Screaming this is literally an innate response for rightwingers every time Democratic Socialism or Medicare for all is mentioned. And, it's such a silly strawman.
If you have ever watched Fox News (I'm sorry for the loss of brain cells if you have) or had a conversation with Conservatives and rightwingers you are familiar with the following:
Rightwinger: Socialism is bad and evil.
Progressive (or anyone with a lick of knowledge and/or nuance): Well, I would say a system that encourages healthcare and criminal rehabilitation be based upon profit margin is evil. But, I digress. Progressives and people like Bernie and AOC don't want socialism. They're advocating Democratic Socialism which is different.
RW: No it's not! Democratic socialism is socialism.
P: No, that is incorrect. Democratic socialism has aspects of socialism, yes, but is distinctively different.
P: What?! Huh?
P: But...
P: Are you having an episode of some kind?
RW: VENEZUELA! CUBA! You want to turn us into Venezuela!
P: No, we don't. We don't want authoritarian socialism, which by the way Cuba is communist...
RW: Bullshit! VENEZUELA! You want us eating dog food like they do there.
P: Good Lawd! No, we don't. First of all, the authoritarian regime in VENEZUELA has a lot to do with the conditions there. However, American foreign policy has wielded significant influence in how the conditions are as well. But, that's beside the point. We are talking about the Nordic countries and the medical coverage they have in Canada and virtually every other major industrial country in the world; not Venezuela.
RW: Whatever. VENEZUELA! And, those Scandinavian countries are small so they can do that there. Besides, those countries pay ridiculous taxes.
P: Well, those countries rank significantly higher than us in education, industrialization, healthcare, job productivity, quality of life, life longevity and overall happiness.
RW: Well, we're the greatest country ever! If you think those countries are so great, leave! Stand up for the flag!
P: What does standing for the flag have to do with this?
RW: You want Venezuela! I love my country! Respect the vets! Respect the anthem! Respect the flag! Damn Marxist!
P: 😐...Um, anyway, I don't see what any of that has to do with Democratic socialism. You're sounding ridiculous.
RW: Everything! And, now, you're saying I am racist because I don't agree with you.
P: WTF! How did racism get into this?
RW: See! There you go bringing race into it. You libtards always have to bring race into everything and call names.
P: What is the fucking color of the sky in your world?
RW: It's red, white and blue because I love America unlike you communist Democrats.
P: Um....whatever. You do realize we already implement socialism in this country, right?
RW: How dare you? This is America! We believe in capitalism here! There ain't no damn socialism! Damn commies!
P: *Sigh* We do have socialism. The police, the fire department, the roads...
RW: Damn, you liberals are stupid. That is not socialism. Our taxes pay that.
P: Yeah, that the government decides how that taxpayer money is allocated. The government directly runs all of those entities that serve the greater public good. And, social security, the military and Medicare are also socialist programs.
RW: No they're not! Those are all programs that simply bolster our capitalist system.
P: 😐 Medicare isn't socialist?
RW: No! And, you libtards are supposed to be educated.
P: If that is so, then why do you so vehemently oppose MEDICARE for all?
RW: Because, that is socialism. You want to raise my taxes and make me pay for other people's free healthcare.
P: How do you walk upright? That is what Medicare is now. Except under Medicare for all your taxes would literally go toward funding your own healthcare instead of just those 65 years old and older.
RW: You're wrong. You want Medicare for all so you can get rid of Medicare! We don't want your socialism here. You, AOC and that Omar take that shit somewhere else. Keep your damn government hands off my Medicare and social security.
P: No. Child. Left. Behind. Is. A. Damn. Lie.
And, this kids, is what I mean when I say many rightwingers work backwards from their conclusions.
This conversation was based on actual conversations others and me have had both online and in person. They're real.
The struggle is real.
Screaming this is literally an innate response for rightwingers every time Democratic Socialism or Medicare for all is mentioned. And, it's such a silly strawman.
If you have ever watched Fox News (I'm sorry for the loss of brain cells if you have) or had a conversation with Conservatives and rightwingers you are familiar with the following:
Rightwinger: Socialism is bad and evil.
Progressive (or anyone with a lick of knowledge and/or nuance): Well, I would say a system that encourages healthcare and criminal rehabilitation be based upon profit margin is evil. But, I digress. Progressives and people like Bernie and AOC don't want socialism. They're advocating Democratic Socialism which is different.
RW: No it's not! Democratic socialism is socialism.
P: No, that is incorrect. Democratic socialism has aspects of socialism, yes, but is distinctively different.
P: What?! Huh?
P: But...
P: Are you having an episode of some kind?
RW: VENEZUELA! CUBA! You want to turn us into Venezuela!
P: No, we don't. We don't want authoritarian socialism, which by the way Cuba is communist...
RW: Bullshit! VENEZUELA! You want us eating dog food like they do there.
P: Good Lawd! No, we don't. First of all, the authoritarian regime in VENEZUELA has a lot to do with the conditions there. However, American foreign policy has wielded significant influence in how the conditions are as well. But, that's beside the point. We are talking about the Nordic countries and the medical coverage they have in Canada and virtually every other major industrial country in the world; not Venezuela.
RW: Whatever. VENEZUELA! And, those Scandinavian countries are small so they can do that there. Besides, those countries pay ridiculous taxes.
P: Well, those countries rank significantly higher than us in education, industrialization, healthcare, job productivity, quality of life, life longevity and overall happiness.
RW: Well, we're the greatest country ever! If you think those countries are so great, leave! Stand up for the flag!
P: What does standing for the flag have to do with this?
RW: You want Venezuela! I love my country! Respect the vets! Respect the anthem! Respect the flag! Damn Marxist!
P: 😐...Um, anyway, I don't see what any of that has to do with Democratic socialism. You're sounding ridiculous.
RW: Everything! And, now, you're saying I am racist because I don't agree with you.
P: WTF! How did racism get into this?
RW: See! There you go bringing race into it. You libtards always have to bring race into everything and call names.
P: What is the fucking color of the sky in your world?
RW: It's red, white and blue because I love America unlike you communist Democrats.
P: Um....whatever. You do realize we already implement socialism in this country, right?
RW: How dare you? This is America! We believe in capitalism here! There ain't no damn socialism! Damn commies!
P: *Sigh* We do have socialism. The police, the fire department, the roads...
RW: Damn, you liberals are stupid. That is not socialism. Our taxes pay that.
P: Yeah, that the government decides how that taxpayer money is allocated. The government directly runs all of those entities that serve the greater public good. And, social security, the military and Medicare are also socialist programs.
RW: No they're not! Those are all programs that simply bolster our capitalist system.
P: 😐 Medicare isn't socialist?
RW: No! And, you libtards are supposed to be educated.
P: If that is so, then why do you so vehemently oppose MEDICARE for all?
RW: Because, that is socialism. You want to raise my taxes and make me pay for other people's free healthcare.
P: How do you walk upright? That is what Medicare is now. Except under Medicare for all your taxes would literally go toward funding your own healthcare instead of just those 65 years old and older.
RW: You're wrong. You want Medicare for all so you can get rid of Medicare! We don't want your socialism here. You, AOC and that Omar take that shit somewhere else. Keep your damn government hands off my Medicare and social security.
P: No. Child. Left. Behind. Is. A. Damn. Lie.
And, this kids, is what I mean when I say many rightwingers work backwards from their conclusions.
This conversation was based on actual conversations others and me have had both online and in person. They're real.
The struggle is real.