Saturday, October 27, 2018

Trump Nor His Flock Have A Red Line, So Please Quit Expecting One

America, it is time we talked. It is a conversation that is long overdue. It will be a difficult conversation. The media, left leaning folks and people who are independents it's time to have a "come to Jesus" moment! The truth can be a bitter coarse pill to swallow, but I believe I have an obligation to shove it down your throat for your own good.

Donald Trump nor any of his adoring fans have a rock bottom. None! No depth is too for Cheeto Jesus; nor is any depth too low for him to go for his supporters. The crater is endless, so please for the love of God STOP EXPECTING THERE TO BE A BOTTOM!

The best thing the 60% of this country who doesn't support Trump can do is accept reality and move on to figuring out how to preserve our democracy.

This never-ending hand wringing various sections of the left and the media does over Trump supporters and why they support him is so effing annoying. This naive misguided ideal that most Trumpsters are these empathetic inclusive minded folks who are simply economically angst; thus, that is why they support a crude tacky bombastic bigoted liar like Trump is such complete and utter bullshit!

I am not saying the economic woes didn't play a role in his support during the presidential race. But, the empirical evidence clearly defines that economics wasn't the overriding factor because it doesn't adequately explain why they support him now.

Trump's supporters believe the economy is great, the country is prosperous and national security is more firmly clasped than it was previously. So, if that is really the case why not call out his racism, sexism, misogyny, lack of empathy and overall boorish behavior? Because they LOVE IT! Because they are in lockstep with the orange buffoon.

See, Folks, they don't love Trump in spite of his character flaws, amorality, ostensive bigotry, seeming rejection of intellectualism or intellectual curiosity, lack of decorum, penchant for garishness and self-aggrandizement and utter contempt for decency; they love him because of it!

The evidence for this is extensive and clear.

Let's begin when he slithered down that escalator at Trump Tower with Gruella DeVille and stated Mexicans coming into the country are "rapists and murderers, I *assume* some are good people." That remark got him fired from The Apprentice by NBC but exponentially increased his support base.

He disparaged Sen. John McCain, a Vietnam War hero who was held captive for five years, by saying he was not a war hero because he "got caught". He added, "I like people who don't get caught." (A Freudian slip that I am 99.9% certain Trump was talking about another "caught" aside from prisoners of war.)

Now, temporarily put aside the obvious insult to an American soldier and hero this was and consider this audacity spewed from the mouth of a man who lied about bone spurs to obtain FIVE determents for the Vietnam War. These words about McCain belonged to an individual who mocked Vietnam by saying, "I had my own personal Vietnam having to avoid STDs." His base's response? Either silence, laughter, cheers or a fervent apology tour-a theme among his base.

Trump suggested the idea of a Muslim Ban, which on its face is unconstitutional and racist. His base didn't clutch their pearls. They cheered and decried almost all Muslims are terrorists.

Trump attacked a Gold Star family, the Khans, while talking not so veiled shots at their religion. Did his base revolt, scream "Sir, you've went too far,"? Fuck no! These people cheered him on with some of them threatening the Khans.

Remember when the Access Hollywood tape surfaced? This was the moment we all thought the evangelicals and self-professed moral majority would jump ship or at least rebuke Trump's behavior. LMFAO! No, instead, they just said "screw it" and revealed their hypocrisy which had always been present. They dropped the pretenses. "Godly" men and women stood up for him and attacked the media for the story. Never once did any of them repudiate his words and confessed behavior. They actually defended it, became apologists for it and said anyone criticizing Trump for saying, "I just grab them by the pussy; I don't even wait.." would be punished by God because they were disrespecting God. Let that sink in.

Y'all haven't forgotten about the Lester Holt interview surely. The President of the United States of America went on national television and admitted he broke the law. Now, certainly his base which are staunch defenders of law and order, lost their shit over that? Ummmm, not exactly. Uhhhhh, actually not at all. They literally pretended he didn't say it.

Oh, how could I forget the time Trump allowed two Russian officials who were also accomplished former spies into the OVAL OFFICE!Not only did he allow the Russians into the Oval Office but he also allowed the Russian press while purposely excluding the American press.

This had to enrage the America first "make America great again" crowd, right? *Cue the Family Feud wrong answer sound drop*. They were far from enraged. They applauded the Orange Asset by saying Trump did the right thing and was merely "improving" relations with Russia. I'm certain they would've said the exact same thing if President Hillary Clinton had done that.

Stormy Daniels! Trump raw dogged a porn star while his wife was at home with their four week old son. He also was mushrooming a Playboy Playmate during the same time. Surely! This will be the straw that breaks the camel's back, right? Wrong!

The same people who bitched and moaned for years (and still do) about Bill Clinton and who said "strong moral fiber" is essential for a president to possess said........"Who cares what people do in their bedroom?" Lol.

