Sunday, July 15, 2018

Get Off The Pot! Legalize Marijuana

Allow me to begin this diatribe by saying I do NOT smoke weed. I have no intention to smoke weed. Not that this should be germane to my impeding argument but I have reasons for not tokin on the chron. One, in general I am not someone who uses drugs or desire to experience its effects. Two, and most importantly, I have a job I love and co-workers I adore and I am not going to jeopardize that by failing a drug test. We are subject to random testing and knowing that it doesn't make much sense to roll the dice. Now, that I've said that, let me be clear, I'm a staunch advocate that the gaunge should be legalized (medically and recreationally).

I am aware some states have already legalized marijuana either medically or recreationally, if not both. But, it's time every state legalizes it as well as the federal government.

Most people are for pot being legalized in one form or another. However, the vocal minority is dead set against it and apparently willing to do anything to stop progress. They employ these asinine "reefer madness" campaigns which spread misinformation in the hopes of inciting mass hysteria and paranoia. They have these myopic archaic and quite frankly idiotic views of weed. And, some folks simply oppose it because they believe it will hurt their profit margins. I know. Shocker that money is at the root of hindering progress. But, I'll get to that trifiliness in a bit.

Marijuana has many uses other than getting people hiiiiiiigh. It has multiple medicinal uses. It can help cancer patients, people suffering from chronic pain and other chronic illnesses. It has benefits regarding mental health. It has been shown to suppress depression and alleviate anxiety. While weed, like any drug has its side effects, it's natural. Thus, weed is exponentially safer than opiods. NFL players have began vociferously expressing their desire to have weed legalized because the pain meds and anti-depression meds team doctors prescribe have devastating effects in real time and in the future. And, yes I know CTE has an equal hand in football players' issues so save that argument. Many of these guys play in immense pain and live with it afterwards causing them to get hooked on opiods. The fact is chron is way less dangerous and addictive. It has benefits that can medically help every segment of society.

But, the "reefer madness" folks don't seem to care. They're convinced weed is dangerous and choose to ignore what the medical science says. Of course, we all know folks of this ilk tend to disregard science in a numerous areas.

Another opposition group is the medical community. (Some of the medicinal community). Those of us in Oklahoma have witnessed this and seen them in conjunction with the state government undermine progress. The medical community is against medicinal use of marijuana because it hurts their bottom line. If people are able to grow weed themselves or get it from private dispensaries then they won't need doctors and pharmacies as much. So, for example here in Oklahoma, the state medical board essentially gutted a proposition legalizing medicinal marijuana that passed resoundingly back on June 26th of this year. They almost literally neutered the ability of private growers and sellers to profit. They made a series of amendments which will basically make it where only hospitals and medical corporations could "provide" the weed and cut out small business. And, the Governor who claims to be all about small businesses and small government signed off on it. Can't piss off those donors nor relinquish an opportunity to line her pockets. Legalizing medicinal pot can help so many people. Isn't the goal of medicine and the government to improve people's health thus improving their quality of life?

Along with medical recreational marijuana should be legalized too. Let's get real and tell the truth. Fact is, weed is the least addictive drug of all "illegal" drugs. For most people gorging their asses on Taco Bell and Mountain Dew is about the most costly side effect. Yes, I know short term memory loss happens in some smokers. But, I assure you there are over the counter meds people gobble like effin Skittles every single day that have way more pervasive and dangerous long term effects. Let's not even mention the number of prescription drugs that literally have to take the last 20 seconds of a 60 second tv ad to list all the shit that can go sideways such as uncontrollable anal leakage and suicide.

Another reality weed is that it being illegal does NOT stop people from using it. Anyone who has heard me discussing this issue knows what I am about to say. Everybody either knows someone they can get weed from or knows somebody who knows somebody. It's a fact. Gaunge isn't that hard to obtain. I'd argue you can find the chron easier than you can a quality hamburger. Tell me I'm wrong.

Also, how many people are in jails and prisons for simply selling the Mary Jane. Our correctional facilities are over crowded because they're filled with non-violent drug offenders. It's insane. And, it's hypocritical. You're a fool if you think it's only "the Blacks" or "the bad Hombres" or "trailer trash" that partake of the "earth's greatest herb". Really?! But, I know people for a fact people think that idiocy because I've heard them say it. I also know that some of the biggest weed dealers around lived in the 'burbs and "nice areas" and almost, if not all, of their customers were middle class/upper middle class to affluent. So, spare me the vague racism and classism when it comes to drugs. Oh, and so I'm clear about the hypocrisy there are people who go to church, walk out of the church and upon entering their house if not their vehicle are lighting up. Not everybody smokes weed. But, it's more than "those people" who do it.

Now, of course, not only are the "moral majority" against the legalizing of recreational but so is law enforcement. They say legalizing weed will cause an increase in crime. Yeah, because nobody is illegally selling it now. With all due respect to the great men and women in law enforcement I'm calling bullshit! If chron was legalized the profit margin would be heavily damaged. Most of the arrests made now are petty drug offenses. As I stated earlier, most of the jail/prison population is non-violent drug offenders. Many of the prisons are privately owned. Many of the petty drug offenses carry somewhat sizeable fines. If weed is legalized all of that money gets blown away like weed smoke. Don't bullshit!

Legalize marijuana! Police and prison profits aside legalizing weed would bring a financial windfall. Ask states like Colorado, Oregon and Washington. If pot is legalized, it can be taxed and regulated. The government can make profit off of it while propping up small business. Hear me, Mary Fallin. Weed would essentially become the new tobacco and alcohol.

And, no, legalizing it would not lead to significantly higher use. Oh, please, with that tired silly ass argument. If you don't "puff tuff" now, are you really likely to do it because it's legal? It's like prostitution. If you wanna go pay a professional to mustard up your hot dog, you're going to do it whether it is legal or not. The difference is if it's legal you know that mustard isn't tainted and you don't have to deal with dudes named Pinky.

Stop being regressive! Be progressive. Look at the bigger picture. Think about healthcare, education, infrastructure, ect. Legalize marijuana!

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