Saturday, October 27, 2018

Trump Nor His Flock Have A Red Line, So Please Quit Expecting One

America, it is time we talked. It is a conversation that is long overdue. It will be a difficult conversation. The media, left leaning folks and people who are independents it's time to have a "come to Jesus" moment! The truth can be a bitter coarse pill to swallow, but I believe I have an obligation to shove it down your throat for your own good.

Donald Trump nor any of his adoring fans have a rock bottom. None! No depth is too for Cheeto Jesus; nor is any depth too low for him to go for his supporters. The crater is endless, so please for the love of God STOP EXPECTING THERE TO BE A BOTTOM!

The best thing the 60% of this country who doesn't support Trump can do is accept reality and move on to figuring out how to preserve our democracy.

This never-ending hand wringing various sections of the left and the media does over Trump supporters and why they support him is so effing annoying. This naive misguided ideal that most Trumpsters are these empathetic inclusive minded folks who are simply economically angst; thus, that is why they support a crude tacky bombastic bigoted liar like Trump is such complete and utter bullshit!

I am not saying the economic woes didn't play a role in his support during the presidential race. But, the empirical evidence clearly defines that economics wasn't the overriding factor because it doesn't adequately explain why they support him now.

Trump's supporters believe the economy is great, the country is prosperous and national security is more firmly clasped than it was previously. So, if that is really the case why not call out his racism, sexism, misogyny, lack of empathy and overall boorish behavior? Because they LOVE IT! Because they are in lockstep with the orange buffoon.

See, Folks, they don't love Trump in spite of his character flaws, amorality, ostensive bigotry, seeming rejection of intellectualism or intellectual curiosity, lack of decorum, penchant for garishness and self-aggrandizement and utter contempt for decency; they love him because of it!

The evidence for this is extensive and clear.

Let's begin when he slithered down that escalator at Trump Tower with Gruella DeVille and stated Mexicans coming into the country are "rapists and murderers, I *assume* some are good people." That remark got him fired from The Apprentice by NBC but exponentially increased his support base.

He disparaged Sen. John McCain, a Vietnam War hero who was held captive for five years, by saying he was not a war hero because he "got caught". He added, "I like people who don't get caught." (A Freudian slip that I am 99.9% certain Trump was talking about another "caught" aside from prisoners of war.)

Now, temporarily put aside the obvious insult to an American soldier and hero this was and consider this audacity spewed from the mouth of a man who lied about bone spurs to obtain FIVE determents for the Vietnam War. These words about McCain belonged to an individual who mocked Vietnam by saying, "I had my own personal Vietnam having to avoid STDs." His base's response? Either silence, laughter, cheers or a fervent apology tour-a theme among his base.

Trump suggested the idea of a Muslim Ban, which on its face is unconstitutional and racist. His base didn't clutch their pearls. They cheered and decried almost all Muslims are terrorists.

Trump attacked a Gold Star family, the Khans, while talking not so veiled shots at their religion. Did his base revolt, scream "Sir, you've went too far,"? Fuck no! These people cheered him on with some of them threatening the Khans.

Remember when the Access Hollywood tape surfaced? This was the moment we all thought the evangelicals and self-professed moral majority would jump ship or at least rebuke Trump's behavior. LMFAO! No, instead, they just said "screw it" and revealed their hypocrisy which had always been present. They dropped the pretenses. "Godly" men and women stood up for him and attacked the media for the story. Never once did any of them repudiate his words and confessed behavior. They actually defended it, became apologists for it and said anyone criticizing Trump for saying, "I just grab them by the pussy; I don't even wait.." would be punished by God because they were disrespecting God. Let that sink in.

Y'all haven't forgotten about the Lester Holt interview surely. The President of the United States of America went on national television and admitted he broke the law. Now, certainly his base which are staunch defenders of law and order, lost their shit over that? Ummmm, not exactly. Uhhhhh, actually not at all. They literally pretended he didn't say it.

Oh, how could I forget the time Trump allowed two Russian officials who were also accomplished former spies into the OVAL OFFICE!Not only did he allow the Russians into the Oval Office but he also allowed the Russian press while purposely excluding the American press.

This had to enrage the America first "make America great again" crowd, right? *Cue the Family Feud wrong answer sound drop*. They were far from enraged. They applauded the Orange Asset by saying Trump did the right thing and was merely "improving" relations with Russia. I'm certain they would've said the exact same thing if President Hillary Clinton had done that.

Stormy Daniels! Trump raw dogged a porn star while his wife was at home with their four week old son. He also was mushrooming a Playboy Playmate during the same time. Surely! This will be the straw that breaks the camel's back, right? Wrong!

The same people who bitched and moaned for years (and still do) about Bill Clinton and who said "strong moral fiber" is essential for a president to possess said........"Who cares what people do in their bedroom?" Lol.

They didn't excoriate Trump nor his behavior. They excused it, defended it and even attempted to use God to bolster their apologist tour of it. One person even said to me, "What man wouldn't fuck a porn star?". And, I'm quite positive if Barack Obama had slipped his Kenyan strudel to a white blonde porn star Trump's base would've been perfectly ok with it.

Look, I could go on forever but I don't have a free 195 hours to list all of Trump's transgressions and how his base hasn't cared not one time. But, allow me just one more example.


Trump's reaction to the events of Charlottesville was abhorrent and repulsive. First, for him to lay blame on "both sides" was repugnant. But, for that man to be President of the United States and morally equate Nazis and White Nationalists/Supremacists with people protesting hate and division is the single most disdainful, despicable, immoral thing I have ever seen an elected official publicly do.

Not to mention that those White Nationalists, White Supremacists and Nazis felt comfortable enough to storm a church and terrorize those inside the church is telling. Then, to feel at ease enough to march down the streets of an American city without impunity. And, they have every right to do so but that's different than feeling comfortable to do so because enough people will provide them with implicit cover.

But, here's the thing I honestly didn't expect more from Trump. He is an amoral bigot. What surprised and disappointed me was that my Facebook timeline was dead silent. The people who routinely publish dogmatic posts and share inflammatory memes without regard for their factual accuracy could not be found.

The people who couldn't hit send enough during the Ferguson riots or anytime Black Lives Matter protested had seemed like they vanished off the earth. It was not they weren't disavowing what Trump said nor his impotent response but they weren't even disavowing the hate rally or it's participants. I didn't even see a cursory condolence post for Heather Heyer who was ran down in the street by a car driven by a White Nationalist. NOT A SINGLE POST!