They didn't excoriate Trump nor his behavior. They excused it, defended it and even attempted to use God to bolster their apologist tour of it. One person even said to me, "What man wouldn't fuck a porn star?". And, I'm quite positive if Barack Obama had slipped his Kenyan strudel to a white blonde porn star Trump's base would've been perfectly ok with it.

Look, I could go on forever but I don't have a free 195 hours to list all of Trump's transgressions and how his base hasn't cared not one time. But, allow me just one more example.


Trump's reaction to the events of Charlottesville was abhorrent and repulsive. First, for him to lay blame on "both sides" was repugnant. But, for that man to be President of the United States and morally equate Nazis and White Nationalists/Supremacists with people protesting hate and division is the single most disdainful, despicable, immoral thing I have ever seen an elected official publicly do.

Not to mention that those White Nationalists, White Supremacists and Nazis felt comfortable enough to storm a church and terrorize those inside the church is telling. Then, to feel at ease enough to march down the streets of an American city without impunity. And, they have every right to do so but that's different than feeling comfortable to do so because enough people will provide them with implicit cover.

But, here's the thing I honestly didn't expect more from Trump. He is an amoral bigot. What surprised and disappointed me was that my Facebook timeline was dead silent. The people who routinely publish dogmatic posts and share inflammatory memes without regard for their factual accuracy could not be found.

The people who couldn't hit send enough during the Ferguson riots or anytime Black Lives Matter protested had seemed like they vanished off the earth. It was not they weren't disavowing what Trump said nor his impotent response but they weren't even disavowing the hate rally or it's participants. I didn't even see a cursory condolence post for Heather Heyer who was ran down in the street by a car driven by a White Nationalist. NOT A SINGLE POST!

The next day and subsequent days the #MAGAs were out in force defending Trump and his bullshit statements. They were also being apologists for the racists with the usual crap about Black Lives Matter and Antifa attempting to lay partial blame on them when anyone who saw the events unfold live (as I did) know exactly who was at fault. Hell, I had someone actually say to me I should "learn to agree to disagree" with people who fundamentally believe me to be inferior and want me kicked out the country at best.

But, it was on the day of Charlottesville, August 12, 2017 it hit me and has become clearer every day since that when it comes to Trump and his adoring blindly loyal fans this is who and what they are.

We all need to understand something. Trump's base is not the product of his rhetoric and demagogy nor is he necessarily the creation of his base. They are one in the same. They are both the result of an institutionalized cultivated ideology that centers around white supremacy, privilege and patriarchy.

Trump supporters always become angry when people say they are racist or bigots. I believe many of them are feigning anger about it. Regardless, what they seem to fall to grasp is there is empirical evidence that presents just cause for people to feel that way. They never call out his racism or xenophobia or sexism or misogyny or general cruelty. No, in fact, they applaud it and seem to admire it.

And, there is the rub. That is why we have stop clutching our pearls and being shocked. Time after time after time has Trump proven there is no depth to the barrel which he will scrape. Every time people think he won't or can't go any lower he says, "Oh, really? Hold my Diet Coke and KFC bucket."

Here is thing though! That also applies to his base! Every time he goes lower they cheer and excuse it. They never...NEVER hold him nor themselves accountable.

But, they go lower with him. Shit, most of the time it's a race to see who can get there first. Keep in mind, Trump mocks the handicap, rape victims, bomb victims, he employs racist tropes, he calls for violence against reporters and protestors and he openly insults women's appearances and his crowds egg it on. They clamor for it! So, who's worse? Him for saying it? Or them for eating it up and begging for more.

And, I get it. It's human nature to want to see the best in people and believe there are better angels. Probably to preserve our own sanity we must believe there is a red line, that rock bottom exists.

But, the mail bombs sent to multiple prominent Democrats and celebrities by Cesar Sayoc and the subsequent reaction from Trump and his supporters including Fox News should be the final wake up call. None of them have shown a shred of empathy. Trump is so devoid of common humanity he can't even conjure up the decency to give any of the bomb targets a cursory call. When asked by a reporter if he will reach out to any of them he said, "I'll pass." That says a lot about him but it honestly says more about his supporters that they won't call him out over it.

Shall we keep it real here. Trump and much of his base are disappointed the bombs didn't find their targets. I posted the previous sentence on my Facebook honestly expecting to receive a little pushback or pearl clutching. I didn't receive any. Not one comment. Not one angry "like". Nothing. Says it all.

It is pathetic that people are so partisan and so hate filled that they are apparently incapable of base human decency.

Stop anticipating a bottom. Stop expecting a red line to be instituted. We are over three years into Trumpism and it is quite apparent that red line does nor will ever exist and the pit is bottomless.

Quit believing better exists. It does not.

R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!