Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The War On Christmas (A Pretentious Holiday Tradition Like None Other)

That special time of the year has arrived. The time of the year filled with the smell of cookies and warm cider. The time of the year featuring sleigh rides and caroling. The time of the year we embrace the ideal "it is better to give than receive". Oh, and the time of the year people instigate fraudulent culture wars insisting there is a war on Christmas.

No such war actually exists.

In an admitted hypersensitive and at times overly politically correct culture the Christmas season falls prey to the affinity not to offend others.

But, some people take this bullshit hyper-political correctness and strawman it into a full blown war on Christmas.

They cite as their main piece of evidence the saying, "Happy Holidays!". To me and millions of others we find "happy holidays" to be a quite innocuous joyful greeting or well wishing statement. However, some hear a slap in the face to Christmas when they hear that.

Actually, saying "happy holidays" is usually a way for people to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year without having to say both of those things individually. Now, in fairness, this is a greeting used by some people who (for whatever reason) don't celebrate Christmas.

Those people defending Christmas say not only is saying "happy holidays" a sign Christmas is being disrespected but that a concerted effort is being made by the government and liberals to take Christmas out of the public space. They claim faith is being assaulted. They say it's becoming frowned upon to say, "Merry Christmas".

Now, I must be honest. I am not sure what these people are talking about. I am fairly confident that in most places in America you can freely say "Merry Christmas".

Sure, it might not necessarily be well received in a synagogue or a mosque or at The Grinch's humble abode to say "Merry Christmas". But, then why would you be at those particular places wishing the inhabitants of those places a "Merry Christmas" knowing they don't celebrate Christmas? I am pretty certain if on the street you wished a Jew, a Muslim or anyone else who doesn't observe Christmas a "Merry Christmas" they would likely not care and courteously wish you back a "happy holidays". In the vast majority of cases I doubt a hostile response would be given.

As for it being an assault on faith, uhhhhhh, well let's talk about that.

I think it is fair to say Christianity is under some assault in this country. Religion as a whole is. People are tending to distance themselves from religion. I would say Christians and other religious believers actually hold a fair amount of culpability in that, but that is a discussion for another day. It should be noted well over 70% of Americans (one poll has it at 76%) consider themselves to be a Christian.

When it comes to the nuance of Christmas I find the entire claim of Christmas being assaulted to be rather disingenuous, honestly. Many people will bring up the "real meaning of Christmas" and how it's often ignored and minimized. I could not agree more.

Christmas is really supposed to be about the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The "real meaning" of Christmas is supposed to be about the heartwarming story of two wayward immigrants, Joseph and Mary, and their travel to Bethlehem so Mary could give birth to the son of God immaculately conceived. The story of Christmas is about the joys of giving and acceptance and sacrifice.

Yet, that is not what Christmas has become. Many...many of the soldiers defending Christmas have been at the forefront bastardizing the meaning of Christmas. And, y'all know it.

Christmas has been commercialized. The holiday isn't about Jesus. It is about trees, ornaments, tinsel and how much can be sold of each. It is about wreaths, sexy elves costumes and tacky (I mean tacky) Christmas sweaters.

Christmas has become about glutton. How many Christmas cookies and candy can we shove down our throat without having to be on the toilet shitting ourselves until New Year's.

People aren't concerned with the actual story of the Nativity. They are concerned with how elaborate a Nativity scene they display in front of their house and how badly "It will kick that prick next door, Bob's ass!"

The birth of Jesus or embracing the meaning and symbolism behind it isn't nearly as important as putting up the most ostentatious, gaudy, god-awful house lights and decorations display. The amount of money poured into this by folks every year is immoral.

I could be wrong. Please correct me if I am. But, I am fairly confident that the proper way to celebrate the Messiah's birth is not by attending work or private holiday parties getting shit faced on eggnog or Crown Royal. And, I almost certain wearing a "naughty" Ms. Claus outfit to aforementioned holiday...errr....Christmas party and after becoming shit faced begin playing "Let me show you my jingle bells and special mistletoe" with all the fellas is not quite the Christmas spirit that is supposed to be shown. Nor do I think sneaking sips of the Yuletide Jack and Coke is the way the Lawd wants his son's birthday celebrated but I could be wrong.

And, for those feet dug in dedicated Christians pushing the myth of Santa Claus upon your children and grandchildren giving that fat clown almost equal, if not totally equal, weight as Jesus is pretty unfathomable isn't it? I mean isn't it?

Santa is a pagan mythical figure. He is not what Christmas is about. I won't even go into bs of how kids are sold a bill of goods that jackass squeezes his fat ass down a chimney when it's by the grace of God he slides his way in and out of the door to his workshop. The poor elves whose job it is to grease those doorways. But, I digress.

Millions of Christian parents, many of whom lament how liberals and pagans are executing a vicious and secular war on Christmas, cheerfully and without a hint of irony and self-awareness push the myth of Santa Claus and his elves. They tell the stories of how the elves make the toys for kids (without receiving a wage might I add) so Santa can load his sleigh (pulled through the night sky by reindeer) and deliver toys to all the good boys and girls. And, we know that is a crock of shit. How many Christmases did Donald Trump and Bill Clinton receive Christmas gifts from Santa when he knew damn well they had been grabbing pussy without asking throughout the year? I guess Santa figured it was ok because when you are a star they just let you do it.

Look, the reality is this "war on Christmas" is much like the antipathy to NFL anthem protests. It is fake outrage wrapped disingenuous bullshit. It is nothing more than an engineered culture war.

You can still freely say, "Merry Christmas" in America. You are not going to be jailed or reprimanded. I say "Merry Christmas" hundreds of times every Christmas season without incident.

I mean, I guess Starbucks switching to a "holiday" cup is the beginning of the Apocalypse. Or, maybe not.

I suppose people saying, "Happy Holidays" is literally a gateway to atheism and agnosticism. Or, maybe not.

Decorating our front yards with tacky and pretentious Nativity and light displays is fueling the war on Christmas. Or, maybe not. That is cool. Everybody loves seeing it.

I imagine emphasizing Santa instead of or equally to Christ is a sign secularism is stripping the true meaning of Christmas. Oh, wait. That is ok.

Saying "happy holidays" or Starbucks selling a "holiday blend" instead of a "Christmaspuccino" is not and the ultimate sign society is in decay. Right?

R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!