Allow me to start off by saying I owe the U.S. Representative from California, Maxine Waters, an apology. I was wrong. I rewatched her entire comments twice and she said nothing wrong. This is the second time today I've apologized because I was wrong. Sometimes you have to be an adult-an actual grown mature man and admit when you've been wrong.
Auntie Maxine wasn't inciting violence with her comments a couple of weeks ago. I thought upon initial listening they were inappropriate because they could be misconstrued but upon actually listening to everything in context I concluded my previous conclusion was stupid. I got caught paying attention to Conservatives and Fox News who as always cherry pick and distort. I also got caught up in listening to Democratic leaders who also condemned Rep. Waters for something she didn't say. The Republicans and the President (so-called) hijacked the narrative and twisted it into something to rile up their subjugated base.
And, therein lies the difference between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. Somebody says something slightly controversial and the GOP manipulates into being something it isn't while the Dems take the bait hook, line and sinker. They then wind up aiding the GOP in ripping their own in some misguided attempt to snatch the moral high ground.
Do you think for one effin second if a Conservative politician had said that about Obama's administration what Waters said about the current administration that Republican leadership would've condemned their comments? Chile, please! They would've doubled down and fortified around them. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell would've disappeared from sight while every Conservative pundit alive would've flooded CNN, Fox News and MSNBC defending the comments and repudiating anyone who dared criticized or called the statements "inciting violence".
Straight up, Democrats (in particular the leadership) are soft as baby shit. They allow themselves to be pushed around and bullied. They allow Conservatives to dictate the narrative. Dems are always concerned with "appearing to do the right thing or be civil" while Republicans could give a rat's left nut. The GOP could not care less about how they appear or even if their stances and talking points are coherent. All they're concerned with is dominating the conversation and dictating the narrative.
This entire Supreme Court nomination is the perfect example. Colonel Sanders nephew, Mitch McConnell, doesn't give two damns he looks like a blazing hypocrite about this nomination nor that he stole the previous nomination from President Obama. That wannabe Civil War reenactment participant stood on the Senate floor last week and with a straight face said that this nomination needed to be confirmed swiftly. Nevermind the nomination is being made by a president under multiple investigations who has shown a tendency to think he's above the law and isn't even close to being above selecting a justice who'll guarantee him of ruling in his favor should his legal predicament go before the Supreme Court. To hell with all of that if this justice will also overturn Roe V. Wade and LGBTQ rights. Someone like Chuck Schumer, on the other hand, would never do something like that because it would be "wrong". That's why Obama's lawful and just pick, Merrick Garland, was thieved in the first place. Obama and the Dems were too nice and trying to do right instead of ensuring they got their way and win.
See, the GOP doesn't give a fuck. That goes for elected officials, the base and the evangelicals. They aren't interested in doing "right". They are interested in only winning. And, evangelical Christians, save it. I mean really save it! If morals, ethics and doing what is just was really your concern you wouldn't have hitched your wagon to a morally bankrupt, unethical, ungodly, corrupt repugnant person like the current president. Save the crap. That ship has sailed and is lost at sea!
Another example is this entire bullshit convo about civility. Something else which I fell into the trap. I largely stand by what I said last week about civility. But, having civility doesn't mean losing your nutsack. Sorry, it doesn't. It is absolutely absurd for Democrats to cower in shame over lectures from Conservatives about civility. Are you fucking kidding me. The same people who are shamelessly fear mongering and lying about Liberals wanting unchecked unpatrolled open borders are lecturing about civility? The same people who call anyone who is prochoice "baby killers" is lecturing about civility. The folks who scream at homosexuals "God hates fags" are lecturing about civility? The very people who stay silent or look the other way regarding White Nationalists, White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis are preaching about civility? The people who full-throated support the guy at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave despite every racist, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic and repulsive thing he says and tweets are all high minded about civility? The people who cheer aforementioned dude at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave when he encourages violence at his ego rallies and incites vitriol toward journalists are scolding Liberals and Independents about being civil? Why, yes, yes they are? And, Democrats and Independents just take it shamefully looking pathetic and disgraceful.
The reason the Democratic base is so uninspired and disenchanted with the party is because they don't feel the infrastructure of the party has a backbone. They don't believe the leadership fights for them the same way the President ( so-called) and the GOP fights for their base. Or at least has the sense and perspective to fear it's base. And, they're right.
