One of the most stringent critique of Donald Trump is he is a racist.
The media often pontificates whether Trump is a racist. You would be hard pressed to go beyond five or six tweets mentioning Trump without one of them saying he is a racist.
Trump himself fuels the fire by tweeting and saying things that are at the very least gleam racism, if not straight up racist. While Trump attacks everyone it often appears he employs racist tropes for his attacks on people of color.
Not to mention his immigration policies give some cause to believe he is racist. Also propelling the accusations of racism are the Justice Department's rolling back of some civil rights policies implemented by the Obama administration. And, Attorney General, Jeff Sessions' crackdown on petty drug charges and a refusal to address criminal justice reform, which many believe adversely directly affects communities of color.
All of this causes Trump's surrogates and cheerleaders to go on the numerous cable news shows and defend him.
He has many ardent defenders. Whenever something blatantly racist is said, takes place or there is desire to tout (lie) about Trump's outreach to African-American community the administration sends out all your favorite train riders: (Y'all know the train.) Paris Denard, Mark Burns, Daryl Scott and Katrina Pierson.
Other frequent dispatched defenders are Steve Cortes, Kellyanne Conway, Jason Miller, Corey Lewandowski and Anthony Scaramucci, "The Mooch".
Now, all of these folks as well as other Trump defenders have a couple of things in common. They are all strident defenders of Donald Trump. Also, none of them are ever adequately defend him from charges of racism without trotting out the same trite talking points. None of them!
Whether it's #Charlottesville or his attacks on NFL players or his penchant for belittling black folks' intelligence Trump's band of misfit toys can never adequately defend the seemingly racist things he says nor can they really ever unequivocally say he is not a racist.
Sure, his surrogates always say, Donald Trump isn't a racist", but when pressed to provide tangible evidence they utilize the same tired strawmen.
The most played strawman is the economy. "Unemployment for African -Americans is the lowest in history." They all sound like Stepford wives when roll this disingenuous assertion as if it's proof of anything.
Yes, it is a fact, black unemployment is historically low. What these knobs always "fail" to mention is that the trend downward in black unemployment started under Barack Obama's stewardship. Trump has maintained the level. Also, it must be noted black unemployment is still double the rate of white unemployment. What is additionally overlooked is wage growth is stagnant at best and most of the jobs added are low wage jobs, which is the case across the board regardless of race or ethnicity.
But, my question is what the hell does that have to do with whether Trump is a racist? Nothing is the answer. The fact is the economy is doing somewhat good so it stands to reason theoretically everyone would benefit. Trump hasn't done anything specific to the black community to improve its financial status. This is why it's a stupid strawman defense.
Another ill thought out defense is Trump has people of color who support him. So? The number of people who don't far outnumber the ones who do.
The issue with the poc who do support him is they always sound like folks who are mainstays on that train. Remember the Mexican dude who during the campaign said Trump had to win the election "because his people are a strong people. If we don't do something about illegal aliens there will be taco trucks on every corner."
During the campaign on CNN Katrina Pierson, who is biracial, described herself and Obama as "half-breeds". Before she joined the campaign on Twitter she referred to Obama as the "head negro in charge". And, she lamented the fact Obama and Romney weren't "pure breeds" and asked, "Are there any pure breeds left?"
Then, you have the likes of Paris Dennard, CNN contributor. This fool...It is hard to watch him on television honestly. He once threw a hissy fit because Angela Rye and Mark Lamont Hill chastised him for essentially saying it was alright if a white person referred to him as a monkey. Just last Monday he refused to condemn Trump's comments about "some are very fine people" regarding the White Nationalists and Nazis in Charlottesville instead choosing to throw another fit and attack CNN host, Erin Burnett, for even asking the question.
Oh, and the gem of the group, Pastor Daryl Scott who said of Trump, "This is the most pro-black president of our generation."...Really! Of course, he couldn't name one pro-black thing Trump had done other than...the unemployment rate.
It also isn't lost on me that abject ignorance of his statement. Pastor Scott is 60 years old. John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have all been president since he's been alive and all have done more for blacks than the Tangerine Crook.
Every time any of these people speak attempting and failing to claim Trump isn't racist all I hear is, "Ohs, no! Massa Trump is a good man. You ungrateful Negros are too stupid to understand how wonderful he is. I mean Massa has even let us inside Trump Tower. He let us be free as long as we abide by the non-disclosure agreement. A racist man wouldn't do that. Besides, he be talking about all you basic Negras. Not us. He likes us."
Whenever Trump receives pushback regarding his racist tendencies the surrogates love to exclaim, "Omarosa, a strong African-American woman, is in the White House!" Ooooops. Can't use that anymore.
Omarosa was the highest ranking official in the White House says every Trump official. However, she wasn't in the West Wing which is where the President's actual advisory officials all office.
The truth is there isn't an African-American in the West Wing. And the number is miniscule in the East Wing where Omarosa resided.
