Week three in the Big Brother house saw Memphis winning HOH and putting Nicole Anthony and David on the block. He was looking to gun for Ian but Christmas derailed that plan when she won Safety Suite and decided to make Ian her "plus one" keeping him safe for the week.
His alliance (Christmas, Cody, Dani, Nicole Franzel and Tyler) were wanting either Kaysar or Janelle to go up on the block. However, Memphis said it was too early for big moves.
I believe he chose Nicole A because he really doesn't feel she deserves to be there. It should be noted she made it to the Final Four last season. He made it clear he doesn't think David deserves to be there. In fact, he has been rather rude to David from the beginning. Let me state here I don't think David is an all-star and the boy seems a bit clueless. However, there was no reason for Memphis to be the ass he has been to him.
David and Nicole A still had the Veto comp as a lifeline. But, Nicole A was out of the comp almost from the start. David, on the other hand, came to play. He lasted until the final three along with Tyler and Memphis before dropping out.
Although Tyler is in an alliance with Memphis he kept battling for the veto. Tyler likes David and wanted to take him off the block which would've possibly forced Memphis to replace him with Janelle or Kaysar. Something that Memphis seemed very reluctant to do. But, in the end it didn't matter because Memphis won veto keeping noms the same.
I imagine being on the block is hella stressful. I know I would be anxious as hell. But, it is interesting to see what it does to some people.
Nicole A really began panicking and getting in her own head. Thanks largely to Kevin she began believing Janelle and Kaysar (especially Janelle) were lying to her and actually working against her. Kevin was filling her head with all sorts of nonsense. That dude thinks he knows what is going on but doesn't know anything.
Nicole A was going to other people in the house to verify if her suspicions and what she was being told were true. Her two biggest confidants were Dani and Nicole F, whom of course were more than willing to trash Janelle. Dani sees Janelle as a threat which she should. "The Rat", Nicole F, has this irrational envy and jealousy of Janelle. Well, maybe it's not that irrational. Janelle is The Queen and is prettier, smarter, more well liked and just a better human being than Nicole. I am sure Nicole stans are triggered and will come after me but we have plenty experience seeing how Nicole F is about other females who garner more attention than she does. See Big Brother 16 with her attitude toward Brittany and Amber and Big Brother 18 with every woman in that house.
Anyway, Nicole A was convinced Janelle was backstabbing her and wanted to call a house meeting to call out The Queen. We all know whether it's Big Brother or The Real World house meetings never go well for the person who calls them. But, she was considering it and Tyler was encouraging her because he wanted to see a show. I can't say if it were me I wouldn't have been encouraging it also, but I would like to think my humanity would have stepped in and not allowed that girl to go into the lion's den. Janelle would stripped every bit of dignity and self-worth she had.
Thankfully for her sake she decided not to call the meeting. It would have been dumb anyway since Janelle and Kaysar were busting their asses to save her placing their own games in jeopardy.
While NicA was making an ass of herself David was busy doing his best to prove Memphis was right about him. I like the boy. I do. But, he seems a little.........touched. It doesn't appear he is the brightest bulb.
The alliance wanted David to stay. But, that is only five votes since Memphis would only vote in case of a tiebreaker. So, David needed to secure one more vote and probably two since Memphis really doesn't seem to like him. Enter Da'Vonne and Bayleigh.
Da'Vonne made it clear she didn't want to vote against David because he's African-American and she wants to see an African-American make history and win. (Spoiler: David isn't the one. The boy ain't bright!) Bayleigh more or less agreed with this sentiment. Now, as a black person who is still salty af about Danielle Reyes (BB3) I totally understand where Da is coming from. I get it. Because, black people do seem to get shit on in this game. That said I think this stance is a bit shortsighted and misguided. As NicA pointed out to Da why can't Da be that person to make history. In the short term keeping NicA is better for Da's game because she is a number for her and Bayleigh.
Well, Da'Vonne approached David and explained this to him. She opened up saying she was conflicted because she loves Nicole but didn't want to be responsible for evicting an African-American so early in the game. She wanted assurance from him that going with her moral center over her heart was the right move.
