It is en vogue right now to bemoan the lack of civility and/or polarization that seems to be so pervasive in the country. Almost everyone of us do it pointing to all the folks who seemingly can't muster a smidge of basic kindness and respectful tone. But, the reality is many of us are as guilty as the people we call out.
Whether it is politics, sports, entertainment or preferred cuisine so many people get into their respective corners and fight for their team no matter what.
Look, the truth is by nature human beings are somewhat tribalistic. It is partially the reason sports are so popular. We can get behind a team or an university or a single competitor and cheer them on. It makes us feel as though we're apart of an exclusive community where we all have the same common goals and we can share the pain of losing and the thrill of winning.
Although it is on a more serious level the same can be said for politics . While we sometimes feel sports is life and death politics actually can be. We each have our own values which determine (at least in theory) our political and social beliefs. Those beliefs usually dictate which political party we choose. And, for some those beliefs make them ostensibly apolitical and they choose to not belong to any political party.
With all of this said regardless of what sports team or political party we affiliate with we acknowledged that ultimately we were all on the same team. However, in today's hyper polarized climate that is not the case.
Way too many of us have literally taken the position of either you are 100% with us or you are against us. Even 99% is not good enough. We state, if you don't think like we think, then you are not only the enemy you are unworthy of basic human empathy or courtesy. As a result one side hates the other and vice versa.
I see it in sports every day. I am an avid Atlanta Braves fan. From March to September (and hopefully October) my primary sports focus is the Braves. I love my team. So, because of my affinity for the Braves I hate (in the colloquial sense) the Washington Nationals, New York Mets and Philadelphia Phillies. Quite frankly, some of their fans are obnoxious. But, I don't literally hate them. I don't want to see harm come to those teams or their fans.
However, we now live in a time where some fans do want to see harm come to other teams' fans and in a few cases have taken action to make that desire come to fruition.
We know all too well this is true in the political spectrum. Unfortunately, we have seen way too many politically inspired violent events and mass shootings.
This has simply been the result of people defending their team or believing they are going to impress certain leaders.
Right now we are so polarized and tribalist that mostly we can't have a civil discussion with those whom we disagree without it devolving into a profanity laced ad hominem filled shouting match (whether in person or on social media). Nothing gets solved. Usually nobody actually explains their position. And, most of us don't care because we're more concerned with did we "own" them or entice enough tears for us to bathe in while we stroke ourselves really believing we proved intellectual superiority.
It is not about exchanging ideas or discussing policy disagreements. It is about repping the team and "winning".
This need to win or "own" somebody, which frankly is demented and puerile, is also causing us to lose objectivity and nuance. We used to at least pretend to not be sheep and have the ability to disaggregate.
In today's climate the ability to be nuanced has been thrown out the window.
This happens in politics and racial issues all the time. It drives me insane.
If a Republican does something obviously wrong, the vast majority of Republicans refuse to call it out. Worse, they pretend it either isn't wrong or it didn't happen.
The same goes, for example, with some black folks too. (Now, I must be clear I am not saying it's only black people. I should not have to clarify this, but I am because I know someone will likely get offended and think I'm attacking black folks. Again, lack of nuance and ability to disaggregate.)
Anyway, I hear and read black people who totally excuse pernicious behavior by other black folks because white people do it and get away with it or because of white supremacy or because the occupant in the White House did it. And, depending on the circumstance, that is very likely true but doesn't have anything to do with that person or those people doing something undeniably wrong. But, because said person(s) is ostensibly on our team we're supposed to have their back regardless. It's ridiculous.
As a society we have seemingly lost any objectivity. We no longer care about right and wrong or decency. We are only concerned with are you on our side and defending/protecting that side regardless the consequences.
Those consequences have presented themselves in our discourse and behavior. This tribalism has bore fruits that are pernicious and debilitating to our society.
Now, let me be clear, this isn't some woke scold about civility as the term is often cynically used. I am not advocating people don't fiercely and vociferously defend their positions and values. I certainly am not saying to stand down to people who are overtly offensive and bigoted. I am not saying let's all sing kumbaya. Some very nihilistic and ghoulish people are in our body politic and society writ large and should be called out at every turn.
What I am saying is to listen. I am saying argue or debate with integrity and honesty. I am saying be objective in your critiques. Don't defend team for the sake of team. Please stop demonizing and dehumanizing those you disagree with simply because they disagree. Take others' position on a case by case situation and proceed accordingly. Do not just broad brush because it is easier to that than take a few moments to employ critical thinking and nuance.
