A few days ago I saw the following tweet from Adam Best (a White guy) in my timeline:
"Where's the NYT [New York Times] op-ed challenging racists to drop preconceived notions and reach out to minorities to find common ground? Why is the onus on minorities and advocates to drag racists into the 21st Century? Why does the media set the bar high for Liberals, low for Conservatives?"
This tweet really hit me. These are questions that myself and I presume most people of color have asked themselves their entire lives. It really got me thinking and inspired me to address this.
Now, I am not going to address the third question directly because it is a blog unto itself. However, that question plays a role into this discussion.
So, I'm going to write a letter or a grievance to all White Supremacists, White Nationalists, racists, bigots and their apologists. This is also for those who harbor racial resentment, as well as those who low key hold bigoted beliefs but are too cowardly to just admit it.
Here we go:
One of the things that literally makes me laugh out loud is when any of you or Conservatives harp about how "liberal" the New York Times and Washington Post are. It is literally one of the silliest statements uttered. This is especially true for the Times who has spent the last 18 months running "special" articles and op-ed pieces attempting to humanize avowed racists and pretentious "I'm not a bigot or racist" bigots and racists.
Nary a week goes by without the New York Times having dispatched a reporter into "red state" America or to the compound of some Neo-Nazi group gathering information about how they feel and their perspective. Now, that is perfectly fine. The problem arises when the features and op-eds then start lecturing me, POC and those who aren't racists how we need to "understand", "learn to compromise" and "reach out the olive branch" even if they have a rabid pitbull ready to snatch the branch and our hand.
On the flip side there are fewer features about how POC, LGBTQ and Muslims have been harassed, insulted and in some cases terrorized by the very people we are expected to embrace. And, don't get triggered saying "fake news". It is not fake news. See, you don't read the Times because your leaders say "it's bad", so you don't know. I implore you to take 30 minutes out of your time and you'll realize I'm not pulling this shit out of my ass.
Here is what I really want to address and that is why is the onus only on minorities to "get along" with you. In order to find common ground both sides have to give some. Right?
But, it is always us who has to capitulate. I have noticed this from an early age. When I was younger I did exactly that. I can remember feeling I have to be beyond obedient or beyond nice. I also had to be really smart but not too smart, if you know what I mean. And, you do!
My parents drilled into me I had to be above and beyond. My mom would say, "You have to be two steps better because they will always see you as two steps behind."
As I went into my late teens/early 20s, I had an epiphany. Why do I have to be extra nice to the point I'm almost servile? Why do I have to almost feel embarrassed for being intelligent? I literally said, "Eff that!" I'm a good person who is always respectful and kind to people. If me being me isn't good enough, screw you. I am intelligent and more intelligent than some of you. If that intimidates you, that is your shortcoming not mine. Not to mention I could be near perfect and people still hated because I am Black.
Where this is really the most frustrating is in certain people's attitude. While they're saying, "We are all equal", they're literally simultaneously implying that we have to come to them because we're the ones "offended". What POC has experienced that before? Probably within the last week.
For race relations to improve there must be understanding, conciliation and compromise. But, those things have to come from both sides.
I have heard all my life and still hear some White folks say, "Well, I'd like Blacks more if they acted normal and talked normal and assimilated. Oh, and they didn't listen to that music [rap and r&b]."
What does "act normal" and "talk normal" mean? Do you mean be less "Black"? Are you implying Black people do not speak well? Are you implying Black people act "bad"?
I know exactly what you mean. See, it's bullshit like this that angers Black folk and other POC. Instead of judging us as individuals you continue to propagate stereotypes and stigmas. Rather than seeing us for the human beings we are you'd prefer to dehumanize us to keep your narrative alive. Because if you stopped stigmatizing entire groups of people you would certainly find out your beliefs are vapid, putrid, false piles of stupidity!
Let me address the music briefly. Music is an universal language. Most Whites who demonize rap have never actually listened to it. And, if they have, they have never listened enough to make a fair critique of it. Now, I'm not saying if you listen to it you'll like it or should like it. What I am saying is that the inherent implication is that rap music is bad because Blacks perform it and others tell me it's immoral. Also, I love it when people make that statement to me. Because, I always reply it's pretty presumptive of you to believe I listen to rap. Actually I do along with just about every other genre of music because I am not a close minded bigot.
The larger point here is why is it I have to conform everything I am for you. I accept you for who you are; am I not deserving of the same? Why do POC have to be something different than what and who we are? Assimilation is not conforming. Read a dictionary for God's sake!
People who harbor racism or racist beliefs must take personal accountability. Racism is learned. That, I concede. However, continuing to facilitate racism and bigotry when you know better is a choice.
