Sunday, July 22, 2018

Yes, Lefties, You Are Guilty Of Violating Free Speech Rights Too

Let's get this clear upfront. Not wanting to hear racist, xenophobic or homophobic speech is not morally equivalent to not wanting to hear a celebrity or athlete's opinion simply because you disagree with it ideologically.

However, free speech is all encompassing. Just as it is wrong for those who are right leaning when they attempt to silent opinions they oppose it is wrong for those on the left when they do the same. Free speech is not always comfortable nor is it always moral. It can be hateful and abjectly ignorant. Regardless, all of it has a right to be heard.

The last few years have seen an increase in censorship of certain speakers on college campuses. The majority of those speakers are the ideological right. Some of those speakers are avowed racists, White Nationalists, anti-Semites and Islamophobes. Often a contingency of students have voiced concern, if not blatant objection, resulting in universities and colleges caving in not allowing certain speakers to appear despite many of them having already been booked.

The institutions of higher learning always cite a fear of violence as cause for cancellations or non-invites. While the violence concern has merit it is often a disingenuous excuse. Usually, it has more to do with students, professors and many college administrators finding such language and positions morally repugnant. That repugnancy could affect the bottom line. Profit motive is always lurking around.

But, what many of these students need to realize and what the professors and administrators should already know is that a college campus is supposed to be the ideal establishment for an exchange of ideas and a platform for varying opinions. College is the place where you expand your horizons and study different ideas. It doesn't mean those ideas will be embraced.

It is completely reasonable to see figures such as Ann Coulter, Richard Spencer and Milo Yiannopoulis as reprehensible. It is fair to see their positions on race, immigration, and equality as unsettling and disgusting. If the term "White Supremacist" was used it would be hard for an intelligent person to argue against it.

However, censoring them from campuses only emboldens their fan base and gives them fodder for make themselves "victims". More than that censoring them goes against the very idea of free speech. As long as they are not directly inciting violence they have a constitutional right to say whatever they want to say regardless of how idiotic it might be. Now, that doesn't mean they can't get fired from a job or lose endorsements. That is a potential cost of free speech.

One could argue doesn't a college have the same right as an employer to not want hate or intolerant speech or the propagators of such speech on their campus. If said propagator is an employee then, yes, of course.

But, in the case of guest speakers they should actually welcome such speakers. When anyone gives a speech on a campus they are likely subject to pushback. If someone is speaking whom others have disagreements, they should exercise their First Amendment rights and protest. Confront these people contradicting their talking points with facts and analyses. Instead of censoring them expose them for being the hateful, intolerant bigoted people they are.

Everyone's opinions are not going to be yours nor should they be. Part of what makes America great is that differing ideas and opinions can be freely expressed. A "nuisance" of that free expression is some opinions and ideologies you are going to find more than disagreeable. You are going to find them repugnant and unpalatable because they are hate filled. Unfortunately, this country has racists, xenophobes, homophobes and generally intolerant ignorant people. But, those people have the right to say what they think. It doesn't mean it should be embraced or coddled. It also doesn't mean it should be censored.

Stop being snowflakes. Quit looking for your "safe space". Stand up! Fight for what you claim to believe in! Be principled. Don't run and hide from those you oppose. Confront their language and ideologies. Call it out for what it is.

Look, the world will always...always...always have people like Coulter, Spencer, Yiannopoulous and Steve Bannon. But, censoring them to silence them is not the answer; debunking, discrediting and exposing them for the racist charlatans they are is what will silence them.

Free speech belongs to ALL of US (even the hateful and ignorant).

R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!