Monday, March 11, 2019

Tucker Carlson Is A Misogynist! (Also, Shit Stinks)

So, my favorite Fox News host, Tucker Carlson, is taking some heat because he made some extremely misogynistic comments on multiple appearances on the Bubba The Love Sponge Show a few years ago. He also made some grotesque and creepy comments about child rape and sexual relations between adults and teenagers.

I can't understand why people are so shocked. What really perplexes me is why people are shocked many rightwingers are defending him. Where have y'all been the last 20 years?

Tucker said women are "primitive" and insinuated they're not sophisticated so they're easy to understand. He also said women actually want men to tell them what to do, which not so subtly suggested women want to be submissive.

He lamented the rape shield laws saying they were "unfair" to men. Tucker espoused the trope of women tend to lie about sexual assault by bemoaning the "unjust" aspect of rape shield laws that provide accusers anonymity while "ruining the life" of the accused. Now, it should be noted 98% of reported sexual assault accusations are proven to be not false. But whatevs, right.

Additionally, according to Carlson, adult female teachers who engaged in sexual activity with male students were "doing 13 year old girls a favor".

Tucker, of course, responded with contrition and exhibited some regret over these abhorrent comments. No, I'm kidding. In the spirit of his "daddy", Mango Unchained, he doubled down and became defiant. He responded to the Washington Post's request for comment by releasing a statement that essentially flippantly downplayed his comments. He said he could apologize for using some "naughty words" but instead he referred people to watch his show, listen to his views and decide for themselves what they think.

Well, I have actually done that. I have watched Tucker's act for the last 15 years or so. I go back with him to his days on MSNBC when he was sporting that stupid bowtie looking like an insufferable nerd. And, what I thought of him then is what I think of him now.

Tucker Carlson is a smug, dickish, misogynistic, racist, xenophobic douchebag! He is a rich preppy bullshitin asshole.

However, he is good at what he does. He speaks in an elitist stuffy tone so he's seen as "intellectual". Actually, Tucker is intelligent but he is a dumbass because of his myopic bigoted views.

I have said before (in this very space) that Tucker is head and shoulders above the other gasbags, fear mongers and propagandists Fox News calls journalists and commentators. He cloaks his bullshit in fake populism and rhetoric that sounds like he's looking out for the regular guy. He lathers his xenophobia, racism and sexism in fake patriotism sprinkled with specious commentary, false equivalencies and red herrings. Tucker pretends to be "fair and balanced" while being blatantly biased and propagandist.

Unlike the hacks who follow him every night he isn't naked with his craven fuckery. It's like this. Tucker is the movie "producer" who produces these films that feature a "storyline" and defined characters who just happen to become intimate on screen. People like Sean Hannity and Jeanine Pirro are shameless producers who produce pornography that is raw and unapologetic.

In reality all of them have the same goal which is to produce movies displaying people getting nasty. Tucker just likes to pretend his is a love story. Hannity and Pirro, on the other hand, remove the veneer and are like, "Hey, it's not a love story. It's just some freaks gettin down!"

So, Tucker Carlson is what he is. His comments to Bubba The Love Sponge are in no way shocking or disconcerting because Tucker is an asscrumb and always has been. He is a misogynist. He props up rape culture. And, if you have watched two hours of his horseshit show you know this!

And, while I feel the people who found and released these tapes, their efforts are in vain. Fox News doesn't care. And, they don't care because his audience doesn't care.

They are not offended by this. Misogyny and seemingly an apologist defense of statutory rape aren't deal breakers for them. Did you forget whom they voted for president? Have you seen how they respond to the things the President says and does?

Tucker's audience and fans don't support him despite his bigotry, sexism and misogyny. They support him because of it!

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