People of color don't make you racist. People who say that are using a cop out. Actually, they are just chicken shit cowards, who are willfully ignorant and hateful. Period.
I always love when idiots say, "Obama being elected was supposed to end racism.".......WHAT?!
The election of the first African-American signified that a majority of Americans had finally been enlightened and came into the 21st Century. Unfortunately, the election also highlighted that racism is still alive and well. Quite frankly, it has been emboldened over the last three years.
Obama's election wasn't some miracle elixir that made racists and bigots suddenly not racist and bigoted. To think it would is idiotic. And, that is being kind.
Racism is learned but it becomes a feeling of the heart. Racists will never stop being racist until they start believing racism is wrong. As long as you see me as inferior, you're not going to change.
That is what infuriates me about the racist apologists. Y'all love to play this game where you say we're equal but in the same breath you say things that imply you think that equal is more 55/45 than 50/50.
You want things to improve (if you really do) then you have to embrace us the way you want us to embrace you. Instead of demanding we capitulate accept us assimilating which we do. Common ground exists but you have to confront some demons and truths just as we do. Understanding and compromise is not an one way street.
Last thing. Everything I said applies to sane people who want to listen. When it comes to you dyed in the wool Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists and White Nationalists I'm not going to agree to disagree.
After #Charlottesville I actually had people tell me in person and on Facebook that I need to back off and "agree to disagree". Look, and this goes for the apologists who told me that, I am NOT going to agree to disagree with people who dogmatically believe because of the color of my skin I am inherently inferior to Whites, I am inherently less intelligent than Whites, people who want to deport me because this is a "White" country and people who want to eradicate me from the earth.
I am not going to concede one inch to those jackasses. You are all the way outside your mind if you think I should. No common ground can be obtained with folks like that. The fact anyone would even utter such nonsense says they need to check their privilege. The same people who say that mess are the same people who won't even hear out someone who is pro-choice on why they're pro-choice. So, they should understand where I am coming from.
It is simple. As the tweet says, it's not my burden to drag people into the 21st Century let alone make so-called self professed Christians actually adhere to Christ's principles.
If you're racist or a bigot or harbor some ill feelings toward minorities, that is not on me or anyone else. That is on you! Only you can prevent you from starting forrest fires and only you can prevent you from being an ignorant hateful bigot!
I can also be found on Facebook and Twitter. Checkout my pages. Links below:
"Where's the NYT [New York Times] op-ed challenging racists to drop preconceived notions and reach out to minorities to find common ground? Why is the onus on minorities and advocates to drag racists into the 21st Century? Why does the media set the bar high for Liberals, low for Conservatives?"
This tweet really hit me. These are questions that myself and I presume most people of color have asked themselves their entire lives. It really got me thinking and inspired me to address this.
Now, I am not going to address the third question directly because it is a blog unto itself. However, that question plays a role into this discussion.
So, I'm going to write a letter or a grievance to all White Supremacists, White Nationalists, racists, bigots and their apologists. This is also for those who harbor racial resentment, as well as those who low key hold bigoted beliefs but are too cowardly to just admit it.
Here we go:
One of the things that literally makes me laugh out loud is when any of you or Conservatives harp about how "liberal" the New York Times and Washington Post are. It is literally one of the silliest statements uttered. This is especially true for the Times who has spent the last 18 months running "special" articles and op-ed pieces attempting to humanize avowed racists and pretentious "I'm not a bigot or racist" bigots and racists.
Nary a week goes by without the New York Times having dispatched a reporter into "red state" America or to the compound of some Neo-Nazi group gathering information about how they feel and their perspective. Now, that is perfectly fine. The problem arises when the features and op-eds then start lecturing me, POC and those who aren't racists how we need to "understand", "learn to compromise" and "reach out the olive branch" even if they have a rabid pitbull ready to snatch the branch and our hand.
On the flip side there are fewer features about how POC, LGBTQ and Muslims have been harassed, insulted and in some cases terrorized by the very people we are expected to embrace. And, don't get triggered saying "fake news". It is not fake news. See, you don't read the Times because your leaders say "it's bad", so you don't know. I implore you to take 30 minutes out of your time and you'll realize I'm not pulling this shit out of my ass.
Here is what I really want to address and that is why is the onus only on minorities to "get along" with you. In order to find common ground both sides have to give some. Right?
But, it is always us who has to capitulate. I have noticed this from an early age. When I was younger I did exactly that. I can remember feeling I have to be beyond obedient or beyond nice. I also had to be really smart but not too smart, if you know what I mean. And, you do!
My parents drilled into me I had to be above and beyond. My mom would say, "You have to be two steps better because they will always see you as two steps behind."