The next day and subsequent days the #MAGAs were out in force defending Trump and his bullshit statements. They were also being apologists for the racists with the usual crap about Black Lives Matter and Antifa attempting to lay partial blame on them when anyone who saw the events unfold live (as I did) know exactly who was at fault. Hell, I had someone actually say to me I should "learn to agree to disagree" with people who fundamentally believe me to be inferior and want me kicked out the country at best.

But, it was on the day of Charlottesville, August 12, 2017 it hit me and has become clearer every day since that when it comes to Trump and his adoring blindly loyal fans this is who and what they are.

We all need to understand something. Trump's base is not the product of his rhetoric and demagogy nor is he necessarily the creation of his base. They are one in the same. They are both the result of an institutionalized cultivated ideology that centers around white supremacy, privilege and patriarchy.

Trump supporters always become angry when people say they are racist or bigots. I believe many of them are feigning anger about it. Regardless, what they seem to fall to grasp is there is empirical evidence that presents just cause for people to feel that way. They never call out his racism or xenophobia or sexism or misogyny or general cruelty. No, in fact, they applaud it and seem to admire it.

And, there is the rub. That is why we have stop clutching our pearls and being shocked. Time after time after time has Trump proven there is no depth to the barrel which he will scrape. Every time people think he won't or can't go any lower he says, "Oh, really? Hold my Diet Coke and KFC bucket."

Here is thing though! That also applies to his base! Every time he goes lower they cheer and excuse it. They never...NEVER hold him nor themselves accountable.

But, they go lower with him. Shit, most of the time it's a race to see who can get there first. Keep in mind, Trump mocks the handicap, rape victims, bomb victims, he employs racist tropes, he calls for violence against reporters and protestors and he openly insults women's appearances and his crowds egg it on. They clamor for it! So, who's worse? Him for saying it? Or them for eating it up and begging for more.

And, I get it. It's human nature to want to see the best in people and believe there are better angels. Probably to preserve our own sanity we must believe there is a red line, that rock bottom exists.

But, the mail bombs sent to multiple prominent Democrats and celebrities by Cesar Sayoc and the subsequent reaction from Trump and his supporters including Fox News should be the final wake up call. None of them have shown a shred of empathy. Trump is so devoid of common humanity he can't even conjure up the decency to give any of the bomb targets a cursory call. When asked by a reporter if he will reach out to any of them he said, "I'll pass." That says a lot about him but it honestly says more about his supporters that they won't call him out over it.

Shall we keep it real here. Trump and much of his base are disappointed the bombs didn't find their targets. I posted the previous sentence on my Facebook honestly expecting to receive a little pushback or pearl clutching. I didn't receive any. Not one comment. Not one angry "like". Nothing. Says it all.

It is pathetic that people are so partisan and so hate filled that they are apparently incapable of base human decency.

Stop anticipating a bottom. Stop expecting a red line to be instituted. We are over three years into Trumpism and it is quite apparent that red line does nor will ever exist and the pit is bottomless.

Quit believing better exists. It does not.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Today's Thoughts And Rants: October 24, 2018

It has been a minute since I produced a blog. I have been feeling under the weather. Honestly, I still am a little. But, with recent events I have to say a lil sumthin sumthin. So, let's hit it...

•The Jamal Khashoggi incident is atrocious. The response by some has been deplorable.

Fox News and the right-wing echo chamber once again showed their ass and how low rent they can be. They have spread misleading rumors and outright lies about Khashoggi all in an attempt to give cover to Donald Trump in his attempt to give cover to Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman. They have accused Khashoggi of being in the Muslim Brotherhood although they have provided no proof whatsoever. Khashoggi has been alleged to be an ally of Osama Bin Laden, which is a falsehood.

Khashoggi, as a reporter, interviewers Bin Laden over the years. He also did praise Bin Laden back in the 1980s and early 90s as a revolutionary and true disciple of Islam. It should be noted the United States was also quite fond of Bin Laden during the same time period. The U.S. funded him and helped trained his soldiers in Afghanistan because he was helping us fight the Soviet Communists. We were also aiding the Taliban despite knowing exactly what they were. In fact, we greatly aided in giving Bin Laden his "street cred" and giving him the power and weaponry that he eventually turned around and used on us. But, don't take my word for it. Look it up for yourselves. Google it. Research it. Like with Sadaam Hussein we saw him as a necessary evil for the greater good until he "got out of his lane".

As for Khashoggi, he pointedly and without qualification criticized Bin Laden after the 9/11 attacks. He consistently called out Bin Laden's radicalism. But, Fox News and the demagogues on the right conveniently leave that out.

The Trump administration has no desire to go after MBS because we have a $14.5 billion arms deal with the Saudis and obviously money is much more important than integrity or right and wrong. But, we already knew that because we've been funding and arming the Saudis' illegal war and simultaneous genocide in Yemen. What are some innocent brown women and children's lives when there is mad cheddar to make. Hell, the Trump administration and the right-wing hate Islam and detest Muslims; yet, they bend over backwards and perform all sorts of mental gymnastics to be apologists for the single most fundamentalist theocratic Islamist government on the face of the earth who harbors and trains terrorists including 15 of the 19 September 11th attackers! Why? MONEY!

•Politicon was this past weekend. I will break it down in an upcoming blog either Thursday or Friday. I watched a couple of excellent panels and debates. I just wanna say I saw a different side to Charlie Kirk and Tucker Carlson who deserve props for actually showing up and staying committed to the debates they agreed to. Both men showed some humanity and compromise.

Now, before my liberal and progressive friends freak out, Tucker Carlson is still a douchebag. He is still an asshole for peddling White Nationalist talking points and nonsense although he claims he's doing no such thing. Charlie Kirk is still a propagandist shill. He displayed again this weekend his intellect hovers between cursory and remedial. His obsession with Kayne West is at minimal disturbing. He can never be forgiven for unleashing Candace Owens' vapid sellout ass upon us. However, as I said, both showed a different side. And, no, I didn't forget nor was unaware that Kirk showed his ass during his debate with Hasan Piker. In my next blog I will certainly dive into him getting hella triggered by Cenk Uguyr because it was not only massively revealing it was funny as hell!

• Finally, let me say the pipe bombs that were sent to George Soros, The Clintons, The Obamas, Eric Holder, John Brennan by way of CNN and Rep. Maxine Waters should be wholesale condemned. But, of course, the right-wing nutjob contingency and social media immediately displayed their inability to empathize or use constraint. They have already started spewing conspiracy theories about the bombs being an intentional distraction from the migrant caravan coming from Honduras. It really does continue to amaze me the lack of intellect and common decency some of these folks possess.

People could have died today. Theoretically two former presidents could have been assassinated this morning. Yet, the crowd who has spent the last two weeks lecturing everyone on the left about incivility and hyper-partisanship literally ignored the potential catastrophe that could have taken place today while literally bathing in incivility and partisanship by accusing Democrats of either bombing their own or faking bombs to distract from a caravan only they are incessantly obsessed over. By the way the FBI has confirmed all of the bombs while "crudely conceived were fully functional".

See, this is why I don't want one damn person on the right lecturing me or anyone else about civility. If you're regurgitating this fucking bullshit or not calling it out, you can SIT YO ASS DOWN! Seriously, *take a damb seat*!

President Trump eventually got around to condemning it. Of course, he has a rally tonight so he could be back to babbling his crap or spewing these inane conspiracy theories as I write. Regardless, I don't wanna really hear from him either. He has been ginning up his cult with lies about a "left wing violent mob" because people exercised their free speech by protesting Brett "Keystone Light" Kavanagh. It should be noted the majority of those protestors were sexual assault survivors and women-some of whom had babies on their hips. Scarrrrryyyyy. And, yes some people interrupted Colonel Sanders...errrrr...I mean Mitch McConnell's meal last Friday night. While I don't agree with the methods it was hardly a violent mob. Perhaps, Mitch should not be so enthusiastically attempting to rip people's Medicaid and healthcare from them. Anyway, Trump has repeatedly stood before his adoring mobs at his "daddy needs love" rallies and erroneously vilified Democrats and labeled the free press "the enemy of the people". So for him to act as if he has no responsibility in this shit and the pugilistic discourse currently taking place in this country is at best disingenuous and irresponsible.

Not to mention where was the right two weeks ago when Gavin McInnes and his Proud Boys beat down three people in the streets of New York City? Where were they when the Proud Boys did the same in Portland, Oregon a couple of weeks before?

And, let me be clear I would implore my friends on the left to not automatically assume what happened the last 24 hours or so is the responsibility of some right-wing terrorists. However, allow me to implore my friends on the right to not act as though it's not conceivable, if not likely, right wing extremism isn't directly responsible. Of the domestic terrorism that takes place in the United States 71% of it is committed by far right groups. That is from the FBI. So, let's stop bullshittin and let's find a way to disagree without violence, intimidation and terrorism.

The discourse in this country sucks! And, it begins with the so-called decent good people demonizing anyone who disagrees with them. It also starts with people who claim to love Jesus doing the opposite of Christ and labeling anybody they disagree with as literally Satan or "demon rats", if you will. We should be better. The question is are we going to be better and are we actually better.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Today's Thoughts And Rants: October 18, 2018

•The Jamal Khashoggi murder is not only a tragedy but is becoming an American disgrace. It would appear the President of the United States is implicitly helping Saudia Arabia cover up what is an obvious murder. Khashoggi was a journalist whom over the last couple of years has exposed the Saudis corruption and the corruption of the Crown Prince, MBS. Khashoggi has been a dissident and an antagonist of the Saudis for some time. The Saudis killed him in cold blood.

The United States should be demanding accountability for this. But, as is often the case, the U.S. is dragging their feet and displaying overt hesitancy in condemning Saudia Arabia's atrocious actions. Why? Money, of course. As Trump bluntly said we're doing billions of dollars in arms deals with the Saudis.

These weapons deals are the watermark of another heinous Saudi endeavor, the genocide in Yemen. The American bankrolling of this genocide started under Barack Obama's tenure and has increased under the Trump administration. The Saudis have bombed innocent women and children. In addition, they are blockading food, medicine and necessities from entering Yemen which has caused a famine not seen in 100 years. (Let that sink in.) And, the United States of America has not just turned a blind eye to the death of civilians and children; but, worse, they have provided money and weapons to the Saudis so they can commit this genocide.

•Yet another brilliant piece of journalism was unveiled yesterday detailing the Trumps' penchant for lying, misleading and defrauding. ProPublica published an outstanding piece enumerating a number of failed buildings and hotels that Trump Organization led by Donald Trump and Ivanka Trump simply lied to investors and buyers about the quality of the property or the value. Funny thing is regardless of the ventures' failure or poor financial performance the Trumps always came out relatively unscathed.

The article also recounts the numerous questionable licensing deals and failed management of buildings. Also, of note was the frequency which Ivanka was caught lying about numbers and financial success. Like father, like daughter I guess.

I suggest reading the article. It is lengthy but much like the New York Times detailing the numerous ways the Trump's committed tax fraud it is a well written well sourced nuanced piece of journalism.

•Speaking of Trumps, lemme speak on Melania a bit. I have given her the benefit of the doubt but no more. People on my Twitter and in person have repeatedly said Melania is every bit as trifilin as the rest of that family. I have frequently been reminded she was a birther and made racist remarks about President Obama.

Last week exposed her for the vapid, shallow content in being a trophy wife woman she truly is. First, she said she is "one of the most bullied women on the world". The "on the world" part of the comment aside what an absolutely stunningly ignorant and self-absorbed thing to say. On its face it is an asinine remark because she is not bullied. If anything people have excused her and held her up as some paragon of Trump resistance because she trolled her banal husband a few times. Also, it was such a tone deaf thing to say when there are kids out here literally trying to kill themselves because of online and school bullying.

Then, Melania said the "rumors" of Trump's infidelities don't bother her because she has other concerns. Really? Like what? This sounds like the words of a woman who is perfectly content being a trophy wife and doesn't care what shenanigans her husband is involved in as long as the checks clear.

Perhaps, before she takes her #BeBest bullshit to the public she should apply it to her household first.

•HEY, WHITE PEOPLE, STOP CALLING THE POLICE ON BLACK FOLKS FOR MERELY EXISTING! 911 is exclusively for emergencies; not your insecurities and bigotry.

Dayum! Black folks can't do shit! Now, we can't babysit or attend our children's soccer games. Apparently, nine year old boys can't even walk out of a grocery store and their backpack brush up against some woman without her accusing the child of groping her ass.

This shit is out of control. Spare me your apologist bullshit! Spare me your #NotAllWhitePeople! Spare me your faux anger! Start calling your peoples out whether they're friends, family or co-workers. Stop going into "friendly territory" to vent your alleged anger. Share these stories on your social media. When you hear people defend this crap (and I know you do) call those people out then and there. Stop coddling soft racism.

I am telling you black folk are beyond fed up with this bullshit! We cannot do a muthafuckin thing without fear of some racist ass white person calling the police on us for simply existing and because the presence of Negros makes them nervous.

