I don't want this to be a grievance piece. But, I'm afraid it's probably going to be a grievance piece. I can't say I'm sorry if it's seen that way because sometimes enough is enough.
Lately, civility (or the lack thereof) has been a major topic in our public discourse. Honestly, it's been a topic the last three years. It has largely centered around the political arena. However, politics isn't the only area where civility has declined.
General common human behavior has seen a decline in civility. Perhaps, it is just me, but it seems there are ruder, more obnoxious and surlier people than there used to be. It seems every other person is either always attituded up or just a constant roll of the dice as to what treatment you'll receive from them. Shit, with some folks their disposition can literally change from minute to minute.
It just seems for whatever reason fewer and fewer people are generally civil making it harder and harder to be nice to folks. So many people seemed to be pissed off all the time. I get some of it. Life is more stressful for many people now than it used to be. Work is stressful. Finances are often strained. But, frankly, the anger seems to transcend race, gender, social status or financial situations. People just seem to be edgier and ruder.
More people have become tribal. In becoming tribal they've become less and less tolerant of anyone whom they view as "different". They are way more likely to "otherize" folks. It can be based on race, nationality, religion, political ideology or something as simple as sports teams or regions of the country. Basically, if someone isn't "one of them" they feel free to ostracize them or dismiss them.
People literally can't agree to disagree. They refuse to disagree without being disagreeable. Because civility is all but gone folks almost immediately demonize anyone who disagrees with them especially if it revolves around politics. Anyone on the left is automatically a "Communist, Jesus hating, evil, baby killing, unpatriotic leftist". Anyone on the right is a "racist, hateful, Facist religious nutjob". Of course, facts always be damned. It's possible likely that a particular person is none of those things. But, because people are ignorant and myopic they can't intelligently discuss anything without almost instantaneously resorting to name calling and extremism. And, no, I don't apologize for that characterization. Listen to people around you, read social media, hell maybe listen to yourself.
People don't seem to be able to have an open frank debate without seeing the other person as the enemy (if you're lucky). Most of the time they see them as evil and needed to be eradicated. Seriously, it's insane. Friendships and family bonds have literally been splintered, if not annihilated, over political differences which to me is just asinine. But, again, it is true.
I'll take myself. The majority of Facebook friends list is Trump supporters. I would say probably 60 to 70% if you count what I think are closet supporters. (My Twitter feed probably swings the other way.) As you know, I'm not a supporter of his orangeness. I don't hide that. Perhaps, I should given the demographics of my Facebook. However, I have my convictions and I'm proud of them. Some might say my candor in my criticism of our President is a profile in courage. I don't think it is. Regardless, I know my post are popular with a select few which explains the often miniscule likes and comments they receive. Or, maybe my writing is shitty Who's to say? But, either way, I'm ok with that. I am not going to unfriend anyone over political differences. I never will unless they get personal and ignant. And, I've had a few get personal but not to the point I felt the need to get petty and send their ass packin. Unfortunately, I can't say the same has unilaterally been shown in kind. I've had a handful of folks unfriend me. 😳 What can I do. It's unfortunate. I can't say the first couple of times it didn't hurt my feelings. But, now...screw 'em, right. I have never been rude to anyone on my page whom I disagreed. (If I have let me know.) I have debated but never debased. So, if someone wants to unfriend me because we disagree about the President or immigrants or climate change then that's their incivility on display and says more about them than me. You don't have to agree with me for me to be civil to you!
The same principle applies in all areas of life. Look, some people you aren't going to click with. Some folks aren't going to like you. Some folks you aren't going to like. Some people may be justified in their dislike. You may be justified in your dislike. Regardless, I'm going to be a human being and be civil. I'll be kind. I certainly won't go out of my way to be an ass or douchebag. However, way too many people in today's society will. They go out of their way to throw shade and be an insufferable jackass. And, what kills me is if you or I were to treat them that way they'd damn near have a breakdown! Seriously! "You don't have to be an asshole. Always got an attitude." Lol. It's astounding, really!
Civility is a two way street. For as much as you think you deserve civility, you should feel obligated to give it. Really! It doesn't cost anything to be a decent person. It shouldn't be that difficult to debate an issue with people without resorting to name calling, labeling and demonizing. If you find these things hard, you have a problem...or several! Look, I'm not saying it is always easy or even appropriate to be civil. Some fools love to perform! They cross lines and need to be put in check. I said after #Charlottesville I didn't want one mofo telling me, "just learn to agree to disagree". I'm not going to be agreeable with people who literally want me to be banished from my OUR country (or killed) simply because of my skin color. Every rule has exceptions. That ish isn't playing here! But, the vast majority of the time civility can be employed.
This country public discourse is in peril. Once, we lose the ability to have civil communication we are on a slippery slope to irreversible dysfunction. That's not hyperbole.
Welcome to the view from the side-eye. A blog providing frank and hopefully humorous (although my comedic skills are rather remedial) commentary on politics, pop culture and sports. We always have capacity to learn and knowledge is most definitely power. I encourage discourse even if it's spirited. I hope you enjoy reading. I am not trying to turn atheists into believers (speaking figuratively) . I am just trying to get you to think. Thank you for reading!
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Monday, June 25, 2018
Our Society's Lack of Civility Is Setting A Bad Precedent
As most of you are likely aware, this past Friday night a restaurant in Lexington, Virginia refused service to White House Press Secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders. The owner cited that Ms. Sanders support of the President and her daily defense of him as her reasons for asking Ms. Sanders to leave. While I feel the restaurant owner and empathize with her disgust with this administration, she was WRONG! Yes, I said she was wrong.
I am sure many of my left leaning friends are about to get upset with me. And, I hope my right leaning friends will continue reading despite my saying I'm disgusted with this administration. But, the fact I even have to say that is what is wrong with this country. We have thrown civility out the window. We are so flippin tribal. It's an attitude of either "you're totally with me or you're totally against me". We are really at the point where we can't disagree without being disagreeable. And, most people of both political bents aren't exempt despite what delusions they may have.
Now, look, I'm no Sarah Huckabee Sanders fan. I find her to be arrogant and condescending to most of the White House press corp despite the fact they're just doing their jobs. And, they are doing their jobs regardless of the criticisms from the right and the left. I believe, no, I know she lies daily to the American people. And, unlike Sean Spicer, she expounds upon the lies and seems to enjoy her job of often defending the indefensible. However, with that being said she has the right to sit down to a meal at the restaurant of her choosing. Denying service to someone based upon their political beliefs just isn't acceptable. Honestly, if I owned a restaurant and Richard Spencer along with David Duke came in I'd serve them. Now, if they started spewing their racist shit I'd make sure a pitcher of tea "accidentally" spilled on them and I'd tell them to get out. Then, I would donate to the United Negro College Fund in their names and made sure all of their small minded buddies found out. But, if they sat there peacefully I'd serve them. Why? Because I believe in what the Bible says about "do unto others". However, if they acted a fool...It's better to ask for forgiveness. 😉
Anyway, it is wrong to be uncivil to someone patronizing your business simply because you don't like their politics. It wasn't right when a few years ago that jackass in Oklahoma refused to serve Obama supporters or "welfare recipients" people on disability along with any homosexuals or Blacks. That dude was an assclown and people were rightfully livid about it. This is no different. It's ignorant.
The problem is we are a society of incivility. If we don't like someone's politics, ostracize them. It appears the same is becoming true of race. And, I'm not really sure it ever stopped being that way for the LGBQT community. And, quite frankly, our current president has spearheaded this trend toward a lack of civility. Sorry, Trump supporters, it's true. And, your refusal to acknowledge it only exasperates the problem.
I know most (probably all) of my left leaning friends and followers are saying, "Boo-hoo to Sarah Sanders. She deserves it." Honestly, on it's face, I can't put up much of an argument against that position. At times she's been downright hateful to people. She sure didn't display much empathy toward the gay couple in Colorado where the baker refused to bake them a wedding cake and the ruling was upheld by the Supreme Court. I am not getting into the fallacies of that stance and ruling. Believe me the hypocrisy of it all isn't lost on me, but people have to be better. "When they go low, go high". Two wrongs don't make a right. They don't. Some people go so low the bar for going high isn't very high. Again, be better.
I'm not defending Sanders per se. I'm defending what's right. It's not a partisan issue. For example, the Oklahoma restaurateur I referenced earlier. For all the Conservatives I saw in Facebook and Twitter feeds decrying what happened to Sarah Sanders I don't remember one of them calling this douchebag in Oklahoma out. I've seen very few of them ever take the President to task for the heinous uncivil things he says. See, we can't fix the lack of civility in society until we call it all out; not just when "our side" is the aggrieved party. It shouldn't be difficult to disagree without being disagreeable, vindictive, dismissive and hateful.
I have a plethora of Trump supporters on my Facebook and Twitter. I feel I'm always respectful to them regardless if we agree. Frankly, I've been respectful when some have been anything but.
Again, this owner of the Virginia restaurant was wrong in my opinion. But, Trumpsters, allow me to ask if this had been the other way around and it had been Josh Earnest (Obama's press secretary) or Valerie Jarrett or Jennifer Palmieri (Hillary Clinton's communications director) that had been refused service, would you be this upset? Would you be upset at all? Would you even offer a cursory criticism? If the answer is "no", then you're part of the problem too.
Also, I would be remiss if I didn't say what Maxine Waters said was indefensible. I like her but she was 100% wrong.
I am sure many of my left leaning friends are about to get upset with me. And, I hope my right leaning friends will continue reading despite my saying I'm disgusted with this administration. But, the fact I even have to say that is what is wrong with this country. We have thrown civility out the window. We are so flippin tribal. It's an attitude of either "you're totally with me or you're totally against me". We are really at the point where we can't disagree without being disagreeable. And, most people of both political bents aren't exempt despite what delusions they may have.
Now, look, I'm no Sarah Huckabee Sanders fan. I find her to be arrogant and condescending to most of the White House press corp despite the fact they're just doing their jobs. And, they are doing their jobs regardless of the criticisms from the right and the left. I believe, no, I know she lies daily to the American people. And, unlike Sean Spicer, she expounds upon the lies and seems to enjoy her job of often defending the indefensible. However, with that being said she has the right to sit down to a meal at the restaurant of her choosing. Denying service to someone based upon their political beliefs just isn't acceptable. Honestly, if I owned a restaurant and Richard Spencer along with David Duke came in I'd serve them. Now, if they started spewing their racist shit I'd make sure a pitcher of tea "accidentally" spilled on them and I'd tell them to get out. Then, I would donate to the United Negro College Fund in their names and made sure all of their small minded buddies found out. But, if they sat there peacefully I'd serve them. Why? Because I believe in what the Bible says about "do unto others". However, if they acted a fool...It's better to ask for forgiveness. 😉
Anyway, it is wrong to be uncivil to someone patronizing your business simply because you don't like their politics. It wasn't right when a few years ago that jackass in Oklahoma refused to serve Obama supporters or "welfare recipients" people on disability along with any homosexuals or Blacks. That dude was an assclown and people were rightfully livid about it. This is no different. It's ignorant.
The problem is we are a society of incivility. If we don't like someone's politics, ostracize them. It appears the same is becoming true of race. And, I'm not really sure it ever stopped being that way for the LGBQT community. And, quite frankly, our current president has spearheaded this trend toward a lack of civility. Sorry, Trump supporters, it's true. And, your refusal to acknowledge it only exasperates the problem.
I know most (probably all) of my left leaning friends and followers are saying, "Boo-hoo to Sarah Sanders. She deserves it." Honestly, on it's face, I can't put up much of an argument against that position. At times she's been downright hateful to people. She sure didn't display much empathy toward the gay couple in Colorado where the baker refused to bake them a wedding cake and the ruling was upheld by the Supreme Court. I am not getting into the fallacies of that stance and ruling. Believe me the hypocrisy of it all isn't lost on me, but people have to be better. "When they go low, go high". Two wrongs don't make a right. They don't. Some people go so low the bar for going high isn't very high. Again, be better.
I'm not defending Sanders per se. I'm defending what's right. It's not a partisan issue. For example, the Oklahoma restaurateur I referenced earlier. For all the Conservatives I saw in Facebook and Twitter feeds decrying what happened to Sarah Sanders I don't remember one of them calling this douchebag in Oklahoma out. I've seen very few of them ever take the President to task for the heinous uncivil things he says. See, we can't fix the lack of civility in society until we call it all out; not just when "our side" is the aggrieved party. It shouldn't be difficult to disagree without being disagreeable, vindictive, dismissive and hateful.
I have a plethora of Trump supporters on my Facebook and Twitter. I feel I'm always respectful to them regardless if we agree. Frankly, I've been respectful when some have been anything but.
Again, this owner of the Virginia restaurant was wrong in my opinion. But, Trumpsters, allow me to ask if this had been the other way around and it had been Josh Earnest (Obama's press secretary) or Valerie Jarrett or Jennifer Palmieri (Hillary Clinton's communications director) that had been refused service, would you be this upset? Would you be upset at all? Would you even offer a cursory criticism? If the answer is "no", then you're part of the problem too.
Also, I would be remiss if I didn't say what Maxine Waters said was indefensible. I like her but she was 100% wrong.
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Dehumanization, Unfortunately, Isn't New In America: Separating Migrant Families Is Merely The Latest Episode
I am fully aware the President signed an executive order that will keep migrant families together when detained. But, the truth is there should've never been a need for the order in the first place. The President and his supporters are acting as if he should be applauded as some hero. No, he is no hero for fixing a problem he unnecessarily created. C'mon! Be serious.
Actually, he should be rebuked for not only implementing the policy but for the groundwork he laid as justification for the heinous policy. It's groundwork that has been laid before for justification of heinous despicable policies. That groundwork is dehumanization of groups of people the "majority doesn't like and/or want in America.
Roll your eyes. Get triggered. Cue your fake ass pearl clutching. I'm about to keep shit real...really real! It's been common practice in this country, as well as others, for the majority to oppress and suppress other groups of people-people they see as inferior or "others". It's true. It's true. It's damn true.
In order to justify the oppression or suppression or simple bigotry disenfranchising and dehumanizing is performed. It is seen as a means of easing one's conscience or assuaging guilt.
Let's start with America's original sin-the raping and pillaging of Native Americans and their land. The Natives were initially befriended before they were bamboozled, defrauded and robbed. The "justification" for this was the process of dehumanizing the people. They were labeled animals, savages, uncouth, un-godly and thus inferior. Now, I'm certain some jackass is saying right now, "Well, they scalped people." Yes, yes, they did. And, Europeans raped innocent women and burned people alive. So, on the civility scale let's call the competition of who was truly uncivilized a "push". The Natives were treated inhumanely because they were dehumanized.
Let's revisit the United States of America's other original sin, slavery. The treatment of Black people was brutal and reprehensible. Black people were literally seen as property. They were enslaved. Babies were ripped from their mothers' arms at birth literally. Families were routinely and callously separated. And, this was all justified by the distortion of the Bible and dehumanization. Blacks were called "animals", "mongrels", "vermin", and "savages". They were considered less than people, so enslaving them, raping them, unmercifully beating them and demoralizing them was perfectly ok. Many even said it was "Godly". Shit, in the original Constitution Blacks were described as "3/5 of a human being". Don't get mad. Just stating facts. #FactsMatter
Next, let's revisit treatment of Native Americans. In the 1830s the current president's favorite president (aside from himself, of course) Andrew Jackson spearheaded a campaign designed to eradicate...errrr...I mean relocate Native Americans. He basically placed them on reservations. Again, some families were separated. Also, again they were labeled "animals" and "dangerous". Like Blacks they were told this inhumane treatment was for "their own good". It was all justified by dehumanizing them; thus easing the conscience of those who might have been uncomfortable with any of the actions.
Oh, but this behavior didn't stop there. It continued later on into the 1800s with the Irish and the Chinese. Then, in the 1940s it was the Japanese's turn. As they were placed in internment camps, they were told it was for their own good. The public was told they were being treated humanly. Reality was they were being treated like animals. Children were being separated from their parents. Again, the campaign of dehumanization was utilized. The Japanese internment camp victims were labeled "dangerous", "potential spies", "animals", ect.
And, now, here we are in 2018 with Mexicans, Guatemalans, Hondurans and other Hispanics having their families separated. They're being labeled "animals", "subhumans", "criminals" and "uncivilized". This is all done under the guise of national security and protecting the country from gangs. Make no mistake the gangs, drugs, sex trafficking and MS-13 are legit threats and concerns. But, the labeling of all these migrants these things is wrong and factually incorrect. Many of these migrants are fleeing their countries because of these things. Turning away two year olds on the basis of saying they're MS-13 is asinine. But, this is all justified by dehumanizing these people. A certain segment of this country has a distinct bias against people from south of the border and are inclined to believe anything negative and brush all of them with a broad stroke. While most of the country was mortified by the separating of migrant children from their parents a substantial swath cheered it on. They were perfectly fine with it. Why? Because they see these people as less than human so their conscience is eased. Their moral compass is "ok". "These are animals and it's ok to treat them as such."
Some people keep saying, "This isn't who we are." Others have responded, "Actually, yes, it is." I say it is certainly who we have been. But, isn't it past time we be better. And, I know the President signed an order stating families be kept together. And, while there are certainly some gray areas and question marks about the order, I'm glad he altered the course set by the DOJ and DHS' policy. However, none of them deserve kudos because the policy should've never been enacted in the first place and then subsequently lied about. The fact the President, Attorney General Sessions and Secretary Nielsen thought this was acceptable is distressing and concerning.
We are supposed to learn from history so we don't repeat it. However, America keeps repeating history. We really need to do some serious introspection why we continuously dehumanize certain groups of people and why we're always distorting God's Word to do it. This is a problem of our soul. It's a problem that's persisted for well over 400 years.
Isn't it time we be better?
Actually, he should be rebuked for not only implementing the policy but for the groundwork he laid as justification for the heinous policy. It's groundwork that has been laid before for justification of heinous despicable policies. That groundwork is dehumanization of groups of people the "majority doesn't like and/or want in America.
Roll your eyes. Get triggered. Cue your fake ass pearl clutching. I'm about to keep shit real...really real! It's been common practice in this country, as well as others, for the majority to oppress and suppress other groups of people-people they see as inferior or "others". It's true. It's true. It's damn true.
In order to justify the oppression or suppression or simple bigotry disenfranchising and dehumanizing is performed. It is seen as a means of easing one's conscience or assuaging guilt.
Let's start with America's original sin-the raping and pillaging of Native Americans and their land. The Natives were initially befriended before they were bamboozled, defrauded and robbed. The "justification" for this was the process of dehumanizing the people. They were labeled animals, savages, uncouth, un-godly and thus inferior. Now, I'm certain some jackass is saying right now, "Well, they scalped people." Yes, yes, they did. And, Europeans raped innocent women and burned people alive. So, on the civility scale let's call the competition of who was truly uncivilized a "push". The Natives were treated inhumanely because they were dehumanized.
Let's revisit the United States of America's other original sin, slavery. The treatment of Black people was brutal and reprehensible. Black people were literally seen as property. They were enslaved. Babies were ripped from their mothers' arms at birth literally. Families were routinely and callously separated. And, this was all justified by the distortion of the Bible and dehumanization. Blacks were called "animals", "mongrels", "vermin", and "savages". They were considered less than people, so enslaving them, raping them, unmercifully beating them and demoralizing them was perfectly ok. Many even said it was "Godly". Shit, in the original Constitution Blacks were described as "3/5 of a human being". Don't get mad. Just stating facts. #FactsMatter
Next, let's revisit treatment of Native Americans. In the 1830s the current president's favorite president (aside from himself, of course) Andrew Jackson spearheaded a campaign designed to eradicate...errrr...I mean relocate Native Americans. He basically placed them on reservations. Again, some families were separated. Also, again they were labeled "animals" and "dangerous". Like Blacks they were told this inhumane treatment was for "their own good". It was all justified by dehumanizing them; thus easing the conscience of those who might have been uncomfortable with any of the actions.
Oh, but this behavior didn't stop there. It continued later on into the 1800s with the Irish and the Chinese. Then, in the 1940s it was the Japanese's turn. As they were placed in internment camps, they were told it was for their own good. The public was told they were being treated humanly. Reality was they were being treated like animals. Children were being separated from their parents. Again, the campaign of dehumanization was utilized. The Japanese internment camp victims were labeled "dangerous", "potential spies", "animals", ect.
And, now, here we are in 2018 with Mexicans, Guatemalans, Hondurans and other Hispanics having their families separated. They're being labeled "animals", "subhumans", "criminals" and "uncivilized". This is all done under the guise of national security and protecting the country from gangs. Make no mistake the gangs, drugs, sex trafficking and MS-13 are legit threats and concerns. But, the labeling of all these migrants these things is wrong and factually incorrect. Many of these migrants are fleeing their countries because of these things. Turning away two year olds on the basis of saying they're MS-13 is asinine. But, this is all justified by dehumanizing these people. A certain segment of this country has a distinct bias against people from south of the border and are inclined to believe anything negative and brush all of them with a broad stroke. While most of the country was mortified by the separating of migrant children from their parents a substantial swath cheered it on. They were perfectly fine with it. Why? Because they see these people as less than human so their conscience is eased. Their moral compass is "ok". "These are animals and it's ok to treat them as such."
Some people keep saying, "This isn't who we are." Others have responded, "Actually, yes, it is." I say it is certainly who we have been. But, isn't it past time we be better. And, I know the President signed an order stating families be kept together. And, while there are certainly some gray areas and question marks about the order, I'm glad he altered the course set by the DOJ and DHS' policy. However, none of them deserve kudos because the policy should've never been enacted in the first place and then subsequently lied about. The fact the President, Attorney General Sessions and Secretary Nielsen thought this was acceptable is distressing and concerning.
We are supposed to learn from history so we don't repeat it. However, America keeps repeating history. We really need to do some serious introspection why we continuously dehumanize certain groups of people and why we're always distorting God's Word to do it. This is a problem of our soul. It's a problem that's persisted for well over 400 years.
Isn't it time we be better?
Monday, June 18, 2018
So, America, Affinity For Authoritarians Is A Thing Now?
What the hell is going on in this country? Is this really the country people want?
I am old enough to remember when authoritarians, dictators and despots were derided and looked upon negatively. I am old enough to remember when authoritarianism was viewed as vehemently and distinctly un-American. But, the #OrangeMuskratHairedKing comes into power and everything is changed.
I have been saddened by what I have seen over the last week from some of my fellow Americans. It's been disheartening and frightening. I'm not talking about President Trump. He is what he is and his actions, while disturbing, are unsurprising. It's his supporters, quite frankly, seeming to have fully gulped the orange kool-aid and going along with his affinity for strongmen.
But, as Trump his effusive praise of his new man crush, Kim Jong Un, was distressful and jaw dropping. Trump gushed about Lil Kim every chance he could. I mean he complimented and slobbered so much over Kim Vladimir Putin became jealous and told Trump, "But, he can't sit on horse shirtless like I can. I thought I was your one and only." To which Trump replied, "One and only? You know I'm a playa. You've seen Stormy Daniels and we both know you've seen the "Mountain Dew" tape.
Seriously, though, Trump's endless praise of Kim Jong Un was unsettling. He kept saying how "strong" he was and he's "so funny and smart". He said a few times how "he loves his country" and "he loves his people". And, not a word from the "real Americans".
Trump saying Kim "loves his people" is one of the most idiotic and dumbassed things he's ever said. Kim starves his people. He denies them basic human rights. Most of North Korea has either spotty or no electricity. Kim routinely jails any dissidents or people who don't at all times subjugate themselves to him. And, those he doesn't jail he murders in the most heinous and gruesome ways. He has killed numerous members of his family! This is the man our petulant clown of a president calls "strong".
Here's the real problem. Trump thinks that kind of shit is strength. Several times Trump alluded to how Kim guides his country in "a tough manner". He meant it as a compliment. He sounded envious of Kim for he can run North Korea. He even mentioned how he wants us (Americans) to stand to attention to him like North Koreans do Lil Kim. And, Trumpsters, save the ish about he was joking. He was NOT! I saw the effin interview and he wasn't joking or being sarcastic, which he clearly doesn't know what sarcasm is. That Penn education did alot for him I see. (#Cheets, the previous sentence is an example of sarcasm.) However, not a word of criticism or rebuke from the "real Americans". Not. One. Damn. Peep.
And, the thing is Trump's "wet dream" fest over Kim Jong Un wasn't an one off thing. This fool routinely criticizes the leaders of our allies such as Angela Merkel and Justin Trudeau. Yet, he heaps praise upon dictators, despots and authoritarians like Putin, Duterte in the Phillipines, Erdogan in Turkey and the Emirates in Saudia Arabia. So, the leader of the free world talks shit about the other leaders of the free world while slobbin the cobs of the world's most notorious thugs and murderers. Anyone see a problem here? Apparently, the "real Americans" don't.
What the hell is happening? Where's the beacon on a hill Ronald Reagan mentioned? Because we certainly aren't that if we're endorsing and praising dictators. And, look, let's be real here. America has always been in bed with dictators. The ends justify the means philosophy. However, we always recognized the ho as a ho. Now, we are acting the ho is a queen and the queens are hood rats. Presidents never admired the strongmen and seemed envious they couldn't be just like them but now...
Real Americans where are you? You won't even check your dear leader when he is clearly going against American principles, standards and morals. This country was founded because the colonists were escaping from under tyrannical rule. They set up a government and constitution whose purpose was to prevent the citizens from being under such rule. And, now we have a president who openly and enthusiastically displays admiration and envy of the very men and systems our founding fathers were vehemently opposed.
Yet, the people who claim to love the country and defend the Constitution the most stay silent. Even worse many of them seem to want authoritarian rule. And, they're the patriots? I don't understand this.
Will these "lovers" of the Constitution not check this president? His affinity for authoritarians and authoritarianism is undeniable. Just look at this travesty with immigrant children being separated from their parents. Look at how this president disparages and lies about the media. He calls the fourth estate the biggest enemy America has. Not only is it disgusting but how can any sane decent person say that when a madman could send a nuke toward us at any second.
I'm just one person, but I'll be damned if I let the country I love be turned into an authoritarian state. It's not the promise or purpose of America. Our president is supposed to be a promoter of democracy and a democratic republic; not the enemy of it.
When are we going to wake up and provide the check on power we're supposed to do?
I am old enough to remember when authoritarians, dictators and despots were derided and looked upon negatively. I am old enough to remember when authoritarianism was viewed as vehemently and distinctly un-American. But, the #OrangeMuskratHairedKing comes into power and everything is changed.
I have been saddened by what I have seen over the last week from some of my fellow Americans. It's been disheartening and frightening. I'm not talking about President Trump. He is what he is and his actions, while disturbing, are unsurprising. It's his supporters, quite frankly, seeming to have fully gulped the orange kool-aid and going along with his affinity for strongmen.
But, as Trump his effusive praise of his new man crush, Kim Jong Un, was distressful and jaw dropping. Trump gushed about Lil Kim every chance he could. I mean he complimented and slobbered so much over Kim Vladimir Putin became jealous and told Trump, "But, he can't sit on horse shirtless like I can. I thought I was your one and only." To which Trump replied, "One and only? You know I'm a playa. You've seen Stormy Daniels and we both know you've seen the "Mountain Dew" tape.
Seriously, though, Trump's endless praise of Kim Jong Un was unsettling. He kept saying how "strong" he was and he's "so funny and smart". He said a few times how "he loves his country" and "he loves his people". And, not a word from the "real Americans".
Trump saying Kim "loves his people" is one of the most idiotic and dumbassed things he's ever said. Kim starves his people. He denies them basic human rights. Most of North Korea has either spotty or no electricity. Kim routinely jails any dissidents or people who don't at all times subjugate themselves to him. And, those he doesn't jail he murders in the most heinous and gruesome ways. He has killed numerous members of his family! This is the man our petulant clown of a president calls "strong".
Here's the real problem. Trump thinks that kind of shit is strength. Several times Trump alluded to how Kim guides his country in "a tough manner". He meant it as a compliment. He sounded envious of Kim for he can run North Korea. He even mentioned how he wants us (Americans) to stand to attention to him like North Koreans do Lil Kim. And, Trumpsters, save the ish about he was joking. He was NOT! I saw the effin interview and he wasn't joking or being sarcastic, which he clearly doesn't know what sarcasm is. That Penn education did alot for him I see. (#Cheets, the previous sentence is an example of sarcasm.) However, not a word of criticism or rebuke from the "real Americans". Not. One. Damn. Peep.
And, the thing is Trump's "wet dream" fest over Kim Jong Un wasn't an one off thing. This fool routinely criticizes the leaders of our allies such as Angela Merkel and Justin Trudeau. Yet, he heaps praise upon dictators, despots and authoritarians like Putin, Duterte in the Phillipines, Erdogan in Turkey and the Emirates in Saudia Arabia. So, the leader of the free world talks shit about the other leaders of the free world while slobbin the cobs of the world's most notorious thugs and murderers. Anyone see a problem here? Apparently, the "real Americans" don't.
What the hell is happening? Where's the beacon on a hill Ronald Reagan mentioned? Because we certainly aren't that if we're endorsing and praising dictators. And, look, let's be real here. America has always been in bed with dictators. The ends justify the means philosophy. However, we always recognized the ho as a ho. Now, we are acting the ho is a queen and the queens are hood rats. Presidents never admired the strongmen and seemed envious they couldn't be just like them but now...
Real Americans where are you? You won't even check your dear leader when he is clearly going against American principles, standards and morals. This country was founded because the colonists were escaping from under tyrannical rule. They set up a government and constitution whose purpose was to prevent the citizens from being under such rule. And, now we have a president who openly and enthusiastically displays admiration and envy of the very men and systems our founding fathers were vehemently opposed.
Yet, the people who claim to love the country and defend the Constitution the most stay silent. Even worse many of them seem to want authoritarian rule. And, they're the patriots? I don't understand this.
Will these "lovers" of the Constitution not check this president? His affinity for authoritarians and authoritarianism is undeniable. Just look at this travesty with immigrant children being separated from their parents. Look at how this president disparages and lies about the media. He calls the fourth estate the biggest enemy America has. Not only is it disgusting but how can any sane decent person say that when a madman could send a nuke toward us at any second.
I'm just one person, but I'll be damned if I let the country I love be turned into an authoritarian state. It's not the promise or purpose of America. Our president is supposed to be a promoter of democracy and a democratic republic; not the enemy of it.
When are we going to wake up and provide the check on power we're supposed to do?
Thursday, June 14, 2018
Roseanne, You Need To Take A Seat...Many Seats!
Oooooh, Lawd! Lawd! Lawd! Lawd! Roseanne, you have frayed all my nerves! You really need to *take a damb seat*. I'm serious! Sit yo trifilin ass down and delete your damn Twitter! I mean eviscerate it!
You ouchea in these Twitter streets just spitball clusters of fuckery and wads of dumbassery throwing them against the wall hoping they stick. Heffa, don't you know shit isn't going to stick especially your slimy rancid putrid hate mongering ish! It does what you should do, slide away.
I almost spit my coffee out this morning when I read you actually tweeted your racist tweet about Valerie Jarrett wasn't racist; it was, in fact, a condemnation of anti-semitism. 😐😐😐 Say, what?! And, then your ignorant ass attempted (miserably, may I add) to justify your most recent justification by saying your "Planet of the Apes" reference was indeed a condemnation because the original screenplay writer, Rod Serling, wrote Planet of The Apes as a movie decrying anti-Semitism. 😐
I'm going to attempt to be tactful with you because obviously you're mentally ill. *Sigh* That is the most bullshit in one tweet I've ever read! And, that is saying a helluva lot considering your buddy, Donald Trump, is an avid Twitter user and tweets vapid bullshit literally every single day.
Rosie, you are mentally ill, right? Otherwise, the only other logical explanation would be that you're certifiably hopelessly effin stupid! Why are you tweeting? I thought you were giving up the Twitter? Uh, you should!
I'm going to break it down for you why I and nobody with an IQ higher than 10 believes you. I know you said all of us "low IQ" people (nice thieving of a reference from #CheetoJesus, who is the personification of low IQ) don't have to believe you. We don't because we're not low IQ nor do we sip the orange kool-aid you do. First, after apologizing in an effort to save your show, you said on Twitter you thought Ms. Jarrett was "Saudi". I don't need to pull that receipt do I? Didn't think so. Well, after the #clapbacks exposing that as horseshit you then said you thought she was "White". Child, puhhhleeeeze! Even the spirit of Robert E. Lee was side-eying yo ass. 😒 Then, you threw out some pure uncut fuckery about you thought Ms. Jarrett was "half-Jew". Hell, even your alt-right defenders on social media was like, "What did this bish say?!" 😳 But, my personal fav was the "I was on Ambien" defense. No, don't blame it on the rain nor the a-a-a-alcohol but blame it on a med for sleeping. I didn't know a side effect of Ambien was random racism. Oh, Honey, you were reaching for the stars with that one. "My Twitter was hacked" thought that shit was weak, wack and grasping for straws with C-Lo Green's arms. Gurrrl, you couldn't come up with something...anything better than that? Really? That's sad...Pathetic actually.
Look, I am just going to keep it real with you. We've all (like all decent, non-racist, non-bigoted, and not trifilin as hell people) been talking and we think it's time you get the hell on! Like gon now! Get'cha ass movin! Delete your Twitter! Maybe Milo Yianopolous or James Woods will take you in. Perhaps, Stacey Dash will give you room and board as her way of helping wayward racists. Hell, maybe Alex Jones will decide he needs a sidekick who's even batshit crazier than he is. If nothing else I'm sure Scott Baio is always down for a wet nurse.
But, whatever you do, go away. I don't care if you go away mad, as long as you just go away! Stop giving lame ass excuses for your racist tweet which was just another tweet in a pattern of racist, conspiratorial, tacky and really just insane thing you've said and done over the years. We put up with it because your sitcom was funny. It was one of the best ever truthfully. But, you, sista girl are really not a good human being. You weren't when you grabbed your crotch during the national anthem back in the early 90s and you're not now. I don't care what sweet nothings Sean Hannity and #Cheets whisper in your ears.
Roseanne, I mean this. I'd rather be trapped in a room forced to stare at Kellyanne Conway and Steve Bannon and listen to Sarah Huckabee Sanders on a loop for 72 hours straight than read one more tweet or hear one more lie from you.
And, let's be honest, if people in this country don't wake up that'll probably be the punishment Comrade Tiny Hands gives me for constantly calling him #CheetoJesus.
You ouchea in these Twitter streets just spitball clusters of fuckery and wads of dumbassery throwing them against the wall hoping they stick. Heffa, don't you know shit isn't going to stick especially your slimy rancid putrid hate mongering ish! It does what you should do, slide away.
I almost spit my coffee out this morning when I read you actually tweeted your racist tweet about Valerie Jarrett wasn't racist; it was, in fact, a condemnation of anti-semitism. 😐😐😐 Say, what?! And, then your ignorant ass attempted (miserably, may I add) to justify your most recent justification by saying your "Planet of the Apes" reference was indeed a condemnation because the original screenplay writer, Rod Serling, wrote Planet of The Apes as a movie decrying anti-Semitism. 😐
I'm going to attempt to be tactful with you because obviously you're mentally ill. *Sigh* That is the most bullshit in one tweet I've ever read! And, that is saying a helluva lot considering your buddy, Donald Trump, is an avid Twitter user and tweets vapid bullshit literally every single day.
Rosie, you are mentally ill, right? Otherwise, the only other logical explanation would be that you're certifiably hopelessly effin stupid! Why are you tweeting? I thought you were giving up the Twitter? Uh, you should!
I'm going to break it down for you why I and nobody with an IQ higher than 10 believes you. I know you said all of us "low IQ" people (nice thieving of a reference from #CheetoJesus, who is the personification of low IQ) don't have to believe you. We don't because we're not low IQ nor do we sip the orange kool-aid you do. First, after apologizing in an effort to save your show, you said on Twitter you thought Ms. Jarrett was "Saudi". I don't need to pull that receipt do I? Didn't think so. Well, after the #clapbacks exposing that as horseshit you then said you thought she was "White". Child, puhhhleeeeze! Even the spirit of Robert E. Lee was side-eying yo ass. 😒 Then, you threw out some pure uncut fuckery about you thought Ms. Jarrett was "half-Jew". Hell, even your alt-right defenders on social media was like, "What did this bish say?!" 😳 But, my personal fav was the "I was on Ambien" defense. No, don't blame it on the rain nor the a-a-a-alcohol but blame it on a med for sleeping. I didn't know a side effect of Ambien was random racism. Oh, Honey, you were reaching for the stars with that one. "My Twitter was hacked" thought that shit was weak, wack and grasping for straws with C-Lo Green's arms. Gurrrl, you couldn't come up with something...anything better than that? Really? That's sad...Pathetic actually.
Look, I am just going to keep it real with you. We've all (like all decent, non-racist, non-bigoted, and not trifilin as hell people) been talking and we think it's time you get the hell on! Like gon now! Get'cha ass movin! Delete your Twitter! Maybe Milo Yianopolous or James Woods will take you in. Perhaps, Stacey Dash will give you room and board as her way of helping wayward racists. Hell, maybe Alex Jones will decide he needs a sidekick who's even batshit crazier than he is. If nothing else I'm sure Scott Baio is always down for a wet nurse.
But, whatever you do, go away. I don't care if you go away mad, as long as you just go away! Stop giving lame ass excuses for your racist tweet which was just another tweet in a pattern of racist, conspiratorial, tacky and really just insane thing you've said and done over the years. We put up with it because your sitcom was funny. It was one of the best ever truthfully. But, you, sista girl are really not a good human being. You weren't when you grabbed your crotch during the national anthem back in the early 90s and you're not now. I don't care what sweet nothings Sean Hannity and #Cheets whisper in your ears.
Roseanne, I mean this. I'd rather be trapped in a room forced to stare at Kellyanne Conway and Steve Bannon and listen to Sarah Huckabee Sanders on a loop for 72 hours straight than read one more tweet or hear one more lie from you.
And, let's be honest, if people in this country don't wake up that'll probably be the punishment Comrade Tiny Hands gives me for constantly calling him #CheetoJesus.
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
The GOP Could Sway Blacks To Their Side, But Race Sells
As is the case with being Black "anything" in America being a Black voter is often extremely frustrating and elicits the question, "Why am I never seen as good enough?" Now, I imagine some will see the previous sentence as "woe is me" or as self-loathing. If you do, then you're part of the problem and once again the actual issue(s) is not being seen.
The Democratic Party see the African-American voter like the reliable girlfriend, if you will. They take her for granted. They often ignore her. They're always looking at "prettier" chicks. And, when in a pinch they know despite repeatedly disappointing her and showing a lack of appreciation she will be by their side and come through for them.
Now, the Republican Party views the African-American as that pretty girl whom they give a glance or two but they just won't give a chance. They don't give her a chance because they can't give up the thots. They know the thots are trifilin and sketchy. But, they also know they will have to put in some work to get the pretty girl. They will have to clean themselves up a little, toss a Tic-tac in their mouth, breakout the good cologne and change some of their errant ways. Whereas with the thots they can skip a shower, spray some Axe on, splurge for the supersized chicken nugget meal followed by a waffle cone with the two scoops and "surprise" them with a cheap ass teddy bear from the Dollar Tree. And, that will be enough for them to get them drawers. The pretty girl will not only make them work for the drawers but make them be patient. It might take weeks. With the thot one hour of Netflix and chill and she's giving up more peach cobbler than Mrs. Fields. The thot, in case you haven't figured it out, is the folks who hold racial resentment, the bigots and flat out undeniable racists and White Nationalists.
Now, don't get all in your feelings, Conservatives. Hear me out. I'm by no means saying all or even most Republicans are bigots or racists. But, what I am saying is most of the Republican Party is complicit in racism. Don't shake your head "no". Yes, you are.
The Republican Party has straddled the line for decades. I laugh when I hear idiots like Steve Bannon chastise Democrats for "identity politics". The Republican Party has played identity politics for every election since 1964. Time and time again dog whistles have been blown and coded language enacted. From Richard Nixon's "law and order" bullshit to Ronald Reagan kicking off his 1980 campaign with a "White grievance" speech in Philadelphia, Mississippi to George H.W. Bush's Willie Horton ads in 1988 to the GOP's "Obama might be a Muslim" tour in 2008 to Trump's entire damn campaign in 2016 has race been used in campaigns. The straddling the line of approach of "We're not saying Black people are bad (wink wink) but..." has been employed repeatedly every election season from local races to state congressional races to gubernatorial races to federal house and senatorial races. Don't deny it. The evidence is overwhelming.
But, what is crazy is it makes no sense. For years...decades I've never understood why. Why hasn't the GOP as a whole made a concerted effort to go after the African-American vote, in particularly African-American men? Do White Conservatives not see the number of issues they actually have in common with a plurality, if not, majority of African-Americans?
For instance, there are certain religious social issues Conservatives and the Black community share common ground. The church is a staple in the Black community. Even if church attendance is moderate the respect for church issues is high. When it comes to homosexuality the majority of Blacks' views are more in line with the Conservative viewpoint. On the issue of abortion around 40% of African-Americans are aligned with the Republican platform. Believe it or not many Blacks consider themselves fiscally conservative. A substantial number of African-Americans are more closely aligned with Republicans on Second Amendment issues than with Liberals. When it comes to criminal justice issues I believe at least a plurality of African-Americans believe in a tough justice system. They just want it to be fair and evenly administered. Most Blacks are for religious freedoms. I suspect a majority of African-Americans wouldn't oppose prayer in school as long as it's not mandatory. And, I think a substantial number of Blacks believe somewhat in the Conservative view on foreign policy. Although I suspect it's more in the range between Hillary Clinton and John McCain than whatever clusterfuck foreign policy Trump has.
So, why do Blacks overwhelmingly tend to vote Democratic White Republicans may ask? Well, I'll tell ya. One, it's because as a party it seems Republicans can't get out of the way of their own bigotry and/or being an apologist for bigotry. Two, the Republican Party never makes a concerted effort for the Black vote. "Why not us?" is not a real pitch. It's a weak bitch ass attempt if I may be frank. When former Republican Party chair, Michael Steele, attempted to put measures in place to reach out to Black folks he was replaced as chair. His successor, Reince Priebus, said he would continue Steele's efforts but instead shit all over them and didn't do a fucking thing. When J.C. Watts, a former U.S. Representative from Oklahoma, attempted to take over the party chair and encourage the party to reach out to people of color he was essentially told to sit his black ass down and shut the fuck up.
And, three....the Republicans can't stay away from the thots. That easy skank coochie is too hard to resist. They just won't tell thots like Steve Bannon, David Duke, Richard Spencer, Milo Yianopolous, Lou Dobbs (yes, I said Lou FUCKIN Dobbs), Breitbart, Rep. Steve King (R-IA), Alex Jones and the entire caravan of hate spewing race mongering twat biscuits (Yes, you read correctly; no, I won't apologize. It was the nicest thing I think I could say.) to pack their shit and GET OUT! Instead they tell them, "Y'all go over there and stay down for awhile. You don't have to leave. You just can't be heard. You know, like any good thot or side piece. I can't be with you in public, but you can come over when the porch light is off. And, that's simply not good enough.
And, Republicans, if you wanna get mad get mad. It's whatevs to me. You can't legitimately deny what I'm saying. The best way I have heard it put is the following: "Here's the problem. For 50 plus years you've harbored these racists and White Nationalists. You've allowed them to live in your house. You gave them a room on the condition they'd stay out of sight. You let them hang their Nazi regalia, swastikas, White Nationalists flags and their other putrid racist shit. The problem for you know is Donald Trump came along and said, 'Hey, you don't have to be confined to this room where you're not seen. Come down stairs into the living room. Mingle around.' Now, they feel free to roam around the house. They've tore down the Van Goghs, pissed in your potted plants and having lewd racists' sex in the front yard for the neighbors to see and you're embarrassed. They've taken over your house and you only have you to blame because you should've kicked them out in 1964 but instead allowed them to squat."
That is why the majority of African-Americans don't vote Republican. The way they see it is yes, the Democrats have let them down. Yes, the Democrats' policies have failed in certain places like Detroit and Chicago. Yes, the Democrats often take them for granted and are patronizing. Yes, some Democrats are racists as hell. But.........At the end of the day the Democratic Party as a whole has done some good things for the Black community and although everything previously stated is true at least an effort has been made and on some level they care. They actually give a shit even if it's misguided.
And, Conservatives, I already hear the clapback. You're saying, "But, a Republican freed the slaves." You know damn well the Republican Party now is nothing like the party was then or even 60 years ago. Quit bushittin!
"But, it was Democrats who opposed Civil Rights." Stop that shit! It was Southern Democrats who opposed Civil Rights. It was a Democratic president who spear headed the bill in Congress.
Here is what you must see, Republican Party. You have an opportunity to get more Black folks on your side. But, first, you gotta throw out the trash and burn it. Even if Blacks agree with you on some issues it's hard in good conscience to support a party who allows David Duke to have any oxygen, who is an apologist for making moral equivalences between Nazis and counter protesters and who is filled with people who seem to genuinely have difficulty repudiating and disavowing racism unequivocally without any "whataboutism".
What you need to understand is most Black folks don't vote for Democrats over Republicans because they believe Dems are the saviors and all wear white hats. It's because they see Dems as the lesser of two evils-one who no longer makes excuses or asinine moral equivalencies for the dudes in pointy white hats and their ilk.
The Democratic Party see the African-American voter like the reliable girlfriend, if you will. They take her for granted. They often ignore her. They're always looking at "prettier" chicks. And, when in a pinch they know despite repeatedly disappointing her and showing a lack of appreciation she will be by their side and come through for them.
Now, the Republican Party views the African-American as that pretty girl whom they give a glance or two but they just won't give a chance. They don't give her a chance because they can't give up the thots. They know the thots are trifilin and sketchy. But, they also know they will have to put in some work to get the pretty girl. They will have to clean themselves up a little, toss a Tic-tac in their mouth, breakout the good cologne and change some of their errant ways. Whereas with the thots they can skip a shower, spray some Axe on, splurge for the supersized chicken nugget meal followed by a waffle cone with the two scoops and "surprise" them with a cheap ass teddy bear from the Dollar Tree. And, that will be enough for them to get them drawers. The pretty girl will not only make them work for the drawers but make them be patient. It might take weeks. With the thot one hour of Netflix and chill and she's giving up more peach cobbler than Mrs. Fields. The thot, in case you haven't figured it out, is the folks who hold racial resentment, the bigots and flat out undeniable racists and White Nationalists.
Now, don't get all in your feelings, Conservatives. Hear me out. I'm by no means saying all or even most Republicans are bigots or racists. But, what I am saying is most of the Republican Party is complicit in racism. Don't shake your head "no". Yes, you are.
The Republican Party has straddled the line for decades. I laugh when I hear idiots like Steve Bannon chastise Democrats for "identity politics". The Republican Party has played identity politics for every election since 1964. Time and time again dog whistles have been blown and coded language enacted. From Richard Nixon's "law and order" bullshit to Ronald Reagan kicking off his 1980 campaign with a "White grievance" speech in Philadelphia, Mississippi to George H.W. Bush's Willie Horton ads in 1988 to the GOP's "Obama might be a Muslim" tour in 2008 to Trump's entire damn campaign in 2016 has race been used in campaigns. The straddling the line of approach of "We're not saying Black people are bad (wink wink) but..." has been employed repeatedly every election season from local races to state congressional races to gubernatorial races to federal house and senatorial races. Don't deny it. The evidence is overwhelming.
But, what is crazy is it makes no sense. For years...decades I've never understood why. Why hasn't the GOP as a whole made a concerted effort to go after the African-American vote, in particularly African-American men? Do White Conservatives not see the number of issues they actually have in common with a plurality, if not, majority of African-Americans?
For instance, there are certain religious social issues Conservatives and the Black community share common ground. The church is a staple in the Black community. Even if church attendance is moderate the respect for church issues is high. When it comes to homosexuality the majority of Blacks' views are more in line with the Conservative viewpoint. On the issue of abortion around 40% of African-Americans are aligned with the Republican platform. Believe it or not many Blacks consider themselves fiscally conservative. A substantial number of African-Americans are more closely aligned with Republicans on Second Amendment issues than with Liberals. When it comes to criminal justice issues I believe at least a plurality of African-Americans believe in a tough justice system. They just want it to be fair and evenly administered. Most Blacks are for religious freedoms. I suspect a majority of African-Americans wouldn't oppose prayer in school as long as it's not mandatory. And, I think a substantial number of Blacks believe somewhat in the Conservative view on foreign policy. Although I suspect it's more in the range between Hillary Clinton and John McCain than whatever clusterfuck foreign policy Trump has.
So, why do Blacks overwhelmingly tend to vote Democratic White Republicans may ask? Well, I'll tell ya. One, it's because as a party it seems Republicans can't get out of the way of their own bigotry and/or being an apologist for bigotry. Two, the Republican Party never makes a concerted effort for the Black vote. "Why not us?" is not a real pitch. It's a weak bitch ass attempt if I may be frank. When former Republican Party chair, Michael Steele, attempted to put measures in place to reach out to Black folks he was replaced as chair. His successor, Reince Priebus, said he would continue Steele's efforts but instead shit all over them and didn't do a fucking thing. When J.C. Watts, a former U.S. Representative from Oklahoma, attempted to take over the party chair and encourage the party to reach out to people of color he was essentially told to sit his black ass down and shut the fuck up.
And, three....the Republicans can't stay away from the thots. That easy skank coochie is too hard to resist. They just won't tell thots like Steve Bannon, David Duke, Richard Spencer, Milo Yianopolous, Lou Dobbs (yes, I said Lou FUCKIN Dobbs), Breitbart, Rep. Steve King (R-IA), Alex Jones and the entire caravan of hate spewing race mongering twat biscuits (Yes, you read correctly; no, I won't apologize. It was the nicest thing I think I could say.) to pack their shit and GET OUT! Instead they tell them, "Y'all go over there and stay down for awhile. You don't have to leave. You just can't be heard. You know, like any good thot or side piece. I can't be with you in public, but you can come over when the porch light is off. And, that's simply not good enough.
And, Republicans, if you wanna get mad get mad. It's whatevs to me. You can't legitimately deny what I'm saying. The best way I have heard it put is the following: "Here's the problem. For 50 plus years you've harbored these racists and White Nationalists. You've allowed them to live in your house. You gave them a room on the condition they'd stay out of sight. You let them hang their Nazi regalia, swastikas, White Nationalists flags and their other putrid racist shit. The problem for you know is Donald Trump came along and said, 'Hey, you don't have to be confined to this room where you're not seen. Come down stairs into the living room. Mingle around.' Now, they feel free to roam around the house. They've tore down the Van Goghs, pissed in your potted plants and having lewd racists' sex in the front yard for the neighbors to see and you're embarrassed. They've taken over your house and you only have you to blame because you should've kicked them out in 1964 but instead allowed them to squat."
That is why the majority of African-Americans don't vote Republican. The way they see it is yes, the Democrats have let them down. Yes, the Democrats' policies have failed in certain places like Detroit and Chicago. Yes, the Democrats often take them for granted and are patronizing. Yes, some Democrats are racists as hell. But.........At the end of the day the Democratic Party as a whole has done some good things for the Black community and although everything previously stated is true at least an effort has been made and on some level they care. They actually give a shit even if it's misguided.
And, Conservatives, I already hear the clapback. You're saying, "But, a Republican freed the slaves." You know damn well the Republican Party now is nothing like the party was then or even 60 years ago. Quit bushittin!
"But, it was Democrats who opposed Civil Rights." Stop that shit! It was Southern Democrats who opposed Civil Rights. It was a Democratic president who spear headed the bill in Congress.
Here is what you must see, Republican Party. You have an opportunity to get more Black folks on your side. But, first, you gotta throw out the trash and burn it. Even if Blacks agree with you on some issues it's hard in good conscience to support a party who allows David Duke to have any oxygen, who is an apologist for making moral equivalences between Nazis and counter protesters and who is filled with people who seem to genuinely have difficulty repudiating and disavowing racism unequivocally without any "whataboutism".
What you need to understand is most Black folks don't vote for Democrats over Republicans because they believe Dems are the saviors and all wear white hats. It's because they see Dems as the lesser of two evils-one who no longer makes excuses or asinine moral equivalencies for the dudes in pointy white hats and their ilk.
Sunday, June 10, 2018
One's Wealth Doesn't Define One's Quality
One of the statements that people make that drives me up the wall is when they equate wealth with intelligence and/or the quality of human being someone is. It literally makes me wanna snap on folks. It is such a superficial way of looking at people. It is also very revealing of the people who believe it.
I want to make clear this isn't going to be some hit piece on rich people. I have no issues with wealth. I'm not resentful of those who have more than myself. This will be about people who seem to worship money and judge a person's character and substance based upon their wealth and status.
I know a person who frequently says anytime a rich or famous person is criticized, "Hey, they're rich and we're not so who are we to talk about them." "They must be smart because they're rich." "They must've done something right because they have money and nobody knows who we are." "They're better than us because they have lots of money and big houses and we're working 9 to 5's. So, we can't say anything about them because they're obviously smarter and better people than us."
All of those previous quotes are ones that word for word I've had said to me. They always are said defending someone who has done wrong or has questionable character. And, these sentiments are shared by many people.
What I always find perplexing about this attitude is that often the people who say it like to portray themselves as "deep" or mature or thoughtful. I am always astounded at how they don't realize how shallow and cursory they sound. It really is a superficial childish way of looking at the world.
Many wealthy folks are wealthy because of their own hard work, intuition and intelligence. However, there are many wealthy people who are wealthy because they were born into it, they got lucky and some because they stole it whether legally or illegally. You can't look at someone who is wealthy and assume that wealth makes them superior.
Just because someone has money it doesn't mean they are smart. This is one of my biggest pet peeves. Money doesn't equate to brains. Plenty of rich people are stupid. They may have a talent such as singing that put cheddar in their bank account, but they can't put two coherent sentences together. A businessman may be wealthy but isn't particularly bright. He may have good people around him that steer him in the right directions.
I have never understood the idiocy of such beliefs. If someone was ignorant as hell, then they win the lottery, are they all of a sudden smart? Of course, not. It's patently ridiculous to think that. Instead of being poor and ignorant now they're wealthy and ignorant.
An equally illogical and nonsensical take is that rich people are above reproach and "good people" simply because they are rich. Having money doesn't mean you can't be an asshole. It doesn't mean you can do deplorable things and be exempt from critique and rebuke. Wealth doesn't give you a special moral status. If you're amoral, you are amoral.
It is beyond frightening to me people have this attitude. I realize we celebrate wealth, celebrity and fame in this country. You'll receive no argument from me it's too much. Everyone knows I'm a huge sports fan and have been known to be an athlete apologist. However, because I do follow athletes I know their wealth and their talent doesn't define them as human beings. Just like the rest of us it's their words and actions that define them. For example, Michael Jordan is very rich and was very talented but that doesn't change the fact he can be a small petty person. And, just because he has more money than me doesn't mean I don't have the right to state that and find it disdainful. Same goes for Isaiah Thomas. (And, for the record, they're two of my personal all-time favorite players. One and two as a matter of fact.)
What is disturbing is this is how some people judge folks. It's how they judge who to vote for; who to romantically be involved with; who to have around their kids and who in general are "worthy" human beings. Man, I don't know about you but that kind of shallowness is scary. That kind of thinking reveals some people's total lack of depth. It's a horrifying view of the world.
Hey, I'd love to be rich. Hell, I'd love to be above the point where homeless people feel like they should give me money. But, as I said to the person I mentioned earlier in the blog, "I'd rather be dirt poor and have good character than to be rich and have no character." I received a very perplexed look when I made that statement. I meant it. But, what concerns me is if I made that same statement to 100 people I'm not convinced a majority wouldn't give me that same perplexing look.
I want to make clear this isn't going to be some hit piece on rich people. I have no issues with wealth. I'm not resentful of those who have more than myself. This will be about people who seem to worship money and judge a person's character and substance based upon their wealth and status.
I know a person who frequently says anytime a rich or famous person is criticized, "Hey, they're rich and we're not so who are we to talk about them." "They must be smart because they're rich." "They must've done something right because they have money and nobody knows who we are." "They're better than us because they have lots of money and big houses and we're working 9 to 5's. So, we can't say anything about them because they're obviously smarter and better people than us."
All of those previous quotes are ones that word for word I've had said to me. They always are said defending someone who has done wrong or has questionable character. And, these sentiments are shared by many people.
What I always find perplexing about this attitude is that often the people who say it like to portray themselves as "deep" or mature or thoughtful. I am always astounded at how they don't realize how shallow and cursory they sound. It really is a superficial childish way of looking at the world.
Many wealthy folks are wealthy because of their own hard work, intuition and intelligence. However, there are many wealthy people who are wealthy because they were born into it, they got lucky and some because they stole it whether legally or illegally. You can't look at someone who is wealthy and assume that wealth makes them superior.
Just because someone has money it doesn't mean they are smart. This is one of my biggest pet peeves. Money doesn't equate to brains. Plenty of rich people are stupid. They may have a talent such as singing that put cheddar in their bank account, but they can't put two coherent sentences together. A businessman may be wealthy but isn't particularly bright. He may have good people around him that steer him in the right directions.
I have never understood the idiocy of such beliefs. If someone was ignorant as hell, then they win the lottery, are they all of a sudden smart? Of course, not. It's patently ridiculous to think that. Instead of being poor and ignorant now they're wealthy and ignorant.
An equally illogical and nonsensical take is that rich people are above reproach and "good people" simply because they are rich. Having money doesn't mean you can't be an asshole. It doesn't mean you can do deplorable things and be exempt from critique and rebuke. Wealth doesn't give you a special moral status. If you're amoral, you are amoral.
It is beyond frightening to me people have this attitude. I realize we celebrate wealth, celebrity and fame in this country. You'll receive no argument from me it's too much. Everyone knows I'm a huge sports fan and have been known to be an athlete apologist. However, because I do follow athletes I know their wealth and their talent doesn't define them as human beings. Just like the rest of us it's their words and actions that define them. For example, Michael Jordan is very rich and was very talented but that doesn't change the fact he can be a small petty person. And, just because he has more money than me doesn't mean I don't have the right to state that and find it disdainful. Same goes for Isaiah Thomas. (And, for the record, they're two of my personal all-time favorite players. One and two as a matter of fact.)
What is disturbing is this is how some people judge folks. It's how they judge who to vote for; who to romantically be involved with; who to have around their kids and who in general are "worthy" human beings. Man, I don't know about you but that kind of shallowness is scary. That kind of thinking reveals some people's total lack of depth. It's a horrifying view of the world.
Hey, I'd love to be rich. Hell, I'd love to be above the point where homeless people feel like they should give me money. But, as I said to the person I mentioned earlier in the blog, "I'd rather be dirt poor and have good character than to be rich and have no character." I received a very perplexed look when I made that statement. I meant it. But, what concerns me is if I made that same statement to 100 people I'm not convinced a majority wouldn't give me that same perplexing look.
Friday, June 8, 2018
Who Are You To Question My Patriotism
Something that is really just pissing me off lately is the ease which certain sections of society question peoples patriotism. Actually, it has pissed me off for quite awhile now. It's an issue that has become worse over the last few years.
The thing is the patriotism isn't being questioned over treasonous statements, treasonous acts or actual anti-American statements and actions. Mine and others patriotism is being questioned by some because we disagree with their politics. Our patriotism is being questioned because some of us don't think Donald Trump is a king or savior or Jesus. We're being called un-American because we think our president is a narcissistic race baiting unread ignorant assclown. We are being called treasonous because whether we agree with the method or not we support NFL players' constitutional right to free speech and peacefully protest.
Here is my question. WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO QUESTION MY PATRIOTISM?! Huh? I'm waiting on the answer!
It's time to educate! So, all of you "real Americans" sit yo ass down and read! It won't hurt 'cha. You'll be a'right.
Oh, wait, are you still with me or did I piss you off? Are you all in your feelings? Do you feel I'm being condescending? Well, guess what, Stars and Stripes, that's how I feel too. Except I feel insulted because the crap I'm being given is dripping with disingenuousness.
I love my country! I love my country although it hasn't always loved me. In fact, throughout the majority of its history it hasn't loved my people. It's a fact. Quit clutching your QVC pearls that I would say such a thing. Am I wrong? Yeah, that's what I thought. I'll proceed.
Despite all its flaws and all its pretentiousness I love my country. No other place on this earth I'd rather be than right here in the good 'ol US of A. Fact is this is the greatest country on earth. It's the greatest country to ever exist. My loyalty to it is undying. However, that does not mean my love for it has to make me blind. That does not mean I have a servile view. In fact, the founding fathers wanted the complete opposite. They didn't want a country of sheep because that is the very thing they were escaping from in England. They wanted freedom of expression and believed healthy dissent was necessary for a democracy.
But, we have a substantial portion of society now who seem to believe it is they who decide what patriotism is. They believe any opposition to their ideology or chosen person is anti-American. They believe any criticism of America (they disagree with) is un-American.
No, actually, all of that is bullshit. We have a multi party political system in this country because democracy encourages different opinions. If I criticize things occurring in our country it's not because I hate it. It's because I love it and want it to be better. You know just like when you criticize it. I mean is it really lost on you that saying "make America great again" inherently implies it's not great now, which is a criticism? I mean really?!
