Sunday, September 9, 2018

A White House #Resistance From Within: Let's Pump The Brakes

Washington D.C. and the entire country is enthralled with this New York Times op-ed written by a "senior administration official".

The administration official says they are apart of the #Resistance. This person says they along with a bevy of other administration officials are actively thwarting parts of President Trump's agenda and are blocking policies and actions that are a product of his worst impulses, inclinations and a general lack of knowledge and intelligence.

This person mentioned Trump is impetuous, petty and childish. They said his inability to learn causes him to make ill-informed, half-baked and reckless decisions.

The op-ed lamented his amorality and tendency to flip flop on decisions. Sometimes he does it within minutes.

The author also wrote that Trump's inherent inclinations are anti-trade and anti-democratic. He or she bemoaned his overt affinity for dictators and despots while alienating our closest and most longstanding allies.

And, the writer said discussions took place early on in the administration's tenure regarding evoking the 25th Amendment but "nobody wanted to precipitate a constitutional crisis.

The op-ed wasn't completely negative. The author noted the administration had many successes "in spite of" the President's chaotic, bombastic and confrontational leadership style. They pointed to the enormous "deregulation, tax cuts and a robust military". The author said many of the administration's policies have made America "safer and more prosperous".

The op-ed insisted the American people not worry because there is a plethora of people inside the administration who are placing country ahead of an allegiance to Trump. They vow to steer the country in the right direction "until-one way or another- it's over."

Naturally, Trump has responded in his normal measured manner-by calling the author "gutless" and demanding Attorney General Jeff Sessions investigate this. Trump has said the author is treasonous. *Sigh* Way to disprove the allegation you're ignorant of American democracy there, Donnie.

Some have concurred with the President this person is gutless while others have labeled this person a "patriot and hero". Many have said this person is complicit and simply assuaging their guilt by being "resistant" when they should be coming forth with detailed information and alerting the public.

I fall into the latter category.

Allow me to unpack this op-ed a little.

I am not quick to extend an invite to this person so they can attend the #Resistance pancake breakfast. The question must be asked how resistant is this person?

When I first saw the headline my initial thought was, "Oh, hell naw! Somebody inside that shitshow has been #woke!" But, then I read the op-ed. It seemed more like a decaffeinated resistance than a Starbucks venti latte with a double espresso shot resistance.

The writer appeared to be in-line with the vast majority of Trump's agenda while displaying disdain for his ignorance, pettiness, bombast and recklessness.

Pointing to deregulation, tax cuts and gratuitous military spending isn't exactly "resistance like". That's not policy stances that are going to garner you a second interview for entry into the club. All of those policies benefit the extremely wealthy. They do jackshit for the average American.

Saying America is safer and more prosperous because of Trump's policies is just not true.

Where was the mentioning about the separation of migrant children from their parents at the southern border? That is the quintessential example of his amorality.

What about his unmoored affinity for pissing on the rule of law? That is as authoritarian as anything.

While his penchant for dividing the country was mentioned where was the repudiation of his insulting the intelligence of intelligent successful people of color and his blatant shameless use of dog whistles? What about his foreplay with White Supremacists and refusal to flatly disavow them; thus by proxy emboldening them? Are these not blatant displays illuminating his recklessness and worst impulses?

However, none of those things were mentioned or even intimated. Again, this piece seemed to bemoan who Trump is as a person but not his policies.

Yes, Trump is a repugnant human being-an amoral shallow "empty barrel" if you will. But, his policies are equally repugnant and abhorrent; however, this author neglects to address it.

So, the questions pervading the American political landscape and societal discourse the last few days are...who wrote this op-ed and why.

The latter I believe I have a pretty solid answer for, at least partially. But, the former is something I have given much thought, likely way more than I should have or it deserves. Most of y'all know me well enough to know I love a good hot mess and a mystery.

Regarding this hot mess and mystery I am truthfully stumped. I have no concrete possibilities. Because virtually everyone in this dumpster fire presidency (and I mean everyone) is a legitimate candidate, it is almost impossible to narrow down a list of suspects.

The even money in Vegas says it is Vice President Mike Pence. He was in my first two or three suspects. As George Will said, he's oleaginous. (I admit I never knew that word existed before reading it in Will's column but it's now one of my new favorite words. And, it describes Pence perfectly.) The word "lodestar" was used and it is a word Pence uses a lot. All of that along with the fact an article came out last week saying Pence believes "God wants him to be president" makes him a comprehensive choice.

It could be Kellyanne Conway whom actually the word "oleaginous" succinctly describes.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a possibility. Maybe her despicable sycophantic show at the White House press podium is a rouse. Maybe she thinks she's sacrificing her dignity for the greater good.

General John Kelly is a certain possibility. His contempt for Trump seems to be quite evident now. The man said, "this is the worst job I've ever had", and he's been in multiple wars.