The Democrats only give credence to a fraction of their base. They don't seem to take seriously or listen to or adequately defend the true backbone of their base which is Black women, Hispanic women, the LGBTQ community, young people, millennials and Progressives. All of these folks fueled Bernie Sanders' campaign in 2016.
Instead the Pelosis, Schumers, Bookers and Clintons of the party think they can just be civil. They repel at Conservatives' attacks of being called "progressive", "radical", "leftists" and "socialists" instead of setting the record straight and firing back. They allow #CheetoJesus to propagate lies and half-truths about them and everything else without nary a word with the exception of a minute few. They "go high" but when they do that and allow unfettered false narratives to be spewed they hurt their standing and alienate their base. There is a reason Elizabeth Warren, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, Eric Swalwell, Ted Lieu and Adam Schiff are the most popular people in the party and none of them are in leadership. It's because they push back against #Cheets and his bullshit. They punch back against the sycophants and ball lickers in Congress. They embrace the aforementioned groups of the base that establishment Democrats either ignore, take for granted or simply don't take seriously.
Take Ocasio-Cortez. She is 28 years old and took out an incumbent in the Bronx, Joe Crowley, who had literally been in Congress for a damn generation! She won in a system designed to protect people like Joe Crowley. She embraces the term Democratic Socialist. She pushes back when the likes of Nancy Pelosi dismisses her. She takes the gloves off when tools like Sean Hannity go after her. She doesn't recoil when two bit Conservative tv hosts attempt to discredit her by telling lies and distorting facts. She didn't do the usual Dem tactic and whimper like a lil bish. She stood firm and set the record straight. She defended her background, her parentage and her story. She didn't allow Republicans to dictate the narrative about her or steal her story. She essentially said, "Fuck you! This is who I am! You muthafuckas won't define me!" I took some journalistic liberties but it's essentially what she meant. And, for that, her base will solidify and her support will swell.
It's what #Cheets did and does. He didn't recoil at criticism. He doubled down. Of course, his behavior and most of his positions are either asinine or doomed for eventual failure or simply amoral and morally repugnant. But, he stands by them, makes his base believe he's fighting for them and he's unapologetic. Why the Democrats refuse to do the same I don't know. They always want to appear to have the moral high ground. Muthafuckas, you already do! You don't have to appear to do shit! Have some fucking convictions for God's sake! Stand up for the people who stand up for you and want to believe. Like Obama said the other night, "Quit moping." This self-loathing and searching for the perfect message and candidate is pathetic! Fight for what you claim to believe in. Don't give in. Don't succumb to media pressure or pressure from the other side! Be resistant and persistent! You don't have to get as sleazy as that Orange Wannabe Dictator. You can't realistically do that. But, you can battle and force your will!
It is exactly what the Republicans do. I watch MSNBC, CNN and Fox News. Every #Cheets Conservative pundit has one thing in common. Well, two. They lie without conscience. But, they also stick to their talking points. They never relent. They get the desired message across. And, most news hosts and some Liberal pundits never fact check them in real time.
Less than 1/3 of Americans identity themselves as Republican. On most key issues (abortion, immigration, race relations, environment, economy, entitlements, Russia) the Democrats have more of the public's support. Yet, Democrats can't win shit. They're almost non-existent in the middle of the country. Why? How? It's simple really. The GOP are brilliant at getting their message out and dictating the narrative. They vilify the other side with little to no resistance. They stand firm on their beliefs with no apologies. They have zero shame in their tactics. They don't care about the moral high ground in their approach. They care about winning! Winning at all costs. They come to the fight with guns while Liberals come with rocks and butter knives because it's the "civil" way to fight.
Democrats will continue to lose as long as they alienate their base and insist in being purveyors of bitchassness! #UltraFact
Welcome to the view from the side-eye. A blog providing frank and hopefully humorous (although my comedic skills are rather remedial) commentary on politics, pop culture and sports. We always have capacity to learn and knowledge is most definitely power. I encourage discourse even if it's spirited. I hope you enjoy reading. I am not trying to turn atheists into believers (speaking figuratively) . I am just trying to get you to think. Thank you for reading!
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