Monday, October 1, 2018

Random Rants And Thoughts: October 1st, 2018

•This Brett Kavanaugh mess has worn me out. Like everything else it's become a partisan issue. The people on the right whining about partisanship are just as guilty as they say people on the left are. It is utterly idiotic and shamelessly hypocritical to bitch, "But, this was from so long ago", when they bring up Bill Clinton's bullshit every chance they get regarding every situation. "This bill has too much pork in it. The Democrats always want to spend your money. Remember they are the party of Bill Clinton who had sex with Gennifer Flowers."

•One thing has become crystal clear. Rape culture not only exists in this country; but, it is prevalent and pervasive. Folk' innate response is to not just disbelieve the victim but begin an earnest campaign to discredit and slut shame her. Now, that is unless the victim can provide some political and/or tribal purpose. If the victim is white and the accused is black, of course she has been assaulted. If the accused is someone who can alter a potential law or is a figure of the opposite political ideology, he is most certainly guilty. But, the general default position is that most women alleging sexual assault are liars and just trying to tear down men. Don't roll your fucking eyes at me for what I said in this blurb because we all know it's the truth. Slavery is America's original sin; but the archaic view of women, the dismissiveness of sexual assault and the coddling of rape culture is America's most enduring and repeated sin!

•Donald Trump Jr is a douchebag. I saw a quote today where "his father's greatest disappointment" said he worried more about his sons than his daughters (regarding sexual assault allegations). Yeah, because a plethora of sexual assault allegations are women falsely claiming men sexually harassed and/or assaulted them while a miniscule few are men actually guilty of sexual harassment and/or assault. Lawd! This dude is a sexist chauvinist asshat! Well, wait...I mean his sons have him as a father and Donald Trump as a grandfather teaching them to be misogynistic piggish boorish clowns and it's ok to grab women by the pussy. Hell, when you're a star they let you do it. So, I see where Usay has a point to worry more about his sons.

•The NFL has had a helluva good start to its season. However, I am not down with what Earl Thomas did yesterday. I like the dude. I understand his frustration with his contract. I get he was pissed about sustaining a season ending injury. But, flipping off the Seahawks sideline was classless. They had been allowing him to be an ass and basically disrespect his teammates by not showing up for practice. They had been actively seeking a trade at his request. He could've displayed a bit of decorum yesterday.

•Finally, lemme address the Kayne situation. Look, his #SNL performance was what it was. He had to expect boos when he came out sporting a #MAGA hat and spit those self-pity weak ass apologist lyrics for his Trumpification. Honestly, I don't give a shit about that. He can support whomever he wants to support. But, he has to provide some intelligent argument for that support when he begins making public statements and pontifications of that support. This fool went on Twitter talmbout America is no longer outsourcing jobs and building factories here supporting American workers. I suppose it was an homage to Trump. Here's the problem. It's factually inaccurate. Trump has actually outsourced more jobs in his first 20 months in office than Obama in his last 20. That is fact.

However, that wasn't the most egregious part of his tweet. He also advocated for "abolishing the 13th Amendment". 😐 The 13th Amendment, for you kids at home, abolished slavery. Now, I know Kayne isn't asking for slavery to be reinstituted. That would mean he wouldn't be married to Big Booty. It would also mean instead of metaphorically him genuflecting to Massa and keeping Massa's feet warm he would literally be at Massa's feet keeping them warm.

The issue is this Neeeeeeeeeegro doesn't know what the 13th Amendment is! Why is he tweeting about it? Instead of kissing Trump's ass and saturating himself in his own hype he should read a damn book! Read the damn Constitution!

This is shit is so infuriating. More than that it's depressing. It is really disheartening to see one of hip-hop's true icons debase himself and go down this death spiral. It's not hyperbole to say Kayne West's first two albums are two of not only the greatest hip-hop albums of all-time but two of the greatest albums period of all-time. Kayne's lyrics were deep and poignant. Through The Wire and It All Falls Down (or the Stacey Dash unofficial biography lol) are two of the best well written songs in rap history in my opinion.

But, then his mother died. From there it's been a steady decline. The roles of the mother and grandmother in a black male's life cannot be measured. Since Kayne's embracing of Trump and this increase and intensity in odd behavior I have heard many people half jokingly say, "Kayne needs a long embracing loving hug from a black woman." The comment has been meant more symbolically than literally. But, there is some real truth in it. Him being in that sea monkey Kardashian shitshow cannot possibly be healthy for him. From all accounts he doesn't have one person in his inner circle that can be point blank honest with him. He has pushed away anyone that will be real with him. Kayne has surrounded himself with "yes men" which is the classic narcissist move. Kim Kardashian is the closest thing to a voice of reason in his life. Let that sink in. He has literally surrounded himself with sycophants and grifters like Candace Owens who tell him he's a genius and others just don't understand his unique intellect. They tell him the world hates him for having his own mind (ie: supporting Trump) and for thinking outside the box. That is literally some charlatan bullshit Candace Owens told him.

He's in the sunken place. This fool is out in them Twitter streets advocating the abolishment of the 13th Amendment and saying mind-boggling stupid shit like slavery is a choice. But, we (meaning me, his fans, ect) are all culpable for this. When this Negro started referring to himself as Jesus we should've stepped in instead of chalking it up to being "unique" or being sea monkeyed. When his black ass was starting Twitter beefs with Amber Rose which she subsequently tore his ass up we should've sounded the alarm instead of laughing at him. When this knucklehead started a GoFundMe page claiming he was broke and people actually gave him money we should've pulled the rip cord. We all thought it was funny and not so secretly applauded when he was a dick to Taylor Swift because it was nice to see her shaded. Truth is, regardless of how pretentious and insufferable she can be, it wasn't funny. It was obnoxious and prickish. We should've called him out for it. While we cringed at his odd obsession with Beyoncé we should have said, "No! This obsessing over B is weird!" When he started a clothing line peddling those ugly ass clothes and those damb hospital shoes he kept acting like were stylish kicks we should've collectively said, "Chile, please! That looks like some knock off Goodwill shit!" But, we didn't.

No, we didn't and now Kayne is referring to himself as "Ye", sporting #MAGA hats, full throated supporting a dude who is antithetical to everything he espoused on College Dropout and Late Registration and on Twitter promoting the abolishment of the Constitutional amendment that ended slavery because he doesn't know it's the amendment that ended slavery.

"Wake up, Mr. West. Wake up, Mr. West!"......--------------------Um, he gone. He gone...

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R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!