Monday, June 18, 2018

So, America, Affinity For Authoritarians Is A Thing Now?

What the hell is going on in this country? Is this really the country people want?

I am old enough to remember when authoritarians, dictators and despots were derided and looked upon negatively. I am old enough to remember when authoritarianism was viewed as vehemently and distinctly un-American. But, the #OrangeMuskratHairedKing comes into power and everything is changed.

I have been saddened by what I have seen over the last week from some of my fellow Americans. It's been disheartening and frightening. I'm not talking about President Trump. He is what he is and his actions, while disturbing, are unsurprising. It's his supporters, quite frankly, seeming to have fully gulped the orange kool-aid and going along with his affinity for strongmen.

But, as Trump his effusive praise of his new man crush, Kim Jong Un, was distressful and jaw dropping. Trump gushed about Lil Kim every chance he could. I mean he complimented and slobbered so much over Kim Vladimir Putin became jealous and told Trump, "But, he can't sit on horse shirtless like I can. I thought I was your one and only." To which Trump replied, "One and only? You know I'm a playa. You've seen Stormy Daniels and we both know you've seen the "Mountain Dew" tape.

Seriously, though, Trump's endless praise of Kim Jong Un was unsettling. He kept saying how "strong" he was and he's "so funny and smart". He said a few times how "he loves his country" and "he loves his people". And, not a word from the "real Americans".

Trump saying Kim "loves his people" is one of the most idiotic and dumbassed things he's ever said. Kim starves his people. He denies them basic human rights. Most of North Korea has either spotty or no electricity. Kim routinely jails any dissidents or people who don't at all times subjugate themselves to him. And, those he doesn't jail he murders in the most heinous and gruesome ways. He has killed numerous members of his family! This is the man our petulant clown of a president calls "strong".

Here's the real problem. Trump thinks that kind of shit is strength. Several times Trump alluded to how Kim guides his country in "a tough manner". He meant it as a compliment. He sounded envious of Kim for he can run North Korea. He even mentioned how he wants us (Americans) to stand to attention to him like North Koreans do Lil Kim. And, Trumpsters, save the ish about he was joking. He was NOT! I saw the effin interview and he wasn't joking or being sarcastic, which he clearly doesn't know what sarcasm is. That Penn education did alot for him I see. (#Cheets, the previous sentence is an example of sarcasm.) However, not a word of criticism or rebuke from the "real Americans". Not. One. Damn. Peep.

And, the thing is Trump's "wet dream" fest over Kim Jong Un wasn't an one off thing. This fool routinely criticizes the leaders of our allies such as Angela Merkel and Justin Trudeau. Yet, he heaps praise upon dictators, despots and authoritarians like Putin, Duterte in the Phillipines, Erdogan in Turkey and the Emirates in Saudia Arabia. So, the leader of the free world talks shit about the other leaders of the free world while slobbin the cobs of the world's most notorious thugs and murderers. Anyone see a problem here? Apparently, the "real Americans" don't.

What the hell is happening? Where's the beacon on a hill Ronald Reagan mentioned? Because we certainly aren't that if we're endorsing and praising dictators. And, look, let's be real here. America has always been in bed with dictators. The ends justify the means philosophy. However, we always recognized the ho as a ho. Now, we are acting the ho is a queen and the queens are hood rats. Presidents never admired the strongmen and seemed envious they couldn't be just like them but now...

Real Americans where are you? You won't even check your dear leader when he is clearly going against American principles, standards and morals. This country was founded because the colonists were escaping from under tyrannical rule. They set up a government and constitution whose purpose was to prevent the citizens from being under such rule. And, now we have a president who openly and enthusiastically displays admiration and envy of the very men and systems our founding fathers were vehemently opposed.

Yet, the people who claim to love the country and defend the Constitution the most stay silent. Even worse many of them seem to want authoritarian rule. And, they're the patriots? I don't understand this.

Will these "lovers" of the Constitution not check this president? His affinity for authoritarians and authoritarianism is undeniable. Just look at this travesty with immigrant children being separated from their parents. Look at how this president disparages and lies about the media. He calls the fourth estate the biggest enemy America has. Not only is it disgusting but how can any sane decent person say that when a madman could send a nuke toward us at any second.

I'm just one person, but I'll be damned if I let the country I love be turned into an authoritarian state. It's not the promise or purpose of America. Our president is supposed to be a promoter of democracy and a democratic republic; not the enemy of it.

When are we going to wake up and provide the check on power we're supposed to do?

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