Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Company You Keep

When I was a kid my mother would constantly say, "You are judged by the company you keep. People say, "Whether fairly or unfairly....", but there is nothing unfair about it. The people you choose to have around you is a reflection on you. Your choice in friends says something about who you are as a person."

I have always attempted to live by that adage. Probably because it was drilled into me from an early age.

As I have grown older, as with so many things my mother told me, I have began to realize the wisdom in the things she said and she was right.

Perhaps, the President would've benefited from someone equally wise in his life. Although, I am not sure it would've mattered.

This week has been a bad week for President Trump. He has seen his one time campaign manager, Paul "Ostrich Lover" Manafort, convicted on eight charges of bank and tax fraud. He could serve up to 80 years in the clink. Manafort is 69 years old.

And, Ostrich Lover has another trial for other charges in two weeks. That trial is seen as a probable slam dunk conviction.

Within the same hour Manafort was convicted the President's former attorney and "fixer", Michael Cohen, pleaded guilty to eight counts of campaign finance violations.

In his confession before the judge Cohen detailed how he paid off porn star Stormy Daniels and Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal at the behest and direction of at the time Republican candidate, Donald Trump. Cohen says he also facilitated an agreement with National Enquirer chief, David Pecker, to not run the McDougal story. Cohen claimed this was done to mitigate any potential damage to his presidential candidacy. The "fixer" says he has receipts (both figurative and literal).

To make things just a bit more strenuous for President Trump Cohen's attorney, Lanny Davis, said Cohen will not accept a pardon. Additionally, Davis said Cohen has extensive information that would be of interest to Special Prosecutor, Robert Mueller.

Um, Donnie, you in troubllllllllle.

Here's the deal. You are the company you keep. Your choice of associates reflects who you are.

Trump is a weasel, slimeball, con artist, grifter, misogynist, fronter and crook. Guess what? He has been and is surrounded by all of those things.

CheetoJesus fancies himself a Don. Problem is he isn't Tony Soprano.

He is Fredo. He is a bumbling arrogant tool who exhibits no loyalty or ethics or competency. But, he encompasses himself with people who are just like him expecting them to be loyal, ethical and competent to and for him.

See, Trumpsters don't want to see this because they think he's the second coming of Christ or at the very least George Wallace and Jesse Helms. But, if they would just pull themselves away from Fox News, Breitbart and the Daily Stormer for one minute and conduct a Google search they would discover who Donald Trump really is. They would discover he is a lifelong grifter and disappointment.

It is actually kinda sad how history repeats itself. Cheets was the failure in his daddy's eyes that Don Jr. is in his. Donnie boy wasn't daddy's first choice to run shit. Fred Trump had to settle for him because his other offspring wanted nothing to do with the family business. It is a fact.

Trump has spent his life surrounding his privileged incompetent ass with seedy smarmy characters. He is known for playing footsies with mobsters because he wants to be one. Donnie has long associated himself with unpalatable lowlifes. Look up Felix Sater and Carl Paladino.

I literally laugh out loud every time Trump says he barely knows Paul Manafort and Roger Stone. Those two asshats, Manafort and Stone were business partners going back to the 1980s. And, guess what hack daddy's money funded real estate developer they did business with? You guessed it! Donald J. Trump!

And, I must say every person who regurgitates that bullshit about Manafort being a bit player in the campaign for a "short period of time" needs to sit their lying ass down. Manafort was the campaign manager and chair for four months! He literally led the operation for the Republican National Convention. Stop your bullshit NOW!!!

But, there are more asscrumbs. One time campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, is a seedy dude and has problems keeping his hands to himself regarding his behavior toward women.

The President's cabinet is full of grifters and unqualified people. You know, like him. Where shall we begin? Tom Price was ripping tax payers off by jet setting all over the globe.

Ben Carson was furnishing his office with gratuitous furniture. Ryan Zienke is doing the same.

Scott Pruitt has so many ethics violations you'd need an U-haul to transport all the documents.

Wilbur Ross is literally Trump's soulmate. Ross is a grifter who got rich stiffing vendors, bilking his business partners and isn't nearly as wealthy as he claims.

The first two United States congressman who endorsed Trump's campaign, Chris Collins and Duncan Hunter, have been indicted on federal corruption charges.

And, I won't even go into his children and the way they've funneled money from their charities and the family's fraudulent foundation.

Oh, and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree as Don Jr aka Usay was cheating on his wife with a Playboy Playmate.

Trump is as seedy and trifilin and crooked a man to ever be president. That includes Richard Nixon.

Trump shows loyalty to nobody. He turns on everybody eventually and leaves them holding the bag.

So, he can't be surprised that the likes of Michael Cohen is doing it to him. Or, Rick Gates, whom I haven't even mentioned.

And, there will be more. There is already a hint Manafort may say, "Efff this!" and flip.

Look, at his masterpiece, Omarosa. She has literally gone Frankenstein on him. She is a ratchet treacherous woman. Like him, she has no bounds.

But, unlike most of his circle, O isn't stupid or incompetent. However, like the others she learned from Trump self-preservation, if nothing else.

Melania warned him not to run. Most people assumed it was because she didn't want the media attention.

No, it's because she knew how unseeingly a human being is. I suspect she feared an increased spotlight on him and his dealings could be his downfall. She might be right.

Let's get this straight. Very few people are willing to go to prison for anyone including their mama. Nobody is going to prison for someone who sure as hell wouldn't do it for them.

When you lie down with flea infested dogs...

When you surround yourself with people in your image and you're shady as hell...


R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!