Monday afternoon, July 20 2020, Progressives lost a stalwart voice and the world lost one of its funniest, kindest and most empathetic souls.
Michael Jamal Brooks passed away due to an unknown blood clot in his throat.
Micheal was the host of The Michael Brooks Show and co-host of The Majority Report With Sam Seder. Both shows are in podcast form and on YouTube. He also co-hosted Jacobin Weekend With Micheal Brooks and Ana Kasparian (also on YouTube) as well as hosting the podcast, Woke Bros, along side Wosny Lambte. In addition to his YouTube and podcast shows Micheal recently wrote his first solo book, Against The Web: A Cosmopolitan Look At The New Right, which was published and recently released by Zero Books.
Michael Brooks was arguably a rising star and one of the most sought after voices in independent left media.
He began his career in 2012 as a producer for Majority Report. A couple of years later he became the co-host. In early 2018 he started The Michael Brooks Show with Majority Report producer, Matt Lech. Later on David Griscom joined the show as a producer and contributor.
Michael rather quickly became known as one of the brightest and most knowledgeable hosts in left media. He displayed extensive knowledge of not only domestic policy but foreign policy and international affairs. He was an unashamed admitted internationalist.
In fact, The Michael Brooks Show (TMBS), became a vehicle for Brooks' vast international political and social knowledge. His show often focused on affairs abroad and he would brilliantly tie them into American policy showing why they were important. Nando Villa once said about Brooks, "He knows more about the politics of Ecuador than any CNN contributor knows about American politics." I would add Michael knew more about American politics as well.
I never met Michael. Though I wish I had. I wanted to get to Brooklyn some day and be able to meet him, Sam Seder and the rest of the crew. I only know him through watching him on TMBS and MR. But, he was a huge inspiration and role model. I started writing a blog in 2018 due to the inspiration from him.
I actually discovered Michael in 2018 right before he began TMBS. I had grown weary of the incoherent nonsense coming from most of MSNBC. CNN was god-awful. I was looking for alternative media that would stimulate my desire for good intelligent political news and analysis from a left perspective. I had watched The Young Turks off and on in previous years, so I decided to get on YouTube and search around.
I came across a Majority Report video about Alex Jones and decided to click on it. I was familiar with Sam Seder from his Air America and Keith Olbermann days. It was one of the best decisions I ever made. It was then I discovered the funniest most insightful political commentator I had ever seen. I had never laughed that hard in my life while receiving in-depth intelligent analysis . I mean who could resist an Alex Jones video and someone ingeniously mocking his grift and hustle.
Mike and Sam had me at that moment. I became an instant superfan. I spent the next seven hours watching MR and Micheal Brooks videos. I have always been a politics junkie but was never able to find a show or commentator that best aligned with my political beliefs. Until that time Bill Maher was the closest thing.
But, I found a niche between Sam and Micheal. It was Micheal who really captivated me. His takes on race, poverty and how to look at culture aligned with mine almost perfectly. I had never actually watched a political commentator who saw race and racism the way I did...until Michael Brooks.
It was a few weeks later I decided to begin my blog. On a "Michael Thursday" on MR he said the left needs voices. He was encouraging a caller and anyone else who was listening that if you really care about these issues and want a better world do whatever you can to get into the game. He said don't do it if you are only interested in clicks and internet fame but if you want to make change write, talk, produce, organize, canvas, whatever. When I heard that I thought, "I am wasting my talent. I need to get back to writing." Then, he said something to the caller that stuck with me and became a motto of sorts. He said if you change one person, make them think, you have done something significant. That touched me.
Brooks was one of the people who really shaped my politics. Like I said, I was a politics junkie, but what I learned through Micheal knowing things wasn't enough. Your politics must have a purpose and that purpose must center around working class and poor people especially if you consider yourself a Progressive or leftist, which I do.
Through him I learned to sharpen my vocabulary and speak intelligently using adult words but conveying it in an digestible way for everyone. I learned to voice my opinion clearly and respectfully but with authority. If that meant putting an edge on it so be it.
Until Micheal Brooks my mother was the only person I had ever known on the left who emphasized international politics because it all ties into US politics because ultimately we are a global community.
The brilliance of TMBS was that he could cover an array of domestic and foreign subjects with ease. Through TMBS I was introduced to brilliant important left voices like Milton Allimadi, Adolph Reed, Joshua Kahn Russell, Bill Fletcher Jr, Wosny Lambre, Nando Villa, Alyona Minkovski, Abby Martin and Ben Burgis.