The most prominent black official in the entire administration is HUD Secretary, Ben Carson, who is unqualified for his position. He is a retired brain surgeon who never worked in housing. He is there because Trump needed a token and Dr. Carson kissed up to Massa. In fact, the stated reason Dr. Carson was named HUD secretary is because "he used to live in the projects". Really!
It is so sad to see these people go on CNN and Fox News attempting to defend the latest racist thing Trump said. MSNBC barely even entertains this farcical bullshit anymore.
None of them ever provide anecdotal let alone tangible evidence exemplifying Trump is not a racist. They use the same strawnen which prove nothing.
Regardless if it's Charlottesville, Central Park Five, Birtherism, Trump saying blacks are lazy, attacking black people's IQ all of these surrogates gloss over it and say it's a media narrative. They cannot explain it away. They don't even claim he's changed regarding the older examples. They just won't acknowledge it.
When all else fails they say Trump is not racist because they've never heard him saying anything racist. Lol. We all know that is a lie. Some of them have been exposed as being present when he says racist shit.
But, when they say they've never heard anything racist what they really mean is they've never heard him say the "n-word". Of course, none of them will attest they believe he's never said it.
The most stunning and mouth gaping example of this was Sarah Huckabee Sanders earlier in the week when asked about Omarosa's assertion there exists a tape with Trump saying the "n-word". Now, Sanders, who lies shamelessly and without hint of hesitation every day would not guarantee no tape exists of Trump saying the "n-word". It was a revealing moment.
A week ago the other notorious unabashed liar, Kellyanne Conway, when asked to name ONE senior White House official who is African-American could not. Nor, would she say unequivocally there is no tape of Trump saying the "n-word".
Look, when the number two and three biggest liars to ever be in the White House won't lie to defend the number one biggest liar from charges of using racial slurs, there is some credibility to charges of racism.
Fact is, all of Trump's defenders keep getting tripped up by the same wires. They know at the very least he peddles racism and uses it as political currency with his base. They also know or at least greatly suspect he is a bonafide racist. And, they realize it's hard to defend the indefensible.
I understand none of these people care if he's a racist and have zero hesitation in defending him even if they appear cartoonish. Whether it's money, power, recognition or they really are just self-loathing Uncle Tom and Tomasinas sacks of shit or a combo these people have deemed it is worth the cost.
It is a sad thing, really, sacrificing your dignity for a racist.
Regardless, the defenses employed are almost as silly, disingenuous and intellectually dishonest as the defenders themselves.
The media often pontificates whether Trump is a racist. You would be hard pressed to go beyond five or six tweets mentioning Trump without one of them saying he is a racist.
Trump himself fuels the fire by tweeting and saying things that are at the very least gleam racism, if not straight up racist. While Trump attacks everyone it often appears he employs racist tropes for his attacks on people of color.
Not to mention his immigration policies give some cause to believe he is racist. Also propelling the accusations of racism are the Justice Department's rolling back of some civil rights policies implemented by the Obama administration. And, Attorney General, Jeff Sessions' crackdown on petty drug charges and a refusal to address criminal justice reform, which many believe adversely directly affects communities of color.
All of this causes Trump's surrogates and cheerleaders to go on the numerous cable news shows and defend him.
He has many ardent defenders. Whenever something blatantly racist is said, takes place or there is desire to tout (lie) about Trump's outreach to African-American community the administration sends out all your favorite train riders: (Y'all know the train.) Paris Denard, Mark Burns, Daryl Scott and Katrina Pierson.
Other frequent dispatched defenders are Steve Cortes, Kellyanne Conway, Jason Miller, Corey Lewandowski and Anthony Scaramucci, "The Mooch".
Now, all of these folks as well as other Trump defenders have a couple of things in common. They are all strident defenders of Donald Trump. Also, none of them are ever adequately defend him from charges of racism without trotting out the same trite talking points. None of them!
Whether it's #Charlottesville or his attacks on NFL players or his penchant for belittling black folks' intelligence Trump's band of misfit toys can never adequately defend the seemingly racist things he says nor can they really ever unequivocally say he is not a racist.
Sure, his surrogates always say, Donald Trump isn't a racist", but when pressed to provide tangible evidence they utilize the same tired strawmen.
The most played strawman is the economy. "Unemployment for African -Americans is the lowest in history." They all sound like Stepford wives when roll this disingenuous assertion as if it's proof of anything.
Yes, it is a fact, black unemployment is historically low. What these knobs always "fail" to mention is that the trend downward in black unemployment started under Barack Obama's stewardship. Trump has maintained the level. Also, it must be noted black unemployment is still double the rate of white unemployment. What is additionally overlooked is wage growth is stagnant at best and most of the jobs added are low wage jobs, which is the case across the board regardless of race or ethnicity.
