chads or beta males/cucks they can use and then throw away. (NOTE: Be VERY wary of any dude who primarily or exclusively refers to women as "females". This likely is an indicator they don't possess a generally favorable view of women. IJS) So, needless to say some dudes saying that if these incels just worked out; showered; and realized Aqua-Fresh isn't only good for cheap caulking they would get a little taste of pudding, is antithetical to the party line.
While some incels distrust pua, mgtow and crypto-misogynists detest them! Mgtow and crypto-misogynists believe pick-up artists are nothing less than snake oil salesmen. They believe pua's techniques and purporting of sociobiology is pseudoscience. (BTW they're correct; it largely is.) Essentially, they think pick-up artists are grifter blue pills selling false hope, pathetically naive to the insidious evil of feminism and who are liars because their "conquests are few and far between" regardless what their bragging says.
Pick-up artists believe mgtow are " simply pathetic losers who have no game and can't handle rejection". Their opinion of incels is a bit softer. They believe incels are losers too, but they "wallow in their pity because other incels and mgtow have encouraged them to do so." Most pua feel if incels just followed their advice they would having sex all the time.
Very similar to the other groups pua uses the internet as their main communication tool. They cluster in online groups and forums they call "lairs". They utilize these lairs to swap "trade secrets" and brag about conquests.
It should come as no surprise that within the confines of the lairs the misogyny and virulent rhetoric increases. I pointed out earlier that pua doesn't come across as misogynistic and hateful as the other groups and that is generally true. They are not likely to pervade Twitter, Twitch or Redditt with spiteful venomous name calling and harassing women. But, in the privacy of the lairs the name calling and disparaging is quite present. And, it does occasionally seep out into more public and well trafficked platforms. Especially in the form of negging.
Pick-up artists might be viewed as the illegitimate sons of the misogyny subculture but they are apart of it nonetheless. No, they don't wallow in self-pity like incels. They are not hateful pious jackasses like mgtow. Nor are they sanctimonious sexists like crypto-misogynists. Make no mistake though, they are every bit as misogynistic.
Women are literally nothing more than a piece of ass. They virtually see women in three categories: women they've fucked; women they haven't fucked yet; and, women they don't deem worthy of fucking. And, they will literally do whatever it takes to get the ass regardless what it is.
That attitude and approach itself is quintessential misogyny.