Eventually, an African-American is going to get shot over this shit or one is going to snap on somebody and the racist will play the victim and then shit will hit the fan! What really needs to happen is people who frivolously call the police need to suffer actual consequences from the authorities like substantial fines and/or jail time.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

The Bemoaning Of Incivility Is A Trap The GOP Lays For Democrats

Republicans crying about incivility is the biggest con job they have perpetrated against Democrats yet.

On its face it is an absurd assertion that Democrats are the uncivil party. If the surface is scratched just a little it becomes apparent it's laced in hypocrisy.

However, the GOP launches these attacks and wails about the degradation of politics because it works. It is apart of their psychological warfare.

Republicans are fully aware the Democratic Party is the essence of neuroticism. They know Democrats never want to be seen as cruel, lacking empathy, aggressive nor uncivil. Sorry, Dems, it's the truth.

So, what better way to get inside their heads than to accuse them of being the very attributes they loathe regardless if it's untrue they are guilty of those things.

Also, claiming Democrats are uncivil is a primary method of silencing them. If they can convince enough Democrats they are being too boisterous or aggressive in their persistence or protest, then they know said Democrats will drown out the remaining dissenting voices. Resistance...dead.

Many Democrats have finally caught onto this tactic. They are not falling for the banana in the tailpipe. They are holding their ground and standing up for their principles.

The election of the current president along with the subsequent policies of said administration has spurred anger, frustration and energy into the Democratic base. In droves people have protested and resisted.

In fact, these people referred to as the #Resistance, have taken a page out of a similar wave of resistance that took place back in 2010 named The Tea Party.

The Tea  Party was a movement on the right that was essentially born out of protest to then president, Barack Obama. The Tea Party also went after other Republicans they deemed as too establishment.

The Tea Party made a habit of protesting almost everything President Obama did. They not only went to the streets but effectively utilized social media. They badgered and harassed elected members of both parties. Their methods were effective and also aggressive.

So, it's a bit ironic now that the Tea Party and Republicans in general are labeling Democrats "uncivil" for protesting with the exact same vigor they did.

No, it's actually hypocritical.

Recent events such as the Child Separation policy and the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation along with the likely ramifications of that confirmation have further inflamed passions within a large portion of the Democratic base.

Democrats have protested in Washington. Democrats in Congress have actually shown backbone fighting back against baseless allegations and insidious mischaracterizations. People on the left are actually taking principled stands and not backing down. They are confronting elected officials demanding their voices be heard and these officials defend their record. Basically, they are exercising their First Amendment rights.

This has caused Republicans to become apprehensive and fearful of what an actual energized Democratic base could do. Actually, they already know. They saw what happened in New York's 14th District with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's stunning decisive primary upset of Joe Crowley.

So, their response has been to do what they always do...fear monger. They have labeled the left "violent" and an "angry mob".

Now, there's no credible evidence of this violence and mob mentality. Yes, there have been protests and shouting but violence certainly hasn't broke out. Of course, the strawman of Antifa will be cited but they have not been sanctioned nor endorsed by any credible politicians and groups on the left. In fact, everyone from Progressives to corporatists Democrats have disavowed and repudiated Antifa. But, why allow pesky minutiae like facts to get in the way of a good story.

What is really hilarious is that the whining about angry mobs and "violent left" is antithetical to the Conservatives' narrative that people on the left are betas and snowflakes who sip lattes and eat avocado salads with brie like sissies. So, are they a violent angry brood or bitchy little snowflakes who need a safe space? It is very confusing.

The truth of the matter is Democrats cannot, again, fall for the okie-doke.

It is insane how the Republicans and Democrats literally have the classic abusive relationship. The GOP constantly mocks, belittles, demonizes, attacks and lies about Democrats. They label them with fake and slanderous tags. Then, when Democrats decide enough is enough and fight back Conservatives pull the proverbial abuser move accusing them of being the abuser. They project while simultaneously painting themselves as the victim. It's the quintessential method of emotional manipulation.

And, it usually works with stunning perfection. Democrats back down under the guise of "taking the high road". To hell with the high road when dealing with folks who believe no road is too low to travel.

Recently, former Attorney General Eric Holder and Satan's favorite grandma, Hillary Clinton, were in the news for faux controversies being accused of inflaming the fires of incivility.

Let's take Hillary's nonsensical controversy first. She said, "You cannot be civil with people who seek to destroy everything you believe in and stand for." Ok. What is the problem?

Well, Fox News, lost their minds. They said she was calling for violence and being irresponsible. Uh-huh. What I noticed, aside from the obvious gaslighting, is nobody on Fox nor any Republican addressed what she actually said.

See, they claim to be about the exchange of free ideas and that of course we all love America; it's just we have different avenues we want to take to see her successful. You know, civility. But, nobody confronted what she actually said because if they did, their stated desire for civility would be exposed for the disingenuous babbling it is because they know she is telling the truth.

The faux controversy over Eric Holder is even more nefarious and disingenuous. At a fundraiser last week Holder said, "Michelle Obama said, When they go low we go high.' No, when they go low, we kick 'em."

My honest initial reaction to this was, "Ok." I never thought he meant it literally. I took him to be speaking metaphorically.

Oh, but the right-wing went full on aneurism over it. They accused Holder of inciting violence. One knob on Fox News said, "This is unacceptable for a former attorney general to speak this way. He's an upholder of the law." Sista! Pipe down.

I literally saw five news segments (including "left wing" outlets) about this. As I said, I thought it was being blown out of proportion. Yesterday, I was proven to be correct.

Joy Reid on AM Joy played the entire clip. It appears right after (next sentence actually) Holder said to "kick 'em" he emphasized that he was speaking literally. He meant Democrats needed to fight back instead of allowing lies and mischaracterizations to lie in the name of "civility".

Well, well, ain't that about a.....Five different anchors (CNN, MSNBC, Fox, TYT and Secular Talk) only aired the first part of that statement. Now, in fairness, only one of those outlets mischaracterized Holder's comments. But, the overriding narrative dictated by Republicans was Eric Holder is calling for violent rebellion.

The Democrats have to stop allowing the GOP to get away with this bullying and bullshit. Defending yourself, fighting back, protesting and vehemently stating facts is not being violent nor is it being like an angry mob.

If Democrats want to win, they have to quit cowering to GOP idiocy and hypocrisy.

