Big Brother 22 All-Stars kicked off this past Wednesday, August 5th. It was so good to have our summer pastime back!
Before I get to deep into night one's happenings let's talk about the cast. Overall I like the cast. A few I could do without. And, frankly, the term "all-star" might have been stretched with a few of them but they did assemble an eclectic group.
Let's begin with whom off the bat I don't like. As far as I am concerned public enemy #1 is Nicole F. I didn't like her in #BB17 and I despised her in #BB18. Her "just down home girl on the farm" routine was bs the first time I saw it and is just trite bs now! She is as sneaky and fake as anyone who played the game. She was whining about how nobody felt she earned her BB18 win. Uh, Boo, that is because you didn't!
Others on my not so favorite list are Ian, Enzo, Memphis, Bayleigh, Kevin and Ian.
I give Ian mad props because he is one of the best to play the game. Along with Nicole he is the only actual winner on the cast. The fact he is on "the spectrum" and navigated that house with such precision is not only admirable but highly impressive. He is just someone I could never get into. I don't hate him. I just don't necessarily care for the guy.
I have to be honest in saying I wasn't completely keyed in on Enzo's season (BB12) nor Kevin's (BB11). I had two sons playing baseball every night. But, Enzo acts like one would think a guy named Enzo would act. I am not huge into the whole self-aggrandizing thing unless you are THE QUEEN who I will get to momentarily.
As for Kevin, I get a serious Frankie vibe off of him and that is a huge turnoff for me. It is all a bit too much pretentiousness for my taste.
I could be wrong about these two and they could grow on me. I remember Jason and James from BB17 and I couldn't stand them initially. But, I really learned to like James and Jason is one of my all-time favorites.
That leaves Memphis and Bayleigh. Honestly, I don't dislike Memphis really. I just don't vibe with the dude. He seems to have this preppy jock quality about him. And, despite the fact he hates hearing it, he got to the Final 2 on Season 10 because of Dan.
I want to like Bayleigh. She was the victim of some disgusting behavior last year. However, she is a bit too fake for me. Her modern day Whitley Gilbert act doesn't do it for me.
Next, are the people I am somewhat ambivalent about. Tyler, David, Nicole Anthony and Dani. Tyler is an excellent player. Nicole A is also very good. David is not an all-star, but I understand why he is there. He didn't receive an actual opportunity last season and was evicted without a vote.
Then, there is Dani. Dani is a star. She is one of the best players to play the game. She is smart and cunning. She just has never been someone whom evokes strong feelings (good or bad).
Next, are people I like (but not necessarily love). Christmas and Keesha are BB princesses but for different reasons.
I like Christmas and did from day one of BB19. However, she had no business in the Final Three. The narrative about her finishing third bothers her but the fact is her breaking her leg was a blessing in disguise. She was no longer seen as a target when before the injury she was a legitimate threat. Paul dragged her with him because he knew he would beat her in Final Two.
Keesha is awesome too. She has a great social game which is key in that house. Yes, she is stunningly gorgeous but she was able to disarm people because she is just likeable.
Finally, my favorites. Kaysar is the best player to never win the game. I said what I said. Kaysar is as intelligent and crafty as anyone whom has ever played. The numbers always get him.
I don't care what anyone says Cody is a beast too. Yes, Derrick was the mastermind in Season 16. But, he doesn't get to end without Cody. Cody has a terrific social game and is a comp beast. It will be interesting to see how he plays without Derrick but I have a feeling he will be just fine.
A lot of people hate Da'Vonne and I am not completely sure why. Da is real. Maybe that's the issue. That realness and what I believe is some really jacked up insecurity from certain folks caused her to have early exits in her two appearances (BB17, BB18). But, she seems different this time. She is calmer. I believe she realizes she has to stay under the radar.
Last but Lawd knows certainly isn't least is THE QUEEN, Janelle. I already know the hate is coming. Don't care. Janelle is the Big Brother Queen and Goddess. Nobody has been able to play the game with the brains, beauty and cunningness Janelle has all while throwing mad shade and not giving one f***! What I have always appreciated about Janelle is she is as real as they come. She is drop dead gorgeous and doesn't mind telling you so. She is a diva without question. But, that realness gives her an edge that makes her a boss! Unfortunately, I think that edge will do what it has always done which is get her far but not far enough. From what I saw on night one she is not going to change which is why I love her! She was giving all sorts of side-eyes to Nicole F because Janelle sees right through her fake crap.
For the rest of night one the houseguests were introduced in groups of four. Immediately upon entering the house they played a comp. The comp determined who played in the season's first Head of Household (HOH) comp.
Cody, Memphis, Christmas, Nicole A, Kevin and Ian advanced.
The comp was each player had to go across these pods without falling until they reached the other side hitting their buzzer. The fastest time wins HOH.
Memphis went first with a time just over a minute. Next, was Cody who finished the comp in 22 seconds. Nicole A, Kev and Ian didn't come close. Christmas gave it a good effort but she fell short as well making Cody the first HOH.
Cody immediately looked at Janelle and Kaysar as potential nominations. While I don't want to see either of those two go especially not this early it was a very wise decision on Cody's part. Along with Dani, Kaysar and Janelle are old school players. They think long term. And, they are the smartest people in the house.
However, a wrench was thrown into Cody's plans because the first twist of the season, the Safety Suite. Kaysar was the beneficiary and he was able to take a "plus one". He chose Janelle so Cody had to come up with a new plan.
He began focusing on Keesha. Which by the way is problematic for a prediction of mine that I will get to here in a moment.
An assumption going around the house was that Cody would put up Keesha and Memphis with Keesha as the pawn. However, that was not the case. Cody put up Keesha and Kevin with Kevin as the pawn.
So, now we'll have to see what happens with the Veto comp, which actually took place Saturday, August 8th. The Veto Ceremony will take place sometime Monday afternoon, August 10th. Both events will air on CBS Wednesday, August 12th. Out of respect for those who don't have the live feeds or read spoilers I will do my level best to not give anything away. I want to adhere to the television scheduled airings.
I hate to see Keesha on the block. One, I like her but more importantly it could throw a huge wrench into my predictions. I was going to predict Keesha, Cody and Da'Vonne will be the Final Three. Of course, now, this prediction could blow up in my face. But, I will be principled and stick with it. The Veto could give Keesha life or she might be able to talk her way out of eviction. She has turned on her social game.
I would love to see Kaysar and Janelle who have already teamed up get to the end but I really think that is a long shot. I would hope they just make it to jury. My hope is they'll team up with Da and either Memphis or Christmas because that would be a helluva an alliance.
I am so ecstatic Big Brother is on! The year 2020 has been crazy and awful for a myriad of reasons, but having BB in my life for the next three months will hopefully bring some normalcy and much needed drama that isn't my own. I may write a short blog after Veto Wednesday night but if not I will definitely be back next Sunday.