Thursday, April 11, 2019

Candace Owens Is Ratchet!

Honestly, I could not write one sentence but just merely allowing the title to lie there and it would sum up Stacey Dash's "trifilin third cousin" in one statement.

But, y'all know I can't do that.

If you read my blogs regularly (If you don't, you should. A brotha needs some followers and subscribers. 😉 ) I make no bones about how I feel about Candace Owens. She is a vacuous vapid train riding human being. Of course, that is likely an insult to vacuous vapid human beings.

Just when I think there is no way she can sink lower in her ostensible grift to be the Alt-Right's token pinup girl she proves there are no depths to her ratchness!

Earlier this week Candi appeared before a House of Representatives committee hearing on white nationalism, white supremacy and racism. The hearing was spurred by the apparent rise of white nationalism within the country.

Uncle Ruckus' long lost niece was an invited guest of House Republicans to testify on the subject. Only the Lord above knows why. Because, I sure can't imagine why they would've invited her ass.

Anyway, after family members of hate crime victims testified relaying some of the most gut wrenching testimony you'll ever hear about their murdered loved ones she spoke.

This trifilin woman with un-tethered audacity said some of the most ahistorical, fallacious bullshit I've ever heard.

First, she said that white nationalism "isn't a thing". She said it's just a "campaign strategy" that Democrats trot out every four years to scare and intimidate black people.

Then, she had the temerity to say racism isn't real except for the racism perpetrated by Democrats. She "bolstered" her assertion by claiming she has received more racism from liberals in the last two years since her "self-liberation from the Democratic Party and their plantation" than she had in the rest of her life. Candi then went full aggrieved victim by alleging she has been called such names as: "Uncle Tom", "bed wench" and "house nigger".

Now, I'd be lying if I said I doubted her claims. I have seen those very perjoratives used in describing her. While those terms are unquestionably unflattering I must keep it real. If it walks like a duck and talks a duck...

But, Ms. Owens wasn't done. In an obvious effort to dispel those labels she then disgustingly diminished the recent arsons of three prominent black churches in Louisiana by saying mockingly, "The liberal media and Democrats have posted images of church burnings in an attempt to scare us." It should be noted not only were those church fires real, which were reminiscent of church fire bombings from the 1960s, a suspect (the son of a Louisiana sheriff) was arrested yesterday.

She capped off her outrageous statements by saying the Democratic Party has lied by frequently mentioning the "Southern strategy" and "Southern switch" which she said "aren't real".

However, those things are quite real and DOCUMENTED!

The "Southern strategy" is a well known political strategy that was first employed by the Nixon campaign in 1968 presidential election. As a means to combat the insurgent campaign of George Wallace, the infamous Alabama governor who was a staunch racist and segregationist, Nixon used "coded" language such as "law and order" to appeal to southern voters. Rather than speak about racial issues in blunt raw language like Wallace did Nixon used dog whistle rhetoric which was more palatable for many voters.

The strategy was perfected by Lee Atwater, who was a campaign advisor and manager for Ronald Regan and George H.W. Bush. It was Atwater who advised Reagan to launch his 1980 candidacy in Philadelphia, Mississippi which was the site of one of the most horrific racist murders during the Civil Rights era.

In fact, there was a famous recording of Atwater talking about the "Southern strategy". He said that times had changed and making statements like "nigger, nigger" were no longer palatable. He opined that more "abstract" terms had to be employed which is when terms such as "welfare queen" were created.

As for the "Southern switch", it is well documented that many southern Democrats in retaliation to the passage of the Civil Rights bill and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 switched their party affiliation to the Republican Party. And, the Republican Party embraced those voters fearing they would lose power because many African-Americans registered as Democrats.

So, at best Candace Owens is simply ignorant regarding history. At worst (the more likely scenario) she was being intentionally ahistorical.

To further illustrate her demented ideology Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) played a recording of Candi from a few months ago where at a Turning Points USA gathering in London she gave an unbelievable unconscious quasi-defense of nationalism by referencing Adolph Hitler, "Hitler wanted to make Germany great again which there was nothing wrong with that." She went on to say that it was when Hitler took his act internationally that he erred. Owens seemed to imply his actions within his own borders (murdering Jews, authoritarianism) was fine; it was just when he went outside his borders that was the problem.

Of course, she said the comments were taken out of context. I would implore you to find the clip on YouTube. It was pretty clear what she said. She was most certainly not taken out of context.

I shouldn't be surprised or shocked by what Candace Owens said at the Congressional hearing. She makes ridiculous and inflammatory statements all the time. But, this hit me the wrong way. I'm incensed!

All day I have wondered why this Aunt Tomasina foolishness has me livid. Partly, I'm pissed because of the audacity and depravity she had to say that in front of people who were still suffering over their lost loved ones at the hands of racists.

The other thing that grates me is the craven manner which she continues this hustle. Maybe...maybe she actually believes the asinine bullshit she spews. But, I don't think so.

Similar to her buddy Dave Rubin Stacey Dash's "trifilin third cousin" is willing to debase herself for a check. As I have mentioned several times before, Candace Owens willingly fetishizes herself for a certain swath of Alt-Right and extreme rightwingers who get off seeing people of color (especially women) demean and disparage other people of color and deny the existence of racism. For huge paydays she is more than happy to abandon any principles and dignity she has to demean and embarrass herself.

While any decent human being was mortified and disgusted watching Candace Owens testify there was most definitely a segment of people who were likely orgasmic at watching her depraved puerile Uncle Ruckus routine.

She should be embarrassed but I know she is not. She is filling a very lucrative lane. I am sure her boss, Charlie Kirk, and all the other amoral ghouls of the internet dark web were very proud of their token tap dancing pinup girl.

What pisses me off the most is although I know most black people think she's a joke of a person if only one person is swayed by her con that is one too many.

And, I am not going to qualify what I have said by saying I know not all black Conservatives are like her. The problem is not enough black Conservatives are vociferously calling her and her shameless repugnant grift out.

Candace Owens is a putrid person. And, no, I don't have any regret saying that. She will say whatever and spew any propaganda regardless how dishonest and repulsive it is as long as the check clears and the bank transfers go through.

She is a grifter and a huckster and everyone knows it. The fact she willingly says the things she says knowing it's bullshit and she doesn't believe it cements just how corrupt and devoid of any guiding principles she is.


R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!