Seriously, are Democrats going to be lectured on civility from people who support Donald Trump and co-opt everything he does? Are they going to be lectured on civility by people who are apologists for a Neo-Nazi who ran a woman down in the streets in #Charlottesville? Are Democrats going to be lectured about civility by folks who support a President who locks children in cages separating them from their parents? Are Democrats going to be lectured on civility by people who said nothing when their presidential nominee openly and repeatedly advocated for violence against anyone who protested his campaign?

This bitchin about civility is a ruse. Dems, Republicans don't want you to be more civil; they want you to be silent and compliant.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Today's Thoughts And Rants: October 11, 2018

Today, I'm going to touch on a few topics. I will try to be brief. But, I have some shit on my mind, so... Leggo....

•The Right, especially the Alt-Right, still being all in their feelings about Taylor Swift is giving me life right now. It is so comical that these people really do seem to possess ZERO self-awareness or acknowledgement of their own hypocrisy. It is also hilarious their "outrage" is drenched with disingenuousness.

You wanna know why the Charlie Kirk's of the world, Fox News and right-wingers are so dismayed by T-Swizzle endorsing Democrats and progressivism? They feel betrayed. They have been gut punched. Taylor Swift was their ideal pop they thought.

She was a bastion of wholesomeness and purity. She was the antithesis to the slutty evil Beyoncé. She was the "good girl" while Katy Perry and Lady Gaga were the harlots and liberal skanks who supported Satan herself, Hillary Clinton. Now, I assume they just glossed over that she went through more boyfriends than most people do toilet paper. Where I come from some would call that being a ho but...

The Alt-Right had dubbed Tay Tay and her lack of rhythm self an "Aryan princess". The very seldom "cobbler indulging" dudes of the Alt-Right held Taylor up as "Aryan female physical perfection". (Just let that shit sink in for a minute. Katie Perry or Lady Gaga or Carrie Underwood or Ariana Grande wasn't seen as " Aryan PHYSICAL perfection" but Taylor Swift? 😐 )

*Sigh* Anyway...

•Politicon is next weekend. For those unfamiliar with Politicon, it is a convention where political wonks and junkies get together for two days. They usually hold panels and have debates. Something interesting has been taking place though. Several Conservatives scheduled to debate Progressives have been backing out without providing reasons.

Ann Coulter was scheduled over a month ago to debate Secular Talk's Kyle Kulinski. Without notice she backed out although she is still scheduled to appear at Politicon. Other instances of Conservatives cancelling debate appearances are: Steven Crowder reneging on debating The Majority Report's Sam Seder; Ben Shapiro backing out of debating David Packman and Dave Rubin refusing to accept The Young Turks' (TYT) Ana Kasparian challenge to a debate.

It is odd the "free exchange; always willing to debate" crowd seem very unwilling to debate Progressives. The only person holding steadfast is Tucker Carlson who is slated to debate TYT's Cenk Uguyr.

•I am going to say yet again how impressed I am with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Regardless of baseless attacks from Republicans and their distortions of her words, if not outright lying about her, she holds her ground. While there are a couple of subjects she could stand to educate herself a little more about, she is well versed regarding the majority of topics. She innately understands politics and how to relate to people. The other day she did an interview with Chris Hayes which she was outstanding and beyond impressive. She is attractive, smart and has a disarming charm. AOC is going to be a player in the game for a long time! Sorry, corporatist Democrats and Republicans.

•I saw a meme the other day that was so misleading and disingenuous. In fact, some of it was just patently dishonest. The meme centered around a black guy #WalkingAway from the Democratic Party and addressing accusations of being a sellout.

First, for most black folks being a black conservative does not inherently make someone a "sellout" or an "Uncle Tom" or a "coon". That shit is a red herring employed by some white conservatives and Uncle Ruckuses  to distract from actual coonery.

Many black people, a plurality (if not a majority) agree with several conservative principles involving fiscal and criminal justice issues. Many black folks would say they are with smaller government believe it or not. When it comes to religious/moral issues I would say a significant number of blacks lean conservative because of the stature of the church in the black community.

Here is where many blacks and many conservatives (not actual Conservatism) part ways. Issues like systematic racism cause a fissure. Systematic racism most definitely exists although it appears many in the Republican Party pretends it doesn't. The criminal justice system including law enforcement inarguably disproportionately treats black and brown people differently but many Republicans act like that is a myth. Not just systematic but practical and anecdotal racism not only exists in substantial volume but has been on the rise in recent years. Many Conservatives say that is a lie and in fact "reverse racism" is way more pervasive and prevalent when not only statistical but empirical evidence says that is utter bullshit. Black and brown people know irrefutably that claiming reverse racism is the "real scourge" is disingenuous nonsense.

Now, what makes a black conservative a sellout, an Uncle Tom, a purveyor of coonery, a certified train rider if you will is when they willingly say racism against people of color whether they are black, brown, yellow or red is miniscule or worse nonexistent. What makes one a coon is when they go on television or write in publications or go on the radio and spout White Nationalist and Neo-Nazi talking points. Coonery is knowingly belittling actions and/or statements intended to shed light on racism and bigotry and hatred. Uncle Tomming and Aunt Tomasining is shucking and jiving, tap dancing, genuflecting and debasing oneself for money, influence and favor or worst of all mere acceptance from people who will never truly accept you. Going full Uncle Ruckus is selling out your people for the hope of acquiring love and respect from people who will never love and respect them. Furthermore, they are (wittingly or unwittingly) fulfilling a fetish some people have of seeing others demean themselves by disparaging people who are just like them or saying things about those people they either don't have the guts or feel they can't get away with saying themselves.

See, that strawman of black Conservatives are coons only works on the weak minded and fearful. It doesn't work on the intelligent and critical thinking. Black conservatives like Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Tara Setmeyer, Tim Scott (most of the time), Shermichael Singleton, and even Larry Elder I would never call "coons"! Candice Owens, Ben Carson, Stacey Dash, Paris Denard, Kristina Pierson and Jason Whitlock on the other hand...all I hear is the Quad City DJ's, "C'mon, ride this train. Now ride it. Come on, now ride this train. Ride it...I think I can. I think I can. 🚃🚃🚃"

•And, that leads me to the sunken place...Kayne West. This foooooooool herrrrrrrrre.

He goes to White House today under the guise of discussing criminal justice reform and the violence in Chicago with President Trump. However, not one muthafuckin word was mentioned about either. Instead, Kayne slobbered over Trump talmbout how great he is. 😐 Kayne put on a full fledged minstrel show. He performed very well for the President. He stopped short of calling him " Massa" and washing his feet for him. Although if he had, it wouldn't have been any more demeaning and embarrassing.
Trump literally looked like a plantation owner whose "best nigger" had put on a performance that greatly pleased him and his invited guests. It was embarrassing, head shaking and tear inducing. One of the once greatest socially conscious hip hop artists of all-time reduced himself to nothing more than house nigga, Fiddler, shuckin and jivin for Massa's pleasure.

