Sunday, September 16, 2018

Hey, Tucker Carlson, Diversity Is Great!

Allow me to state the obvious which is Tucker Carlson is an insufferable douchebag!

In recent weeks Carlson along with the likes of Laura Ingram and NRA TV "eye candy" (we really need a healthcare system overhaul especially the vision care) Dana Loesch have ranted and lamented diversity.

Last week Tucker did a segment "asking" how is diversity our strength. It was a rhetorical question obviously because he literally demonized the idea of diversity.

Like Ingram, Loesch and a host of others the primary root of Carlson's rant is immigration. The other root of dissent is having a society that embraces all ethnicities, religions and lifestyles. You know like what is detailed in that pesky United States Constitution.

Cloaking his true point in a guise of "merely asking a question" Tucker inquired how is society improved being constituted of people who are different from you? How is it good to have neighbors "you can't understand or don't share the same values with"? How is the "military better off filled with people who you have nothing in common? "Diversity isn't good in a marriage."

These people have literally said eff the dog whistle and picked up a megaphone. They are not even hiding it anymore. Tucker's little rant, just like Laura Ingram's a couple of weeks ago, is laughably transparent and apparent.

I will give Tucker this. He framed his white nationalist talking points in a manner which gives him the perception of plausible deniability. Whereas Ingram isn't smart or savvy enough to soft pedal the bigotry. Her "Ingram Angle" was more of a blunt object over the head.

Now, Loesch, who is in totality the most loathsome of the three people I've mentioned which is saying something for me since Tucker is the poster boy for someone with a punchable face. She went on this bizarre rant about some kids cartoon, Thomas The Tank Engine.

She bemoaned the cartoon adding two "female trains"-one of whom is apparently from Kenya. She proceeded with this diatribe, "Nobody knew the original trains were white so why did they feel the need to have diversity?"

Then, presumably so upset over the addition of these trains, she digitally imposed Ku Klux Klan hoods over the front of them. Seriously! She did. I am not joking. She actually had Klan hoods superimposed over a kids' cartoon character.

Uh, whose wine soaked most likely to be on a Dr. Phil episode titled "My Mom Is Always Hammered And Hitting On My Friends" soccer mom is this? Whomever she belongs to come get her ass right now! She's drooling on my good couch.

Seriously, these hacks aren't even making a cursory attempt any longer to hide their bigotry.

Regardless of the musings of these idiots diversity is and always has been great. This country was built on diversity, was it not? We are a country that is supposed to embrace diverse ideas, religions, opinions and people.

While people like Carlson and Ingram sleep better at night by believing white men are responsible for everything good that has ever happened in the country it's simply not factual. Multiple races, nationalities and ethnicities contributed and still contribute to this country. Where would we be without the contributions of the Chinese, Irish, Italian, Mexicans, Latin Americans, women and African-Americans?

Diversity allows people to grow and learn. For instance, take something like music. Having a diverse taste in music allows one to appreciate music as a whole and their preferred genre. All music is a subsidiary of other genres.

Diversity among people is even better. When someone has a diverse circle of friends and acquaintances it provides them two things. The first is the ability to appreciate other folks' cultures and life stories. It also provides them depth and understanding. When one embraces diversity they not only learn to appreciate that which is different they also realize despite our differences we have innumerable commonalities. Why? Because at the end of the day we're all human and all equal.

When Tucker says diversity is bad for the military and marriage he displays how ignorant he truly is. The military is similar to a sports team. People have to put aside their petty prejudices and bigotry because they all presumably have the same end goal, victory.

Of course, I suspect Tucker's mentioning of the military has to do with LGBTQ service members, so he would say the military would be better off without the "distraction". I say embracing those different from you helps you grow as a person. It doesn't mean you have to unilaterally agree with their lifestyle but it also doesn't mean you can't learn from them and understand why they are the person they are. Not to mention, if someone is able bodied and wants to serve this country they should be able to do so.

As far as Tucker's not so veiled comment about marriage. Marriages featuring people of different backgrounds, ethnicities and cultures are just as successful as marriages of people with similarly shared traits. People who are different from one another compliment each other. If both people are hotheads, for instance, that is likely a recipe for disaster. But, Tucker wasn't speaking about personality traits. He was revealing his disapproval of diverse marriages.

And, this disturbing absurdity Dana Loesch displayed on NRA TV tho....My first question is why are so enthralled with what a cartoon (most people don't know nor care anything about) is doing? Secondly, why does the cartoon adding female trains and a black train trigger you so? Hey, Dana, you do realize you just dropped all pretense about your racism, right? Why does the topic of diversity bother you?

Again, the dog whistles have been chunked into the ocean. These clowns are regurgitating their hateful vitriol through a megaphone.

Predictably, they clutched their pearls when people rightfully said their ramblings were racist with twinges of White Nationalism. They feigned the act of victimhood. In Tucker's case he was "merely asking a question". Loesch said she was simply speaking about political correctness run amok.

Whatevs. They are lying. They are overtly utilizing racism and fear of the other as political currency. They are giving a wink and a nod to the Alt-Right.

Truth is there is a significant segment of our society who wholly reject diversity. They want the country to go back to a time everyone "knew their place". They long for the time society had a hierarchy and equality was a value we sanctimoniously preached to other nations and pretended to embrace while not employing it in any meaningful fashion.

These are the folks Tucker, Dana, Laura and their ilk are signaling. And, these aren't all people wearing hoods and covered in Aryian tattoos. In fact, most of them aren't. They are people who embrace a White Nationalist message while pretending they don't. They are neighbors, co-workers, fellow church goers, pastors, community leaders, friends and family. It is the truth. Full stop!

And, when Tucker Carlson mentions an unshared value system he's virtue signaling. It is an asinine statement, but it works with people who see black and brown people as alien and different.

Of course, regardless of race or religion or national origin all people believe in protecting their loved ones and a desire to be prosperous and an orderly society. However, these virtue signalers feed the atrocious and amoral narrative that people from south of the border, the majority of people of color within the country and folks on the left don't believe in family, rule of law or basic morality. They imply (often not so subtly) that all of these different people are animals and immoral. Thus, diversity is bad and evil. Incorporating these types of people are detrimental to society. These type of people are destructive to the fabric of society.

It really is disgusting. It is abominable, honestly.

I have never had much use for Tucker Carlson or Dana Loesch. I have always thought Tucker was a racist going all the way back to his days on MSNBC. Loesch has always said insane and bigoted things but does it with a smile and a sultry appearance so she gets away with it.

What they are doing with their rhetoric is so blatantly obvious. As I keep saying, they have just abandoned the dog whistle.

Diversity is our strength whether certain segments of the country like it or accept it.

And, I do agree some aspects of diversity are counterproductive. Since we're a country that embraces diverse thought and opinion, it means we even embrace thought that is void of depth and opinion is void of facts, logic and intelligence.

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