My disliking the current occupant of the White House doesn't make me unpatriotic just like I'm sure you'll agree disliking the previous occupant made you unpatriotic. I'm also quite sure you'll agree criticizing the current president (regardless of frequency) doesn't make myself and others unpatriotic just like it didn't make you unpatriotic for criticizing the previous president (regardless of frequency, right? Unless, you somehow believe that you are unequivocally right and those of my ilk are unequivocally wrong. Thus, you have a monopoly on patriotism and love of America. But, I'm positive you don't think such a thing, correct?
Debate and differing opinions are part of what democracy and a healthy republic are built on. So, what I am trying to figure out is why I am un-American for debating. Dissent was encouraged by our founding fathers and its protection was built into the framework of our Constitution. So, why is it when certain ones of us dissent we're called anti-American?
What kills me is this idea of certain people deciding what is patriotism and who are real Americans. Who made you kings and queens? Who made Donald Trump king? Did I miss something? NFL players decide to take a knee during the playing of the national anthem to protest the unjust treatment of disenfranchised people in a country where burning its flag is deemed constitutional; yet, Trump and Trumpsters are given the supreme authority to vilify players as traitors, disrespectful, ungrateful and un-American. Huh? Somebody help me out here. When did a peaceful act of protest-an act that was only began because a military veteran requested it be done because it was respectful when the original act of sitting was deemed disrespectful- become grounds for being called a traitor or even being deported as someone suggested?
Perhaps, the issue here (or one of them) is that some are confusing patriotism with nationalism. The two are, in fact, different. How can I explain it. Patriotism is like Bill Gates or Warren Buffett with their wealth. They don't necessarily feel the need to flaunt their wealth because everyone knows they're rich. And, they're secure with themselves so they see no need in ostentatiousness. Now, in contrast, nationalism is like income tax thots during the months of January to April every year. They aren't so much interested in being monetarily sound as they are in looking wealthy. It's the mentality of "it's not about the substance as much as the style". In other words people believe they're more patriotic than others because they have 18 flags inside and outside their house, they posses 27 flag themed shirts, they tear up every time they hear Lee Greenwood's "Proud To Be An American, they wear six gaudy...I mean GAWWWWWDY flag themed baseball caps, they have a pocket version of the Constitution which like their Bible sits on a shelf never opened collecting dust, they have an American flag bumper sticker posted on their vehicle and they're more than happy to tell you 26 times a day how patriotic they are and how unless you're just like them you are not. Oh, and lest I forget their #MAGA hat and matching throw blanket for those cold nights when watching Netflix that they're boycotting because Obama signed a deal with them. But, when it comes to supporting the right to peaceful dissent or free speech they have ideological differences with, supporting the American tenant of differing opinions or upholding the democratic principle of freedom of independent thought and right to keep a check on the current administration they're not so hot on. Well, it's subjective. Oppose Obama? You're a true patriot. Oppose Trump? You should be deported.
I will ask the question again. WHO ARE YOU TO QUESTION MY PATRIOTISM? I dare anybody to find one quote from my social media accounts that are anti-American or American hating. I defy one person to say they've ever heard me saying anything anti-American. Criticizing Trump, his policies, his supporters sycophant servile loyalty, racism, sexism, xenophobia or homophobia isn't unpatriotic. If you are idiotic enough to think it is, it isn't my patriotism you should be questioning. It's yours!
I love my country! I want the best for it! I want it to fulfill its promise and potential! We don't have to agree on what ways are best to do that. But, don't you dare ever question my patriotism because I am not tacky enough with it for you or because I don't succumb to your views. I have never questioned someone's patriotism because we disagree politically and I'd appreciate the same in return.
The thing is the patriotism isn't being questioned over treasonous statements, treasonous acts or actual anti-American statements and actions. Mine and others patriotism is being questioned by some because we disagree with their politics. Our patriotism is being questioned because some of us don't think Donald Trump is a king or savior or Jesus. We're being called un-American because we think our president is a narcissistic race baiting unread ignorant assclown. We are being called treasonous because whether we agree with the method or not we support NFL players' constitutional right to free speech and peacefully protest.
Here is my question. WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO QUESTION MY PATRIOTISM?! Huh? I'm waiting on the answer!
It's time to educate! So, all of you "real Americans" sit yo ass down and read! It won't hurt 'cha. You'll be a'right.
Oh, wait, are you still with me or did I piss you off? Are you all in your feelings? Do you feel I'm being condescending? Well, guess what, Stars and Stripes, that's how I feel too. Except I feel insulted because the crap I'm being given is dripping with disingenuousness.
I love my country! I love my country although it hasn't always loved me. In fact, throughout the majority of its history it hasn't loved my people. It's a fact. Quit clutching your QVC pearls that I would say such a thing. Am I wrong? Yeah, that's what I thought. I'll proceed.
Despite all its flaws and all its pretentiousness I love my country. No other place on this earth I'd rather be than right here in the good 'ol US of A. Fact is this is the greatest country on earth. It's the greatest country to ever exist. My loyalty to it is undying. However, that does not mean my love for it has to make me blind. That does not mean I have a servile view. In fact, the founding fathers wanted the complete opposite. They didn't want a country of sheep because that is the very thing they were escaping from in England. They wanted freedom of expression and believed healthy dissent was necessary for a democracy.
But, we have a substantial portion of society now who seem to believe it is they who decide what patriotism is. They believe any opposition to their ideology or chosen person is anti-American. They believe any criticism of America (they disagree with) is un-American.
No, actually, all of that is bullshit. We have a multi party political system in this country because democracy encourages different opinions. If I criticize things occurring in our country it's not because I hate it. It's because I love it and want it to be better. You know just like when you criticize it. I mean is it really lost on you that saying "make America great again" inherently implies it's not great now, which is a criticism? I mean really?!
My disliking the current occupant of the White House doesn't make me unpatriotic just like I'm sure you'll agree disliking the previous occupant made you unpatriotic. I'm also quite sure you'll agree criticizing the current president (regardless of frequency) doesn't make myself and others unpatriotic just like it didn't make you unpatriotic for criticizing the previous president (regardless of frequency, right? Unless, you somehow believe that you are unequivocally right and those of my ilk are unequivocally wrong. Thus, you have a monopoly on patriotism and love of America. But, I'm positive you don't think such a thing, correct?
Debate and differing opinions are part of what democracy and a healthy republic are built on. So, what I am trying to figure out is why I am un-American for debating. Dissent was encouraged by our founding fathers and its protection was built into the framework of our Constitution. So, why is it when certain ones of us dissent we're called anti-American?
What kills me is this idea of certain people deciding what is patriotism and who are real Americans. Who made you kings and queens? Who made Donald Trump king? Did I miss something? NFL players decide to take a knee during the playing of the national anthem to protest the unjust treatment of disenfranchised people in a country where burning its flag is deemed constitutional; yet, Trump and Trumpsters are given the supreme authority to vilify players as traitors, disrespectful, ungrateful and un-American. Huh? Somebody help me out here. When did a peaceful act of protest-an act that was only began because a military veteran requested it be done because it was respectful when the original act of sitting was deemed disrespectful- become grounds for being called a traitor or even being deported as someone suggested?
Perhaps, the issue here (or one of them) is that some are confusing patriotism with nationalism. The two are, in fact, different. How can I explain it. Patriotism is like Bill Gates or Warren Buffett with their wealth. They don't necessarily feel the need to flaunt their wealth because everyone knows they're rich. And, they're secure with themselves so they see no need in ostentatiousness. Now, in contrast, nationalism is like income tax thots during the months of January to April every year. They aren't so much interested in being monetarily sound as they are in looking wealthy. It's the mentality of "it's not about the substance as much as the style". In other words people believe they're more patriotic than others because they have 18 flags inside and outside their house, they posses 27 flag themed shirts, they tear up every time they hear Lee Greenwood's "Proud To Be An American, they wear six gaudy...I mean GAWWWWWDY flag themed baseball caps, they have a pocket version of the Constitution which like their Bible sits on a shelf never opened collecting dust, they have an American flag bumper sticker posted on their vehicle and they're more than happy to tell you 26 times a day how patriotic they are and how unless you're just like them you are not. Oh, and lest I forget their #MAGA hat and matching throw blanket for those cold nights when watching Netflix that they're boycotting because Obama signed a deal with them. But, when it comes to supporting the right to peaceful dissent or free speech they have ideological differences with, supporting the American tenant of differing opinions or upholding the democratic principle of freedom of independent thought and right to keep a check on the current administration they're not so hot on. Well, it's subjective. Oppose Obama? You're a true patriot. Oppose Trump? You should be deported.
I will ask the question again. WHO ARE YOU TO QUESTION MY PATRIOTISM? I dare anybody to find one quote from my social media accounts that are anti-American or American hating. I defy one person to say they've ever heard me saying anything anti-American. Criticizing Trump, his policies, his supporters sycophant servile loyalty, racism, sexism, xenophobia or homophobia isn't unpatriotic. If you are idiotic enough to think it is, it isn't my patriotism you should be questioning. It's yours!
I love my country! I want the best for it! I want it to fulfill its promise and potential! We don't have to agree on what ways are best to do that. But, don't you dare ever question my patriotism because I am not tacky enough with it for you or because I don't succumb to your views. I have never questioned someone's patriotism because we disagree politically and I'd appreciate the same in return.
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Bill Clinton Has Learned NOTHING In 20 Years
Twenty-six years ago I was on the cusp of my 18th birthday. I was so excited because, of course, I was about to be 18 and because I was about to become a high school senior. But, what I was actually most excited about was I would be able to vote.
At that age I was all into politics. Everything I wrote for journalism class had to do with either sports or politics. I had been interested in politics since I was seven or eight years old. I sat with my mom every evening Monday through Friday at 6:30 and watched Crossfire on CNN. I also sat down with her every Friday night and watched the McLaughlin Group. (Judge me if you must.) I was that kid. I loved watching the debate and soaking in the information.
However, for all my interest and excitement over politics my fire became even more stoked in 1992 by one William Jefferson Clinton. I actually liked some of what George Bush proposed to my parents dismay. I even found Ross Perot intriguing despite fearing he might have been a bit "touched". But, it was Bill Clinton who won me over.
His message and personality appealed to me as a young person and as a young African-American. I felt he got it. He seemed to be the first politician I had seen that didn't pander to Blacks or just ignored us but embraced us and our culture. He genuinely seemed intent on helping our communities and addressing our issues.
I was well aware of his "issues". I was old enough to get it. I watched the Gennifer Flowers interview on 60 Minutes. I watched the subsequent Clinton interview on 60 Minutes. While my mother saw him as a "womanizer" but the clear "lesser of the three evils", I believed he had probably had an affair with Ms. Flowers. But, I didn't really care. I saw that as his and Hillary's business. In that sense I get where Trumpsters are coming from regarding #CheetoJesus. Like them, I felt the message Clinton was delivering superseded his "indiscretion".
I remember the excitement I felt on that evening of the first November Tuesday in 1992 when Bill Clinton was declared the winner. Hours earlier I had cast a ballot for the first time. And, here was the guy I voted for and the man who galvanized my political energy and seemed to have encapsulated my ideology winning. And, frankly, I felt he did a helluva job and didn't hesitate to vote for him again in 1996.
But, then Monica Lewinsky happened. Once again, Playa Playa Bill was in a sex scandal. I thought at the time (and still do) it was a bunch of partisan Republican bullshit and alot of nothing. Yes, he perjured himself but at the end of the day he was being prosecuted for getting his cob buttered. What bothered me was the fact it affected Chelsea who I felt empathy for because she was my age and treated so shitty. She was in essence still a kid. And, the very people who know would lose their shit if folks went after Tiffany or Baron Trump were the same people saying disgusting and atrocious things about Chelsea. I also felt bad for the embarrassment Hillary must have felt. (I'd say save the troll comments but I'm not a whiny bitch like Trump, so give me what you got.) And, while in the grand scheme of things it wasn't like Playa Playa had committed money laundering or collusion or tax fraud, he had brought shame upon the office of the presidency and tarnished the good I felt he had done. And, I wasn't naive about who the man was but felt the good outweighed the bad so I stuck with the 'ol dog. I have for the 20 years since despite his bitchassness toward Obama in 2008 and his glad-handing with #Cheets. Again, I'm no fronter nor am I bandwagoner. I've always been a side-eyer toward Trump. I've always found him to be repugnant. Just making it clear for the unclear, remedial and the lil bit slow. 😒 Anyways, I had even posted during the 2016 if William was able to run I'd vote for him and he would've beaten Trump. I still say that despite what people say publicly they would've voted for Playa Playa. And, for the record, I believe after watching the attitude toward Trump's undeniable fuckery, I was and am right. I mean, at this point, if you still believe #CheetoJesus is pure you really need to have your right to vote and operate motor vehicles revoked. Shit, I don't know if you can be trusted with an electric razor or nail clippers. Really tho! I'm serious! But, I digress.