As I went into my late teens/early 20s, I had an epiphany. Why do I have to be extra nice to the point I'm almost servile? Why do I have to almost feel embarrassed for being intelligent? I literally said, "Eff that!" I'm a good person who is always respectful and kind to people. If me being me isn't good enough, screw you. I am intelligent and more intelligent than some of you. If that intimidates you, that is your shortcoming not mine. Not to mention I could be near perfect and people still hated because I am Black.
Where this is really the most frustrating is in certain people's attitude. While they're saying, "We are all equal", they're literally simultaneously implying that we have to come to them because we're the ones "offended". What POC has experienced that before? Probably within the last week.
For race relations to improve there must be understanding, conciliation and compromise. But, those things have to come from both sides.
I have heard all my life and still hear some White folks say, "Well, I'd like Blacks more if they acted normal and talked normal and assimilated. Oh, and they didn't listen to that music [rap and r&b]."
What does "act normal" and "talk normal" mean? Do you mean be less "Black"? Are you implying Black people do not speak well? Are you implying Black people act "bad"?
I know exactly what you mean. See, it's bullshit like this that angers Black folk and other POC. Instead of judging us as individuals you continue to propagate stereotypes and stigmas. Rather than seeing us for the human beings we are you'd prefer to dehumanize us to keep your narrative alive. Because if you stopped stigmatizing entire groups of people you would certainly find out your beliefs are vapid, putrid, false piles of stupidity!
Let me address the music briefly. Music is an universal language. Most Whites who demonize rap have never actually listened to it. And, if they have, they have never listened enough to make a fair critique of it. Now, I'm not saying if you listen to it you'll like it or should like it. What I am saying is that the inherent implication is that rap music is bad because Blacks perform it and others tell me it's immoral. Also, I love it when people make that statement to me. Because, I always reply it's pretty presumptive of you to believe I listen to rap. Actually I do along with just about every other genre of music because I am not a close minded bigot.
The larger point here is why is it I have to conform everything I am for you. I accept you for who you are; am I not deserving of the same? Why do POC have to be something different than what and who we are? Assimilation is not conforming. Read a dictionary for God's sake!
People who harbor racism or racist beliefs must take personal accountability. Racism is learned. That, I concede. However, continuing to facilitate racism and bigotry when you know better is a choice.
People of color don't make you racist. People who say that are using a cop out. Actually, they are just chicken shit cowards, who are willfully ignorant and hateful. Period.
I always love when idiots say, "Obama being elected was supposed to end racism.".......WHAT?!
The election of the first African-American signified that a majority of Americans had finally been enlightened and came into the 21st Century. Unfortunately, the election also highlighted that racism is still alive and well. Quite frankly, it has been emboldened over the last three years.
Obama's election wasn't some miracle elixir that made racists and bigots suddenly not racist and bigoted. To think it would is idiotic. And, that is being kind.
Racism is learned but it becomes a feeling of the heart. Racists will never stop being racist until they start believing racism is wrong. As long as you see me as inferior, you're not going to change.
That is what infuriates me about the racist apologists. Y'all love to play this game where you say we're equal but in the same breath you say things that imply you think that equal is more 55/45 than 50/50.
You want things to improve (if you really do) then you have to embrace us the way you want us to embrace you. Instead of demanding we capitulate accept us assimilating which we do. Common ground exists but you have to confront some demons and truths just as we do. Understanding and compromise is not an one way street.
Last thing. Everything I said applies to sane people who want to listen. When it comes to you dyed in the wool Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists and White Nationalists I'm not going to agree to disagree.
After #Charlottesville I actually had people tell me in person and on Facebook that I need to back off and "agree to disagree". Look, and this goes for the apologists who told me that, I am NOT going to agree to disagree with people who dogmatically believe because of the color of my skin I am inherently inferior to Whites, I am inherently less intelligent than Whites, people who want to deport me because this is a "White" country and people who want to eradicate me from the earth.
I am not going to concede one inch to those jackasses. You are all the way outside your mind if you think I should. No common ground can be obtained with folks like that. The fact anyone would even utter such nonsense says they need to check their privilege. The same people who say that mess are the same people who won't even hear out someone who is pro-choice on why they're pro-choice. So, they should understand where I am coming from.
It is simple. As the tweet says, it's not my burden to drag people into the 21st Century let alone make so-called self professed Christians actually adhere to Christ's principles.
If you're racist or a bigot or harbor some ill feelings toward minorities, that is not on me or anyone else. That is on you! Only you can prevent you from starting forrest fires and only you can prevent you from being an ignorant hateful bigot!
I can also be found on Facebook and Twitter. Checkout my pages. Links below: