Reality television critics are quick to say that reality tv isn't real. They claim that many of the events we see are producer manipulated. When it comes to the more game like reality shows the charge is production often steps in to manipulate situations and outcomes that are more favorable to good ratings or what fans want. We often hear the people on these shows aren't "real people" and aren't reflective of normal society.
This has especially been said about my favorite reality show, Big Brother. Fans have speculated for years production intervenes into the game happenings. Some past guests have confirmed it is true.
In recent years many (myself included) have vehemently complained about the houseguests selections. The complaints have ranged from CBS (the show's home) picking people who know nothing about the game to them seemingly finding at least a handful of toxic people to place in the house.
But, with the events occurring this season and contemplating the toxicity of the past few seasons it has hit me Big Brother is as real as it gets. Big Brother is a microcosm of society writ large.
The number one issue that BB has endured is racist houseguests. I am sure from its inception in 2000 Big Brother has had racist people in the house. You get 16 people from different walks of life percentages say at least one of them has some problematic racial views. But, there had been few if any overt incidents or circumstances with obvious undercurrents or overtones.
However, in the last few years starting with BB15 that has drastically changed. Fans of the show are quite familiar with the utter toxic racist trainwreck that season was. Aaryn, who in my opinion was the best player that season, was overtly racist to her fellow houseguests: Helen (whom is Asian), Candace (whom is black) and Howard (who is black). She told Helen to "shut up" and go "cook her some rice". She referred to Candace as "ghetto" and "homegirl" and anyone who watched the show knows Candace was far from ghetto. She also employed several known racist tropes about Howard.
Aaryn was not alone. She had extensive help from her best friend in the house, Gina Marie. In fact, they essentially went full on "mean girls" constantly bullying and harassing Candace. The most disappointing thing is nobody else in the house with the exception of Elissa Riley really stood up for the poc. Everyone else either enabled the racist activity or looked the other way.
Now, since that season there hasn't been as much overt racism with the exception of Mitchie and Jack last season. The racism has been more subtle or implicit. But, it has definitely been prevalent and present.
The racism has not been exclusive to the show itself. The Facebook forums and various groups are riddled with people who I will generously say have problematic racial views. They seem to have an issue with every single poc who has been on the show from Jacinda (BB16) to Da'Vonne (BB17, 18, 22) to James (BB18) to Alex and Josh (BB19) to Bayleigh (BB20, 22). This is a partial list of the poc.
I have read vicious and hateful comments about these people. Anyone who exhibits support or defense for them are often attacked and derided. More than a few people are just openly racist. They often never offer substantive critiques about any of them. They just hate their existence on the show.
It does appear the most spiteful venom is reserved for women of color. Da'Vonne, Bayleigh, Alex and Candace receive by and large the most hate. And, I am not saying these people are above criticism. Some of them are hard to like. I don't care for Bayleigh or Candace. But, it's pretty obvious what time it is when they're called "ghetto" and "hood" and criticized for reacting to being attacked when the white women in the house who do the same are heralded as "passionate" and "fiery".
This current season has definitely reflected what is really going on in society. The under current of race has been present within the house from the onset. Da'Vonne and Bayleigh made it crystal clear from the beginning that they felt they had a responsibility to show up and go far in the game.
But, a trend that has always existed in the game has really reared its ugly head this season. It always seems the poc are targeted and evicted early. This is not necessarily true across the board but more often than the poc in the house are gone before jury, which is made of the sixth through fourteenth people evicted.
This season so far there have six nominations for evictions (two each). Of the twelve original nominees eight of them have been poc. People of color make up 1/3 of the cast yet have been 2/3 of the nominees. People can say that is coincidence but it fits a pattern.
If you are a Big Brother fan you are well aware of the drama that took place in the house over the last week. Christmas, who is the Head of Household, put Da'Vonne and Bayleigh on the block for eviction. It was the fifth straight week a poc was on the "block" and second in a row that both original nominees for eviction were poc.
Now, let me be clear I don't think Christmas (nor did Da or Bay) put them up because they're black. I don't think there was subconscious bigotry either. However, the implicit biases and bigotry people possess came out because of this nomination and initiated an explosive and revealing confrontation.
I am not going into the entire backstory about led up to the confrontation. Suffice to say part of the reason Christmas put Bay up was because of something Bayleigh told her in confidence. Thus, Bayleigh felt hurt and betrayed.
Christmas goes to Da'Vonne inquiring as to why Bay is upset with her. Da'Vonne without offering a judgement tells Christmas Bay is hurt and feels betrayed. Immediately Christmas becomes defensive and begins becoming a bit aggressive with Da. Da tries to impress upon her that she is not telling her how she feels but how Bay feels. However, Christmas is ostensibly upset by now and takes it out on Da'Vonne. She inexplicably brings up Da's daughter, gets in her face and starts berating her. Da'Vonne feeling herself about to explode says, "Christmas, I am walking away. We aren't doing this." Christmas talks shit to Da as she walks away.
About this time Bayleigh had walked into the house from the backyard and approached the bathroom where Da and Christmas were. Bay asks what is going on and Christmas, who is still heated, begins going at Bayleigh which causes them to get into an argument. Christmas begins putting her finger in Bay's face and then starts clapping in her face.
While that is going on Da'Vonne goes outside where Cody and Tyler are playing pool. Da is crying and angry expressing her frustration over feeling like she can't do anything because if she responds everyone will be like, "Ah! There it is! That is Da'Vonne we know and have been waiting for."
A minute later Bayleigh walks outside expressing the same frustration as Da'Vonne. Bay says, "She (Christmas) is in there talking to me crazy as hell but I have to let her because if I respond I'm the ghetto ass black girl."
Cody doesn't say anything while Tyler does his best to assure them that isn't true and Christmas is totally in the wrong.
Bayleigh and Da walk back into the house where Christmas is sitting at the table with Dani. As Bay and Da walks by Christmas does what I call the "intentional passive aggressive Tourette's". She began making indiscriminate comments that were actually directed at Bayleigh and Da'Vonne. Bayleigh kept walking but Da was losing the battle with her temper and began walking back toward Christmas. Thankfully, Bay was able to corral Da'Vonne and walk her into one of the bedrooms.
Also, I would be remised if I neglected to mention after Christmas nominated Da and Bay she made comments about hoping she did get "shot" or "stabbed".
This entire situation exemplifies something poc especially black people experience often. We get into a confrontation with a white person(s) especially when they are the instigator and are afraid to respond because of how we'll be perceived. I am sure there are people reading this who are rolling their eyes but it is true.
If we become angry or loud we are labeled "aggressive" and the person who initiated the ordeal becomes the victim. To the house's credit everyone laid the blame of the confrontation at Christmas' feet where it belonged. But, she definitely attempted to play the victim and the perception she was attacked by those aggressive girls.
And, if you were to read the forums there was a lot of that being said. Nobody could have objectively saw that confrontation and concluded Christmas was a victim in any way. However, I read comment after comment calling Da'Vonne and Bayleigh "ghetto" and "over emotional".
This happens in real life every single day. It is especially true for black women. If they get into any altercation with a white woman where the white woman is the aggressor there is a good chance that white woman will make herself the victim and weaponize her tears. Don't get triggered. It is the truth. And, the black woman will be labeled "loud", "aggressive", "violent", "angry".
In Da'Vonne's case she knew of which she spoke. In her two previous seasons she was labeled those things for defending herself from attacks from other houseguests.
I love Big Brother! I still hold out hope one day I'll get to be on there. But, they have a problem. The problem seems to be systemic.
The casting department has either been really shitty at their job or their desired cast is really shitty.
Controversial and/or mean people have always been on Big Brother. But, the not so subtle racism and bigotry is a real substantive issue. It happens to frequently for it to be a coincidence.
Now, understand I am not saying I think Christmas is a racist. I actually love her. That said she has said some very problematic things that come from somewhere inside her. She is not alone. For example, Memphis has been a bit shaky himself with his attitude toward David.
And, the issue is even in this current environment the poc in that house feel they have to just take the bigotry, implicit bias and possible racism. Because, if they respond in any meaningful way they'll be negatively labeled and will all but seal their already tenuous fates.
Bayleigh shouldn't have to hesitate to respond when someone claps in her face. Let's not bullshit! We all know what clapping like that means. But, she has to exhibit Jesus like restraint because if she doesn't she's the "ghetto bitch" while the white woman who clapped in her face is the "victim of an angry black woman".
And, while I know Big Brother can't do anything about the racist and misogynistic toxicity in Facebook groups and forums, I feel if they quit feeding the racist part of their fanbase with putting racist assholes in the house these troglodytes will eventually be weeded out.
Big Brother has proven reality tv is very real. What is happening in that house right now takes place in workplaces, churches and social gatherings across this country.
I have always said I am confident I could win Big Brother because I have spent my life practicing for it.
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