But, along came Monday and the Craig Melvin interview with Bill Clinton. I was in awe. I couldn't really believe I was watching someone so politically astute and television savvy be so utterly tone def and simply fucking stupid! What respect, admiration, affinity and sentimentality I had for the dude was washed away. I no longer in good conscience could be an apologist. I won't say he's dead to me but the funeral parlor is on call. They have their cell phone in arm's reach.
I sat there and listened to Bill Clinton sound envious of the fact that Trump seems to be getting away with his chicanery while he didn't. Strike one.
Then, I watched him tell the truth in a "must lie situation". He said if he were President now and the same ish happened as it did in 1998 he wouldn't resign because the "facts would be known". 😐 What, muthafucka?! First of all, we know the facts. You got yo strudel iced in the Oval Office by a woman who was half your age. Secondly, in the age of #MeToo why in God's name would you say you wouldn't resign in a totally hypothetical never going to happen situation?! This fool had to know how that answer was going to sound. It's a must lie sit-i-ation. The correct answer, Dummy, was, "In the current climate I would've likely stepped down for the betterment of the country and my family." Striiiiiiike two!
Oh, but wait, there is more. When Craig Melvin, who did an excellent job, asked about Monica Lewinsky Clinton took the ugliest way out in front of a pitch swing eva! He was completely dead pan and emotionless in his reiterating his remorse over the entire situation. He literally sounded annoyed at the question, as if he didn't know it was coming. Then, when Melvin asked him if he has ever spoken with Ms. Lewinsky, Playa Playa became defensive and callous saying, "I never spoke to her. I apologized several times publicly. But, I never talked to her. I apologized to my family, the country and her publicly several times." He made it sound as if his public apology was more than enough. It was apparent he never made an effort to speak with her, which says volumes about his true feelings about the entire episode. He proceeded to scorn Craig Melvin over the questions and insinuate they were "gotcha" questions when neither the questions nor the tone of the questions suggested anything of the such.
Yes, Monica Lewinsky was a grown ass woman. Yes, the entire thing was 100% consensual. But, it was so painfully obvious how tone def and oblivious 20 years later he is. He was twice her age. He was her superior. And, he was the President of the United States of America. She was an intern. He came on to her and put her in a damn near impossible situation. Sure, she could've rejected him and left. But, as always, it's easier said than done. For every mouf that said, "I would've kicked him in the balls" I say (especially at that time in society) at least 75% of you would've done exactly what she did at her age and in her position. He knew better and not to mention considering all of the trouble he had gone through and how the Republicans were looking for any reason to hang him it was beyond stupid and irresponsible for him to do that. For Bill Clinton not to have that perspective 20 years later is a big FAIL! STRIKKKKKKKE THREE! You're outtttta herrrrrrrre!
I am not even disappointed or disillusioned. I'm not even disgusted. I'm just disenchanted that he is still so tone def and so stupid. And, his endorsement of #MeToo was so lukewarm and disingenuous he was better off not saying anything and keeping his mouth fucking shut. In fact, he should've just shut up and never did the is interview. I hope Hillary clocked his ass afterwards.
I just realized what I have always known and said before. In many ways, too many ways for my comfort, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump are the same dude. They were friends for a reason. Birds of a feather....Birds of a feather....They both see all women in three categories: Women they'd never fuck because they're "not attractive"; women they've fucked; and women they haven't fucked yet. And, I can't...won't condone or roll with that. You may call it harsh. You may say it's not true. I say show me how examples of how I'm wrong because I believe I can show more examples of how I'm right.
I used to feel William is a good man at his core who is flawed. I now realize he is a very flawed man who has done some good.
After watching that interview one thing is crystal clear though. After 20 years Bill Clinton hasn't learned jackshit!
At that age I was all into politics. Everything I wrote for journalism class had to do with either sports or politics. I had been interested in politics since I was seven or eight years old. I sat with my mom every evening Monday through Friday at 6:30 and watched Crossfire on CNN. I also sat down with her every Friday night and watched the McLaughlin Group. (Judge me if you must.) I was that kid. I loved watching the debate and soaking in the information.
However, for all my interest and excitement over politics my fire became even more stoked in 1992 by one William Jefferson Clinton. I actually liked some of what George Bush proposed to my parents dismay. I even found Ross Perot intriguing despite fearing he might have been a bit "touched". But, it was Bill Clinton who won me over.
His message and personality appealed to me as a young person and as a young African-American. I felt he got it. He seemed to be the first politician I had seen that didn't pander to Blacks or just ignored us but embraced us and our culture. He genuinely seemed intent on helping our communities and addressing our issues.
I was well aware of his "issues". I was old enough to get it. I watched the Gennifer Flowers interview on 60 Minutes. I watched the subsequent Clinton interview on 60 Minutes. While my mother saw him as a "womanizer" but the clear "lesser of the three evils", I believed he had probably had an affair with Ms. Flowers. But, I didn't really care. I saw that as his and Hillary's business. In that sense I get where Trumpsters are coming from regarding #CheetoJesus. Like them, I felt the message Clinton was delivering superseded his "indiscretion".
I remember the excitement I felt on that evening of the first November Tuesday in 1992 when Bill Clinton was declared the winner. Hours earlier I had cast a ballot for the first time. And, here was the guy I voted for and the man who galvanized my political energy and seemed to have encapsulated my ideology winning. And, frankly, I felt he did a helluva job and didn't hesitate to vote for him again in 1996.
But, then Monica Lewinsky happened. Once again, Playa Playa Bill was in a sex scandal. I thought at the time (and still do) it was a bunch of partisan Republican bullshit and alot of nothing. Yes, he perjured himself but at the end of the day he was being prosecuted for getting his cob buttered. What bothered me was the fact it affected Chelsea who I felt empathy for because she was my age and treated so shitty. She was in essence still a kid. And, the very people who know would lose their shit if folks went after Tiffany or Baron Trump were the same people saying disgusting and atrocious things about Chelsea. I also felt bad for the embarrassment Hillary must have felt. (I'd say save the troll comments but I'm not a whiny bitch like Trump, so give me what you got.) And, while in the grand scheme of things it wasn't like Playa Playa had committed money laundering or collusion or tax fraud, he had brought shame upon the office of the presidency and tarnished the good I felt he had done. And, I wasn't naive about who the man was but felt the good outweighed the bad so I stuck with the 'ol dog. I have for the 20 years since despite his bitchassness toward Obama in 2008 and his glad-handing with #Cheets. Again, I'm no fronter nor am I bandwagoner. I've always been a side-eyer toward Trump. I've always found him to be repugnant. Just making it clear for the unclear, remedial and the lil bit slow. 😒 Anyways, I had even posted during the 2016 if William was able to run I'd vote for him and he would've beaten Trump. I still say that despite what people say publicly they would've voted for Playa Playa. And, for the record, I believe after watching the attitude toward Trump's undeniable fuckery, I was and am right. I mean, at this point, if you still believe #CheetoJesus is pure you really need to have your right to vote and operate motor vehicles revoked. Shit, I don't know if you can be trusted with an electric razor or nail clippers. Really tho! I'm serious! But, I digress.
But, along came Monday and the Craig Melvin interview with Bill Clinton. I was in awe. I couldn't really believe I was watching someone so politically astute and television savvy be so utterly tone def and simply fucking stupid! What respect, admiration, affinity and sentimentality I had for the dude was washed away. I no longer in good conscience could be an apologist. I won't say he's dead to me but the funeral parlor is on call. They have their cell phone in arm's reach.
I sat there and listened to Bill Clinton sound envious of the fact that Trump seems to be getting away with his chicanery while he didn't. Strike one.
Then, I watched him tell the truth in a "must lie situation". He said if he were President now and the same ish happened as it did in 1998 he wouldn't resign because the "facts would be known". 😐 What, muthafucka?! First of all, we know the facts. You got yo strudel iced in the Oval Office by a woman who was half your age. Secondly, in the age of #MeToo why in God's name would you say you wouldn't resign in a totally hypothetical never going to happen situation?! This fool had to know how that answer was going to sound. It's a must lie sit-i-ation. The correct answer, Dummy, was, "In the current climate I would've likely stepped down for the betterment of the country and my family." Striiiiiiike two!
Oh, but wait, there is more. When Craig Melvin, who did an excellent job, asked about Monica Lewinsky Clinton took the ugliest way out in front of a pitch swing eva! He was completely dead pan and emotionless in his reiterating his remorse over the entire situation. He literally sounded annoyed at the question, as if he didn't know it was coming. Then, when Melvin asked him if he has ever spoken with Ms. Lewinsky, Playa Playa became defensive and callous saying, "I never spoke to her. I apologized several times publicly. But, I never talked to her. I apologized to my family, the country and her publicly several times." He made it sound as if his public apology was more than enough. It was apparent he never made an effort to speak with her, which says volumes about his true feelings about the entire episode. He proceeded to scorn Craig Melvin over the questions and insinuate they were "gotcha" questions when neither the questions nor the tone of the questions suggested anything of the such.
Yes, Monica Lewinsky was a grown ass woman. Yes, the entire thing was 100% consensual. But, it was so painfully obvious how tone def and oblivious 20 years later he is. He was twice her age. He was her superior. And, he was the President of the United States of America. She was an intern. He came on to her and put her in a damn near impossible situation. Sure, she could've rejected him and left. But, as always, it's easier said than done. For every mouf that said, "I would've kicked him in the balls" I say (especially at that time in society) at least 75% of you would've done exactly what she did at her age and in her position. He knew better and not to mention considering all of the trouble he had gone through and how the Republicans were looking for any reason to hang him it was beyond stupid and irresponsible for him to do that. For Bill Clinton not to have that perspective 20 years later is a big FAIL! STRIKKKKKKKE THREE! You're outtttta herrrrrrrre!
I am not even disappointed or disillusioned. I'm not even disgusted. I'm just disenchanted that he is still so tone def and so stupid. And, his endorsement of #MeToo was so lukewarm and disingenuous he was better off not saying anything and keeping his mouth fucking shut. In fact, he should've just shut up and never did the is interview. I hope Hillary clocked his ass afterwards.
I just realized what I have always known and said before. In many ways, too many ways for my comfort, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump are the same dude. They were friends for a reason. Birds of a feather....Birds of a feather....They both see all women in three categories: Women they'd never fuck because they're "not attractive"; women they've fucked; and women they haven't fucked yet. And, I can't...won't condone or roll with that. You may call it harsh. You may say it's not true. I say show me how examples of how I'm wrong because I believe I can show more examples of how I'm right.
I used to feel William is a good man at his core who is flawed. I now realize he is a very flawed man who has done some good.
After watching that interview one thing is crystal clear though. After 20 years Bill Clinton hasn't learned jackshit!
Monday, June 4, 2018
An American Myth: Opinion And Honesty Are Respected
We hear often in our society people say they want honesty, appreciate candor and respect other's opinions. In today's world more often than not people are lying when they say any of that. We all know it's not true because we've been the recipient of the anger or resentment when we are honest with someone. We have experienced the recoil when we express an opinion that is unpopular. And, many of us ourselves have not only been recipients of such behavior but have been the perpetrators of it as well.
Truth be told we have always been this way as a society. We, as a country, have a long line of people who were made social outcasts or denounced as troublemakers and dissidents for expressing their opinions on the issues of the day. It just seems that in the current climate it's worse than it's ever been and rightfully so.
When many people say things like, "I respect other's opinions", "I enjoy the debating of ideas", "I think diverse opinions are good" they're usually lying. What they really mean is they respect other's opinions as long as it is the same as theirs. They only enjoy debating if they're seen as the winner and right. The former is more important than the latter. And, often if you read through a social media thread you'll likely see less of a debate and more of a petulant online shouting match which usually ends with someone getting blocked. And, when they say "diverse" opinions they mean they don't care whom the opinion comes from as long as it's THEIR opinion.