It was TMBS that first exposed me to ContraPoints. She is now one of favorites. I am absolutely in love with her channel. Natalie Wynn is doing exceptionally important work. Michael was the first person to my knowledge to give her a broad platform.
And, Michael found it important to give relatively unknown left commentators a voice even as he was struggling to be recognized himself. He did it not only for Contrapoints but for people like Brandon Sutton and Benjamin Dixon.
Michael Brooks genuinely cared about people-normal regular ass people. It is what drove his politics. He was ambitious and had an ego but wasn't chasing money, clout or fame. He wanted a better world. Not in the metaphorical sense but in the actual tangible sense. He wanted the unknown person in the Sudan to have a good quality of life just like he did a dude like me in Shawnee, Oklahoma. He believed you must want good for more than just yourself or your family or friends but for people you don't know all over the world. He truly embodied empathy.
He often spoke of how poor he and his family were. Frequently he would mention the housing and food insecurity he and his sister experienced as a children. However, it didn't drive him to want wealth. He was driven to make sure other people didn't experience that. Let me tell you that is a rare quality in today's society.
You could see Michael Brooks' compassion and love for humanity shine through the screen when he talked. Issues like Medicare For All, a living wage, universal housing, universal jobs programs, poverty reduction, criminal justice reform weren't just talking points progressives should mention. To him they were absolutes and nonnegotiable because people mattered.
His view on race always amazed me. He got it. Identity politics are garbage but that doesn't mean identity isn't important because for certain swaths of people recognizing it is an undeniable reality. But, class is the key to ending structural racism and imisseration.
I would be remised if I didn't mention his impressions and laugh. His laugh was infectious. His impressions were nothing less than creations of genius. His Bill Clinton, Nation of Islam Obama, Rightwing Nelson Mandela and Chris Matthews are better than anything Frank Caliendo ever did. No knock to Caliendo.
His ability to fluidly do political satire was genius. Matt Binder, former producer/co-host of MR, said in the Majority Report tribute that he has never known or seen anyone who in the spur of the moment can go into a character or do political satire without ever pausing or stuttering. Mike is the funniest person I have ever seen, comedians included.
I am heartbroken over his sudden passing. I have been upset since it happened and foresee I will be for a few more days. I spent my entire Monday night reading tributes on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. I watched the MR tribute show yesterday. I cried with Sam Seder, his lovely sister Lisha, Ana Kasparian and Nomiki Konst. You could just see the pain in Nomi's face. But, it was Kelly Carey and Joshua Kahn Russell who ripped my heart out.They were so visibly upset and cried throughout the entirety of their tributes.
I have cried off and on for two days now. Again, I didn't know Micheal Brooks personally but he was apart of my life. He was on my tv screen just about every day. Although I am older than him he is a role model and someone I looked up to.
I feel like I have lost a close friend. In so many ways I have. We all have. I know I don't mourn alone. I have seen people I never thought I'd see cry-didn't think ever cried because of the image they exuded. Not only Sam Seder but I heard emotion in the voices of John Idarola, Kyle Kulinski, Mike Figueroa, David Griscom, Brandon Sutton, Matt Lech. I literally cried with each of them.
I don't care how it looks to some. I lost an important person in my life. Just because I didn't know him personally doesn't mean he wasn't important and integral.
The left has lost an irreplaceable voice and influencer. That is unquestionable. But, each of us who loved and admired him and believed in what he believed must honor his legacy by moving forward. In whatever way we can we must carry on his work. The project is far from over and the best way I imagine to respect his life is to see that project through. Elect progressive candidates. Support left media whether it's MR, TYT, Nomi Konst, Kyle Kulinski, Jacobin, Megan Day, Matt Taibbi, Katie Halper, Chappo Trap House, The Intercept, Benjamin Dixon, The Humanist Report, Brandon Sutton and countless others. Make certain those media outlets illuminate voices like Cornell West, Adolph Reed, Bill Fletcher Jr, Harvey Kaye, Richard Wolffe, Briahna Joy Gray, Malaika Jabali, Nando Vila, Aloyna Minkovsk, Noam Chomski and so the other authorative left voices.
Michael Brooks is loved and will be sorely missed! I love you, Brother!
Rest in power, Friend.
Left is best!