Apologists spare me the "mental health" line. That had nothing to do with that bullshit today. And, MAGAs please spare me the "free thinker" and "Kayne REALLY cares about his people" horseshit. No way on God's earth can you regurgitate that idiocy and trite cursory with a straight face. NOT ONE DAMB WORD ABOUT CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORM. OR CHICAGO WAS UTTERED.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Apathy, Ignorance, Sanctimony And The #DumDumLeft Is Why Liberals Can't Have Nice Things

"Ignoring the forrest for the trees" should be the motto of the current Democratic Party. It would be hard to argue it is not already the quasi mantra.

When it comes to most of the major issues in this country (living wage, equal pay for women, legalizing marijuana, gun control, foreign policy, criminal justice reform, getting corporate pac money out of politics and Medicare for all) the majority of the country sides with the Left. Only about 1/4 of the country self-identifies as a Republican. Yet, the Democrats can't win elections on the local and state levels. Their electoral success is limited in Congress. And, while they have won six of the last seven presidential elections, they've managed to actually enter the White House in four of them because they lost the Electoral College. So, even when they win, they lose.

Why is this the case? How can a party that has a majority of the country agreeing with its stances have no power? Democrats don't control the legislative nor the executive branches of government. And, now, they don't seem to have any firm grasp on the judicial. They just lost any influence on the Supreme Court.

Many reasons exist for the Democrats' ineptness. Awful leadership is atop the list. Catering to corporate and lobbying interests along with a vacuous affinity to compromising with people who have absolutely no desire to compromise with them instead of actually listening to their base and adhering to their needs and voices.

This leads back to the 2016 Presidential election. Yes, we need to stop litigating it but it provided valuable lessons that still appear are not being learned.

The Neo-Liberal wing of this party, which is also where the power structure lies, is literally suppressing victory. It is not deliberate, but it is obvious. While the Neo -Liberals and corporatists want power they seem to be content with the status quo. They don't want the boat rocked.

Instead of listening to their base they continuingly concede to the GOP without getting anything of significant value in return. An example of this is the military budget. The Democrats signed off without much pushback on the Trump Administration expanding an already bloated military budget to $700 billion while saying virtually nothing about social programs including the VA getting slashed under the guise of "we don't have the money for those programs".

Another example of the party leadership' ineptness or simple willful malpractice is not pushing the issues the party claims to care about. Medicare For All is something the majority of Americans favor. However, people like Senate Minority Leader, Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and House Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), belittle the idea. Likely they reject it because they don't want to upset the insurance companies. They along with most of moderate, centrists and neo-liberal wing say, "How can Medicare For All be paid for?" This question is being asked by people who signed off on an unnecessary increase in military spending to $700 billion.

The party leadership doesn't appreciate their base. They don't adhere to their concerns. They seemingly refuse to make any competent attempt to energize the base. They take it for granted. All of this is partially why turnout for the 2016 election was low.

However, the corporatist neo-liberal wing of the party is not at fault alone. A small but boisterous section of the Progressive/Leftist wing has caused issues and consternation also.

Before and after Hillary Clinton won the nomination in 2016 the "Bernie or Bust" crowd made it clear they would not support Clinton. It was understandable. They believed Bernie Sanders was cheated out of the nomination. While the DNC was abhorrent in their overt bias for Clinton the fact is she won the nomination by obtaining the most votes. But, that's neither here nor there.

The issue was this wing of the party literally went on the offensive against Clinton. They repeated and vehemently insisted they abhorred Donald Trump; yet, they didn't criticize him but obliterated Clinton.

Their criticisms were legit and mostly factually accurate. However, they seemed to not understand or simply didn't care that their relentless attacks on Clinton and refusal to support her candidacy was ignoring the forrest for the trees. They seemed to fail to realize what was at stake in the election.

Their nuanced issues with Clinton was neglecting the larger scale issues.

This attitude has continued since the election. Basically, anyone who doesn't see things precisely the way they do they dismiss as naive, a cuck or a fake. The attacks on the Democrats are incessant but there doesn't seem to be be many, if any, attacks on Trump nor his policies per se. They complain about his policies but somehow lay the blame solely at the feet of the Democrats.

This wing of the party other Progressives have began to dub the #DumDumLeft has also began implementing purity tests and demonizing anyone they deem has veered even slightly right of them.

An example of this is recently a well-known and well-liked leftist YouTuber, Jimmy Dore, totally dragged New York District 14 House candidate, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, for saying New York Democratic governor, Andrew Cuomo, should be supported in his re-election bid.

Ocasio-Cortez is a Democratic Socialist who has become a rock star in the Progressive movement and has well established her Progressive roots and beliefs. She endorsed Cuomo's opponent in the primary, Cynthia Nixon. AOC's "endorsement" of Cuomo, who make no mistake is a corporatist Democrats, wasn't her saying he is a great candidate. It was her saying that he is better than the alternative.

Yet, Dore went off on her and the progressive takeover of the Democratic Party. He called the attempted take over fake. He also implied AOC was fake. And, while most agree AOC shouldn't have said anything regarding Cuomo, they understood where she was coming from. But, for Dore and the #DumDumLeft it was seen as traitorous which is patently stupid.

The entire AOC/Dore situation highlighted a major problem with this insurgency during the 2016 election. Politics and issues are often complex. Rarely are they black and white. Gray is usually the dominant color. Ironically, however, when it comes to voting for candidates the choices are almost always binary even if there are more than two choices.

This is what this insurgent sector of the left didn't grasp in 2016 and apparently still do not.  Jill Stein never had a chance; neither did Gary "Aleppo" Johnson. The choice was between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. And, yes, Hillary is a centrist, an interventionist, a war hawk, a corporatist and corrupt; however, Trump was all those things plus anti-women's reproductive rights, anti-unions, favored giving tax cuts to the rich, xenophobic, transphobic and racially a bigot, if not a full fledged White Nationalist. The man openly said he wanted to ban all Muslims from entering the country, he wanted to build a wall to keep Brown folks out and wanted to bring back "stop and frisk" to keep Black people in check. So, how did they not see this was a binary choice? They claim to care about those issues.

Jimmy Dore (not to single him out necessarily) said choosing the lesser of two evils is a false choice and "propagandist bullshit". The fact is it is not. The country now realizes it is not a false choice.