Perhaps, you're saying right now, "Rob, you're being awfully cynical. People aren't that close-minded." Oh, yeah? Be a liberal and go say to some conservatives, "I think affirmative action has some positives to it" and see how well that opinion is respected. Or, be a conservative and say to some liberals, "You know there is some merit to the belief of the way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun" and see how the reaction goes. We have become so tribal and so enamored with our own perceived correctness on every issue that we don't want to listen to anything that could possibly chip away at that. Frankly, we as a society don't want to critically think so we instinctively shoot down anything that is contradictory to what we believe and we don't want to have the capacity to respect someone else's opinion.
As for honesty, we are not really interested in that either. People love to say, "I love candor and honesty", "I hate liars". Allow me to translate for you what is really meant. They love candor as long as it isn't about them. People say they hate liars but what they hate is them being lied to. They'll lie in a heartbeat and have no problems with others being lied to (especially if it benefits them).
Again, it sounds like I'm being cynical but am I? Tell someone you think is doing wrong to others that they're not right and see what that reaction is. For every two people that will say, "Maybe you're right", you'll have at least another two sneer at you and immediately push back.
People say they respect and appreciate honesty and others opinions because it sounds good. It is the right thing to say it but it's not how they really feel.
Of course, I'm not saying this is true of all people or even the vast majority. But, it's true of many. Don't believe me? Look at the political discourse and partisanship that exists in this country right now. Truthfully think about how many people who have a different ideology from you that you can have an intelligent civil debate with. Give sincere honest thought to how many people feel they can have one with you. Ask yourself how many people in your life can you truly be honest and candid without them trippin on you or immediately getting defensive or whom you fear would stop talking to you all together.
Simply, more folks than not want you to be honest with them until you are. More folks than not respect your opinion until you give it. That has to change if we're going to progress as a society.
Truth be told we have always been this way as a society. We, as a country, have a long line of people who were made social outcasts or denounced as troublemakers and dissidents for expressing their opinions on the issues of the day. It just seems that in the current climate it's worse than it's ever been and rightfully so.
When many people say things like, "I respect other's opinions", "I enjoy the debating of ideas", "I think diverse opinions are good" they're usually lying. What they really mean is they respect other's opinions as long as it is the same as theirs. They only enjoy debating if they're seen as the winner and right. The former is more important than the latter. And, often if you read through a social media thread you'll likely see less of a debate and more of a petulant online shouting match which usually ends with someone getting blocked. And, when they say "diverse" opinions they mean they don't care whom the opinion comes from as long as it's THEIR opinion.
Perhaps, you're saying right now, "Rob, you're being awfully cynical. People aren't that close-minded." Oh, yeah? Be a liberal and go say to some conservatives, "I think affirmative action has some positives to it" and see how well that opinion is respected. Or, be a conservative and say to some liberals, "You know there is some merit to the belief of the way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun" and see how the reaction goes. We have become so tribal and so enamored with our own perceived correctness on every issue that we don't want to listen to anything that could possibly chip away at that. Frankly, we as a society don't want to critically think so we instinctively shoot down anything that is contradictory to what we believe and we don't want to have the capacity to respect someone else's opinion.
As for honesty, we are not really interested in that either. People love to say, "I love candor and honesty", "I hate liars". Allow me to translate for you what is really meant. They love candor as long as it isn't about them. People say they hate liars but what they hate is them being lied to. They'll lie in a heartbeat and have no problems with others being lied to (especially if it benefits them).
Again, it sounds like I'm being cynical but am I? Tell someone you think is doing wrong to others that they're not right and see what that reaction is. For every two people that will say, "Maybe you're right", you'll have at least another two sneer at you and immediately push back.
People say they respect and appreciate honesty and others opinions because it sounds good. It is the right thing to say it but it's not how they really feel.
Of course, I'm not saying this is true of all people or even the vast majority. But, it's true of many. Don't believe me? Look at the political discourse and partisanship that exists in this country right now. Truthfully think about how many people who have a different ideology from you that you can have an intelligent civil debate with. Give sincere honest thought to how many people feel they can have one with you. Ask yourself how many people in your life can you truly be honest and candid without them trippin on you or immediately getting defensive or whom you fear would stop talking to you all together.
Simply, more folks than not want you to be honest with them until you are. More folks than not respect your opinion until you give it. That has to change if we're going to progress as a society.
Friday, June 1, 2018
Your Comfort Isn't > My Self-Worth
I have finally realized that some things simply cannot be allowed to slide anymore. One of those things is peoples desire to be allowed to be comfortable in their ignorance and "soft bigotry/racism".
One of the primary tenants of the anti-pc movement is the desire of folks to say whatever racist, homophobic, sexist thing they want without pushback. Now, of course, the anti-pc people will say that's not true. For some it's not true but for a substantial segment it's exactly the case. Don't get me wrong. I think political correctness goes way to far sometimes. However, I don't think disrespecting and insulting someone because of their race, gender, sexual orientation, ect has anything to do with political correctness. It is an issue of morality, courtesy and common decency.
It has become apparent that in the era of Trump some people feel more emboldened to say racially insensitive and derogatory things. The rise of social media has contributed more than anything. It is easy for people to sit behind a keyboard or cell phone and say whatever they want because there isn't the fear of physical altercation. Twitter/Facebook muscles is what some call them.
But, many people will say things to your face. They will just use code words or cloak it in a joke. It's more of a soft bigotry. And, they will play victim if anyone pushes back.
I am ashamed to say for years I was guilty of never saying anything. My silence was in direct contradiction of what my parents taught me. I didn't want to "rock the boat". I often found myself in situations where I was the only Black kid, so I wanted people to like me and let things slide. As I became older, it also became a matter of not wanting to have confrontation or potentially jeopardizing my livelihood. At times I would go silent or show facial displeasure at a joke or comment and I would see the victimhood swell up or I'd get the "lighten up, it's just a joke". I would be present when other people (both Whites and POC) would speak up and they would be met with disdain or labeled "bleeding hearts" or "soft".
But, as I've become older I have less and less tolerance for peoples ignorance and racism and their excusing of racism. I have learned what my mom always said was correct, "You can't let people get away with their offensive jokes and comments because they'll just go further and further. You'll allow them to become comfortable being a bigot around you." And, that has been proven to be exactly correct.
If people think they can tow the line around you, they'll eventually cross that line. And, if you say nothing, you're being complicit. I can no longer in good conscience be complicit. I abhor racism and will not tolerate it in any form. If that costs me friends or Facebook followers or whatever so be it.
My dignity, self-worth and pride of being a Black AMERICAN outweighs your desire to be comfortable in your ignorance. Quite frankly, to hell with your ignorance. If I see, hear or read racism and bigotry I'm calling it out. If racist and bigoted things are said to me I'm calling it out. I'm not going to nor have I nitpick everything. Some things you do let slide because as Jay-Z said, "some fools love to perform".
But, I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired of hearing, "Don't be so sensitive. Just let it go." I notice the people who say that mess the most are the people who say the racist insults, jokes, snide comments and who perpetuate the stereotypes. Do not tell me to "let it go" so you don't feel guilty about the racist thing you just said or defended. How about you "let go" of your racism, bigotry, racial resentment and immediate instinct to defend racism and racists. How abou dah?!
You can call it "being pc" or whatever devoid of intelligent thing you want. It is NOT being pc to avoid making racist, homophobic, xenophobic, sexist or misogynistic statements! Not saying that crap is called being decent, respectful and human. It is not a matter of being politically correct; it's a matter of being moral. If one can't see that, then perhaps they need to reset their moral compass.
You know I can take a joke. I laugh at "racial" jokes. But, there is a difference between a comedian saying something of a racial nature and saying something blatantly racist. If you can't tell the difference, all I can say is "bless your heart".
People need to quit wanting it to be the damn 1950s. It is not. It's not going back to that no matter how hard some try to take us there. Times have changed. Black people are no longer property nor will be seen as insignificant. Hispanics are apart of the American fabric. Deal with it. Members of the LGBTQ community are human beings. You don't have to agree with their lifestyle but that doesn't mean you can't treat them with respect and equality.
It really is not that hard to be respectful and decent. It's not that hard to not be a bigot and an asshole. IF you're someone who actually finds it hard to be a decent person, then you need to look long and hard at YOU! You might not be a good human being. And, if you claim to be a Christian, pick up the Bible your always erroneously hiding behind to justify your bigotry and actually read it.
Just know this. I'm all out of f***s to give. I am! I can no longer...I will no longer sacrifice my self-worth, the self-worth of my children, the self-worth of my family or what is just plain right so you can feel comfy in your ignorance and bigotry. #SimplyCannot
One of the primary tenants of the anti-pc movement is the desire of folks to say whatever racist, homophobic, sexist thing they want without pushback. Now, of course, the anti-pc people will say that's not true. For some it's not true but for a substantial segment it's exactly the case. Don't get me wrong. I think political correctness goes way to far sometimes. However, I don't think disrespecting and insulting someone because of their race, gender, sexual orientation, ect has anything to do with political correctness. It is an issue of morality, courtesy and common decency.
It has become apparent that in the era of Trump some people feel more emboldened to say racially insensitive and derogatory things. The rise of social media has contributed more than anything. It is easy for people to sit behind a keyboard or cell phone and say whatever they want because there isn't the fear of physical altercation. Twitter/Facebook muscles is what some call them.
But, many people will say things to your face. They will just use code words or cloak it in a joke. It's more of a soft bigotry. And, they will play victim if anyone pushes back.
I am ashamed to say for years I was guilty of never saying anything. My silence was in direct contradiction of what my parents taught me. I didn't want to "rock the boat". I often found myself in situations where I was the only Black kid, so I wanted people to like me and let things slide. As I became older, it also became a matter of not wanting to have confrontation or potentially jeopardizing my livelihood. At times I would go silent or show facial displeasure at a joke or comment and I would see the victimhood swell up or I'd get the "lighten up, it's just a joke". I would be present when other people (both Whites and POC) would speak up and they would be met with disdain or labeled "bleeding hearts" or "soft".
But, as I've become older I have less and less tolerance for peoples ignorance and racism and their excusing of racism. I have learned what my mom always said was correct, "You can't let people get away with their offensive jokes and comments because they'll just go further and further. You'll allow them to become comfortable being a bigot around you." And, that has been proven to be exactly correct.
If people think they can tow the line around you, they'll eventually cross that line. And, if you say nothing, you're being complicit. I can no longer in good conscience be complicit. I abhor racism and will not tolerate it in any form. If that costs me friends or Facebook followers or whatever so be it.
My dignity, self-worth and pride of being a Black AMERICAN outweighs your desire to be comfortable in your ignorance. Quite frankly, to hell with your ignorance. If I see, hear or read racism and bigotry I'm calling it out. If racist and bigoted things are said to me I'm calling it out. I'm not going to nor have I nitpick everything. Some things you do let slide because as Jay-Z said, "some fools love to perform".
But, I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired of hearing, "Don't be so sensitive. Just let it go." I notice the people who say that mess the most are the people who say the racist insults, jokes, snide comments and who perpetuate the stereotypes. Do not tell me to "let it go" so you don't feel guilty about the racist thing you just said or defended. How about you "let go" of your racism, bigotry, racial resentment and immediate instinct to defend racism and racists. How abou dah?!
You can call it "being pc" or whatever devoid of intelligent thing you want. It is NOT being pc to avoid making racist, homophobic, xenophobic, sexist or misogynistic statements! Not saying that crap is called being decent, respectful and human. It is not a matter of being politically correct; it's a matter of being moral. If one can't see that, then perhaps they need to reset their moral compass.
You know I can take a joke. I laugh at "racial" jokes. But, there is a difference between a comedian saying something of a racial nature and saying something blatantly racist. If you can't tell the difference, all I can say is "bless your heart".
People need to quit wanting it to be the damn 1950s. It is not. It's not going back to that no matter how hard some try to take us there. Times have changed. Black people are no longer property nor will be seen as insignificant. Hispanics are apart of the American fabric. Deal with it. Members of the LGBTQ community are human beings. You don't have to agree with their lifestyle but that doesn't mean you can't treat them with respect and equality.
It really is not that hard to be respectful and decent. It's not that hard to not be a bigot and an asshole. IF you're someone who actually finds it hard to be a decent person, then you need to look long and hard at YOU! You might not be a good human being. And, if you claim to be a Christian, pick up the Bible your always erroneously hiding behind to justify your bigotry and actually read it.
Just know this. I'm all out of f***s to give. I am! I can no longer...I will no longer sacrifice my self-worth, the self-worth of my children, the self-worth of my family or what is just plain right so you can feel comfy in your ignorance and bigotry. #SimplyCannot
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