Friday, October 5, 2018

October 5, 2018: Odds And Ends

•As I predicted and expected it appears Brett Kavanaugh will be confirmed. The FBI investigation was a predictable sham. Their hands were essentially tied as they were not allowed to interview Kavanaugh nor Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. They were also instructed to not interview several other witnesses who possessed information that could've been germane to the investigation. Trump and the Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans pulled a bait and switch on the Democrats.

But, I really don't want to hear any whining and crying from the Democrats. At least a large swath of them I don't. They essentially got what they deserved. This entire fiasco should have never been. Well, at the very least, the significance of this Supreme Court seat. This could have all been avoided if the neo-liberal corporatists Democrats in Congress had a backbone and told the GOP to go fuck themselves when they blatantly violated President Obama's constitutional right to fill the seat vacated by Anthony Scalia's death. The seat Neil Gorsuch (Donald Trump's first Supreme Court pick) now occupies rightfully belongs to Merrick Garland.

However, it's not just congressional Dems that are culpable. I also blame apathetic Liberals and the #DumbDumbLeft. The Dumb Dumb Left which is comprised of Progressives who are inanely sanctimonious, foolishly idealistically dogmatic and seem more interested in burning shit down than finding ways to implement progressive values and policies. You know, like through the judiciary. Instead of seeing the importance and vitality of the courts like Conservatives do they just shrug their shoulders. They nonchalantly say imbecilic impertinent shit like the Supreme Court doesn't matter. That is just the tip of the spear of their idiocy. (I will put out a blog tomorrow dedicated to dragging these fools for their misguided self-righteousness, impetuous sanctimony, and their painful lack of perspective for the big picture.) Anyway, the Dems' fuckery is going to cost us all.

•This "aggrieved male" movement and its ideology that says it's not sexual assault accusers and victims along with women in general that still are expected to deal with boorish, misogynistic and sexist attitudes that are the victims ; it is actually the men whom still hold onto these arcane views of women and who literally exemplify every stereotype of a chauvinistic piggish asshat who are the true victims. First, no you're NOT! Second, I thought your ilk were the ones who decried "victim mentality". Or, is that only when it's the marginalized and disenfranchised groups you're victimizing? When those groups fight back it's then ok for you to play the victim and go into full snowflake mode. And, for every woman who co-signs this shit and becomes an apologist for it, shame on you! Y'all literally Aunt Tomasinaing for dudes who don't think you're shit. They don't see you as equals. You should demand you and every other woman be respected and heard and not to have yo pussy grabbed without consent by some clammy entitled douchbag. Moving on...

•Meritocracy is a myth! Don't believe me? Look no further than one Donald J Trump. Trumpsters, I know y'all refuse to listen or read one negative word about Dear Leader, but I implore you to read the New York Times piece about the tax schemes Fred Trump implemented to make Cheets a millionaire before he was 10. It is not fake news. It is an article that is going to win a Pulitzer. It is in-depth, intrinsic, detailed and explicitly sourced. The article details what I have been saying for three years which is Trump is and has always been a fraud. He is not a great businessman. He is an irresponsible buffoon who had to be bailed out of financial catastrophe by his daddy time and time and time again. Just read the article.

•Kayne West needs to have a plethora of seats. His act isn't a publicity stunt. It is the culmination of years of self-aggrandizing, surrounding himself with sycophants, filling his inner circle with an influx of fuckery and non-serious people and being staunchly fundamentally opposed to reading or learning.

Kayne thinks he's a genius because he's been told he's a genius. He is a musical genius but because he's a malignant narcissist he began believing that genius translated into having a high intellect. Nobody would tell him that is not how it works. Nobody told him to be intellectual you have to be well read and embrace knowledge and critical thinking.

And, let keep it 100 here. Why wouldn't he think he's an intellectual when be has spent the better part of the last decade in the midst of the sea monkey shitshow that is the Kardashians and Jenners.

R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!