Saturday, February 16, 2019

The Misogyny Subculture: MGTOWs (Part 4)

In the previous blog I discussed incels in-depth. I went over their worldview and what shapes it. Also, I covered their philosophy that men essentially go in one of three directions: blue pill (men who see the world as they want it to be); black pill (men who view the world as a wasteland where women rule and men are systematically victimized by genocide, thus there is no hope) and red pill (men who believe they see the world for what it is in reality, which is feminism is systematically attempting to genocide all men, but while the outlook is bleak all hope is not lost).

This installment will circle in on a subset of red pills called mgtow (men who go their own way).

While mgtows are a subset of red pills they are definitely a distinct group of their own. Similar to incels mgtows believe the vast majority of women are shallow deceitful creatures who are guided by feminism to wreck natural order and make men extinct. They also believe the combination of shallowness and feminism is what leads women to practicing hypergamy.

Now, unlike incels mgtows don't claim involuntary celibacy or a lack of genetics is their problem. They are men who have consciously decided to swear off women. They have vowed not to engage in serious relationships. Marriage is equivalent to suicide in their eyes.

Another area mgtows differ from incels is, although they have sworn off women, most of them will still have casual sex with women (preferably prostitutes). However, some mgtows actually have pledged abstinence, which they refer to as "going monk".

The mgtow movement began in the mid-2000s likely around 2005. Like incels they originated as an online group in Reddit. They eventually expanded their presence as they began popping up on Twitter. And, they have carved out quite a niche on YouTube where there are a plethora of guys who produce content geared toward mgtows and pushing their propaganda about women.

The mgtow worldview and philosophy is not much different from incels in they have an intense disdain for feminism. While it is probably fair to say mgtows possess more nuanced "classifications" of women than incels, they share the same base perception that women are predominantly "trash".

Mgtows believe good women exist but they still want nothing to do with them because they are always capable of "turning". However, unlike incels, mgtows willingly accept female allies. And, they actually have more than one might expect. In fact, it is quite common from my observations to see women make appearances in mgtow videos and even independently make videos advocating for the mgtow cause.

Despite this alliance with select women mgtows are capable of being every bit as misogynistic as incels. I would say mgtows lean toward being more sexist than misogynistic but admittedly that might be a distinction without a difference.

Mgtows believe the world should go back to the 1950s when women were "barefoot and in the kitchen". They whole heartedly believe feminism has poisoned women's minds causing them to "not know their place".

Also, they subscribe to assertion that women have essentially taken over the workplace and the government installing a feminist agenda that is systematically destroying the fabric of the family and society. According to them their is a hierarchy ordained by God that says men are atop the pyramid and women are subservient. However, they don't see themselves generally as religious fundamentalists. I suspect that is because theoretically that would interfere with the banging of prostitutes. But, again, that is merely a suspicion.

Certainly, misogyny is a staple of their platform. It is extremely evident in the way they address feminists. It is not uncommon for feminists to be referred to as "whores", "sluts", "bitches" and "cunts". As stated earlier, they seem to make more of a distinction than incels do who are the "good" women and who are the "bad" women, but to the women they consider bad they are repugnant.

Mgtows are notorious for perpetuating rape culture. They believe most women who are victims of sexual assault are at fault for getting raped because of the way they dress or because they are "dick teases".  They also believe a significant amount of men are falsely accused and there is an inadequate amount of sympathy extended toward them.

These dudes truly feel the court system is prejudiced against them also. According to them not only are men biased against in sexual assault cases but are at distinct disadvantages when it comes to divorce and child custody cases. This belief largely lends to their disavowal of marriage and having children.

Interestingly (or not so interestingly), mgtows almost exclusively skew to far right side of the political spectrum. Many of them associate themselves with the alt-right or male chauvinist groups like the Proud Boys. Also, many mgtows along with being misogynistic and sexist are racist, xenophobic and homophobic.

Speaking of homophobia, while unquestionably mgtows believe feminism is the root of all evil, they too believe the LGBTQ community is out to destroy straight men. They believe society's construct is being manipulated to give undeserved attention to the LGBTQ community which is a nefarious attempt to generate male genocide.

Another intriguing aspect to mgtows is their contempt for pickup artists (pua). I have mentioned in previous blogs incels believe "puas" are scammers and snake oil salesmen giving men false hope.

Well, mgtows believe the same thing except there is a bit more of personal animosity. Pickup artists believe (or at least say they do) incels are just dudes down on their luck who need confidence, a stick of Juicy Fruit and a shower. But, they think mgtows are simply "losers" and they say as such.

I don't wanna go to deep here because puas will have their own installment in this series; however, it must be noted pick-up artists believe mgtows are just dudes who are lazy and weak. They think mgtows seeking out sex workers is an example of an unwillingness to work on their "game". Whereas they view incels as losers too but principled losers who just need the proper tools to begin "bedding" women.

It's all odd.

Most people would say incels are infinitely more dangerous than mgtows because they seemingly pose more of an imminent threat. I understand that perspective.

However, I think in the grander scheme mgtows pose a more significant threat because they actually can integrate into society better. They are not generally social outcasts. Their sexism and misogyny can easily be more propagated and come across as less toxic. The problem is it's every bit as toxic.

I compare it to the weaving in of racism into the political discourse. What someone like Steve Bannon says is every bit as pernicious as what Steve King says. The difference is Bannon cloaks his rhetoric in populism and plausibly deniable statements whereas King is almost blatant in his rhetoric. He leaves little, if any, wiggle room.

Mgtows are no different from Bannon in their approach. Sure, if provoked, they will expose their hand, but generally they cloak their anti-feminism in spurious claims of persecution of men. On the other hand, incels give away the game going all in on all women from the jump.

Make no mistake mgtows are simply more sophisticated incels. The distinctions are narrow but real. Regardless, the disdain for feminism is the same and the misogyny has the potential of being just as raw and unfettered.

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NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!