But, my question is what the hell does that have to do with whether Trump is a racist? Nothing is the answer. The fact is the economy is doing somewhat good so it stands to reason theoretically everyone would benefit. Trump hasn't done anything specific to the black community to improve its financial status. This is why it's a stupid strawman defense.
Another ill thought out defense is Trump has people of color who support him. So? The number of people who don't far outnumber the ones who do.
The issue with the poc who do support him is they always sound like folks who are mainstays on that train. Remember the Mexican dude who during the campaign said Trump had to win the election "because his people are a strong people. If we don't do something about illegal aliens there will be taco trucks on every corner."
During the campaign on CNN Katrina Pierson, who is biracial, described herself and Obama as "half-breeds". Before she joined the campaign on Twitter she referred to Obama as the "head negro in charge". And, she lamented the fact Obama and Romney weren't "pure breeds" and asked, "Are there any pure breeds left?"
Then, you have the likes of Paris Dennard, CNN contributor. This fool...It is hard to watch him on television honestly. He once threw a hissy fit because Angela Rye and Mark Lamont Hill chastised him for essentially saying it was alright if a white person referred to him as a monkey. Just last Monday he refused to condemn Trump's comments about "some are very fine people" regarding the White Nationalists and Nazis in Charlottesville instead choosing to throw another fit and attack CNN host, Erin Burnett, for even asking the question.
Oh, and the gem of the group, Pastor Daryl Scott who said of Trump, "This is the most pro-black president of our generation."...Really! Of course, he couldn't name one pro-black thing Trump had done other than...the unemployment rate.
It also isn't lost on me that abject ignorance of his statement. Pastor Scott is 60 years old. John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have all been president since he's been alive and all have done more for blacks than the Tangerine Crook.
Every time any of these people speak attempting and failing to claim Trump isn't racist all I hear is, "Ohs, no! Massa Trump is a good man. You ungrateful Negros are too stupid to understand how wonderful he is. I mean Massa has even let us inside Trump Tower. He let us be free as long as we abide by the non-disclosure agreement. A racist man wouldn't do that. Besides, he be talking about all you basic Negras. Not us. He likes us."
Whenever Trump receives pushback regarding his racist tendencies the surrogates love to exclaim, "Omarosa, a strong African-American woman, is in the White House!" Ooooops. Can't use that anymore.
Omarosa was the highest ranking official in the White House says every Trump official. However, she wasn't in the West Wing which is where the President's actual advisory officials all office.
The truth is there isn't an African-American in the West Wing. And the number is miniscule in the East Wing where Omarosa resided.
The most prominent black official in the entire administration is HUD Secretary, Ben Carson, who is unqualified for his position. He is a retired brain surgeon who never worked in housing. He is there because Trump needed a token and Dr. Carson kissed up to Massa. In fact, the stated reason Dr. Carson was named HUD secretary is because "he used to live in the projects". Really!
It is so sad to see these people go on CNN and Fox News attempting to defend the latest racist thing Trump said. MSNBC barely even entertains this farcical bullshit anymore.
None of them ever provide anecdotal let alone tangible evidence exemplifying Trump is not a racist. They use the same strawnen which prove nothing.
Regardless if it's Charlottesville, Central Park Five, Birtherism, Trump saying blacks are lazy, attacking black people's IQ all of these surrogates gloss over it and say it's a media narrative. They cannot explain it away. They don't even claim he's changed regarding the older examples. They just won't acknowledge it.
When all else fails they say Trump is not racist because they've never heard him saying anything racist. Lol. We all know that is a lie. Some of them have been exposed as being present when he says racist shit.
But, when they say they've never heard anything racist what they really mean is they've never heard him say the "n-word". Of course, none of them will attest they believe he's never said it.
The most stunning and mouth gaping example of this was Sarah Huckabee Sanders earlier in the week when asked about Omarosa's assertion there exists a tape with Trump saying the "n-word". Now, Sanders, who lies shamelessly and without hint of hesitation every day would not guarantee no tape exists of Trump saying the "n-word". It was a revealing moment.
A week ago the other notorious unabashed liar, Kellyanne Conway, when asked to name ONE senior White House official who is African-American could not. Nor, would she say unequivocally there is no tape of Trump saying the "n-word".
Look, when the number two and three biggest liars to ever be in the White House won't lie to defend the number one biggest liar from charges of using racial slurs, there is some credibility to charges of racism.
Fact is, all of Trump's defenders keep getting tripped up by the same wires. They know at the very least he peddles racism and uses it as political currency with his base. They also know or at least greatly suspect he is a bonafide racist. And, they realize it's hard to defend the indefensible.
I understand none of these people care if he's a racist and have zero hesitation in defending him even if they appear cartoonish. Whether it's money, power, recognition or they really are just self-loathing Uncle Tom and Tomasinas sacks of shit or a combo these people have deemed it is worth the cost.
It is a sad thing, really, sacrificing your dignity for a racist.
Regardless, the defenses employed are almost as silly, disingenuous and intellectually dishonest as the defenders themselves.
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