Both aforementioned wings of the party are about to learn the hard way that sometimes choices are binary and choosing the lesser of two evils is real.

One of the greatest acts of political malpractice in modern times is the way Democrats ignored the importance of the judiciary.

Conservatives have seen the importance of the judiciary for decades. They have been feverishly working and manipulating to mold the courts into their liking because they understand the judiciary is where the real power is. Legislation can be voted into law but it only remains law if the courts allow it.

Democrats appear to not understand the importance of the courts or simply did not care.

The Merrick Garland fiasco should have been made a central issue of the 2016 campaign. It is not hyperbole to say the GOP stole the Supreme Court seat vacated due to Scalia's death nor is it hyperbolic to say President Obama's constitutional oath and right was violated and hijacked.

But, the Democrats did nothing to fight back. They whined and bitched some but ultimately they did what they always do. They acquiesced and cowered.

In fairness to Clinton during the debates she stressed the vitality of the courts but it was never apart of her campaign and stump speeches. It certainly was never stressed as a central issue  by the DNC or party leadership.

It was clearly an issue that could have been a rallying cry for the entire party. It certainly is an issue that people within the party who claim to be policy oriented should have understand its importance and pertinence.

Because of the neglect, apathy and misguided sanctimony Donald Trump won the presidency. Furthermore, he and the Republicans control the Supreme Court and are gaining influence in the federal courts.

Liberals should think about this. President Trump hasn't been able implement or fully implement his most amoral and heinous policies such as the Muslim ban and separating migrant children from their parents because of the federal courts intervention. Thanks, Obama and Bill Clinton.

Now, give this some thought. The #DumDumLeft said the courts don't really matter. They are "not as important as policy".

Well, here is the thing now that President Trump has been able to add Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court giving it a decided Conservative majority. Issues that are near and dear to Liberals are in danger and likely in lame duck status.

Unions have already been gutted. Civil Rights are going to be partially rolled back. Citizens United is as good as completely safe. The Muslin Ban will likely be implemented. Trump will be protected from consequences of his crimes and corruption. And, Roe V Wade might not overturned but will be so gutted it essentially might as well be.

Imagine if Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren or Kristen Gillibrand win the presidential election in 2020. Let's say a President Sanders or a President Warren get Medicare-For-All to pass. The opposition will sue and the case will very likely go before the Supreme Court. As currently constituted what are the chances that the court will uphold law?

The federal judiciary matters.

The selling out, the apathy, the sanctimony and the ignorance that has pervaded the left from one end of the spectrum to the other has been destructive. Refusal to see the bigger picture and hold noses for the greater good has placed the Democrats as bystanders to what is certain to be erosion of 60 years of social and cultural progress.

The party with the overwhelming majority of the country on its side has managed to allow this country to become minority ruled.

Inexplicable. Unforgivable.

Friday, October 5, 2018

October 5, 2018: Odds And Ends

•As I predicted and expected it appears Brett Kavanaugh will be confirmed. The FBI investigation was a predictable sham. Their hands were essentially tied as they were not allowed to interview Kavanaugh nor Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. They were also instructed to not interview several other witnesses who possessed information that could've been germane to the investigation. Trump and the Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans pulled a bait and switch on the Democrats.

But, I really don't want to hear any whining and crying from the Democrats. At least a large swath of them I don't. They essentially got what they deserved. This entire fiasco should have never been. Well, at the very least, the significance of this Supreme Court seat. This could have all been avoided if the neo-liberal corporatists Democrats in Congress had a backbone and told the GOP to go fuck themselves when they blatantly violated President Obama's constitutional right to fill the seat vacated by Anthony Scalia's death. The seat Neil Gorsuch (Donald Trump's first Supreme Court pick) now occupies rightfully belongs to Merrick Garland.

However, it's not just congressional Dems that are culpable. I also blame apathetic Liberals and the #DumbDumbLeft. The Dumb Dumb Left which is comprised of Progressives who are inanely sanctimonious, foolishly idealistically dogmatic and seem more interested in burning shit down than finding ways to implement progressive values and policies. You know, like through the judiciary. Instead of seeing the importance and vitality of the courts like Conservatives do they just shrug their shoulders. They nonchalantly say imbecilic impertinent shit like the Supreme Court doesn't matter. That is just the tip of the spear of their idiocy. (I will put out a blog tomorrow dedicated to dragging these fools for their misguided self-righteousness, impetuous sanctimony, and their painful lack of perspective for the big picture.) Anyway, the Dems' fuckery is going to cost us all.

•This "aggrieved male" movement and its ideology that says it's not sexual assault accusers and victims along with women in general that still are expected to deal with boorish, misogynistic and sexist attitudes that are the victims ; it is actually the men whom still hold onto these arcane views of women and who literally exemplify every stereotype of a chauvinistic piggish asshat who are the true victims. First, no you're NOT! Second, I thought your ilk were the ones who decried "victim mentality". Or, is that only when it's the marginalized and disenfranchised groups you're victimizing? When those groups fight back it's then ok for you to play the victim and go into full snowflake mode. And, for every woman who co-signs this shit and becomes an apologist for it, shame on you! Y'all literally Aunt Tomasinaing for dudes who don't think you're shit. They don't see you as equals. You should demand you and every other woman be respected and heard and not to have yo pussy grabbed without consent by some clammy entitled douchbag. Moving on...

•Meritocracy is a myth! Don't believe me? Look no further than one Donald J Trump. Trumpsters, I know y'all refuse to listen or read one negative word about Dear Leader, but I implore you to read the New York Times piece about the tax schemes Fred Trump implemented to make Cheets a millionaire before he was 10. It is not fake news. It is an article that is going to win a Pulitzer. It is in-depth, intrinsic, detailed and explicitly sourced. The article details what I have been saying for three years which is Trump is and has always been a fraud. He is not a great businessman. He is an irresponsible buffoon who had to be bailed out of financial catastrophe by his daddy time and time and time again. Just read the article.

•Kayne West needs to have a plethora of seats. His act isn't a publicity stunt. It is the culmination of years of self-aggrandizing, surrounding himself with sycophants, filling his inner circle with an influx of fuckery and non-serious people and being staunchly fundamentally opposed to reading or learning.

Kayne thinks he's a genius because he's been told he's a genius. He is a musical genius but because he's a malignant narcissist he began believing that genius translated into having a high intellect. Nobody would tell him that is not how it works. Nobody told him to be intellectual you have to be well read and embrace knowledge and critical thinking.

