Can someone...anyone tell me why people who claim to hate fake outrage and who are quick to point out triggered snowflakes are oozing fake outrage and being triggered snowflakes over a damn razor advertisement?
The reaction from some on the right over the new Gillette ad decrying toxic masculinity is astounding. They apparently are quite offended by toxic masculinity being repudiated.
Ben Shapiro damn near lost his mind on a segment of his show going on a long angry rant filled with non-sequiturs about Gillette attacking manhood.
Intellectual stalwarts such as Tomi Lahren and Meghan McCain accused the ad of virtue signaling while offering tepid thinly veiled defenses of toxic masculinity...I guess.
So, before I go into full rant let me back up here a little in case you have no earthly idea what I am talmbout.
During the beginning of the week Gillette dropped an ad basically denouncing toxic masculinity. Well, at least that was the premise. It is certainly what some right-wingers and the #Incel community took from it.
The ad starts out with a young boy, probably 10 years old or so, being consoled by his mother because a group of boys were bullying him calling him a "freak" and a "sissy". The video then switches back and forth to various scenes depicting guys being overly aggressive toward women. One scene displayed a dude about to catcall a woman on the street until his friend intervened. Another scene was about a guy walking with his young son when they witnessed some teenagers apparently robbing someone. The father stopped the robbery.
What I suspect might have triggered right-wingers most was a scene, which was corny honestly, with a plethora of guys each standing in front of a grill saying, "Boys will be boys". Then the commercial cut to a boy bullying another boy at a barbecue instigating a fight, which the instigator's father broke up.
Oh, toward the beginning of the ad a clip of what appeared to be a sitcom showing a guy walking up behind a woman and grabbing her ass. I am going to guess that along with the catcalling scene triggered the shit out of incels.
Toward the end of the ad a group of different newscasts talking about sexual assault and harassment were shown. One of the last scene was a father standing in front of a mirror with his little girl telling her she is strong.
The tagline of the ad is: The best a man can be. It is a play on words from its traditional slogan, "The best a man can get."
Now, before I get to the ludicrousness and petulance of right-wingers response allow me to provide my critique of the ad. I thought overall it was a good ad. It was cheesy in spots. The ad certainly was guilty of virtue signaling. I don't believe one razor or can of shaving cream appeared in the video.
Quite obviously the advertisement was an ostensible standard corporate attempt to show they're "woke" by standing up for the #MeToo movement and against toxic masculinity, as if those are difficult stances to take. I'm sure Gillette somewhat cares about respect for women but I highly suspect their main motivation is to make money.
With all that being said the crux of the ad's message was to be a decent human being and not be an asscrumb. Honestly, it didn't even go after toxic masculinity like it could have. Again, the "virtue signal" it sent was be kind and respectful to others.
But, the right-wing literally lost their shit over this. They could have offered some legit nuanced criticisms of Gillette but instead they revealed themselves because they can't help it.
Ben Shapiro went on this mind numbing rant about the ad attacking men. It did not. He said it attacked masculinity. It did not.
He then proceeded on this diatribe about fatherless homes. He cited some statistics about since 1960 the number of single mother homes have steadily increased. He made sure to specifically mention the African-American community. You know Benjamin really cares about the Negros. Of course, Benjamin didn't bother providing any context regarding the increase in fatherless homes in African-American communities nor did he condemn the deadbeat fathers whom create many of those single mother situations across the board.
He also seemed to lament the barbecue and catcalling scenes. I am assuming he is okay with people bullying and instigating fights? I am not sure what his problem with railing against catcalling is. Well, in fairness, he says a minute few men do that. A'righty, Benny, if you say so.
It just wasn't Shapiro though. Other Conservatives seemed to have lost their mind. People on Twitter were calling for a boycott. Why?!
Are they defending toxic masculinity and boorish behavior? Why yes, yes they are. Lawd Jesus! These people always tip their hand.
I could understand the "outrage" if the ad went after the disgusting way alleged victims of sexual assault are treated and the ostensible coddling of rape culture in this country. I would see their point if gun culture was attacked. I would get it if certain figures were alluded to and derided. I could even understand if the concept of alpha males was pointedly attacked.
But, it wasn't. It should have been, but it was not.