Many of us love to talk about others being sheep. But, let me inform you, when you take up for someone because they simply are on your "team" and not because of the merits of the situation it is you who is being the sheep.
Whether it is politics, sports, entertainment or preferred cuisine so many people get into their respective corners and fight for their team no matter what.
Look, the truth is by nature human beings are somewhat tribalistic. It is partially the reason sports are so popular. We can get behind a team or an university or a single competitor and cheer them on. It makes us feel as though we're apart of an exclusive community where we all have the same common goals and we can share the pain of losing and the thrill of winning.
Although it is on a more serious level the same can be said for politics . While we sometimes feel sports is life and death politics actually can be. We each have our own values which determine (at least in theory) our political and social beliefs. Those beliefs usually dictate which political party we choose. And, for some those beliefs make them ostensibly apolitical and they choose to not belong to any political party.
With all of this said regardless of what sports team or political party we affiliate with we acknowledged that ultimately we were all on the same team. However, in today's hyper polarized climate that is not the case.
Way too many of us have literally taken the position of either you are 100% with us or you are against us. Even 99% is not good enough. We state, if you don't think like we think, then you are not only the enemy you are unworthy of basic human empathy or courtesy. As a result one side hates the other and vice versa.
I see it in sports every day. I am an avid Atlanta Braves fan. From March to September (and hopefully October) my primary sports focus is the Braves. I love my team. So, because of my affinity for the Braves I hate (in the colloquial sense) the Washington Nationals, New York Mets and Philadelphia Phillies. Quite frankly, some of their fans are obnoxious. But, I don't literally hate them. I don't want to see harm come to those teams or their fans.
However, we now live in a time where some fans do want to see harm come to other teams' fans and in a few cases have taken action to make that desire come to fruition.
We know all too well this is true in the political spectrum. Unfortunately, we have seen way too many politically inspired violent events and mass shootings.
This has simply been the result of people defending their team or believing they are going to impress certain leaders.
Right now we are so polarized and tribalist that mostly we can't have a civil discussion with those whom we disagree without it devolving into a profanity laced ad hominem filled shouting match (whether in person or on social media). Nothing gets solved. Usually nobody actually explains their position. And, most of us don't care because we're more concerned with did we "own" them or entice enough tears for us to bathe in while we stroke ourselves really believing we proved intellectual superiority.
It is not about exchanging ideas or discussing policy disagreements. It is about repping the team and "winning".
This need to win or "own" somebody, which frankly is demented and puerile, is also causing us to lose objectivity and nuance. We used to at least pretend to not be sheep and have the ability to disaggregate.
In today's climate the ability to be nuanced has been thrown out the window.
This happens in politics and racial issues all the time. It drives me insane.
If a Republican does something obviously wrong, the vast majority of Republicans refuse to call it out. Worse, they pretend it either isn't wrong or it didn't happen.
The same goes, for example, with some black folks too. (Now, I must be clear I am not saying it's only black people. I should not have to clarify this, but I am because I know someone will likely get offended and think I'm attacking black folks. Again, lack of nuance and ability to disaggregate.)
Anyway, I hear and read black people who totally excuse pernicious behavior by other black folks because white people do it and get away with it or because of white supremacy or because the occupant in the White House did it. And, depending on the circumstance, that is very likely true but doesn't have anything to do with that person or those people doing something undeniably wrong. But, because said person(s) is ostensibly on our team we're supposed to have their back regardless. It's ridiculous.
As a society we have seemingly lost any objectivity. We no longer care about right and wrong or decency. We are only concerned with are you on our side and defending/protecting that side regardless the consequences.
Those consequences have presented themselves in our discourse and behavior. This tribalism has bore fruits that are pernicious and debilitating to our society.
Now, let me be clear, this isn't some woke scold about civility as the term is often cynically used. I am not advocating people don't fiercely and vociferously defend their positions and values. I certainly am not saying to stand down to people who are overtly offensive and bigoted. I am not saying let's all sing kumbaya. Some very nihilistic and ghoulish people are in our body politic and society writ large and should be called out at every turn.
What I am saying is to listen. I am saying argue or debate with integrity and honesty. I am saying be objective in your critiques. Don't defend team for the sake of team. Please stop demonizing and dehumanizing those you disagree with simply because they disagree. Take others' position on a case by case situation and proceed accordingly. Do not just broad brush because it is easier to that than take a few moments to employ critical thinking and nuance.
Many of us love to talk about others being sheep. But, let me inform you, when you take up for someone because they simply are on your "team" and not because of the merits of the situation it is you who is being the sheep.