Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Some Thoughts And Insights: November 27, 2018

First, before I begin allow to apologize. I have not been very adept at publishing blog posts more frequently. Straight up, I have been tired as hell when I get home from work lately. The last thing I have felt like doing is thinking. Just being honest. The ideas pour into my brain throughout the day; however, by the time I get home I just don't possess the necessary energy.

Truthfully, it's the same reason I haven't furthered my efforts to begin a YouTube channel. It is something I want to do and intend to do. I received some very appreciated encouragement. Thank you to those who told me to go for it! I will! Soon!

So, let me quickly get to what is on my mind.

•The migrant caravan. On my social media I have been very clear that I think these migrants, who are mostly from Central America, should be allowed to apply for asylum. I have also been clear in saying my hunch is many of their applications will be rejected because they will not meet the legal requirements for asylum. I have also been clear the fear mongering about the caravan was horseshit. And, it was/is!

Look, I am not for open borders. Nor am I for just allowing these migrants to "storm" the border. As a sovereign nation we must protect and secure our borders. But, we also must adhere to the principles we claim to possess and believe in. We cannot brag we're a "nation of immigrants" and we're "a melting pot" but then literally cherry pick the immigrants we want based on where they come from and rail against immigration.

I am really sick and tired of this proto-white nationalism cloaked in patriotism President Trump pushes. I think I am even more sick and tired of this crypto-racism many of his supporters hide behind to justify their anti-immigration stance. In fact, their stance is disingenuous because it is not "illegal immigration" they have a problem with but "brown immigration" whether it's legal or illegal. They can deny it and spin it all they want but the empirical evidence is front and center. Sorry, you can't refer to human beings as "animals", and "an infestation" and then clutch your pearls at accusations of racism and xenophobia. The shit doesn't work like that.

Squawking about crime does not play either because illegal immigrants commit the fewest crimes per capita of any group. The next group in line who commit the fewest crimes are legal immigrants. Besides, I can't take you seriously about being concerned with crime when hate crimes (the vast majority of whom are perpetrated by white males) is vastly up from two years ago, 74% of domestic terrorism events since 9/11 were committed by far right extremists (almost exclusively white men) and the majority of mass shootings are committed by white men and y'all are *crickets*.

Now before some jackasses begin accusing me of racism, which they know is strawmanning and bullshit, let me be clear. I am not saying most white men are terrorists or mass shooters. I should not even have to clarify that since I clearly didn't say nor imply that. But, I know some folks like to be disingenuous or can't read contextually or simply possess a woefully lacking capacity for intellect. Besides, I don't believe listing irrefutable facts is comparable to saying an entire group of human beings "rapists and murders" some of whom you "assume are good people".

•GM is cutting 15,000 jobs mostly in Ohio and Michigan. This directly due to Trump's idiotic tariffs which are the result of his inept knowledge of economics and his pathetic mental need to overcompensate for his numerous shortcomings. Gawd! Why do we have to pay for his insecurities and narcissism.

Of course, Trump reacted to GM with maturity and measured restraint. LMFAO! No, he reacted like a 15 year old pissed some other kid called him out in front of the entire school. He went to Twitter levying empty threats and taking zero responsibility.

It utterly amazes me how allegedly intelligent people cannot see this economy is in a bubble. History has shown us time and time again that lining the rich folks' pocket at the expense of the middle class and poor is a recipe for disaster. Couple that with an imbecilic arrogant buffoon who is waging an ill-advised trade war and calamity is literally at the door step. We have already seen the signs with an unsure stock market.

This economy is set to crash. Not to mention 40% of this country actually believes it is a wise idea to place the economy into the hands of a dude who filed for bankruptcy SIX FUCKING TIMES and was on the verge of bankruptcy at least that many times more. They think a man who ran a casino into the ground is a financial genius. *Sigh*

•If you are on any of my social media platforms you know I have been singing the praises of ContraPoints on YouTube! Natalie Wynn produces excellent videos which are awesome on production and even more awesome on content. She produces extensively informative videos on social and cultural topics and transgender issues.

I shouldn't even broach this topic in a "quick hitter" blog like this because the subject is way more deserving. But, I have always felt transgender people are deserving of equal treatment under the law and in society. I feel that way because regardless of what I may or may not feel about particular lifestyles I believe all people are deserving of not just equal but dignified treatment.

Now, I will not lie. I just have never understood the transgender "thing" for lack...way lacking of a better term. But, after watching ContraPoint's videos I understand considerably more. I certainly don't understand fully and as a "cis male" (look up the term) I never will.

However, I have realized I was way too judgmental which is something I strive extremely hard at not doing. If you know me, you know I don't think much of a myopic thinking and close-mindedness.

I saw Natalie on The Michael Brooks Show on YouTube (*must watch*) and became intrigued by her. I decided to begin watching her videos and became hooked. I then choose to be educated instead of ignorant and uninformed.

Look, as I said earlier, I still don't fully understand but I think it is better to learn than to judge from a place of ignorance and assumption.

All I will say is check her out and keep an open mind. View her videos on race, feminism, politics and gender through the prism of their content. View her videos on transgender issues with a mind of wanting to learn and be informed. Then, you can render a judgment and at least it will be a judgment from a place of actual knowledge instead of assumptions and preconceived notions.

I will write my next blog on Thursday. I wanna give a shout out to those who are faithful readers and whom always encourage me. I sincerely appreciate it. I know you don't always agree and I'm perfectly ok with that. I'm not looking for sycophants. I am looking for people who are open to dialogue and appreciate good content, which I hope is what I offer. I mean really what the hell do I know? I am just some wannabe writer who hopes every now and then happens to write a decent blog.

Again, thank you for reading! I mean it!






R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!