Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Today's Thoughts And Rants: October 24, 2018

It has been a minute since I produced a blog. I have been feeling under the weather. Honestly, I still am a little. But, with recent events I have to say a lil sumthin sumthin. So, let's hit it...

•The Jamal Khashoggi incident is atrocious. The response by some has been deplorable.

Fox News and the right-wing echo chamber once again showed their ass and how low rent they can be. They have spread misleading rumors and outright lies about Khashoggi all in an attempt to give cover to Donald Trump in his attempt to give cover to Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman. They have accused Khashoggi of being in the Muslim Brotherhood although they have provided no proof whatsoever. Khashoggi has been alleged to be an ally of Osama Bin Laden, which is a falsehood.

Khashoggi, as a reporter, interviewers Bin Laden over the years. He also did praise Bin Laden back in the 1980s and early 90s as a revolutionary and true disciple of Islam. It should be noted the United States was also quite fond of Bin Laden during the same time period. The U.S. funded him and helped trained his soldiers in Afghanistan because he was helping us fight the Soviet Communists. We were also aiding the Taliban despite knowing exactly what they were. In fact, we greatly aided in giving Bin Laden his "street cred" and giving him the power and weaponry that he eventually turned around and used on us. But, don't take my word for it. Look it up for yourselves. Google it. Research it. Like with Sadaam Hussein we saw him as a necessary evil for the greater good until he "got out of his lane".

As for Khashoggi, he pointedly and without qualification criticized Bin Laden after the 9/11 attacks. He consistently called out Bin Laden's radicalism. But, Fox News and the demagogues on the right conveniently leave that out.

The Trump administration has no desire to go after MBS because we have a $14.5 billion arms deal with the Saudis and obviously money is much more important than integrity or right and wrong. But, we already knew that because we've been funding and arming the Saudis' illegal war and simultaneous genocide in Yemen. What are some innocent brown women and children's lives when there is mad cheddar to make. Hell, the Trump administration and the right-wing hate Islam and detest Muslims; yet, they bend over backwards and perform all sorts of mental gymnastics to be apologists for the single most fundamentalist theocratic Islamist government on the face of the earth who harbors and trains terrorists including 15 of the 19 September 11th attackers! Why? MONEY!

•Politicon was this past weekend. I will break it down in an upcoming blog either Thursday or Friday. I watched a couple of excellent panels and debates. I just wanna say I saw a different side to Charlie Kirk and Tucker Carlson who deserve props for actually showing up and staying committed to the debates they agreed to. Both men showed some humanity and compromise.

Now, before my liberal and progressive friends freak out, Tucker Carlson is still a douchebag. He is still an asshole for peddling White Nationalist talking points and nonsense although he claims he's doing no such thing. Charlie Kirk is still a propagandist shill. He displayed again this weekend his intellect hovers between cursory and remedial. His obsession with Kayne West is at minimal disturbing. He can never be forgiven for unleashing Candace Owens' vapid sellout ass upon us. However, as I said, both showed a different side. And, no, I didn't forget nor was unaware that Kirk showed his ass during his debate with Hasan Piker. In my next blog I will certainly dive into him getting hella triggered by Cenk Uguyr because it was not only massively revealing it was funny as hell!

• Finally, let me say the pipe bombs that were sent to George Soros, The Clintons, The Obamas, Eric Holder, John Brennan by way of CNN and Rep. Maxine Waters should be wholesale condemned. But, of course, the right-wing nutjob contingency and social media immediately displayed their inability to empathize or use constraint. They have already started spewing conspiracy theories about the bombs being an intentional distraction from the migrant caravan coming from Honduras. It really does continue to amaze me the lack of intellect and common decency some of these folks possess.

People could have died today. Theoretically two former presidents could have been assassinated this morning. Yet, the crowd who has spent the last two weeks lecturing everyone on the left about incivility and hyper-partisanship literally ignored the potential catastrophe that could have taken place today while literally bathing in incivility and partisanship by accusing Democrats of either bombing their own or faking bombs to distract from a caravan only they are incessantly obsessed over. By the way the FBI has confirmed all of the bombs while "crudely conceived were fully functional".

See, this is why I don't want one damn person on the right lecturing me or anyone else about civility. If you're regurgitating this fucking bullshit or not calling it out, you can SIT YO ASS DOWN! Seriously, *take a damb seat*!

President Trump eventually got around to condemning it. Of course, he has a rally tonight so he could be back to babbling his crap or spewing these inane conspiracy theories as I write. Regardless, I don't wanna really hear from him either. He has been ginning up his cult with lies about a "left wing violent mob" because people exercised their free speech by protesting Brett "Keystone Light" Kavanagh. It should be noted the majority of those protestors were sexual assault survivors and women-some of whom had babies on their hips. Scarrrrryyyyy. And, yes some people interrupted Colonel Sanders...errrrr...I mean Mitch McConnell's meal last Friday night. While I don't agree with the methods it was hardly a violent mob. Perhaps, Mitch should not be so enthusiastically attempting to rip people's Medicaid and healthcare from them. Anyway, Trump has repeatedly stood before his adoring mobs at his "daddy needs love" rallies and erroneously vilified Democrats and labeled the free press "the enemy of the people". So for him to act as if he has no responsibility in this shit and the pugilistic discourse currently taking place in this country is at best disingenuous and irresponsible.

Not to mention where was the right two weeks ago when Gavin McInnes and his Proud Boys beat down three people in the streets of New York City? Where were they when the Proud Boys did the same in Portland, Oregon a couple of weeks before?

And, let me be clear I would implore my friends on the left to not automatically assume what happened the last 24 hours or so is the responsibility of some right-wing terrorists. However, allow me to implore my friends on the right to not act as though it's not conceivable, if not likely, right wing extremism isn't directly responsible. Of the domestic terrorism that takes place in the United States 71% of it is committed by far right groups. That is from the FBI. So, let's stop bullshittin and let's find a way to disagree without violence, intimidation and terrorism.

The discourse in this country sucks! And, it begins with the so-called decent good people demonizing anyone who disagrees with them. It also starts with people who claim to love Jesus doing the opposite of Christ and labeling anybody they disagree with as literally Satan or "demon rats", if you will. We should be better. The question is are we going to be better and are we actually better.

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R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!