Because the ad was seen as social justice warrior(ish) the right-wing and incels reflexive response was to bemoan the ad. They just railed against it to rail against it. It is why all of the arguments against the commercial are so laughably hacky when substantive legitimate criticisms against Gillette are readily available.
Also, they are seriously upset that boorish, douchebaggery, toxic behavior is being called out. "Real men" are aggressive and do whatever is necessary to obtain what they want. "Real men" are dominant and if oppressive behavior has to be employed to exert that perceived inherent dominance, so be it.
Nothing is wrong with simply telling a woman she's hot. You can say it is catcalling, but it is merely complimenting. Hey, what's the big deal if a dude grabs some ass or "accidentally" brushes up against a woman getting a free feel of the titties. It is all innocent. Besides, women say they don't like it, but they really do.
Why are we getting all bent out of shape over some boys picking on weaker kids. It is the way of the world. And, if some boy goes to school wearing pink clothing or makeup, what do they expect?
It is just boys being boys. A man is a man.
This is their literal defense of this shit. These asinine antiquated attitudes are the base of their defense. They cry and whine about virtue signaling and sjws but the subtext is, "Hey, toxic masculinity is awesome! It's not toxic masculinity anyway. It is just masculinity." And, before you come at me the previous quote is a direct quote I saw or heard from multiple people.
Before I go I must detail what an actual criticism of Gillette regarding this commercial looks like and what some on the left actually gave.
Gillette is well known to have factories overseas that have used child labor. Gillette propagating this concern over women seems to be a bit hollow since they literally double the prices for women's razors compared to men's. And, in the past Gillette has produced ads that it could be said buoyed toxic masculinity and objectification of women.
Of course Shapiro, Lauren, McCain, Twitter right-wingers and incels could have easily levied these critiques against Gillette, but they didn't. Why you might ask? Well, I have an idea or two.
Instead, they chose to babble incoherent hacky attacks against sjws and virtue signaling while providing vacuous craven defenses of toxic masculinity.
The commercial was a good commercial. It is hard to actually argue the message. But, the usual actors have.
What they just don't seem to grasp is by being triggered they are revealing what they're really about. When will they learn to keep it tucked in so their hacky vapid arguments aren't so easily unveiled to be hacky vapid arguments? Smh.
The reaction from some on the right over the new Gillette ad decrying toxic masculinity is astounding. They apparently are quite offended by toxic masculinity being repudiated.
Ben Shapiro damn near lost his mind on a segment of his show going on a long angry rant filled with non-sequiturs about Gillette attacking manhood.
Intellectual stalwarts such as Tomi Lahren and Meghan McCain accused the ad of virtue signaling while offering tepid thinly veiled defenses of toxic masculinity...I guess.
So, before I go into full rant let me back up here a little in case you have no earthly idea what I am talmbout.
During the beginning of the week Gillette dropped an ad basically denouncing toxic masculinity. Well, at least that was the premise. It is certainly what some right-wingers and the #Incel community took from it.
The ad starts out with a young boy, probably 10 years old or so, being consoled by his mother because a group of boys were bullying him calling him a "freak" and a "sissy". The video then switches back and forth to various scenes depicting guys being overly aggressive toward women. One scene displayed a dude about to catcall a woman on the street until his friend intervened. Another scene was about a guy walking with his young son when they witnessed some teenagers apparently robbing someone. The father stopped the robbery.
What I suspect might have triggered right-wingers most was a scene, which was corny honestly, with a plethora of guys each standing in front of a grill saying, "Boys will be boys". Then the commercial cut to a boy bullying another boy at a barbecue instigating a fight, which the instigator's father broke up.
Oh, toward the beginning of the ad a clip of what appeared to be a sitcom showing a guy walking up behind a woman and grabbing her ass. I am going to guess that along with the catcalling scene triggered the shit out of incels.
Toward the end of the ad a group of different newscasts talking about sexual assault and harassment were shown. One of the last scene was a father standing in front of a mirror with his little girl telling her she is strong.
The tagline of the ad is: The best a man can be. It is a play on words from its traditional slogan, "The best a man can get."
Now, before I get to the ludicrousness and petulance of right-wingers response allow me to provide my critique of the ad. I thought overall it was a good ad. It was cheesy in spots. The ad certainly was guilty of virtue signaling. I don't believe one razor or can of shaving cream appeared in the video.