And, let keep it 100 here. Why wouldn't he think he's an intellectual when be has spent the better part of the last decade in the midst of the sea monkey shitshow that is the Kardashians and Jenners.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Random Rants And Thoughts: October 1st, 2018

•This Brett Kavanaugh mess has worn me out. Like everything else it's become a partisan issue. The people on the right whining about partisanship are just as guilty as they say people on the left are. It is utterly idiotic and shamelessly hypocritical to bitch, "But, this was from so long ago", when they bring up Bill Clinton's bullshit every chance they get regarding every situation. "This bill has too much pork in it. The Democrats always want to spend your money. Remember they are the party of Bill Clinton who had sex with Gennifer Flowers."

•One thing has become crystal clear. Rape culture not only exists in this country; but, it is prevalent and pervasive. Folk' innate response is to not just disbelieve the victim but begin an earnest campaign to discredit and slut shame her. Now, that is unless the victim can provide some political and/or tribal purpose. If the victim is white and the accused is black, of course she has been assaulted. If the accused is someone who can alter a potential law or is a figure of the opposite political ideology, he is most certainly guilty. But, the general default position is that most women alleging sexual assault are liars and just trying to tear down men. Don't roll your fucking eyes at me for what I said in this blurb because we all know it's the truth. Slavery is America's original sin; but the archaic view of women, the dismissiveness of sexual assault and the coddling of rape culture is America's most enduring and repeated sin!

•Donald Trump Jr is a douchebag. I saw a quote today where "his father's greatest disappointment" said he worried more about his sons than his daughters (regarding sexual assault allegations). Yeah, because a plethora of sexual assault allegations are women falsely claiming men sexually harassed and/or assaulted them while a miniscule few are men actually guilty of sexual harassment and/or assault. Lawd! This dude is a sexist chauvinist asshat! Well, wait...I mean his sons have him as a father and Donald Trump as a grandfather teaching them to be misogynistic piggish boorish clowns and it's ok to grab women by the pussy. Hell, when you're a star they let you do it. So, I see where Usay has a point to worry more about his sons.

•The NFL has had a helluva good start to its season. However, I am not down with what Earl Thomas did yesterday. I like the dude. I understand his frustration with his contract. I get he was pissed about sustaining a season ending injury. But, flipping off the Seahawks sideline was classless. They had been allowing him to be an ass and basically disrespect his teammates by not showing up for practice. They had been actively seeking a trade at his request. He could've displayed a bit of decorum yesterday.

•Finally, lemme address the Kayne situation. Look, his #SNL performance was what it was. He had to expect boos when he came out sporting a #MAGA hat and spit those self-pity weak ass apologist lyrics for his Trumpification. Honestly, I don't give a shit about that. He can support whomever he wants to support. But, he has to provide some intelligent argument for that support when he begins making public statements and pontifications of that support. This fool went on Twitter talmbout America is no longer outsourcing jobs and building factories here supporting American workers. I suppose it was an homage to Trump. Here's the problem. It's factually inaccurate. Trump has actually outsourced more jobs in his first 20 months in office than Obama in his last 20. That is fact.

However, that wasn't the most egregious part of his tweet. He also advocated for "abolishing the 13th Amendment". 😐 The 13th Amendment, for you kids at home, abolished slavery. Now, I know Kayne isn't asking for slavery to be reinstituted. That would mean he wouldn't be married to Big Booty. It would also mean instead of metaphorically him genuflecting to Massa and keeping Massa's feet warm he would literally be at Massa's feet keeping them warm.

The issue is this Neeeeeeeeeegro doesn't know what the 13th Amendment is! Why is he tweeting about it? Instead of kissing Trump's ass and saturating himself in his own hype he should read a damn book! Read the damn Constitution!

This is shit is so infuriating. More than that it's depressing. It is really disheartening to see one of hip-hop's true icons debase himself and go down this death spiral. It's not hyperbole to say Kayne West's first two albums are two of not only the greatest hip-hop albums of all-time but two of the greatest albums period of all-time. Kayne's lyrics were deep and poignant. Through The Wire and It All Falls Down (or the Stacey Dash unofficial biography lol) are two of the best well written songs in rap history in my opinion.

But, then his mother died. From there it's been a steady decline. The roles of the mother and grandmother in a black male's life cannot be measured. Since Kayne's embracing of Trump and this increase and intensity in odd behavior I have heard many people half jokingly say, "Kayne needs a long embracing loving hug from a black woman." The comment has been meant more symbolically than literally. But, there is some real truth in it. Him being in that sea monkey Kardashian shitshow cannot possibly be healthy for him. From all accounts he doesn't have one person in his inner circle that can be point blank honest with him. He has pushed away anyone that will be real with him. Kayne has surrounded himself with "yes men" which is the classic narcissist move. Kim Kardashian is the closest thing to a voice of reason in his life. Let that sink in. He has literally surrounded himself with sycophants and grifters like Candace Owens who tell him he's a genius and others just don't understand his unique intellect. They tell him the world hates him for having his own mind (ie: supporting Trump) and for thinking outside the box. That is literally some charlatan bullshit Candace Owens told him.

He's in the sunken place. This fool is out in them Twitter streets advocating the abolishment of the 13th Amendment and saying mind-boggling stupid shit like slavery is a choice. But, we (meaning me, his fans, ect) are all culpable for this. When this Negro started referring to himself as Jesus we should've stepped in instead of chalking it up to being "unique" or being sea monkeyed. When his black ass was starting Twitter beefs with Amber Rose which she subsequently tore his ass up we should've sounded the alarm instead of laughing at him. When this knucklehead started a GoFundMe page claiming he was broke and people actually gave him money we should've pulled the rip cord. We all thought it was funny and not so secretly applauded when he was a dick to Taylor Swift because it was nice to see her shaded. Truth is, regardless of how pretentious and insufferable she can be, it wasn't funny. It was obnoxious and prickish. We should've called him out for it. While we cringed at his odd obsession with Beyoncé we should have said, "No! This obsessing over B is weird!" When he started a clothing line peddling those ugly ass clothes and those damb hospital shoes he kept acting like were stylish kicks we should've collectively said, "Chile, please! That looks like some knock off Goodwill shit!" But, we didn't.

No, we didn't and now Kayne is referring to himself as "Ye", sporting #MAGA hats, full throated supporting a dude who is antithetical to everything he espoused on College Dropout and Late Registration and on Twitter promoting the abolishment of the Constitutional amendment that ended slavery because he doesn't know it's the amendment that ended slavery.

"Wake up, Mr. West. Wake up, Mr. West!"......--------------------Um, he gone. He gone...

R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!