Shit, let's be real! Trump is a detestable human being and an ineffective leader who is gleefully proud of his ignorance, illiteracy, non-existent moral compass and unadulterated stupidity. I would like to think most serious people, especially those aiding in the running of our country, would find someone like this objectionable and repulsive. It could be any number of folks.

That is why I tend to believe this was a group effort. The author said several times that a group of people were circumventing the President when they felt it was necessary and placing the safety of the country first.

Much of the phrasing of this op-ed has the hallmarks of Pence's speech pattern. However, it also has sprinkles of language someone like a Kelly or Dan Coates (DNI Director) or General James Mattis would use. I see some Kellyanne in the article. Hell, I even see a smidge of Stephen Miller.

Regardless who wrote the op-ed, it raises legit concerns.

There seems to be something inherently unnerving about unelected administration and White House officials undermining the President of the United States' authority. For better or worse Trump was elected president. These officials were not.

This behavior actually lends credence to Trump's inane "Deep State" ramblings. It is evident a faction within Trump's orbit is actively undermining his presidency, at least intermittently.

But, that leads to the other issues raised. What in the fuck is going on inside the White House-the peoples house?!

This op-ed doesn't lay out some hostile coup d'état being performed by a group of insurgents. The op-ed writer praises many elements of the administration. They never issue a call for the President to be removed other than a brief 25th Amendment discussion.

However, this group of people seem to believe they have to conduct this intermittent insurgence to protect us from the President. They feel his erratic nature, loose grasp of the truth and reality and fragile ego will get the country involved in a devastating conflict or perilous situation.

Bob Woodward described in his forthcoming book, "Fear", one such example. Trump decided he wanted Syrian leader, Bashar Al-Assad, assassinated. Trump called Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, and demanded it be done despite Mattis' objection. Trump kept insisting so Mattis "gave in". Immediately after the call ended Mattis (understanding the grave implications such actions would induce) told his aide, "We're not doing any of that."

While we should all be thankful Mattis did that, we should be even more terrified that he had to.

How many times has such insanity taken place? How many conflicts have been avoided because aides, officials and cabinet secretaries have disobeyed orders? And, what did Trump do? According to nuanced examples in Woodward's book the President likely forgot about it. As the op-ed author stated another official said to them, "It's useless talking to him because he changes his mind from one minute to the next."

Look, whoever this op-ed writer is they need to actually do more than write an article. They need to go to Congress. I understand this is the most limp dicked Congress in history, but provide detailed information. Demand they do something or go public. That would be actual resistance.

Members of the Senate Bob Corker, Jeff Flake and Ben Sasse  all said this op-ed stated everything multiple people inside the White House has been telling them since "day one". Well, then why the hell aren't you doing something?

I will tell you why. Their resistance is decaffeinated weak, feckless. They are resisting against Trump, the man, because he is an amoral odious repulsive loathsome person. He was has no guiding principles and they find that to be unpalatable.

However, they wanted tax cuts, deregulation, ungodly increases in military spending, repeal of the Affordable Care Act and although they find the methods distasteful increased enforcement of illegal immigration.

This is not the #Resistance!

The op-ed provided a clear view into a, if not the, motivation for writing this piece. The line, "We will continue to steer this country into the right direction until-one way or another- this ends.

That line stood out to me the first time I read it and has every subsequent time I've read it.

Whoever this author is letting you know shit is about to get real. They know whether it's the Mueller investigation, Michael Cohen, Stormy Daniels, Summer Zervos, something we don't even know yet or likely a combination of all is going to bring this president down.

Trump has lived a life of wealth and privilege and that wealth and privilege has allowed him to live a life of crime. That wealth and privilege and an extraordinary amount of good luck has insulated him from being held accountable. He has spent his entire adult life being irresponsible, reckless, cruel and unaccountable. It is finally catching up to him. His time is about up.

The composer(s) of this op-ed seem to be aware of this. My assumption is they have some pretty concrete reasons why they feel this way. I'm not bathing in conjecture here. You don't make a statement like "until one way or another this ends" unless you have an idea it is ending.

So, I believe, at least in part, this op-ed is attempting to assuage its author(s) of any complicity and culpability. When (not if) this shitshow implodes they want to be insulated from the nuclear fallout. They want to be able to say, "It wasn't us! See, we were saving the country from the imbecilic insane man-child king!"

Yeah, let me know how that works out for ya.

Every single person who has been inside the administration and has firsthand knowledge of Trump's mental instability and unfathomable ignorance and autocratic tendencies and desires yet did nothing of substance will be judged harshly by history.

That assclown isn't the president just for his fanatical base. Don't forget almost three million more citizens didn't vote him than did.

This is a government of the people. We have a right to know when shit goes sideways. We, also, have a reasonable expectation the democratically elected president isn't having his power usurped or worse yet it must be usurped because he is literally an insane madman.

R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!