Quite obviously the advertisement was an ostensible standard corporate attempt to show they're "woke" by standing up for the #MeToo movement and against toxic masculinity, as if those are difficult stances to take. I'm sure Gillette somewhat cares about respect for women but I highly suspect their main motivation is to make money.
With all that being said the crux of the ad's message was to be a decent human being and not be an asscrumb. Honestly, it didn't even go after toxic masculinity like it could have. Again, the "virtue signal" it sent was be kind and respectful to others.
But, the right-wing literally lost their shit over this. They could have offered some legit nuanced criticisms of Gillette but instead they revealed themselves because they can't help it.
Ben Shapiro went on this mind numbing rant about the ad attacking men. It did not. He said it attacked masculinity. It did not.
He then proceeded on this diatribe about fatherless homes. He cited some statistics about since 1960 the number of single mother homes have steadily increased. He made sure to specifically mention the African-American community. You know Benjamin really cares about the Negros. Of course, Benjamin didn't bother providing any context regarding the increase in fatherless homes in African-American communities nor did he condemn the deadbeat fathers whom create many of those single mother situations across the board.
He also seemed to lament the barbecue and catcalling scenes. I am assuming he is okay with people bullying and instigating fights? I am not sure what his problem with railing against catcalling is. Well, in fairness, he says a minute few men do that. A'righty, Benny, if you say so.
It just wasn't Shapiro though. Other Conservatives seemed to have lost their mind. People on Twitter were calling for a boycott. Why?!
Are they defending toxic masculinity and boorish behavior? Why yes, yes they are. Lawd Jesus! These people always tip their hand.
I could understand the "outrage" if the ad went after the disgusting way alleged victims of sexual assault are treated and the ostensible coddling of rape culture in this country. I would see their point if gun culture was attacked. I would get it if certain figures were alluded to and derided. I could even understand if the concept of alpha males was pointedly attacked.
But, it wasn't. It should have been, but it was not.
Because the ad was seen as social justice warrior(ish) the right-wing and incels reflexive response was to bemoan the ad. They just railed against it to rail against it. It is why all of the arguments against the commercial are so laughably hacky when substantive legitimate criticisms against Gillette are readily available.
Also, they are seriously upset that boorish, douchebaggery, toxic behavior is being called out. "Real men" are aggressive and do whatever is necessary to obtain what they want. "Real men" are dominant and if oppressive behavior has to be employed to exert that perceived inherent dominance, so be it.
Nothing is wrong with simply telling a woman she's hot. You can say it is catcalling, but it is merely complimenting. Hey, what's the big deal if a dude grabs some ass or "accidentally" brushes up against a woman getting a free feel of the titties. It is all innocent. Besides, women say they don't like it, but they really do.
Why are we getting all bent out of shape over some boys picking on weaker kids. It is the way of the world. And, if some boy goes to school wearing pink clothing or makeup, what do they expect?
It is just boys being boys. A man is a man.
This is their literal defense of this shit. These asinine antiquated attitudes are the base of their defense. They cry and whine about virtue signaling and sjws but the subtext is, "Hey, toxic masculinity is awesome! It's not toxic masculinity anyway. It is just masculinity." And, before you come at me the previous quote is a direct quote I saw or heard from multiple people.
Before I go I must detail what an actual criticism of Gillette regarding this commercial looks like and what some on the left actually gave.
Gillette is well known to have factories overseas that have used child labor. Gillette propagating this concern over women seems to be a bit hollow since they literally double the prices for women's razors compared to men's. And, in the past Gillette has produced ads that it could be said buoyed toxic masculinity and objectification of women.
Of course Shapiro, Lauren, McCain, Twitter right-wingers and incels could have easily levied these critiques against Gillette, but they didn't. Why you might ask? Well, I have an idea or two.
Instead, they chose to babble incoherent hacky attacks against sjws and virtue signaling while providing vacuous craven defenses of toxic masculinity.
The commercial was a good commercial. It is hard to actually argue the message. But, the usual actors have.
What they just don't seem to grasp is by being triggered they are revealing what they're really about. When will they learn to keep it tucked in so their hacky vapid arguments aren't so easily unveiled to be hacky vapid arguments? Smh.