So, she asked him if he was in an alliance because NicA was aware Tyler and Christmas in particular wanted to keep him. This fool looks at her and says, "I don't want to answer that right now." Um, bruh, you just did answer it. Exasperated Da retorted, "What does that mean?" He proceeds to tell her he has everything under control and to "bring it down". Visibly pissed Da'Vonne says, "Ok." Note: As Bay said in the diary room, Bro, never tell a woman to "dial it down" and especially don't do it when that woman is Da'Vonne Rogers!
She expresses her frustration to Bay telling her she is really rethinking her vote.
Alas, Eviction night arrives. In her speech NicA lowkey calls out the alliance. She calls out Memphis by name.
By a vote of 10-2 NicA is evicted from the Big Brother house. Enzo and Kevin were the two votes to keep her.
When she sat to talk with Julie she realized what kind of a dumbass she had been. Julie told her about the alliance and basically laid it out there what Nicole F said about Janelle was bullshit. Julie point blank told her Janelle and Kaysar spent the entire week attempting to save her.
I like NicA alot, but she was way too neurotic. Her bullshit detector isn't great. Listening to Kevin, Nicole F, Christmas and Dani likely got her evicted.
Next, it was time to crown a new HOH. It was the beer stein comp which I like. Enzo jumped out to the early lead. But, midway through Tyler took first place and never relinquished it making Tyler the new Head of Household.
It was pretty clear who Tyler was targeting, Janelle and Kaysar. First, they are two of, if not the best players in the house. Second, they had four of the alliance figured out (Tyler, Cody, Dani and Nicole F). Third, with the exception of maybe Memphis the alliance wanted them out week one.
But, before noms was the final Safety Suite. Dani, Memphis, Nicole and Enzo competed. Janelle asked Memphis if he won it would he save her. Memphis said he would but it was obvious he wasn't interested. In fact, in the diary room Memphis said he would throw it.
Memphis did indeed throw it. Nicole was awful. Dani did really well but Enzo beat her out by 20 seconds. As his "plus one" Enzo chose Christmas.
So, that led up to nominations. In the most predictable noms ever Tyler chose Kaysar and Janelle.
It is pretty clear they have to win Veto. One of them will be going home.
Before I wrap this week's blog up I have to mention Nicole and her bullshit. She nominated Janelle as a "have not". When she did she made a snide comment about Janelle talking about her. In true Nicole fashion she then acted apologetic for allowing her "inner voice" to slip and insisted she didn't mean to say it. Of course, she did though. She made a weak ass attempt to apologize but Janelle called her out on her bs.
It is true Janelle threw her name out for nominations last week. Janelle is not a fake person and knows Nicole is fraudulent af and has earned her rat moniker. It was clear on opening night that Janelle wasn't interested in Nicole's fake ass "innocent farm girl" routine.
Nicole is obviously jealous of Janelle as I mentioned earlier in the blog. Let's keep it 100 here. Nicole is jealous of every woman.
The fact is I know the Janelle haters and Nicole stans will come at me but whatevs. Nicole is pathetically insecure and fake.
She has spent the last few days crying because Janelle has been "mean" to her. By The Queen's standards she has actually taken it easy on The Rat. The Janelle from seasons 6 and 7 would've gone all in and made that ridiculous child self-evict.
Say what you want about The Queen but she's real. One of the reasons Janelle is, always has been and always will be my favorite is because she doesn't stand for bullshit, frontin and weakness. Janelle has always been a down ass chick and love or hate her you know what you're getting.
Nicole, on the other hand, slithers around stabbing people in the back and then plays the victim when she's called out. Da'Vonne knows that better than anyone.
Janelle is likely going home Thursday which will suck. I just hope the old Janelle comes back for a couple of days and blows Nicole's game up.
I will cover it in next week's blog but Nicole has already set her sights on her next target playing the victim while being a whiny manipulator. The problem this time she is in a house full of real legends and queens. Although they are in her alliance Christmas and Dani are already seeing right through The Rat's ratchetness. If God is smiling down on me that chick will not be long for this game.
I don't want to see Kaysar go but I hope my Big Brother crush for the last 16 years can pull off some magic and stay. Regardless which of Kaysar or Janelle stay the rest of the house may be in for a turbulent summer.
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