Sunday, August 26, 2018

Hoping For Impeachment Is An Exercise In Vain

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, was implicated in a crime Tuesday (August 21st). His former lawyer and "fixer", Michael Cohen, plead guilty in court to EIGHT counts of campaign finance law infractions and President Trump was named as an unindicted co-conspirator.

The aforementioned campaign finance violations involved $130,000 and $150,000 payments to porn star, Stormy Daniels, and former Playboy model, Karen McDougal, respectively. Both women allege they had sexual encounters with President Trump. (Excuse me. I throw up in my mouth a little every time it's mentioned.)

These payments are not only campaign finance law infractions because Trump instructed Cohen to do it and the payments were never reported, but because Trump Organization's reimbursement to Cohen for the payments were apparently listed under "sham invoices" along with not being reported on the Trump Organization's taxes it is highly likely money laundering and tax fraud were committed.

Now, this along with the fact Trump has literally been violating emolument clauses since the day he took office seems it could be enough to at least start impeachment proceedings.

But, all of you becoming giddy at the idea Cheeto Jesus will get what's coming to him are going to be deeply disappointed.

Despite the delusions of Trump and his base the Democrats look poised to gain a plethora of House seats in the midterms. Polls show that Democrats as a whole have an 8% advantage in whom Americans want to control the House of Representatives. The Dems could also very possibly gain control of the Senate.

However, there are caveats. Yes, if the Democrats take control of the House they could also and likely would impeach Trump.

But, for him to be removed from office the Senate has to convict him with a two-thirds majority. That isn't happening.

At best Democrats will gain a 52-48 margin after the midterm elections. That would mean for an impeachment conviction to go through 15 Republicans would have to vote for conviction and that's if all 52 Dems were to convict. Good luck finding 15 Republicans with the spine to do it.

Now, I know what some of you are saying, "But, what if more corruption comes to the surface?" Much more will guaranteed come out.

Look, Trump knows he's in deep. David Pecker, head of the National Enquirer, was granted immunity Friday. He is completely in the middle of these payments to Daniels and McDougal.

Longtime Trump Organization CFO, Allen Weisselberg, was granted immunity on Friday. It is presumed over these payments. But, commonsense tells you for him to be granted immunity it's about much more than payments to porn stars. He knows everything financially when it pertains to Trump. If he starts singing all of Trump's shady dealings, money laundering and connections to Russia and other foreign governments will be revealed.

And, it will mean nothing regarding the impeachment issue.

Most Dems, Liberals and Progressives are eagerly awaiting Robert Mueller's report. But, that excitement will be tempered. Not because Mueller will not find a military sized cargo plane full of dirt on Trump including conspiracy with the Russians during the 2016 election, but because it will not matter.

Trump's febrile base will not care about anything that is revealed. I just don't think they will . We already see evidence of that with more than 50% of these patriotic "real Americans" saying it was perfectly acceptable for a foreign power to interfere in our election (as long as it was for Trump).

Republican lawmakers know this. So, they will take the calculated risk of voting to acquit on impeachment charges even if it means abandoning their oath to protect the Constitution and the Republic and placing their own elections in peril.

The Republicans in Congress hopped aboard the Trump plane knowing the pilot is a maniacal delusional ill-equipped drunk knob who will eventually crash the plane. They had plenty of opportunities to grab a parachute and get the hell off the Dumbass 747. Instead they chose to pull down the oxygen masks and hope they survive the inevitable fiery crash.

Regardless of Trumpsters' denials and patently stupid assertions what Trump and Cohen dud wasn't a crime it is a crime-a serious one. Trump knows it is which is why he's so ignorantly asserting a false equivalency to the Obama campaign's finance violation in 2008.

It is also why Trump told Ainsley Earhardt of the hard hitting journalistic Fox and Friends, "Why would I get impeached when I've done such a good job." Of course, I would think the appropriate statement would've been, "Why would I get impeach when I've done nothing wrong." But, even he knows nobody would believe that.

As revealing as that answer was, Trump openly musing about "flipping" (meaning folks turning state's evidence on another criminal usually one up higher on the food chain) being made illegal was laughably transparent. He said so many peoples lives have been ruined because people cooperated with prosecutors instead of solely taking the fall themselves. Yes, the President of the United States essentially said that "snitches get stiches". It sounds like shit a mobster would say.

Any intelligent balanced person who saw that interview would've came away 100% convinced he's guilty as sin.

His base will not. Or, they simply will not care. The rule of law only applies to the "others". Can you imagine these folks' reaction if Hillary or Obama or Bernie had said anything close to what he said?

Again, all of this is why Republicans in Congress will never impeach Pussy Grabber. No crime is too seedy nor side piece too skanky to entice the GOP to develop a backbone or moral conscious as long as the base sticks by their orange savior.

Quite frankly, I don't see his hardcore base ever abandoning him.

Maybe...maybe if it was discovered he had sampled some of Oprah's chocolate puddin would they think he went a bridge too far.

Nah. They would just say, "See! We told you he isn't a racist!"

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R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!