Generally speaking I am a shy person. I am not one who is high on confrontation. However, if the topic is a passion of mine I will debate it. Despite my shyness I actually love debate. I think discourse is healthy and educational. I am always wanting to learn. Regardless of the topic I am usually ready to have a spirited open discussion.
But, while I love debating, I hate arguing. Arguments rarely, if ever, solve anything. They are almost always fruitless, vain exercises. When people are arguing instead of discussing they inherently cease listening to the other person because they only concern themselves with getting their point across. Arguments intrinsically cause people to be more concerned with "winning" the argument than coherently having their point heard and concisely conveying their position or belief.
In this current political and social climate I find more people who want to argue rather than debate or discuss. The general discourse landscape is littered with tension, narrow-mindedness and a desire for confrontation.
This especially true regarding political discourse. So many people are in their "tribes" and "bubbles" that they sincerely believe their views are infallible. These people all but isolate themselves inside their little world where they are "good" and anyone outside of the bubble is bad. They literally surround themselves the best they can with like minded people never challenging themselves with different opinions. If they work or have to socialize with the "others" they keep their communications with them as cursory as possible because they see them as the "enemy".
Then, there is the role social media plays. It is astounding the number of people who will get on Twitter and Facebook saying things about and to people they would never have the guts to say in person. And, if they did, they would immediately be ready to play the victim.
But, a huge swath of people will post political things saying they are all about frank fair discussion. However, the second someone replies with an opposing viewpoint the claws come out. All of the talk of fair frank discussion gets tossed in favor of arguing. As I can personally attest there is rarely civil discourse; it quickly devolves into name calling, demonizing and straw manning.
What I have found maddeningly frustrating is, whether it is online or in person, people are so woefully uninformed. They will argue conflating information, if not just getting it wrong all together. They began regurgitating things they've "heard" but never vetted. They will say they "read" some erroneous information but suddenly can't cite where they read it. And, everything they say they say it as if it is fact. Then, if you debunk what they say they call it "fake news" and you a liar.
I have no problem with anyone disagreeing with something I say. We can debate it and be productive. Maybe I will see something from a new view. Perhaps, I have information wrong and they can show me where I erred.
Open, honest, frank intelligent debate is apart of the fabric of our democracy. It is essential if we desire to keep it healthy. Discourse keeps us intellectually honest.
But, in this current climate people are not concerned with civil discourse. They are even less concerned with being logical and factual. Folks only want to be right and "own" you. I do not even know what that means. I have been told that numerous times by people on Twitter after they made some half-assed fallacy filled "point" that I countered and debunked with facts. I guess because they called me a "stupid libtard" or "ignorant munkey" or "another dumb nigger" or "a faggot ass pussie" they owned me. All actual things that have been said. I always respond with something to the effect, "You didn't 'own' me. But, Darwinism certainly owns you. And, I might be another dumb nigger but at least I can spell. We're done here."
This is the type of discourse we way too often have. Our society is is filled with people who are willfully proudly ignorant. They have absolutely no intellectual curiosity. They have not a drop of desire to be well read so they can coherently express their viewpoints. Instead they insulate themselves into their own bubble where they're only receiving some information or they are not accurately absorbing the it or they are succinctly only be told what they want to hear. Then they head to Twitter, Facebook or in person looking for a fight. Inciting a political debate so they can " own" someone only to show themselves as being shallow uninformed provocateurs. What is often worse is when the person they decide to banter with is equally as shallow and uniformed.
The base of the problem is folks don't listen to one another. As I said earlier instead of exchanging ideas and viewpoints people argue. They wallow in narcissism, willful ignorance and this pervasive need for victimhood. Winning and being made to feel they are right is much more important than expressing a particular stance where someone can see where they are coming from or coming to an understanding.
I know, perhaps more than anything, what depresses me is when people aren't listening. I am not really interested in "converting" anyone. Just listen to me, understand where I am coming from and show me and my opinion the respect it deserves as I do you. Or at least try my absolute best to do.
Name calling, demonizing, demeaning and belittling is not getting us anywhere and it never will. Isolation is not either. We solve problems and fix the ills by talking rationally and intelligently. It is certainly going to become heated and raw at times, but that doesn't mean it has to devolve into juvenile pettiness. Listen to each other. Empathize. Learn. And, be informed. Having a trusted news source is fine but watch, read and listen to multiple sources including ones who align differently from you and employ critical thinking.
We have a huge divide in this country. It is mainly because of ignorance refusal to listen. It's also because of this inexplicable need to have an enemy. We are all Americans. We aren't each others' enemy.
Honestly, this is a subject deserving of a book or at least a lengthy thesis. So much can be expanded upon and explored. But, I wanted to write this to get this off my chest.
*Please feel free to comment. I don't censor. I welcome all commentary even if it is critical.
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