This past week in the Big Brother house started off rather uneventfully.
Cody, the HOH, had nominated Kevin and Keesha for nominations. It was a typical first week nomination. Cody stated he didn't have a connection with either Kev or Keesh. And, if you remember, his original targets (Kaysar and Janelle) were safe thanks to Kaysar's win in the Safety Suite.
Both nominees decided to save themselves by floating around the house. They also knew Veto was still to be played which winning was the only way to ensure safety.
Keesha turned to her social game. Kevin, on the other hand, decided to grovel and whine. He went to Enzo, Ian, David and the HOH Cody to help him stay. It was a bit pathetic if you ask me.
Anyway, the Veto comp was played. Enzo won the comp, which consisted of stacking as much plastic fruit as possible without the stack falling. Kevin literally had the comp won with 19 pieces but instead of hitting the buzzer he decided to continue stacking. His stack fell which allowed Enzo to win with 18 pieces.
Predictably Enzo did not use the Power of Veto. As he stated, it was too early in the game to be making big moves. Besides, Cody didn't want the Veto used because understandably he didn't want anymore blood on his hands.
After Veto it became pretty apparent Keesha was the target for eviction. Her allies, Kaysar and Janelle, tried to sway some votes but were unsuccessful.
So, Thursday night came, which is eviction night. Am I the only one who gets excited for eviction night even when I know what is going to happen? Maybe it's just my weird ass.
Well, I did know what was going to happen. The gorgeous Keesha, who just happened to be one of my picks for Final Three and one of the true queens of Big Brother, was evicted. What somewhat surprised me that is was 13-0. I figured Kaysar or Janelle would throw her a sympathy vote. Hell, I thought Memphis maybe would. He didn't.
I hate Keesha left so early. Personally, I would've much rather seen Kevin go. And, no, not just because of my prediction but because I think Keesha would've added so much more than Kevin will. By the way I will get into Kevin's dunbfuckery in next week's blog.
It came time for the HOH comp. Janelle and Kaysar believed they had to win it to keep from going on the block.
The comp was close. Janelle was on her game, but it wasn't enough. Memphis became the new HOH.
With Memphis as the HOH it was unclear to me whom he would put on the block. My initial thought was Kaysar and The Queen.
Considering it's only the second week he could go with safer choices. For example, no reason Kevin couldn't go up again.
It was pretty clear who wasn't going up. Cody, Christmas, The Rat Nicole F, Dani and Tyler are all in an alliance with Memphis. But, Memphis was wanting everyone to play Safety Suite which Nicole F, Dani and Tyler rightfully balked. They didn't want their pass wasted. They all saw right through the bs and knew Memphis was trying to keep his ass safe for next week.
However, Christmas and Cody decided to play. In fact, most of the house played.
Christmas came out the winner. She chose Ian as her "plus one". She wanted to protect someone who isn't in her alliance so that she doesn't give away any clues whom she is an alliance with. It also gives her another ally in Ian whom will owe her because Memphis is gunning for him. That said Memphis was okay with Ian being safe because he feels he will have the opportunity to get Ian.
Well, with Ian not an option Memphis decided to put up David and Nicole A. Memphis' speech to David was a bit harsh and unnecessary. He obviously doesn't think David deserves to be there. He had named David a "have not" citing he thinks David "will break".
When this all actually took place Friday night Facebook and Twitter were abuzz about what Memphis had said. Actually watching it what Memphis said wasn't exactly in the realm of what it was being portrayed. Of course, it was also edited to put Memphis in a better light. However, I thought he was out of line. Of course, David isn't an all-star, but he hasn't done anything while in the house that deserved Memphis being such a dick to him.
It is somewhat unclear who the target for eviction is. I think Memphis would rather see Nicole A go because he views her as more of a threat and she didn't obey him about playing in the Safety Suite. Whereas with David he acts like he is some frat brother teaching a pledge he doesn't particularly care for a lesson.
It will be interesting to see how Veto plays out. I hope David can pull it off. I like the dude. He seems goodhearted and laid back.
Let me just say Memphis rubs me the wrong way. I can't quite put my finger on it but something about that guy doesn't sit well. He seems arrogant and entitled for no real reason. I mean, Bruh, you lost to Dan Gheesling 7-0 in season 10! He took you to the Final Two. While you're shitting on David some would say you're not an all-star but I digress.
Before I go let me say something the live feeders and daily blog followers are well aware of. I like Nicole A. She seems like a sweet chick and very down to earth. But, homegirl needs to check herself wanting to go after Janelle. I know some folks are about to be triggered but triggered you'll have to be. Janelle just isn't a queen. She is THE QUEEN! The Queen is the master of the side-eye, throwing shade, dragging a mf'er and snatchin wigs. This silly girl better tread lightly. She will go somewhere she will not come back from. I hope somebody in that house snatches her silly ass up and talks some sense into her. Gurlllllll, you don't want that smoke! Trust and believe that!
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