Thursday, October 11, 2018

Today's Thoughts And Rants: October 11, 2018

Today, I'm going to touch on a few topics. I will try to be brief. But, I have some shit on my mind, so... Leggo....

•The Right, especially the Alt-Right, still being all in their feelings about Taylor Swift is giving me life right now. It is so comical that these people really do seem to possess ZERO self-awareness or acknowledgement of their own hypocrisy. It is also hilarious their "outrage" is drenched with disingenuousness.

You wanna know why the Charlie Kirk's of the world, Fox News and right-wingers are so dismayed by T-Swizzle endorsing Democrats and progressivism? They feel betrayed. They have been gut punched. Taylor Swift was their ideal pop they thought.

She was a bastion of wholesomeness and purity. She was the antithesis to the slutty evil BeyoncΓ©. She was the "good girl" while Katy Perry and Lady Gaga were the harlots and liberal skanks who supported Satan herself, Hillary Clinton. Now, I assume they just glossed over that she went through more boyfriends than most people do toilet paper. Where I come from some would call that being a ho but...

The Alt-Right had dubbed Tay Tay and her lack of rhythm self an "Aryan princess". The very seldom "cobbler indulging" dudes of the Alt-Right held Taylor up as "Aryan female physical perfection". (Just let that shit sink in for a minute. Katie Perry or Lady Gaga or Carrie Underwood or Ariana Grande wasn't seen as " Aryan PHYSICAL perfection" but Taylor Swift? 😐 )

*Sigh* Anyway...

•Politicon is next weekend. For those unfamiliar with Politicon, it is a convention where political wonks and junkies get together for two days. They usually hold panels and have debates. Something interesting has been taking place though. Several Conservatives scheduled to debate Progressives have been backing out without providing reasons.

Ann Coulter was scheduled over a month ago to debate Secular Talk's Kyle Kulinski. Without notice she backed out although she is still scheduled to appear at Politicon. Other instances of Conservatives cancelling debate appearances are: Steven Crowder reneging on debating The Majority Report's Sam Seder; Ben Shapiro backing out of debating David Packman and Dave Rubin refusing to accept The Young Turks' (TYT) Ana Kasparian challenge to a debate.

It is odd the "free exchange; always willing to debate" crowd seem very unwilling to debate Progressives. The only person holding steadfast is Tucker Carlson who is slated to debate TYT's Cenk Uguyr.

•I am going to say yet again how impressed I am with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Regardless of baseless attacks from Republicans and their distortions of her words, if not outright lying about her, she holds her ground. While there are a couple of subjects she could stand to educate herself a little more about, she is well versed regarding the majority of topics. She innately understands politics and how to relate to people. The other day she did an interview with Chris Hayes which she was outstanding and beyond impressive. She is attractive, smart and has a disarming charm. AOC is going to be a player in the game for a long time! Sorry, corporatist Democrats and Republicans.

•I saw a meme the other day that was so misleading and disingenuous. In fact, some of it was just patently dishonest. The meme centered around a black guy #WalkingAway from the Democratic Party and addressing accusations of being a sellout.

First, for most black folks being a black conservative does not inherently make someone a "sellout" or an "Uncle Tom" or a "coon". That shit is a red herring employed by some white conservatives and Uncle Ruckuses  to distract from actual coonery.

Many black people, a plurality (if not a majority) agree with several conservative principles involving fiscal and criminal justice issues. Many black folks would say they are with smaller government believe it or not. When it comes to religious/moral issues I would say a significant number of blacks lean conservative because of the stature of the church in the black community.

Here is where many blacks and many conservatives (not actual Conservatism) part ways. Issues like systematic racism cause a fissure. Systematic racism most definitely exists although it appears many in the Republican Party pretends it doesn't. The criminal justice system including law enforcement inarguably disproportionately treats black and brown people differently but many Republicans act like that is a myth. Not just systematic but practical and anecdotal racism not only exists in substantial volume but has been on the rise in recent years. Many Conservatives say that is a lie and in fact "reverse racism" is way more pervasive and prevalent when not only statistical but empirical evidence says that is utter bullshit. Black and brown people know irrefutably that claiming reverse racism is the "real scourge" is disingenuous nonsense.

Now, what makes a black conservative a sellout, an Uncle Tom, a purveyor of coonery, a certified train rider if you will is when they willingly say racism against people of color whether they are black, brown, yellow or red is miniscule or worse nonexistent. What makes one a coon is when they go on television or write in publications or go on the radio and spout White Nationalist and Neo-Nazi talking points. Coonery is knowingly belittling actions and/or statements intended to shed light on racism and bigotry and hatred. Uncle Tomming and Aunt Tomasining is shucking and jiving, tap dancing, genuflecting and debasing oneself for money, influence and favor or worst of all mere acceptance from people who will never truly accept you. Going full Uncle Ruckus is selling out your people for the hope of acquiring love and respect from people who will never love and respect them. Furthermore, they are (wittingly or unwittingly) fulfilling a fetish some people have of seeing others demean themselves by disparaging people who are just like them or saying things about those people they either don't have the guts or feel they can't get away with saying themselves.

See, that strawman of black Conservatives are coons only works on the weak minded and fearful. It doesn't work on the intelligent and critical thinking. Black conservatives like Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Tara Setmeyer, Tim Scott (most of the time), Shermichael Singleton, and even Larry Elder I would never call "coons"! Candice Owens, Ben Carson, Stacey Dash, Paris Denard, Kristina Pierson and Jason Whitlock on the other hand...all I hear is the Quad City DJ's, "C'mon, ride this train. Now ride it. Come on, now ride this train. Ride it...I think I can. I think I can. πŸšƒπŸšƒπŸšƒ"

•And, that leads me to the sunken place...Kayne West. This foooooooool herrrrrrrrre.

He goes to White House today under the guise of discussing criminal justice reform and the violence in Chicago with President Trump. However, not one muthafuckin word was mentioned about either. Instead, Kayne slobbered over Trump talmbout how great he is. 😐 Kayne put on a full fledged minstrel show. He performed very well for the President. He stopped short of calling him " Massa" and washing his feet for him. Although if he had, it wouldn't have been any more demeaning and embarrassing.
Trump literally looked like a plantation owner whose "best nigger" had put on a performance that greatly pleased him and his invited guests. It was embarrassing, head shaking and tear inducing. One of the once greatest socially conscious hip hop artists of all-time reduced himself to nothing more than house nigga, Fiddler, shuckin and jivin for Massa's pleasure.

Apologists spare me the "mental health" line. That had nothing to do with that bullshit today. And, MAGAs please spare me the "free thinker" and "Kayne REALLY cares about his people" horseshit. No way on God's earth can you regurgitate that idiocy and trite cursory with a straight face. NOT ONE DAMB WORD ABOUT CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORM. OR CHICAGO WAS UTTERED.

R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!