Sunday, January 13, 2019

Tucker Carlson Is Now Propagating Incel Porn

Since Donald Trump being elected President of the United States Tucker Carlson has slowly but steadily waded into the white nationalist propaganda waters.

Carlson has used his primetime Fox News slot to bludgeon immigration and diversity. He has pretended to care about free speech and feigned worry about the seemingly increasing inclination of college campuses and social media sites to de-platform those individuals seen as too divisive or controversial.

Also, Tucker has increasingly injected populism into his segments. He has often (especially lately) made sharp attacks against corporations such as Amazon and has low-key articulated critiques of the wealthy in this country. (I should note he levies these critiques while simultaneously praising the tax cuts which 83% of benefited the top 1% in the country.)

In addition to all this Carlson has frequently had guests on that at the very least are sympathetic to white nationalist ideals and initiatives. For example, Rep. Steve King of Iowa has been a periodic guest. And, Tucker himself has espoused talking points that has him flirting with the Alt-Right, if not in a casual relationship with them.

But, now Carlson has resorted to feeding the dregs of the Alt-Right what I call incel porn. Now, full disclosure, I didn't coin the term. I first heard Ana Kasparian of The Young Turks  use it.

A week or so ago Carlson did a segment on his show claiming women making more money than men is bad for the country. He distorted the facts by citing the vanishing manufacturing segment of the workforce which left many areas with only hospitals and schools which are areas dominated by women. (Should be stated that those jobs in the past were viewed as "women's work". Some still do view it that way.) He implied (not so subtly) that increased attempts to bring more women into the workforce has even further decreased opportunities for men. He also hinted the effort of women to obtain equal pay has had an unintended consequence of stagnating wages...for men.

I would like to note that the decrease in manufacturing jobs has nothing to do with women or their fight for equal pay. Bad trade deals, outsourcing and greedy corporations have been the root cause of the manufacturing sector decreasing. Also, stagnant wages are due again to greedy corporations and politicians who coddle and cover for them. You know like giving them two trillion dollars in tax cuts so their CEOs can buyback stocks instead of investing into their companies by providing jobs and increased pay. But, I digress.

Tucker went on to say that this earning discrepancy has led to increased crime, incarceration, drug abuse, single parent homes and low marriage rates because women don't want to marry men who make less than them. He emphasized these things are particularly true in "large population areas" (ie: cities).

The last line is what I found interesting and honestly what separates Tucker Carlson from the other vapid troglodytes on Fox News. He is quite astute at low-key spewing propaganda while making it sound populist and logical. Everything he said here has a grain of truth but is largely specious.

I haven't seen or read anyone else mention this, so maybe I am off base, but when I heard him reference large population areas coupled with his other points I felt he was speaking to a broad audience but perhaps had a targeted subgroup in mind.

Follow me here for just a moment. You must understand how the current iteration of the Republican mind works. (Needless to say, I'm not saying all Republicans ,but let's not bullshit, most.)

When Carlson references large population areas it's fair to say he means large cities, right. Now, he mentioned high crime rates and drug abuse. Fact is when Conservatives think of crime and drug abuse they think of black and brown folks. I mean that is the crux of Trump's border wall argument. These brown folks are bringing crime and drugs because, you know, most criminals walk a 1,000 miles to steal a car and rape someone. But, again, I digress.

Crime leads to incarnation. Undoubtedly America's incarceration rate is inane. The United States has the vast majority of the world's prison population. And, unfortunately, the majority of the incarcerated are black and brown men.

Carlson also mentioned single parent homes. Although divorced families and single parent homes are a phenomenon across racial, socioeconomic and religious lines Conservatives like Carlson love to harp about so many African-American children growing up in fatherless homes. Of course, they never mention the mass incarceration of black men due to bullshit petty drug offenses and glaring disproportionate sentencing by the court system.

Oh, and, lest I not forget the low marriage rate. Again, people across the societal spectrum are getting married less or simply waiting until later in life.

When it comes to black men (especially young black men) not marrying several factors come into play. It's simplistic and intellectually dishonest to say it's primarily because women are making more money than men.

First, why are they making more money? It is somewhat difficult to be employed when you're incarcerated and then when you get out the system is designed to hold you down. Let's be real. How many employers are willing to give a brotha with a record employment with a better than decent wage? The numbers show white ex-cons receive twice the job offers as black ex-cons.

Forget being incarcerated let's talk about the black men without a record. Again, the stats show that black men have significantly more trouble obtaining an interview, let alone a second interview, than their white counterparts.

But, let me stop. I don't wanna get too off topic.

What Tucker Carlson is doing here is the oldest trick in the book, divide and conquer. He is obviously attempting to divide women and men by alleging women making more money is a root cause for society's ills and more specifically men's ills. He is also being more nuanced in making an effort to create a wedge between men of color and women of color when one already exists.

The reason Tucker's rant is incel porn is because the overlaying message he is purveying is feminism has ruined society and it's women's fault men's lives are so shitty. If they weren't making more money and in more positions of prominence than crime, incarceration and drug abuse would decrease. Men wouldn't participate in these activities if their women weren't trying to be the head of the household.

And, if women didn't make more money they wouldn't be so willing to do it all without men. If things reverted back to men making more money than women would want to marry them again.

Of course, this is pure silliness and some of it is just straight up fallacy. On the whole women don't make as much as men. This is a clear established fact. Women only earn somewhere in the area of $.76 to $.80 on the dollar what men earn.

While some women do not want to marry men who make less I would argue there are more men who have a problem with being with a woman who makes more. Even dudes who rail against the patriarchy and proclaim themselves male feminists have a serious hang-up about women making more money than them. (Another example of why many feminists are leery about self-proclaimed male feminists.)

Honestly, if you were to visit any incel forum or watch mgtow (men who go their own way [incel blog coming soon]) and proto-misogynist videos on YouTube you would hear this same inane vapid craven babble. The only difference is Tucker cloaks it in "concern for society" , fake populism and isn't as boorish and demeaning as the typical misogynistic tools on Twitter and YouTube are.

It is categorically idiotic to blame women making more money than men for the ills of our society. It is spurious and intellectually bankrupt.

But, this is what Tucker Carlson does five nights a week. He usually spews audio porn for white nationalists, xenophobes and crypto-racists. Apparently, now, he's decided to scrape the bottom of the barrel with the most pathetic, pitiful and misogynistic of the Alt-Right and give the incels and mgtows a little taste of audio porn too.

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